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It was just her luck that the weather turned sour, Koyi'Sienn thought as she quickly darted through the jungles, watching out for slippery spots and fallen trees. Today was the most important day of her life. Her trials to become a jedi knight was coming to an end. All she needed was to find her crystal to add to her necklace.

Around her neck was a simple necklace with a string made out of hide. There were two simple purple beads on it, representing the clan she was in as a youngling. Next to the purple beads were wooden beads that she had gotten when she became a padawan. Now, on this stormy day, she needed to find her crystal that would decide what her specialty would be. The one she wanted was a sodalite, which would make her a lore keeper.

Right now though, that didn't matter. What did was finding a place to use as shelter until the storm passes. As much as she wanted to find her crystal, getting hurt in the storm wouldn't help. Plus she might find others who need help.

When she got closer to a rock formation, she slowed down. She noticed that it appeared that someone or something had dug out near it, making a little entrance. That will work, she thought as she walked toward the hole. Without a second thought, she poked her head in to see what was inside. Sitting as far away from the entrance was a smaller than average lion, curled up. He appeared to be soaking wet.

“Hello there!” She greeted with a warm smile.

The small cave had been Bupikku's 'home' for about a couple days. He had just gotten back with some food and was taking a much needed rest when the young cheetah stuck her head through the entrance. He was about to yell at her to scram, when he saw the necklace dangling around her necklace. 'A cute little trinket,' he thought as he returned her smile.

“Seems that I am not the only one trying to find shelter from this nightmare of a storm.” He said as she made her way through the small entrance. She seemed to be about the same size as other cheetahs he had met. The necklace she wore didn't seem to be anything special, however he had never seen one like it. “Did you get lost or something?”

“Lost? Oh no.” Koyi'Sienn said with a laugh. “I am pretty good with directions even in the storm. My mom made certain of that.” She didn't want another one of the cubs going missing. Her and her siblings all went through 'training' with their mother. She wanted to make sure they all new self defense, how to navigate and survive when they are alone. It was helpful, but it made her family worried for her mom.

“And what about you hm? You are on the border of Mizani'Ulimwengu. You are not trying to trespass are you?” She said, raising an eye brow.

Bupikku was quickly thinking of excuses, getting ready to blurt them out, when Koyi'Sienn let out a laugh.

“I am only messing with you. If the pride thought you were a threat, one of the guardians would have escorted you away.” She responded with a grin. “The pride is fairly welcoming of outsiders as long as you follow our rules. If you stay near the border though, none of the pride members should bother you. Well. Except for me.”

What a strange cheetah, he thought, as he slowly sat up. “Mizani'Ulimwengu. What a mouth full. I did not realize there was a pride around here. I have been resting here for the last couple days and haven't seen a single soul.” Even when he was hunting the area was quiet.

“That isn't too surprising. The guardians patrolling the area probably just wanted to let you rest. I think they avoid travelers, unless they seem in need.” She explained. “I am only out here for my quest. The rain got in my way, but as soon as it clears up, I'll be back out there.”

Quest? That sounded interesting. “Well, my den is your den. If you would like, you can share some of my meal.” He offered, scooting some of the meat toward her. She happily sat down next to him. “What sort of quest are you on? Or is it some secret pride thing?” He hadn't found the desire to join a pride since he left his birth one. None of them seemed appealing to him.

“Hm well I guess I can trust you. I am looking for a crystal to add to my necklace. When one of our pride members is ready to move up the ranks, they most go through some trials. For the last trial I have to bring back a crystal and add it to my necklace. Depending on what type it is, I will be given a different job.” She explained. It was an odd practice. But it was tradition. “The one I want is a sodalite. It is a blue crystal.”

It must be boring just hearing about her pride's practices, she thought. “If you are interested, I can take you out and show you the different crystals? And I can re-pay you for the meal and catch you something?” Koyi'Sienn offered.

“Crystal hunting? That is something I have never done before. If it is sunny tomorrow, I would have no problem with that.” Bupikku said. Perhaps he could get her to point out the ones that are the most valuable, he thought. Crystals could have a decent trade value. When his attention went back to the cheetah, he saw her carefully and meticulously sniffing the meat that was in front of her. He gave her a quiet, judgmental stare. “Is it not good enough for you or something?” He asked bluntly. It was a good catch, nice and healthy, with plenty of meat on the bone. He even went out of his way to give her one of the nicer cuts.

“There isn't anything wrong.” She said, glancing his way before resuming to sniffing it. “My mother has been a bit... worried about my siblings and I since we were young. She has made us check our food for any alterations. It is just a forced habit.”

That is odd. Bupikku silently ate his meat. Was someone after their family or something? If they were why was she so calm about it? “Well, unless the antelope at poison himself, I can promise you that I didn't mess with it.”

She seemed satisfied with his answer, though he noticed that she did quickly finish smelling it. “My name is Bupikku by the way,” he said, as he watched her take her first bite.

“Koyi'Sienn,” She said, after chewing her food. They ate together and talked a little about her pride, not getting into too much details. Bupikku did find the crystals she talked about fascinating and looked forward to her showing him where they were once it stopped raining.

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