The falcon was glad her wing was better. It meant she could fly away from the land, never to return. However, she still found herself staying where she was. She had made home of the male’s den, and his company wasn’t all that bad. Shaking her head, the goddess stretched the wings, flying in the air as she scoured the land. Ciro never really brought her back a meal, so it was up to her to hunt for herself. Being in avian form allowed her to have a keen sense of sight, spotting even the smallest of rodents from a high position.

What caught her attention however was the form of a rather large lion. Her eyes narrowed. Lions of this pride were notoriously large, but this one seemed a little more…out of the ordinary? Curiosity getting to her, the female swooped down, landing near the lion.

“You have got to see one of the biggest lions I have ever seen.” The falcon said from afar, preening her feathers as she watched the male. She needed to make sure he didn’t attack her like that oaf Kristanf.

The large lion's expression was twisted into a permanent frown, as if he were never happy or excited. Mkhai had two states of mind, drifting from a serious business-sort of mode to one that was just plain dissatisfied. He sat now, his fur wet from the light drizzle of rain that seemed to be a constant in the pride. Emerald eyes examined his paw as his rose it, unsheathing long dark claws designed to dig into the flesh of lesser beings.

In his mind all around him were lesser, but that did not mean he could not raise them up. They would never be as good as him, but Mkhai was very interested in seeing what they became with his assistance.

He glanced to his side, noticing the falcon only when she spoke up. For a moment, he entertained what worth there was in speaking to an avian. It would help him accomplish none of his goals... But, he also had no clear course of action yet. Perhaps speaking with the falcon would help shed some light on what he should do to complete his agenda.

"You are very small, for all the birds I have seen," he answered finally after just too much time had passed. Mkhai had spent a very long time debating whether he should speak to the bird or not. "You are also very far away. I will not eat you today, so there is no need to worry."

Gwen snorted, the feather loosening from her beak as she shook her head, beginning to fluff up.

"I am not one for trusting lions. Last time one had me in its grasp to the point I couldn't fly for almost a month." Leaving me stuck in this form for that period. The white avian added on silently. If it was in her domain to curse someone, the first being would be the red haired cretin. "And saying you won't eat me today makes you so much more trustworthy." Gwen rolled her eyes. As long as she stayed this distance from the male, she'd have time for a quick transformation if needed. She didn't really want to show her true form. She was not a member of the pride, and being a wingless Goddess, she could easily be mistaken for a regular lion, especially amongst the large members of the pride here.

"It's not usual to see a pridemember by them self out here. Don't want to mingle with the other...what do they call you here? 'Storm born?'" Her eye rolled at the name. The Goddess of Fidelity was not a fan.

"Then that is your mistake for getting caught," Mkhai reminded the bird. The disapproving sneer was a hard one to wipe off of his features. Any creature weak enough to be captured and tamed by others deserved their fate. In this world, only the strong needed to thrive. It was the best way to refine bloodlines and make the next generation stronger than the previous. The God lived in a world where only his strength mattered. He was surprised that with a broken wing, this bird had survived at all. Such a delicate thing probably deserved to have death call for her.

The lion tilted his head, judging the avian in silence for a few long seconds. "I am not a dishonest being. I mean what I say, and you are not food today. Tomorrow I can change my mind." He did not know how else to convince her that it was safe to be near him, and so he gave up on trying. Let the bird stay a safe distance away if it so suited her. Mkhai really didn't want to be seen chatting it up with a minisculed feathered creature. His wings were far more magnificent, though hidden away they were now.

"I am new here, so I am just finding my own footing within the pride. I am trying to determine how to best... make a lasting impact on this place," he confided with the bird. Mostly because she was a bird, and no lion would remotely care about what she had to say. She could chat her little beak off, and it was doubtful there would be any who would listen to her.

"No, it's YOU'RE kind for barging in on my home when I was sleeping. What lions enter abandoned caverns anyways?" Gwen growled, her beak clicking. She stretched her wing, as if examining where Kristanf had gotten a hold her before. The feathers had all grown back, so that was good.

"I'll make sure to stay away from you tomorrow then." She chanced it, taking a small step forward. She still kept her distance from the brute, not knowing what he was like.

"Make a lasting impact eh? What do you have to offer to the pride other than your size?" Gwen could offer quite a few ideas that Reavers were already doing. "Most males seem to want to be the most prolific one here, so there's that option." She suggested, "though that doesn't seem to suit you. Ciro told me if you rise up the ranks you can challenge for War Lord." She eyed him. "That could be very fitting for one of your...stature." She shrugged a bit. "Seems like this place is full of warriors. Are you one as well?"

"Any," Mkhai answered dryly. He did not care if the avian ventured closer or not, and when Gwen dared to hop a couple of steps closer, he paid her no mind. A brave little bird, but not that brave. If only she knew who it was she was standing beside. He was sure that if he revealed himself, the avian would take off in a heartbeat to never bother him again. But, this mask was all that kept him from being harassed. It was so much easier to integrate himself into the pride as a normal lion compared to a god.

"Many things. I am far above the average lion." His size was just another illusion, though in actuality it made him appear smaller than what he actually was. This was as small as he could bare to be, any more than that and he would have felt completely uncomfortable in this fake skin. "Hm, cubs are not a terrible idea," Mkhai agreed softly. "But I would not waste my bloodline on inferior females. Having a lot of offspring isn't key here - it's having the best." There were a few admirable lionesses in the pride. The Warleader was one of them, but he got the impression she was untouchable.

The daughter...?

That thought weighed heavy on his mind. It was feasible, and she carried her mother's own blood. If he could convince her to bear his cubs, then perhaps he could make something of them. Mkhai would not remain in this pride for all of his long years, he needed to leave behind something remarkable. "I could be Warlord," he answered Gwen finally, though his thoughts were still focused on the idea of creating offspring to inherit his will. "But it would not be... what I want. I have no desire to run this pride, I would rather see where the mortals take it." It was a small slip of words, careless in the presence of a creature he viewed as 'just a bird'.

"I am a warrior unlike any you've seen," he promised. There was no reason to hold back his opinion of himself - he was more than capable of backing it up.

"And...how so are you far above the average lion?" The avian pressed, curious to know what made this lion so different than the others of the pride. So far, he seemed just like any other she had seen so far. Maybe he was a little smarter than most, at least by how he was presenting himself. That was a particular good quality to have.

"Would it surprise you though if some of the more...inferior females as you call them could produce some of the top performers?" Gwen suggested. Her domain was about loyalty, so she had seen what offspring could be formed from different types of couples.

She froze at his words. Mortals?

"Interesting choice of words you use there." Gwen commented, not specifying she was referring to the term mortals. Her eyes narrowed as she watched the male, looking to see if any other sleep ups would happen.

"Oh? mighty words. Try me." The falcon challenged. Who was this lion really? She intended to find out.

"If you cannot tell then it is not worth my time to explain it to you," Mkhai answered. He was a lion full of pride and with a well-deserved superiority complex. His qualities, he believed, were easy to see and acknowledge. If the avian wanted him to spell it out to her, it just wasn't going to happen. She had two good eyes, she should be able to use them.

"It would. How can a weak female raise a strong child?" Green eyes glanced sidelong back to the avian, waiting patiently for whatever inferior answer she could conspire. Before really giving her a chance to speak, he continued. "I would not deny that they deserve the chance to have and raise offspring, but I do doubt the quality of them. Eventually, over the generations, the bloodline will die out if it does not attach itself to a stronger one. The question then begs, why does the strong associate with the weak? What even draws them together..." He sighed, and realized he was getting off topic. "I would be very surprised to see a weak lioness or lion raise an admirably strong cub."

His gaze levelled on her, and it was clear what he was thinking even before he spoke. "Why? You are nothing more than a bird, little more than a snack. I would not waste breath I have no desire to give on you."

Gwen had to refrain from rolling her eyes. Obviously this lion wasn't getting it. "I've been around for a while to see what female's can and cannot raise. You'd be quite surprise at some of the offspring that some lions create." The avian rolled her eyes. "Look around you. The Reavers and Captains here mate with the thralls, or...weaklings of this pride so to speak. Those strong enough will challenge for acceptance as an actual pride member, though not well...they will stay their rank." She heard Ciro tell her about the particular event where thralls could challenge for Freeborn and work their way up.

"Nothing more than a bird." She chuckled. "All you lions are the same. You never look at the bigger picture of what could be around you. It's a pretty sad sight, to be quite honest." The falcon sighed. "At least this little more of a snack and fly way above your thick skull if needed. Utilize an advantage from above most lions don't have the luck to have." Being in the lands, she had seen only a few with an avian bond.

"I'd tell you I could be much more than just a simple falcon," Gwen started. "However, I don't think you'd quite understand what I would mean by it."

"Do those lions you point out invest in those cubs, or are they all just side effects of a pleasurable time from the strong taking advantage of the weak? The only result you will get is cubs at a lifelong disadvantage. While adversity can breed strength, it does little for those who were born with so little of it." Mkhai himself would never take interest in a thrall. Being interested enough in mortals was a stretch for the god, but he would not bother himself with the weak ones. His time, his power, his being, all were too good for the weak to ever cling to.

He would have to be careful with his gifts. He'd hate to see what became of his bloodline in another life. If his past life had indeed bred with these mortals, they had done well to give the pride this much prosperity. But, Mkhai would take it further.

They way the bird spoke gave him pause. The avian looked young, there was no way she could witness the cycle of life that she so claimed. His eyes narrowed as she spoke, evaluating her in stone cold silence. "All birds are the same, thinking that the wind and their wings will save them. But, I assure you, I am at no disadvantage with you." He stood up and turned towards her, each step purposeful.

Her words made sense, but only if he did not take her for what she appeared as. He was done playing a guessing game. He would have the truth from her one way or another. As he moved forward, the illusion slowly crumbled away. Vast white wings sprawled from his back, arcing above him in a pristine display. The size of his body grew tremendously. All that power had been locked away, and he was aching for the need to stretch it. "Who are you, little falcon? Do you preside over a domain, or do you play at games far above your station? Fly away if you dare. I will only catch you."

"So that's why you decided to stay out here away from others. Do you always show the creatures of this world your true form?" Gwen dared to ask as the God approached. "Or is it only those who seem to just rile you up? You might want to learn to control that of yourself." Gwen's eyes narrowed as the red and blue marking on her chest glowed slightly. Her form also grew, wings melding into her skin as she stood in her own deity form. Her gauntlets and necklace reflected against the sun as she stood proudly before the male.

"No need to fly away." The wingless goddess said. "I am more than capable of handling myself on the ground."

"Goddess of Fidelity." She introduced, eyes watching the Warrior with every movement. "Since you are obviously done playing games, why don't you say who you are." She inquired. "It's been a while since I have last visited the Haven. No need for me to hide up there when my form can be mistaken for a mortal on any given day." She was lucky to be born without wings to not assume a different lion form. however, always curious of what others had, that was why she took on being a falcon.

"But you are not of this world," Mkhai answered confidently. His suspicion proved to be true as the bird's shape twisted and grew, revealing a startlingly pretty but wingless goddess. Beauty held little sway over someone who valued strength above all else. A smug smirk appeared on the god's face, pleased by his ability to determine that she indeed was a goddess in hiding. A pitiful one too, if she had been caught in her mortal guise by a mortal. Was it poor fortune, or just a lack of proper skills that she needed to fend for herself.

"God of Warriors," he announced proudly. It was clear now why he had taken root within the Myrsky Synytnyt. The pride was nearly built upon the principles of his domain, though not his domain alone. If Mkhai was to taken on a mortal life, this would be where to spend it for him.

"I have been in the Haven for nearly most of my life. It is as boring and stale as always, so I came down here to... invest myself in something." They were on even ground with one another, and it was hard for him to fight the desire to instigate something between them for the opportunity to battle her. She may be a weaker goddess, but she was still far superior to any of the mortals he had surrounded himself with.

"I would prefer my identity to not be well known. So, I offer you a friendly deal. I will keep any information of you quiet, as long as you do the same for me, Goddess of Fidelity."

"Well... seeing as this pride basically worships the ground you walk on, and would do so as we speak if they knew who you truly were well...Who knew what would happen. That could be your gimmick though for now. Let the strongest challenge you. Sure they would be at quite the disadvantage, but...maybe it would give you something fun to do." Gwen offered.

Gwen hummed at the thought. "I think we can come to some kind of arrangement, Warriors." she addressed the other. "You keep my identity safe, and yours will be the same as well." The female begun to shrink, taking on her mortal form of a falcon once more.

"You might want to consider shifting back. I think I hear others coming." She said, flapping her wings as they adjusted to her form again. "Don't cause too much trouble here, Warriors." The female stated, lifting herself off the ground as she took off.

Never in her life would she thought to see another God on the Earth, disguising themselves as a mortal. She wondered just how many others were avoiding the Haven life, and doing the same thing.