User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.Bayi had finally branched off on her own. She was the baby of her family and had spent a great deal of time being looked out for by just about everyone. It had driven her nuts! Now the pretty purple hybrid was out on her own! It felt glorious albeit a little lonely at times. She tried not to think about it that way though. She pulled herself out of the den she had called home for the night. She fought a yawn as she blinked in the bright light. It was a wonderful sunny day. She idly thought about what she should do today as she meandered her way towards a watering hole that she knew was close by.

It wasn’t surprising to find the watering hole she had sought out to be quite busy. It was one of the largest and cleanest watering holes she had ever seen. Crystal clear and fed by someplace that was very cold. She smiled politely at the various others who looked her way as she made her way to the water’s edge. She had learned from experience now that not everyone had seen a hybrid before and because of that she was odd looking to some of those out there. She tried not to let it bug her as she bowed her head and took some long gulps of water.

Cles had been on his own since his pride had dismantle, well not completely n his own. He of course still had Neve who he probably couldn’t pay to leave him alone, not that he ever would he loved that stupid bird for better or worse. Today of course Neve wasn’t with him. She was spending time with another bird that she had made friends with. So Cles made his way to a watering hole. They had made their way down from the northern places they use to call him and Cles wasn’t sure how he felt about the warmer weather. He had grown up in a place tha was cold and because of it his pelt was thick and in the heat he found it uncomfortable. Thankfully though he had found this watering hole that proved to be fed from ice up north. It was nice and cool and reminded Cles of home.

The watering hole was busy as usually and Cles tried to make a point of finding a spot a little more secluded. He wasn’t a fan of huge crowds, after all he had spent most of his life studying the histories of his home. He was a loner, and a homebody. It was a struggle being a rogue now. Letting out a sigh he moved to dip his head. There weren’t many around him just a purple female who seemed to be fairly quiet herself. He could tell that others were eyeing her curious abou what she was. Cles hadn’t been exposed to many hybrids before but he recognized the female as a mix between a leopard and lion. He smiled at her warmly. He might not be the best when it came to social interactions but he wasn’t a mean leopard, just a touch awkward.

Once Bayi had had enough water she sat back on her haunches. She had noticed the blue leopard come up beside her and finally her loneliness overwhelmed her. Her mother had raised her to be shy so she turned towards the male and smiled, “Hello” she greeted him. She wasn’t really sure what else to say. If she were to be honest she hadn’t really talked to anyone outside of her family. It had been her and her siblings with their mother for the longest time, and then they met up with her aunts, uncle and grandfather. If Bayi was honest with herself none of the members of her family were all that nice. It had been another reason that she had moved away from them. She didn’t want to be harsh and angry like the rest of them. There was a great deal of anger in the family and Bayi didn’t want to be a part of that.

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Cles was a little startled by the small voice beside him. He turned and looked over at the female beside him. “Hello,” he said to her with a nod of her head. He could hear Neve as if she was in his ear telling him to be kind and welcoming. He certainly had to practice these skill so now seemed as good of a time as any. “My name is Cles.” he told her kindly. “Did you need help with something?” For Cles it was hard to come up with small chat, so instead, he tried to find a way to talk about something he could help her with…. It seemed natural to him that others would only talk to get something.

“My name is Bayi.” the purple leopan told Cles. She was proud of herself for making the first contact but then quickly realized that perhaps the leopard wasn’t really interested in caring on a conversation with her when he immediately offered to help her with something. It sounded as if he didn’t really want to do the small talk thing. “Uh well no I don’t think I need help.” Bayi told the male. She suddenly felt quite awkward. she told him still offering a kind smile.

Cles swallowed hard, it seemed like he had already messed up this social interaction thing.

“Listen I am new to the area, I just thought I would say hi… maybe I will see you around though?” Bayi offered quickly hoping to make the interaction a bit less awkward and allow the male an easy out.

“Oh well hello Bayi.” Cles said this time even managing a smile. “I’m pretty new to the area too but I think I will be around for awhile… at very least this watering hole will keep me around.” he told her looking around at the cool crystal water.

“Sounds good to me.” Bayi told the leopard. “I will see you around I guess.” she told him before turning and heading back towards her den. She had made the start of a friendship, for now that was good enough. She thought maybe she would have a nap before heading out to hunt.

Cles watched the female go, he played the social interaction again in his head, he felt pretty good about it. He was excited to tell Neve all about it.