Ciro had returned later in the evening. He had spent some quality time with a local thrall, a much needed time away from what had happened. During this time, he found himself consuming maybe a little too much of kanna (a plant found nearby to cause a sense of euphoria), which made his mind quite foggy. He didn’t care, his life was taking quite a few sharp turns currently that he did not feel like dealing with, and this was a good alternative.

Sighing happily, the reaver stumbled into the den (quite loudly). The effects of the plant were starting to wear off, living a tingling feeling in his limbs. He probably should have taken a bit more, which would allowed him to rest easier with the lioness near him.

The commotion he caused jolted the avian on the perch away. She glared, rising and stretching her wings before swooping down. “What are you on?" The falcon asked, narrowing her eyes as she spoke quietly.

"Nothing. It's fading." He was quite saddened by that fact. Gwen shook her head at the state of the other. She had never seen the male like this before. She glanced over at the female before shaking her head. “I’m not going to stay here tonight.” And she was off, before the lion could even respond.

Ruka was curled up exactly where Ciro had last seen her. The lioness hadn't budged an inch since Ciro had left - not because she couldn't, but because there was no point to it. She had laid down and curled up into herself, burying her nose against her leg to keep the slight chill out. She felt miserable, but couldn't decide to whether it was because of the shock of her new life or an oncoming vision. Hopefully it was the former, because she could not deal with a day of pain just for one stupid glimpse into the future.

If it foretold the destruction of this pride, she'd make an exception for it. Visions never played to her favor. They always took too much and gave too little, and were never worth the suffering she endured for them. Screwing her eyes shut, she had at least hoped that sleep would ward off the pain. But, even that would not come for her.

...Especially with Ciro stumbling into the den. She heard her quiet falcon companion take off, and silently wished she could join her. The quiet, easy company of the bird was far better compared to Ciro's. She lifted her head, and the scent that greeted her made her stomach churn. It was obvious to her now that Ciro was... on something, but it was even more obvious that he had been with another female.

The lioness' scent was all over Ciro, and it slowly began to fill the den. Ruka couldn't really blame him, if she had liked anyone, she'd probably would drown her woes in their comfort. That also did not mean she wanted to be able to smell his business. "You should clean up," she suggested softly. "You reek of regret."

Ciro huffed as the falcon flew away. He did not need her here anyway.

His golden eyes scanned small den, finding Ruka in the same spot her had left her in early. His frown increased. He had been hoping the female would have taken the offer of leaving. He really couldn’t blame her though. If he was in her situation, he would have stayed put. At least Ruka knew him to an extent.

The reaver grunted at her comment, ignoring it for the time being. He shuffled to his bed of pelts pulling one of the bottom less worn furs from it. He sniffed it. Being one of the bottom layers, he did not think it had his scent on it too much. He tossed it towards the female. No one could say he wasn’t trying to be sincere for the situation.

“Good to know I smell how I feel.” The male said somberly, plopping on his own bed. He probably should clean up, but the dark lion just was not in the mood to do such a thing.

“You didn’t leave.” His tone held a mild surprise in it.

She viewed the fur as an offering for peace, but there could be none. Ruka wasn't oblivious to the fact that he was trying. It was just that his attempts would not sway her. A nice fur would never be enough to wipe clean the stain his betrayal had left on her soul. Every attempt he could make would fall up short. Over time, she assumed he would realize this and stop trying. What would become of her then was what she feared for. He could cast her away, and then she truly would be at the mercy of this pride.

Ruka would have to earn the favor of someone in case Ciro did decide he did not want a lioness in his presence who could not forgive him. If only Calypso had actually made it into the pride, she could take shelter with her if things went south. Calypso would at least show her mercy for all the years they had spent together. Her friend was not cruel, despite her appearance.

She sighed and turned her gaze away from the fur. If he wanted it back he could reclaim it, but she was not suffering without it. The cold floor was far more welcoming than anything else in this den. "I did not," she answered softly. "Where could I have gone? I am not oblivious to the way your friends eyed me while you weren't looking, nor their crude comments. If you are not around, I am not safe."

Kasai - Yesterday at 8:57 PM
Ciro noticed her glance away from the pelt. Well... he tried? His nose twitched as he watched the other, trying to think of something he would be able to do to get the female to trust him. He was coming up blank, and was thankful when she responded to him.

He shrugged. "Could have asked Gwen to take you around. She may be quiet, but has learned quite a bit about the pride since being here. You could have found that...Calypso girl, if she has joined?" He offered some suggestions, stretching his front paws out, kneading the worn furs underneath them. The lion shook his head. "Please do not call them my friends. They are far from the sort." The dark male said bitterly. "Just because we travel and work together do not mean anything in the world of 'friendship'."

"Well, if you don't feel safe wandering on your own, if you ever do want to go out...just uh...let me know? I am on pride duty for the next few weeks, which means I will be stuck here," here being the pride, not necessarily the den, "until it is over." He hated pride duty. That meant answering challenges, and not going out. Not traveling got to him on the best of days, knowing the female did not want to be here as much as he didn't want to 'own' her would just make it worse.

"We can go any time." He was trying his hardest to make the best out of this situation for her. He didn't know why. Maybe her being his first official thrall? Who knew. The effects of plant he had taken earlier had definitely started to where off, his thoughts becoming a bit more clearer.

"A bird isn't much by means of protection," Ruka answered with a soft sigh. While it would have been nice to leave the den, she didn't trust her surroundings. All she wanted was to slip away from Ciro and not feel as if her life was on the line when she did so. She was loathe to be around the dark lion now that he had broken her trust. Despite all of his attempts to appease her, Ruka was not so weak willed she could be swayed by kindness. It was a damnable Outlander trait.

None of them were ever satisfied, none of them were able to just sit back and let the world roll over them. There was a fierce drive in the bloodlines of the Outlands, and for all of Ruka's beauty and sincerity, that was as much of her heritage as was the god's curse flowing through her veins. "You still chose to associate with them. If they aren't friends, they are still lions you will tolerate for whatever reason suits you." There was little she could forgive him for. In her eyes, if he did not like his band, he should have left it. Abandon those ambitions to start them anew elsewhere.
Ciro was weak-willed. If he wanted more out of his life, he'd have to learn that the first step to achieving it was without sacrificing one's values. "Look," and she sighed now, rising up on to her paws. It was the most she had moved since Ciro left. "Any other time I would have appreciated the kindness. But, just so we are clear with one another, what you have done to me will never fade in my memory. I trusted you - I liked you, and you broke that like it was nothing for you to do. I don't really want to be in your presence, but I am not about to allow myself to be played the fool and be taken advantage of by every other male in this cursed pride."

Her gaze, for a moment, was sympathetic. She understood his attempts, but she would have none of it. "If you want to cast me aside, that is fine. I will do as I have always done and handle it. This your home, you don't have to invite me into it."

Ciro nodded. "I don't expect it to. This will be something forever in mine too. This street does go two ways, if you hadn't noticed." The lion murmured, rising to his feet. He had an idea. It would probably benefit both of them.

"I need you to come with me." He said quietly, going to exit the den. His golden eyes glanced over his shoulder to make sure she was following. "We aren't going far from here." He took a step forward, waiting for her to follow before continuing down a worn path of the pride. There were few dens here and there. The thrall dens were located further down the path, but he had turned right before they got close those. Instead, he stopped in front of a large cave, bigger than his own home.

"You will stay here tonight." He was sure the being inside wouldn't mind. With her daughter out on a raid (who knew Astrus would love going on Vikings after their last escapade), the lioness inside would probably be lonely.

"Astrid?" Ciro called out. A shuffling inside before the lighter colored female peered out. Her pink eyes were bright, a smile was place on her maw.

"Oh. Visitors!" The female squealed. "I love visitors."

Ciro glanced at Ruka. "Astrid is a thrall too." He advised. "Maybe you two could bond over it or something...whatever females do." Ciro turned towards Astrid, who's smile just widened with happiness.

"But you aren't the one truly suffering on this proverbial street of your's. You are still a free lion, the only burden you have is the memory of what you've done to me. Don't equate your suffering to mine," Ruka answered, competely intolerable of the notion that Ciro was troubled by capturing her. Even if he was upset over it, he wasn't the one who paid the price for his actions. That was Ruka alone.

She supposed Ciro put an end to the argument before it truly became one. With a soft sigh she followed after the dark lion, if only because it was something to do. She trusted Ciro would not let harm befall her, but then again she had trusted Ciro before. There was little else she could do but rely on him, and if he broke her again, she would just have to bear that burden too. It was something that she was becoming skilled at, handling everything life threw at her.

One day she would break completely, but it wasn't this day.

They came upon a den, and Ruka looked towards Ciro almost anxiously. She didn't like this. The lioness would prefer to curl up somewhere and wait out the rest of her days. Adjusting to this life would be difficult for her, a lioness so accustomed to the way she lived. She was a creature far too prideful to handle the life of a thrall. A lioness came to the entrance of the den to greet them, and Ruka frowned.
She supposed it was better than being thrown at some male, but the lioness' happiness was overwhelming, and Ruka's mood was too dark to accept it. "Fine." That was it, that was all she spoke when she stepped away from Ciro. She nodded her head to the lioness - the only greeting she was willing to give, and moved her way pass Astrid and into the den.

There was little Ciro could do to force Ruka to come around. All he could do was give her opportunities. She had to choose to take them, and right now, she did not. "Try not to whore yourself stupid tonight." The final opportunity for a jab at him was not one she could pass up.

Ciro winced at the final words Ruka spoke. She shook his head, not speaking another word to the retreating female. He noticed, however, the questioning looking from Astrid's eye. "Don't ask. Make sure she doesn't get hurt. I'll be back tomorrow...or something." Ciro shrugged, not really knowing when he would be back to collect Ruka. He'd give her some time to adjust to the thrall life before moving her back. With Kaitrus gone, Astrid's home was more than big enough to house the new thrall. Maybe she would learn a thing or two from the pink haired female.

Astrid nodded. "Uhm. Okay. Bye! Wait. What's her name? Oh. he's. He's gone. Okay. that's Okay! Uhm.." Pink eyes turned back to the den. She didn't seem too happy to be here. Astrid was going to try and change that! "Hey! Wait for mee!" she called after Ruka, bounding back into the den.

"Ciro uhm. Ciro said to make sure you don't get hurt, but I don't know who would want to do something like that." The lioness spoke quickly, her voice high in tone. "Uhm. My name is Astrid? But, Ciro already told you that. Funny thing, he didn't tell me your name though so. I don't want to just say Hey you because that is rude..."

Astrid looked innocently at Ruka. "Could I...possibly have your name?"

Ruka stopped in her tracks and looked back over her shoulder towards Astrid. She had no desire to interact with the lioness, but she was not going to be intentionally rude to the other female. Astrid had done nothing to deserve it, and Ruka was not the type to lash out at those who had not earned her scathing words. "There are plenty who would if they simply realized they could," Ruka explained softly.

Now that the lioness had caught up to her, Ruka headed towards an open spot in the den. She laid down and curled back into herself. She really had no desire to talk with Astrid. The only reason she was here was because Ciro wanted to get rid of her. She knew the lion would not be able to cope with keeping her. She was a reminder of what act he had committed, and it was something he was not proud of. It was easier to shove her away than it was to face what he had done.

He really was a spineless coward in the end.

"It is Ruka'sabili. You may call me, Ruka." She had to think of a way to calm the lioness down and earn her peace back. She did not possess the energy and will to deal with someone new. "I am feeling unwell. I am prone to headaches, so I apologize if this seems rude, but I would just like to rest now."

"Ruka. Okay, Ruka! That's so pretty." Astrid cooed. "You can stay over the---oh. You can stay there. I was just going to offer Astrus' bed because she'd not here, but if you wanna stay there that's okay too. I can get you a pelt if you get cold? Or there a collection of them in the back that haven't been used yet you can take for yourself." The lioness offered. When she said was feeling unwell, Astrid quieted down. "Oh...I'm sorry. I...I will let you rest then." she backed away from the female, going further into the den. There was rustling of rocks and shifting of clothes before she successfully shouted 'Aha!'.

"Oops. sorry, that was loud. Uhm. Here," she put the herbs near the lioness. "It may make you feel better. I also have some...what do they call it...libations? Really wicked stuff, I don't drink it personally but my mate says it makes his headaches go away like a champ. You are welcome to it - it's in the dark caved out rock in the back." Astrid shifted on her feet. "Uhm... I guess I will let you rest. Let me know if you need anything. Okay. Good night Ruka!" She tried to say quietly, walking off to her own bedding catty-corner to where Ruka was.