Sometimes one just needed to take off their armor and be like everyone else. At least, that was what Gwen was thinking. She had lucked out in the idea that she could easily take a mortal form that was similar to her deity, being as she had no wings. All she really needed to do was take off the gauntlets and necklace and she could easily pass as a mortal.

That was what she currently looked like now. She hid the silver pieces under a bush, to keep the reflection from the sun down, before sprawling out. Sometimes sunbathing in the mortal realm was just better than the Haven had come to offer. Soaking up the sun, the pale lioness rubbed herself on the ground, a content sigh leaving her maw.

She heard the sounds of another approaching. She was not too concerned, the shuffles were not as loud or powerful as an elephants to stomp on her, and she wasn’t in her avian form, so she did not need to worry about the frailness of her being.

Her ear flicked towards the sound, and eye peeking open to see a curious looking female standing before her. Next to her, a golden male, as well a chocolate brown one.

Kamili tilted her head as she paused in front of the large lioness. “You look awfully comfortable.” She mused, a small smile gracing her lips. The golden lion behind her held back a chuckle at the abrupt comment from his lioness friend, while the darker one only scoffed.

"Did you really just say that out loud?" Kanoro snorted. "My mother would never allow that."

Gwen returned the smiling gesture, her head lifting just slightly. “It’s not often I get to sunbathe.” She said quietly, her tail flicking the ground with a light thump. Not wanting to be rude, the goddess slowly rose, so she sat before the other three.

“We did not mean to interrupt.” The golden male started with a frown. ("Speak for yourself, apparently" Kanoro's raspy voice edged out, staring at Kamili in particularly. ) Kamili and Shujaa chose to ignore the darker him. “It’s a little unusual to see someone out here by themselves. We just wanted to make sure you were okay. You are quite close to the Pridelands you see, and if you needed temporary shelter, we have a lot of places we could offer you within the pride.” The lion said slowly, gesturing to himself and Kamili, and then to the pride lands behind them.

"Me too?" Kanoro stated with a huff, seeing the blatant ignore from his so called friends. "Or not, you know that's cool too." He huffed.

With a kind smile, the goddess shook her head, giving a sympathetic look towards Kanoro. “I thank you for the suggestion,” she started. “I’m not one to stay within the confines of a pride’s borders.” The Haven was a little bit of a different story however. “The Pridelands you say? I don’t believe I have heard of this land before.” The lioness stated.

“Oh…You haven’t?” Kamili questioned. She felt like everyone knew about the Pridelands! Pride Rock especially? It was hard to miss! “It’s a rather big pride, not hostile, but can protect if needed.” Being a former Mzawa’kondo member, Kamili was trained to fight when needed. “Have you ever heard of Pride Rock?” With a shake of her head, Kami chuckled.

"Wait. How can you not have heard of Pride Rock???" Kanoro almost growled. He appeared rather offended, having been born in the pride EVERYONE knew of their iconic formation.

Kamili sighed towards Kanoro, shaking her head before continuing her gaze at the goddess. “Not everyone knows of our land, Kan...Ignore him...Whenever you have a moment I would love to show you. Even if you are not one for prides, just to see this formation is pretty amazing.” She flashed a wide smile. Although the lioness was not born in the pride, she was quite happy about her home. Her attitude showed that.

“If you are up to it, that is.” Shujaa quickly added, before Kanoro could say anything. "Our lands are pretty relaxing, so you can always venture around yourself!"

Gwenhwyfar smiled again. “Maybe some other day I will be.” The goddess said. She was really intent on just relaxing, and once the three left her, she would probably go back to her downward position. “What are your three names?” She asked. It was rude of her to not have asked earlier.

“Oh. Oh!” If she could blush, a light pink tinge would be covering her dark pelt. How embarrassing. Her she was, continuing a conversation without even introducing herself, Kanoro or Shujaa or had just interrupted this poor lioness! “Oh, I’m Kamili.” She looked expectantly at Shujaa, who quirked an eyebrow, smirking.

“I’m Shujaa and knucklehead over there is Kanoro ("HEY!" ).” He said softly. “Apologies for not giving our names earlier. We are so accustomed of just starting a conversation that it never crosses our minds.” The pridelander said truthfully.

The goddess shook her head. “No worries. I’m Gwenhwyfar, but everyone calls me Gwen.” It was easier to say. Her domain was pretty unknown to the mortal realm, so it would likely not trigger any second thoughts. Now if she was in the Haven, it could be a different story.

“We probably should leave you be though. If you would like a tour of the land, just give a roar,’ Shujaa said with a wink.

"I don't think she will." Kanoro added with an eye roll.

The goddess shook her head. “One day perhaps. Good day you three, may our paths cross again.” Mortals lived such short lives, she did not know if the paths would actually cross again in her lifetime. Once out of site, the goddess of fidelity shifted into her avian form. She was rather curious about this Pride Rock Kamili was so enthused about. Lifting off the ground, she soared through the air, spotting the three lions she had just met walking into the heart of the land. She could heard the female bickering with the darker of the males about his attitude, and Gwen could only chuckle in amusement at the antics. She turned right, flying towards the large rock formation. ‘So, this is it.’ She thought to herself, circling the landmark, before landing right on the top tip. There was quite a view from here, one that the mortals would never get to see unless they had either fantastic climbing skills, or the power of flight.

Stretching her wings, she enjoyed the sun from atop of the Pride Rock, before flapping her wings and taking off. The mortal avian form of hers was not taxing, but sometimes it felt a little condensed in such a small form. Arriving back near the water hole, the lioness shifted, wings disappearing into her back, large paws forming, and feathers clumping to form fur. She shook, dust arising from her form that had settled, before sitting on the ground, slowly lowering herself to the ground.

“Nice pride, but not one for me.” The goddess said with a smile, closing her eyes to resume her previous sunbathing attempt. While she did not mind the company, she hoped this time she could get a little bit longer shut eye before another approached her.