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It was a strange day for Remti when their father showed up with a small gaggle of cubs in tow. Arataki and Arapeta shrugged it off - nothing new for the pair of twins. "He did it with you," Arapeta snarked before stretching out to take a nap in the hot sun. They shook their head, gazing over at the new cubs.

They knew, fundementally, that their father wasn't mortal. He was large, and though no wings spanned from his back, there were great horns on his head that appeared on some of the other little cubs' heads. They father tasked his older children with babysitting for the day, dropping the powered cubs off with his other children for the day.

They could already see their mother cooing softly over the rather large godlings. They smiled at their mother and trotted forward, shaking their large, sparkling mane out before getting closer. "Remti, sweetheart, are you going to help with the little ones?" Saccha asked, the lioness nudging her child gently towards their new siblings.

The cubs were otherwise occupied with themselves, though, nearly paying Remti no mind at all. One cub, though, that looked the most like their father stumbled up to them with the clearest blue eyes and looked up at them. She blinked and yawned and flopped against them. Remti gave a small gasp, their whole chest aching with some sort of emotion.

One, of course, being an overwhelming desire to protect. The cub was almost as big as they were, and Remti had no doubt she would be talled than they were soon, but that didn't stop the feeling of protectiveness. In fact, it only made the feeling stronger. They nussled the cub gently, touching their nose to the crown of the young cub's head, careful of the horns and beads that crowned her head.

It took them a moment to settle into something of a cuddle pile. Remti stretched their body out along the grass and the cub moved to press against their side. The blue cape that adorned the cub was arranged around teh small cub by her sibling, effectively tucking her against their body.

"What's your name little one?" Remti asked the sleepy cub, voice gentle and soothing as to not startle their younger sibling.

User ImageThe cub hummed. "Atileyin," She huffed out, nuzzling closer to her sibling. "Daddy made us come all this way, but I'm so tired," Atileyin whined. Her siblings were all playing, though, and she was the only sleeping one. "And you're Remti, can I sleep now?"

Remti chuckled, nodding to the small cub. They settled their head on their paws and sucked in a deep breath, letting it out slowly. They watched the other cubs play while young Ati slept against their side. The young goddess had a cloak wrapped around her, and they wondered if she was too warm.

Ati was one of the few cubs that didn't have a pair of wings sprouting from her back, but she had their fathers horns. It was cute, Remti thought. They yawned soon after, eyeing the young goddess before curling further into her side.

Remti wasn't sure how long they slept, but Atileyin was awake when they woke up. Remti yawned and stretched their body forward, shaking their sparkling mane. It was a trait the little goddess shared with them, and with their father. Not all of Sekmes' cubs were doned with it, but it was a distinguishing marker in his cubs.

"You're awake!" Ati practically chirpped at her sibling. She was on her feet in an instant upon noticing. Her jewelry, previously quit when she was tired, jingled softly now that she was up and moving. The cub seemed to vibrate with endless energy. Remti knew it wasn't the case, though!

"I'm awake, I'm up," They repeated, pulling themself up and stretching their whole body. The other cubs seemed to have worn themselves out while Ati and Remti were taking a nap, though, and the pair looked out into the cuddle pile of siblings before them. Ati gave a small laugh, quiet enough not to wake her litter mates.

"That's why I took a nap when we got here," she whispered to Remti, like it was a secret.

Remti smiled at their sister and gave a small chuckle in response. "Alright, let's go find Mom, she might have something for us to do," Remti spoke softly, nudging the large cub in the direction they knew their mother would be in. She was a guardian in the pride, protecting the seers from those who sought to use them or harm them.
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It always made Remti very careful about leaving the pride. They could see the haunted look in their mother's eyes when they mentioned wanting to go beyond the borders. They stayed close by, it was the least they could do.

The pair found Saccharose easily. She wasn't at the borders at this time of day, especially with her children all in one area. She kept them safe first and foremost, along with any children Sekmes brought for her to care for. She gave a small pleased hum when she saw her youngest by birth and one of the newest litter Sekmes had brought her.

They were gods, she knew, but they were also her children. She wouldn't let any harm come to the small godlings like they were birthed from her own body.

"How was your nap?" Saccha gave a small teasing smile, and the pair smiled up to her. Ati bounded toward Saccha nuzzling her side. They'd met once or twice beforehand, briefly, as Sekmes was always on the move. Gods had to be busy after all, but the cubs stayed close.

"Good!" Ati chirped. "We're looking for a game to play!" She was excited, but there were only three of them with all their siblings asleep or not in the pride.

Remti laughed a little, and Saccha tilted her head a bit, as if deep in throught. Ati bounced on her toes waiting for a response.

Saccha smiled, and turned her attention back to Atileyin. "Well... I think I have the perfect game..."