Perseus had been traveling alone so long that she could not remember just how long at the moment, and she just wanted a break from it. Her paws needed a break from all the walking and running, and just general activity. She had eaten well from her last hunt, so the leopon was debating just finding a nice little rock ledge to curl up under and just sleep away the rest of the day. She was sure her paws would thank her for doing this activity instead of continuing onward. She would need to find water before she went lazing about, though.

The leopon might want rest but rest would do her no good if she did not have water nearby. Thirsting to death was not advisable nor would it be a pleasant way to die. She had heard it was a very agonizing death, but she had never had the desire to find out for herself. The bright leopon sniffed the air to see if she could smell any water nearby. There was only a faint scent on the air, but it gave her a little hope, and a start on her search. That was better than he had had before, so she could now get started on the water problem and then she could find a resting spot to suit her sore paws.

Perseus watched around her as she went. The female needed to keep her eyes open for any sign that there really was water close by, as well as any sign of danger. One thing she had definitely learned from being out here on her own was that there were things that would threaten and harm a leopon if given the chance. Thankfully for her, that lesson had been learned in a situation that she was able to run away from. Others, she was sure, learned that in a much more harmful and perhaps fatal fashion.

Perseus walked one way and the scent of water grew fainter, so she turned until it was stronger again, walking in that direction. As she continued in her new direction the smell of water grew stronger on the air and she was sure she was headed the right way. She was quite glad what she sniffed out was actually water and not just coming rain or something. Rain was well and good, but one never knew where it would collect or if it would do so. And usually one did not want to be around when it decided to collect in mass. Flash flooding was another problem that the female wished to avoid.

Perseus found nothing to worry over as she walked. There was no signs of any creatures that might give her a problem, and no scents of anything bothersome turned up as she tracked the smell of water. All in all, the female was heartened by the lack of bat signs she was encountering as she thought about resting her paws. If there was nothing to worry about in the area now, it meant she would likely get the chance TO rest her paws, and perhaps when she found that water, she would be able to give herself a good mud bath to kill the bugs that might have gotten in her fur in her travels. One really could not keep all of those little things out of one's fur no matter how often one groomed.

Perseus did not particularly like having those little crawlies in her coat and she knew that if they got out of hand they were VERY damaging. Most of the water she had found recently had some kind of danger so it had limited her ability to use the mud at the bottom of it for killing the bugs she wanted rid of. The female really hoped this time would be different. Resting and accomplishing something else at the same time would be a wonderful feeling for her. She did not get to have that feeling often, that was for sure.

Perseus found the water she had been smelling for some time and grinned to herself. It was clear, which indicated a lack of lizards around, they liked the muddy water they could hide in. It also meant it likely fed from the mountains she had been drawing close to. So it might be a bit chillier than some of the water she was accustomed to, but she did not care at this point. She just wanted to do a sweep to make sure it was safe, get her drink, perhaps a mudbath, and then find a spot to curl up and sleep for a while. Good water would mean being able to hunt around here too, so she might be able to extend her rest longer than she had figured on originally.

Perseus was quite smug as she approached the water, just far enough away that nothing could lunge out and eat her. She started to do a pacing survey to make sure there were no hidden threats. She found nothing to indicate any water lizards or snakes, or anything else that might really be a threat, so the leopon relaxed a bit and approached the water. She leaned down and got a drink. That went well, so she waded into the water and still nothing got her. She got herself nice and soaked, and then rolled down under the water into the soft mud she found near the bank. The bottom near the middle was almost all rocks, so she had to make sure she was very close to the bank and off those.

Mud covered and much cooler, Perseus left the water and went in search of a good spot to rest her paws. She would also need to sun herself dry and groom the mud and then dead pests out of her fur, but this would be a much more pleasant task knowing that she could relax for a while and not worry overly about traveling onward. Who knew, she might even find a cub in this area to take back as a to her own. It was a nice thought, though not likely. She would take it if it happened, though. She was looking forward to joining her new mate in pride so long without anyone. It would be nice to settle down

Perseus found a nice rock ledge that she could rest under when it was hot, and also sun herself on top of to dry the mud. She gave a smug grin to her surroundings and went up on top of the rock to get started on her drying. This day was turning out to be a very good one, and the next few were looking to be quite the same. The female leopon was quite proud of herself, even if she thought her family would be quite disappointed in her. She would look at the small accomplishments as progress for now and worry about the big goals later. She just needed the rest for now.

((OOC: this is an old SRP that I had saved in a word document but just finally finished))