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Words: 1029

Kimu had only just returned to the caves. She was exhausted, like her mind was more tired than her body. She'd travelled along trade routes for miles and miles, trading clasps and metal work her mate made. It'd been months since she's been back. She wasn't in a rush to leave again.

She forgot how closed in the caves were, they felt safe and protected within the walls. She brought furs and fabrics back with her, that weighed her down and made her trip just that much more difficult. Going from a relatively light item to much heavier ones... She exhaustion was bone deep. She walked along the tunnels that were even more familiar than the trade routes she walked along.

Kimu was determined to find her mate. She hoped he was in their den, but it'd still be daytime hours, Laukymė might be elsewhere in the caves.

Still, she wanted to be able to sleep. Or at least drop her burdens into their Den before she went to find her mate. The journey to their den felt like it took ages, but she continued eagerly, trying to make it quickly. Unfortunately, their den was rather far into the caves so that Laukymė wouldn't have to travel far each day to help in the Mines or obtain items from the miners.

Kimu wasn't there often, and when she was, she didn't travel far from the den within the caves. She wondered how long she would stay this time before heading out again. If there were a lot of items to trade, she'd be gone quicker. But, it also depended on what Laukymė wanted. Her mate was soft, and could become quite needy if she was gone for a long time.

Fortunately for her, Laukymė was in the den when she walked past the mouth of it and into the depths. He seemed to be rearranging something or other off towards the back.

Kimu remained silent, watching her mate with a bit of amusement. She sat carefully, not making a sound. She wondered how long it would take her boy to see her. She watched him for several moments as he bustled about, humming to himself about this and that. He didn't seem as energetic as she remember, and wondered if he was having a rough time.

It took several moments longer before Laukymė turned towards her, likely to grab something from behind her.

The startled look on his face lasted only a breath before transforming into sheer delight. Laukymė rushed towards her, a pleased little yip. He nearly crashed into her as he rushed towards her to nuzzle her chest. Kimu was a lot larger than Laukymė, she doubted he could knock her over, but maybe in her exhausted state it would be possible.

"You're back!" Laukymė cried out. His whole body seemed to tremble with emotion, and Kimu could feel him shaking against her. He practically crawled into the space between her forearms to get at close to her as possible. She hummed a comforting sound, but she was practically trembling, too.

She closed him in, pressing him close to her body.

"Oh, my sweet one, I've missed you so," She cooed. She hated leaving for so long and so often, but her job required it. IT was what she was good at, and she enjoyed it despite missing her mate so much.

Laukymė whined against her chest, heaving a sob. The emotion just couldn't stay in his tiny body, and he shook against her. She did eventually nudge him from underneath her, murmuring soft words to him to placate the anxiety that started to well up within him. "I'm exhausted, sweetheart. Let me lay down, and you can lay with me," She hushed his whining.

The merchant shrugged off her travel items and the things she traded for, padding back towards where the two slept. It had changed slightly since she'd last been here, but it wasn't foreign enough to be offputting. Laukymė was always changing things around. A nervous habit of his, but she found it endearing. She stretched out in their sleeping spot. It was covered in furs she had traded for in the past as well as some that Laukymė had made for them.

Laukymė got cold easily, especially when Kimu wasn't there. He liked to be wrapped up in the furs, especially the ones that held Kimu's scent the longest. It made him feel like she was still right there next to him on the days she was gone. She was here now, though, and he pressed himself back to her side.

She gave a content hum, pressing her nose right into the thick fur at the base of his neck. She stayed like that for several moments, breathing in her mate's scent. One she had missed so, so much while she was out and about. It took a moment longer before she rolled onto her side. Laukymė shifted and burrowed into the space between her forearms again, allowed his mate's weight to press him down into the furs. It was a comforting weight, one that the furs could never simulate. He missed this so much. He wonderd how long he could convince his mate to stay this time.

Laukymė stayed up for as long as he could, wanting to bask in his mate's presence for as long as he could. He was sure his heart would break if she left anytime soon, but he wanted to get as much time with her as possible before she left again. He tried very hard to remain awake, but not an hour later, Kimu stirred, shifting a little. She opened her red eyes to look at him, and he smiled up at her.

"Sleep, sweetheart," Kimu said, her voice rough with sleep. "I promise I'll be here when you wake, okay?"

Laukymė gave her a guilty look, and she shifted to press a bit more of her weight onto him, careful not to crush him under her mass. He made a small, content sound and relaxed beneath her weight. He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep, Kimu drifting off not long after.