Kati, for the first time, did not like the lioness she had become. Perhaps it was the situation that made her feel that way, especially considering she had to fling herself at Kristanf for the promise of escape from his grasp. There was no victory for Kati in it, and after she had completed her end of the bargain, she felt very much like the loser. His scent was all over, suffocating in its entirety. She didn't enjoy it, though she had done her best to give off the impression that she was not miserable through it.

Glancing at her companion now, he seemed satisfied. That was all that mattered, because if he was pleased enough, he would let her go. Now that they had parted, Kati's eyes anxiously scanned the horizon, looking for the best route to head off into. She did not ask for his permission - he did not own her now, and honestly she thought her best chance was to take off as soon as possible before he got all of his energy back. He had taken her to a more secluded location, but it was not so private that it made escape impossible.

Kati risked a glance back at her companion, carefully gauging his state of mind. It was now or never. She trusted him to keep up his end of the bargain, but she wasn't going to give him time to change his mind. He had broken her trust already through his threats and his bullying. Turning back towards the horizon, she began to slink away. The female was light and quick, and if she was lucky enough, she could evade Kristanf if he decided to give chase.

To say Kristanf was pleased with himself would have been an understatement. How he had managed to coerce the lioness into the current position amazed him. Boy would it be a fun story to tell for the boys next time he saw them. The beige lion stretched, pale eyes blearily opening as he caught sight of the retreating form of Kati. Hey. Where was his thrall going? Oh no no no. She couldn't just up and leave!

Kristanf rose to his feet, groaning slightly. How he would rather be sleeping right now. "Where do you think you are going?" The male called out, starting to stalk after Kati. He scented the air, not smelling any of his crew super close to his current position to call out if needed. At least, none he could tell (his mind was still pretty muddled from the events that had just occurred.)

He continued after her, his speed increasing as she moved away.

Kati briefly looked back over her shoulder, confirming that Kristanf seemed intent on pursuing her. Was he really going to back out of their deal after Kati had done her part to satisfy it? "I am leaving," she answered impatiently, continuing her current mission to get the hell away from him while he was still worn out. "We had our bargain, and I am taking what I deserve from it," she reminded him.

Another glance over her shoulder made her stomach twist with disgust. He was coming for her, and the only thing she could do was try to run away. She was lighter, faster - there was no way he could catch up to her if she tried her best to evadde him. Paws landed heavily against the ground, propelling her forward into a full out sprint. Her mind swirled with panicked thoughts. To think another lion would break a perfectly acceptable bargain. He had promised her the freedom she desired, and if he wasn't going to give it to her, she was just going to take it.

Kati was unfamiliar with the terrain, but she knew where to head. If she could just make it to the treeline, where the underbrush was dense, she'd stand the best chance of escaping. She was slender, small, and could fit countless places where Kristanf couldn't. She just had to... make it there. She had to run!

"Hmm.. You know, I don't remember this deal. Here I thought you were just spending some quality time with me," he purred, loud enough so she could hear it too. As soon as she sprinted forward, Kristanf cursed loudly. "s**t." he growled, his own form chasing after her. He still had not recovered, and Kati was proving too fast for his liking. He would need to find some way to guide her in the direction of the Stormborn lands. He paused, a roar emitting from his belly to announce to anyone nearby his location, before continuing the chase.


Ears perked forward at the call. "Who was that?" The quiet voice asked. Her gaze was met with a shrug.

"Probably the boy. What was his name again? Kris.....toff?" the female replied. Her eyes were black as night, pelt as equally as dark. Her eyes went blank as her mind saw a rogue running in her mind. She did not know what it looked like, gender or location, but from the vision could tell her if there was a prideless lion nearby "Looks like he might be chasing someone. Better go help him before it gets away." The seer said, heading in the direction of the roar.

"I will never understand how you know that." the adolescent stated, following the older female.

Sitara shrugged. All of her siblings had some sort of special gift like that. A gift from her father, was what her mother had told her when she was younger.

It wasn't long before the lioness caught scent of the female, and the male's own musk lingering close. She snorted. Didn't the boy know he was suppose to capture her before sleeping with her? He had a lot to learn. Masking herself in the shadows, Sitara waiting, motioning for the adolescent to do the same. When she gave the single was when they would get her.

"Where is everyone? Kristanf growled, losing the chase real quickly. Kati was way ahead of him, and the reaver found whatever energy he had in his reserves being used fast.


With a nod of her head as the female closed in on their location, Valkyrie sprang from the foliage, her smaller (but hefty) form intending on knocking down the other. Sitara would make herself known in a moment, but left herself stay hidden. Her dark eyes spotted Kristanf lagging behind. Pathetic she thought to herself, eyeing the rogue.

Freedom was only a few breaths away, just a couple of more steps and she could leave Kristanf trailing in her dust. The ploy had worked, even if she had to sacrifice a little of herself, she had worn the male out enough that he couldn't continue to give chase. She had reserved as much energy as possible for this moment, just in case things had gone south. Normally she wouldn't have been so prepared, but with her life on the line there were many things Kati would do to preserve it.

She had almost made it to the cover of the trees when she was completely knocked off of her feet. For a moment, she had absolutely no idea what was happening. In one instant, she was running with her paws finding a sure path against the ground, and in the next she was tumbling over the earth, skidding against the ground to finally land on her side. She hurt. The pain from the collision caused her breath to wheeze. Kati tried to roll back up onto her feet when she finally realized just what had struck her.

Another lioness, younger, but far stronger than she towered above her. "What the...?" Kati was dazed, and for a moment the fear had been knocked out of her. She knew Kristanf was somewhere behind her, she just did not know where. Maybe if she got up in time she'd still be able to escape. "Get off of me!" she growled.

The lighter lioness stayed atop of the other. "Nope!" She said cheerfully, pink eyes lighting up with glee. "Hey look Sitara! I got her!" Valkyrie said in a sing-song tone, a sign she was still in her youth.

Sitara shook her head, making her presence known to the other as Kristanf begun to near. "Good job." Black eyes focused on Kati, her face portraying disgust. "Weak thing she is. His scent is all over you. Easy too? Heh, pathetic. You and him were just made for each other now weren't you." Sitara observed, circling near Kati and Valkyrie as Kristanf skidded to a stop.

"What...Are..." breath. breath. "you. Two. Doing here.?" He looked around, looking for anyone else. "Where are the other Reavers?"

"Busy." Sitara answered, still inspecting the catch. "So you are stuck with us Freeborn for now." She emphasized her rank, noting that after this, she too would be considered a Reaver.

"Uh...Sita...She's uh..trying to get up." Valkyrie could Kati moving beneath her. She felt her claws digging lightly into the other, but they were only little pin pricks compared to a full grown adults paw. She had a lot more growing to go.

s**t. Kristanf had caught up to her, and now these lionesses appeared to be his accomplices. She didn't think he'd have anyone nearby to help him - she had never smelled anyone around, but perhaps she had been too caught up in the fear and anxiety her situation had brought down upon her. Kati caught the paler lion out of the corner of her eye, and struggled harder against the female above her. Now that she was testing her strength, the other female wasn't so powerful to beat her. The lioness was in the midst of her adolescence... but it was still too late.

If she was even able to break free now, they'd only catch her again. It was three against one, and Kati knew what those odds spelled out. "You lied to me!" she spat angrily at Kristanf as she tried to shake Valkyrie off of her. She didn't care for these females, but they were the only ones who would actually be able to catch her if she managed to slip away. They were her jailers far more than that idiot Kristanf was.

"We had a deal. I am allowed to go free!" she reminded the lion, knowing that he had been all too quick to discard the bargain entirely now that he had gotten what he wanted from her. Despicable. She felt sick knowing she had been so used, that she had given up her integrity for the chance of freedom and would not even be awarded it. "Let. Me. Go!" the dark lioness, far more fiesty than she had ever appeared before, demanded.

Valkyrie squeaked as she lost her control, falling to the ground as Kati was able to get up. Sitara moved quickly to stay in front of her, Kristanf behind. She was being cornered by a mass of stormborn. Quickly getting to her feet, the younger of the three made sure to cover a small opening, trying to be helpful.

Kristanf shrugged as Sitara barked out a laughter. "Lie? Do he not tell you where he comes from. Reavers of his persuasion will say anything to coerce a female to be with them. You just took the bait he lay for you." She eyed the other, glancing towards her stomach. "Hopefully you don't have anything...lasting from his broken promise. How would you feel about knowing you had that to live with the rest of your life...hmm?" Sitara asked the other, tail flicking the ground.

"You are not going anywhere. I told you the other day you were mine. And mine you will remain." Kristanf neared Kati, a paw being placed near her backside. He never thought of the consequence of cubs from their action. Oh well. It was still a fun time.

"She just needs some training." Valkyrie grinned. "Once we get her back home we can just drop her off to be more obedient.

Sitara nodded. "So, sweetie. As you can see, you are not allowed to go free. You are his, whether you like it or not. I am pretty sure he doesn't want some scarred up thrall to take home," at these words, claws unsheathed from the freeborn's claws. "So I suggest you get off your high horse, and start moving. We have a long day of travel ahead."

"I do not need some old hag scolding me for my actions," Kati snapped, the hair on the back of her neck standing up. She had made her choice, but she refused to be scolded for a decision that had been so hard for her to make. She knew the risks, and she had accepted them. If she had gotten away, cubs would have been of no concern to her. She would have dropped them off somewhere and continued on with her life. Kati had no desire to have anything more to do with Kristanf. The lioness had paid her dues.

She squirmed away from Kristanf as soon as she felt his paw near her hind quarters. She turned around, putting her backside away from him. There would be no more of that for the lion, not ever, if Kati had her way. He could threaten and beat her up as much as he pleased, but she would not give him that any more.

Kati scanned her surroundings, anxiously looking for an escape route that did not exist. Knowing that if she went with them she'd be stuck in whatever damned pride had spawned them, made her all the more flighty. But, with no where to go, she'd have no choice but to be corralled towards wherever they wanted her to be. She was trapped now, numbers were against her and none of these creatures posessed a shred of decency. "Fine," she growled, ears pressed flat to the back of her head.

While she wanted to protest, she also wanted to remain in one piece. "I'll move quicker if you give me some space." She eyed Kristanf in particular - she didn't want the male standing right by her the entire way back to their pride.

"Old hag?" Sitara frowned at the term. "I guess that's a better term for a little whore." She sneered, lip raising. She did not appreciate the name calling, and frankly, it was only making Kati's case worse. She had already begun to think of who could train this new thrall to be more obedient with Kristanf, seeing as the kid couldn't do it on his own.

Valkyrie's ears pinned against her head at the terms thrown about. "Oh.." Her younger mind was not use to the veracity of the language that the pride could use. It would be something she would get use to the more raids she went on.

Kristanf shook his head. "No. I think I will stay right here with you. You will move as we move. Any slowness well, I think Sitara has already made the intentions clear." He stayed where he was however, pale eyes locking with Kati's.

"Enough doddling. Let's go before night falls." Sitara had already begun walking, making sure Kristanf would push the female forward. He owed her after this.

Valkyrie took a position on Kati's side, trying to make small talk every now and then with the female. "If you just try to be good, things will be a lot easier for you, you know." She tried to sympathizes, not knowing how the world was outside the Stormborn. To her, this was normal.

There was no winning with these lions. The lot of them were warped, twisted by their pride's ideals. There was a time long ago where Kati would have been called crazy and out of her mind. But, the muses had never told her to hurt anyone. She had never brought misfortune upon others because of what her pride believed in. Where ever these lions came from, it was a far worse place than the pretty home where she had been raised.

Kati kept her head bowed, moving at a pace that was still slow for her. Speed was her greatest gift, and the closeness of these lions were stifling her and ruining any chance she had of escape. It was baffling to her that the very lioness that had knocked her off of her feet was now trying to chat with her. While she didn't understand it, having someone to talk to wasn't unpleasant. It was better than paying attention to Kristanf, who she was sure was just eyeing her now as they walked.

"Do you like Kristanf?" Kati asked, as if that would answer everything about why she was being so difficult. She had to go home with someone she truly despised now, she thought her own actions were justified. The older lioness was another pain, too. If she had to deal with either of them for much longer she really try to find her muse again. How she longed for the simple conversations she had enjoyed with it.

But now her muse was gone, and had been gone for so long. In her mind, when her thoughts reached out and formed into words, there was no one to answer it. "I have given him more than enough, he doesn't deserve me at my best."

Valkyrie shrugged. "I don't really know him. I was told to join up with his group in order to become a reaver, so I could go off on my own too. Sitara there is the same way. We didn't have much choice of who were go with at this point in our life, but the next outing it'll be different." The white lioness explained. "Next time I get to capture my own thrall, just like you. But...not how Kristanf did it. Nope." Her pink eyes turned towards the male. "Boys are stupid sometimes."

A quiet "Hey!" from behind caused Valkyrie to giggle.

"Quiet. The rest of this journey is to be silent. Is that clear." The freeborn asked. She did not care Kristanf overranked her. Without the shadow's help, the girl would have gotten away. Kristanf was lucky to have Sitara and Valkyrie with him. "One more peep from anyone and they will have a permanent reminder of what this raid was like for them. Understand?"

"oop." Val quieted, nodded quickly. Kristanf huffed. It would only be a little bit of time before they were home, then he would not have to deal with these two again.