Ciro had let Ruka stay with Astrid well into the next day. He had thought of collecting her earlier in the morning, but though against it. The lioness still needed time to recoup and what better way to do so then with a bubbly little thrall. The dark lion secretly hoped the two were best of friends, but that was unlikely. Only one day together, Ruka was probably still moping, and Astrid was probably trying to find some way to get her to open up.

Shaking his head, Ciro stood at the entrance of the den, golden eyes peering in. "Astrid...?" he called out, hearing a quick shuffling from inside before the pink maned female appeared. "Oh. Ciro, Hi! Uhm. Ruka's inside. Yeah, come in come in. She's uh... Well..." She would let Ciro see for himself.

Ciro rose a questioning eyebrow, but entered, glancing around the den until they spotted the white winged female. "Ruka...?"

She was sure that if she could think straight, Ruka would regret every choice she had made in her life up to this one. The pain that she thought preluded a vision had returned, and after some pressing from Astrid she had caved into the idea of experimenting with a few things to alleviate the pain. Truthfully, the physical pain she had been in was just as likely caused by stress as it was by the promise of a vision. It was a something she couldn't really consider now... she was a little too far gone for that.

The pale lioness had started playing around with Astrid's libations far earlier in the day. By the time Ciro had come to pick her up the lioness was well beyond the point of intoxication. Ruka could be found laying down on her side, because whenever she got up to try and move the world became far too dizzying. Even under the influence, she hadn't opened up too much towards Astrid. Their conversation had been pleasant, even if Ruka had slurred her words a bit, but she never fully opened up to her host.

There was some semblance of self-awareness left in her. "Mmm, you've finished flinging yourself around for the night, then?" Ruka wasn't... well, yeah, she wasn't sure what time it was now. Only that it was some time after Ciro had left her here alone so he could go enjoy the company of other females.


Her company should have been plenty, even if she was grumpy and unwilling to give him any sort of physical companionship.

Ciro blinked at her comment. "I did nothing of the sort last night." Maybe earlier in the day, but Ruka could tell he had when he arrived home earlier.

He turned to Astrid with a questioning look, who gave him an innocent stare in return. "She said she was getting a headache. And well. well, Kaitrus had some of his strong drink that I don't particularly like...but Ruka had some...maybe a lot...and..."

Ciro held up a paw for Astrid to stop. "I'll take her home now." He said quietly to the female. "You ready to go then?" The reaver inquired, stepping over to the female. If Astrid was right, Ruka probably needed assistance with walking back to the den. He didn't know how aware the female actually was. "Come on, time to get up," he nudged the female's shoulder, watching her movements for any lashing back out.

"Uh huh," Ruka replied lazily. She did not believe him. There was no other reason for him to shut her away in this den with a hyperactive lioness. Ruka hadn't been willing to put out, so he had... put her out of the den in favor of someone else. Not like she cared, he was stupid and weak anyways.

The lioness rolled onto her other side, facing away from Ciro so all that he could see was her pale back, adorned with small wing markings. She had intended to ignore him, but the lion had dared to venture close enough that she could not. "What? You want to deal with me now? You were awfully quick earlier to shove me out your den and into someone else's. I was pretty sure you were going to drop me off with some male."

Ruka did not seem to be in the mood to argue however, because when Ciro nudged her she carefully rose to onto her legs. The lioness was mildly wobbly, but she managed to keep her footing... so long as she was stationary. "Must I go back now? I'd rather lay right here, As...trud doesn't mind?" What was her host's name again?

Ciro could not help but chuckle at Ruka. "For someone who did not want to be in my presence earlier, you have some words to say about leaving you here. And here I thought you would be happy to be with another female instead of me. Well, next time I know to just have you stay with me. No more sleepovers with Astrid." a quiet 'aww man' was heard in the background from the host.

He watched her wobble, staying close to her side in case she fell. "Yes. You must. Let's get going. You probably need some rest...and some water after drinking whatever Kai has stashed up in here." He noticed Astrid shrugged, which meant she didn't even know what was in it.

"I think you probably worn your welcome with Astrid. Come on, lean on me so you don't fall if you have too. It's not far." He pushed her again to go. "Thanks for watching her Astrid, I think I have it from here." He just needed to get the female back to his den, and hopefully not draw a big crowd in doing so.

"I only say it because I know why you dropped me off here." At the very least she was coherent and emboldened by what she had consumed. There would be no mincing words from her. "You still reek of regret," she added. The lioness still believed that he had only cast her aside so he could get with a more willing female. She would not stand to be captured and then thrown away because she wasn't agreeable enough! Ruka did not want to find herself at the mercy of other lions.

She practically jumped out of her own fur when Ciro nudged her. Whatever she had consumed made her far more sensitive to touch, and she very much did not like it. The fog that had clouded over her mind was nice, kept the sad thoughts away and the pain at bay. "No, don't touch me. I can do this on my own."

The lioness stumbled away from Ciro, determinedly looking at her own paws as she made each step. She had to be sure she had good footing, because Ciro would try to catch her if she stumbled, and she didn't need him touching her right now. "Should have just dealt with the pain," she grumbled to herself on the way back home. She hadn't even bothered to look back to make sure Ciro was following her.

The male lion backed off at her quick retort from the lioness. "Alright, I won't touch you." He said calmly, still watching her staggering form. He had taken the time away from the female to recollect his thoughts. He could not be mopey anymore. It was very unbecoming of a Reaver. What was done was done, now it was time for Ciro to get back to being himself.

"And you reek of whatever you have been consuming all day."

He listened the female's muttering as they headed back, switching his glances from the current path, back to his thrall. Pain? Did she have one of those visions she said again? He'd ask her about it, but she probably wouldn't tell him. Hell, he was more or less curious to see if whatever vision that would plague her mind would be about him or his pride.

"Glad to see you remember how to get back to the den in your current state." The lion chuckled as they neared his home. Inside the den, it was a little cleaner, not much. New pelts had been piled up for Ruka near the back of the den. (A suggestion from Gwen, although he'd rather her share his bed with her.) The avian had yet to return, but she sported a small nest too filled with rodent furs.

"You may not like being here, but you better make the most of it now."

It was a miracle that Ruka made it back to Ciro's den without stumbling over herself. She hadn't spoken much during the short trip from Astrid's den back to Ciro's, if only because she had been too busy focusing on exactly where she needed to place her paws. Now that she was back in Ciro's den, she seemed to loosen up. The pale lioness stumbled towards the back of the den and plopped herself down on Ciro's furs. They were a little closer to her than the obvious pile that had been set aside for her use, and that was all that mattered to Ruka.

She was convinced she wouldn't have been able to make it another step. The pale lioness rolled onto her side, letting the scent trapped within the fibers of the fur wash over her. They stank, but not unpleasantly so. It definitely smelled of Ciro - the entire den did. Whatever Ruka had ingested was strong, far too strong for someone unaccostomed to its potency. Restlessly she rolled around on his furs, letting his scent coat her.

"Mmm, you can only say that because you're not the slave here. Ugh, that's right, thrall. That's what you guys call it..." Ruka couldn't shake off the restless feeling, as if no matter how much she wrapped herself in his furs, it wasn't enough to calm her. Why she thought his bedfurs would do anything to help her was beyond her ability to comprehend at the moment.

Ciro quirked an eyebrow as Ruka dropped on his own bed. He wasn't going to tell her otherwise, but the dark lion was also not going to relinquish his bed either. He'd sleep right next to her if she didn't move. He didn't mind (though she probably did. However, she was too out of it it seemed to even notice). Taking a step forward, golden orbs watched as she rolled.

"You're right. I am not the thrall in this situation." The Reaver was blessed to have been born in the pride, not captured.

"You seem antsy." He commented, nonchalantly. "Need some help to relax?" Did he just go there? Of course he did. It was Ciro after all. Whether he liked it or not, he had a thrall. He wasn't willing to give her up either, as much as it was against his normal way of life. He'd take advantage of everything a personal thrall could bring him, (if of course, she agreed to it. He would never force himself with a female, even if there was a great desire for them).

Another step forward, so his feet rested on the old pelts, closer to the lioness. He lowered his head, his nose near the female's neck, whiskers brushing against her pelt lightly. He did not care for the scent of the libations Ruka had enjoyed, but, he'd get over it.

"I can't..." she paused, looking undeniably frustrated by what was plaguing her now, "calm down." The libations had taken her on quite the trip, and Astrid had been the one to put up with most of it. Whatever Kristanf had in his posession was potent enough to make it so that Ruka hardly cared how close Ciro was to her now. In a right state of mind, she wouldn't even be on his bed, nor would she have allowed him to linger so close. If she was herself, she'd sense his intentions from a mile away.

But she wasn't in her right state of mind.
She felt whiskers against the back of her neck, soft but just there regardless. His breath was warm, and she felt a shiver tingle down her spine. Ah, that was the source of her restlessness. Instead of questioning why she felt that way, her mind instead jumped towards the easiest way to alleviate her anxieties. The pale lioness stiffened, her mind focusing too much on the tiniest hints of touches.

Ciro didn't even have to try hard to persuade his thrall. The lioness rolled from her side and onto her stomach, tail swaying to the side in open invitation. "You should help me." If her body language wasn't clear enough, her words certainly were. It was an opportunity that would not present itself otherwise, and perhaps it would never arise again. Ciro likely only had this one chance, and Ruka was all but telling him now to take it.

Maybe Ciro should send Ruka over to Astrid's place more often, or figure out what Kaitrus had stashed in the den, so he could also have some handy for those particular rough occasions with the thrall. He'd rather the lioness before more willing with a clear mind, but if there was one thing he had learned from the fermented beverages was seemed to unlock one's deepest, darkest desires hidden away. Ruka's position and quite blatant open invitation meant that perhaps this female always wanted this, but was too proud to otherwise suggest it.

He had shrugged his thoughts off, not wanting to waste another moment. Who knew when the lioness would start getting a hold of her senses. "I would be happy to, my dear," he said quietly, warm breath right against her ear as he gave a quick n** to entice her.

The rest of the evening Ciro would be sure to enjoy. Ruka may not remember the night, but Ciro sure he would.