Kati was dying, or at least she thought she was. She wanted to return to the coast and run through the water. But instead of living her dream, she was stuck underneath the hot sun, sprawled out on top of a boulder with all four legs hanging over the edges. Her tail swayed without enthusiasm behind her. Earlier she had tried to shake it enough to make a breeze for herself, but it had only worked just a little. It wasn't enough by far to actually cool her off and it did absolutely nothing for the hunger gnawing at her stomach.

She almost would have taken an old corpse for a meal. Almost. Nothing could have convinced her to stay with a lion who clearly could not hunt for himself or take care of himself. Kati needed enough help on her own, she couldn't afford to help anyone else who was more pitiful than her.

So, she had left him, and a day later she kind of regretted it. With a groan the lioness slid off the giant boulder gracelessly. She landed on the ground with a soft 'oomph', and then dramatically flopped over onto her side. It seemed almost as if she was incapable of relaxing in a normal position... or well, doing anything normal. The lioness was unusual, but she had been raised in an unusual pride. When the pride normalized was... well, when she left it.

Kristanf was out again. His last raid did not go...as planned. This time. This time he would bring someone home! He made sure of it. The reaver had only been home for a day, but in that time frame, he had talked to some more...well veteran Reavers to get some helpful hints. Just grab them by the neck and drag them!, NO. if they are female, persuade them with jewels and gifts until she can not say no.. Kristanf thanked the ideas given to him, but ultimately rolled his eyes when they had left. He'd attempt what they would say...maybe.

This time on his outing, Kris carried a small bag around his next. It held a small carcass, enough to just hold over anyone, and a few glittering jewels. Gifts, so to speak, for his newest thrall he'd be capturing today. Or at least, he hoped.

His pale eyes scanned the area. No one yet. He tasted teh air, the scent of something familiar hitting his nose almost immediately. Following it, Kris rolled his eyes at the display. OF COURSE IT WAS HER.

"Kati...wasn't it?" Kristanf asked, not stalking up to the female this time, instead keeping his distance. "Did you manage to get your meal?"

She turned her head to look at the other lion. For a moment, it seemed like she had no idea who he was and had forgotten about him in the span of a day. Then, with a gasp she exclaimed, "It's mister unpopular!" The lioness rolled up onto her feet and trotted up to the male, oblivious to any potential danger the lion may yet possess. Her first run-in with him had been fairly uneventful. The most distressing thing she had learned about Kris was that he was not well liked, and apparently could not hunt for himself.

She noticed the pouch around his neck, or more importantly, the tempting aroma wafting from it. There was food in there, and by her heritage she wanted it. The Kizi before he left were great thieves, but she had not stuck around long enough to really pick up the finer qualities of the trade. If the muses still existed, she'd call upon them now to aid her in claiming the one thing she desperately wanted.

Food. Even old food would be good enough.

"Oh, no. I tried going after a small hare earlier but missed, and now it's too hot and miserable out to try hunting again," she answered with a little shrug of her shoulders. "So, uh... what do you got there?"

Kristanf watched her eye his bag. He could not help but smirk, and have to thank the reaver later for the suggestion of bringing it. For now, he sat, allowing the bag to open a little bit to emit the aroma of the carcass. It wasn't that old, perhaps an hour or two kill he had managed to take from a thrall just bringing it in. (She was not happy about that.)

"Shame. A small hare like this one," his paw reached into his bag, pulling up the corpse. He tilted it to give her a view, before placing it gently back in the bag. A destroyed piece of meat would be no use for him. He needed to have the meal look tempting for the other, even if that happened to be Kati.

"Just a little something I was saving for later. You look hungry. It's a shame you called off our deal the other day." He taunted the other, closing the bag, denying her the scent any longer.

Kati could feel her stomach rumble with eager anticipation as Kristanf drew out the small rabbit for her eyes to feast upon. The aroma made the temptation all the sweeter, and she found herself leaning forward before he sealed the carcass back into the pouch. Her expression changed from anticipation to one of utter disappointment. She leaned back, ears pressed flat to the back of her head. Eyes stared up at him, unamused by the tease.

W-well, she didn't need it anyways! With a huff the lioness turned around and stubbornly sat with her back turned to Kris. If she didn't see it, she could not want it. Unlike Kris, she was perfectly capable of catching her own meals! She had just yet to do it... in a little while. "Whatever, I don't want it anyways..." she mumbled sadly.

"You weren't even going to try and get me anything fresh, you called off our deal," Kati explained softly, talking more to herself than she was to Kris. "I just acted on your refusal to hunt for me. I can't show up at some random pride starving, it's unlady-like." She wasn't exactly a lady, but that was the excuse she was coming up with now.

Kristanf gaped at her. "I...tried to get you something fresh. I told you there would be fresh food when we got back to the pride. But you didn't want that. You just...left." Keep your cool Kristanf, or you will lose her again.

The male sighed, shaking his head as he withdrew the bag from his neck, tossing it to her. The two small jewels fell out at her feet, along with the ears of the hare slightly peeking out. "Take it." The male said, rising to his feet from his seated position. "Call it a gift for you." He turned away from the female, letting her have her presents. Maybe if she saw how pitiful he was being, she'd change her mind about joining him?

If not, then Kristanf was making himself look like even more of an a**. There he was, head bowed down, front half almost hunched over. This had better work, or else he was just going to start bringing familiar back, like Ciro had done with the avian.

"You were going to make me travel half a day for it!" Kati protested dramatically. Sure, he had offered her food, but it was hardly fresh enough in her mind to last her until she made it to the pride. The lioness wasn't better off now, all things considered. She was still alone, still hungry, and still somehow in the company of someone who was completely and totally uncool. Her luck had gone sour from the moment the muses had gone quiet.

Two beautiful jewels glittered at the ground by her feet, and holding back a pitiful sniff, she picked one up. How pretty! She examined the gem silently for a few moments. Not bad. "Really?" she asked, but she already was peeling open the pouch and dragging the hare at. Not even two seconds later was she gobbling down the small meal as fast as she could, as if she suspected he would take it back if she did not finish it quickly enough.

"Thanks, man!" Kati spoke up graciously, offering a smile bright but stained with blood. She scooped the gems back into the pouch and lifted it up over her head and onto her neck. "Well, you take care of yourself! I'll catch ya later -"


Yes. She was swindling him.

Oh for heaven's sake! Not even a second thought for him as he inched away.

Take her by force. He remember the one reaver had told her. Well, he had exhausted all his other options, so this was his final option. "That's it? Really? Not a single, I am going with you since I just gave you the meal and the small trinkets? Nothing?" Now he was angry. Turning around, his eyes filled with so much hatred for the other he did not know really what was coming over him.

"You WILL come with me. Even if I have to drag you there by force." He growled, stalking right up the female, launching towards her. He would need to subdue her first, and then once he knew she would not run, he'd bring her back. And he would take his jewels back with him. She would /not/ be keeping those.

Kati just couldn't comprehend why Kris was suddenly so angry. She paused, one of her front paws lifted in the air, caught in mid-step. Looking back over her shoulder, she saw the anger reflected on Kris' face. "...Uh, no?" Kati answered with a delicate frown. "You gave me a gift, gifts don't come with obligations. They're freely given." Did he not understand what it meant to give something away? If he wanted his things back, tough luck. She wasn't going to barf the rabbit back up just so he could have his things and she be on her way.

Warily, she watched as the lion began to stalk towards up. When she realized he was picking up momentum, she squeaked and dove around the boulder. "Woah, woah, man! Calm down." Kati pleaded with a high pitched squeal, the sort of sound that could grate on someone's ears and make some eardrums in certain species burst.

She circled around the boulder, trying to keep the giant rock between her and Kris. "I appreciate the gifts, it's very thoughtful. But dragging a young lady back home is very unbecoming of a young male! Your parents would be very disappointed. I mean, if I was a parent I would be disappointed. To think I would have such a tempermental child, and that..." she began to rumble off a few more jumbled sentences. Apparently, when she panicked, she liked to talk... a lot.

"Well, fun fact for you. A 'gift' from a Reaver actually has stipulations with it. You took my gift with no hesitation, and consumed part of it. No turning back from it now." The male growled. "I will not come down. It is time I claimed what is properly mine. Right now," he paused, eyes narrowing at Kati. "That's you." He hopped onto the boulder she was using as protection, ears pinning back to drown out the sound of her squeal.

"Too bad the Stormborn don't care about how a lady feels. Although, I would be far from describing such a title for a little brat like you." He called out. "Don't you talk about my parents. You know nothing of them." He growled, launching for the female again. He just needed to shut her up. Her voice was annoying him more than anything at this time.

"Now stay still!" he commanded. Obviously she wasn't going to listen, but Kristanf was so lost in his mind currently he just said anything to prove a point.

Oh. Why hadn't she thought of that. She stared up at the lion, now perched up on top of the boulder, with wide eyes. "But that defeat's the entire purpose of a gift!" she complained loudly. How stupid could he be to not know the definition of a gift? She had no idea what a Reaver was, but she didn't think it was a good enough reason to turn into a psycopath on her. "Um, what?" she squeaked.

With her tail tucked between her legs, she slowly backed away from the boulder. She kept facing him, worried that if she turned her back and ran that he'd pounce on her from behind. That would be awkward. "Sorry to break it to you but I don't, uh, belong to you?" Kati did not know why that was hard to understand. She was her own lion, and lions did not posess other lions.

"I didn't!" Kati whined, completely missing the point of his statement. "I said if I was your -" Kris launched at her, and she didn't have enough time to dodge him and run away. Her words were cut off by the impact of his body against her's, and Kati was knocked clear off of her legs. "W-woah woah, let's slow down he-here," she pleaded.

"Shouldn't have taken my gifts so easily then." He countered.

Kristanf could have jumped for joy when his body collided with the other. SUCCESS! He stood atop the female, a paw resting on her back to keep her in place. "You had your chance the last time we met. Hell, I even gave you the opportunity this time around but all you did was mock me." The male told the other, his voice and form shaking from the adrenaline. So, this was what it was like to capture a thrall? He could get use to the high feeling it gave him.

"Slow down? No can do." Now what? He couldn't just get off her. She may run away. The bag was still around her neck. The twin used for the strap was rather thick. That could be useful in dragging her, but there was a chance that it would break if he pulled too hard. It was a risk he was willing to take. He could chase her down if needed. He felt confident enough to do that now that he had managed to get her in this particular position.

"Now. Be a good girl, and get up." He stepped off of her, paw releasing but still hovering in case he needed to push her to the ground. "You will be accompanying me back to my pride, whether you like it or not."

This was awkward. Kati would have blushed if she wasn't so frazzled by the situation. She tested the weight against her back, pushing up against Kristanf's paw to see how determined he was to keep her still. Apparently... very determined. Her ears flattened back against her head, and the lioness groaned with frustration as her mind frantically tried to piece together a way to escape from this lion. She had no idea why he was so determined to bring her back to his pride and have her, but it was all very ridiculous!

"Um, no?" she retaliated almost uncertainly. The pressure against her back was released, but Kati did not move. If he wanted her to budge, then she wouldn't. Instead the lioness pressed herself as flat to the ground as possible. The dark lioness wasn't making it easy on Kristanf, but the advantage was in his favor. She was a small, delicate creature, pretty and lithe. She didn't posess the same muscle tone, didn't come near to being his equal in strength.

"I don't want to. I'm just going to stay here. Do what you will, but I am not budging!" If she couldn't run, she'd make herself into a boulder - unmovable. It wasn't her brightest idea, but it was probably her only option.

Did this girl not know when to give up? It seemed like that.

"Fine." Kristanf growled, pulling the twine from the bag on her neck. She didn't move. The twine too he saw was starting to unravel. So much for being strong. he berated himself. What else could he try? His mind flew through the options. One was devious, even for him. (He had to have heard someone else speak of it in the pride, because he would not have thought of the action on his own.

"Pity. You don't want to move. I'll make a bargain with you then." Kristanf purred lightly. "Get up, walk like the lady you are. Or..." He walked to her backside, grabbing her tail, a claw unsheathing at the base. "Lose the tail." He poked her skin just above the tail base, right on her back to prove he wasn't playing. (Well, maybe he was, he really did not know if he would go along with it.)

"Still want to stay here princess?" He sneered, pushing his claw a bit more, trying to elicit a reaction.

Kati felt the pressure around her neck as Kristanf tried to drag her to her feet, but she held steady. Eventually, the male lion seemed to give up on the tactic, and Kati breathed a sigh of relief. She realized fairly quickly that things would go south if she stood up now and listened to him. His home no longer sounded pleasant, and he did not seem to be all that nice at all. If she went with him now, who knew what would happen to her?

No, it was better to stay here, curled up against the ground.

At least, that was what she thought until she felt the sharp pinprick of a claw against her tail. For a few seconds she tried to still hold fast, screwing her eyes shut as if that would help alleviate her fears. It didn't help. The threat held weight in the air now that his claw pressed harder into her.

Adrenaline pumping, the lioness suddenly shot to her feet and tried to wiggle away from him. "No, no! I like my tail where it is. Stop touching me, it's rude!" He hadn't wanted her to touch him last time, she hardly thought it fair in her panicked state of mind that he got to touch her now. Anxiously she peered around her for any signs of help, but there were none.

Could she run?

Would it be worth the attempt?

"This has been fun and all, but like, I'll give this back to you and I'll be on my way. Please?"

Kristanf made a sound as if he was thinking about it.

"mm. Sorry, the Stormborn don't take gifts back." His paw wrapped around her tail, if she ran, she would either dislocate the appendage, or drag Kristanf along with her. He was not going to let her go as this was probably the last chance.

"I don't think so. Besides, I could get use to this view." He said with a hidden smirk. He yanked her tail, moving to stand besides the female. "You are mine now," he said huskily when he got close her ear, shying back when the words left his maw in case she retaliated with her own claws. "There is no one around to help you. You are too close to the Myrsky Syntynyt that calling for help will just attract more Reavers like me. They will just help drag you back." Lightbulb. "You know what. Call out for some help if you want." If other Reavers joined in, they could get the female back much faster than he would anticipate.

"Let's go. I grow tired of you already. Your fun thrall life has not even begun yet." Kristanf enjoyed this feeling, and if this was how he needed to be to get a thrall, so be it.

She was so very tempted to flee, but the lion's iron grip on her tail made her reconsider her options. The lioness squeaked as her tail was pulled, and tried to shy away from Kristanf as he hovered in close to her. His words sent a chill down her spine, and subconsciously she pulled her tail between her legs, trying to obscure whatever view had so enticed him. "Stop! You're being very unseemly. I don't want to go with you, and I don't want to lose my tail over this either."

There was only so much of his eyeing she could handle, and the tone of his voice made her voice tremble. "I-I'm not going to. I don't think you can drag me all the way back by yourself, so good luck finding help!" Kati was quickly beginning to realize she could not fight the young male lion. He was far stronger than her, and he seemed to posess a malicious streak that she had been completely unaware of before.

"If you're tired of me, let me go..." she pleaded one final time, eyes staring wide at him as if being cute and adorable would convince him to let her go. "We can do whatever you want to here, and when we're done I can go on my way?" she offered, her one last, desperate attempt to get him to release her.

"Well, that's really not your call anymore is it. Shame. This could have been so much easier for you if you would have just come along in the first place." He tried to reason.

"Probably not. I would rather you go willingly with me at this point, but that doesn't seem to be happening." He huffed. He couldn't release her, she was spring loaded and ready to run. This was his only way to keep her where she was.

"I've put too much work into catching you. I am not so willing to let you go just yet." His last words were made to give her some hope. His ears perked forward at her comment. Oh? His smirk was replaced with a sly grin "I don't know what you are insinuating we do," his voice held a mock innocence to it. "Was there something you were willing to do for your release?" the grip on her tail loosened, but his paw was placed again on her back. The cute and adorable look would definitely not make her release her.

"If I came along with you willingly, things would have ended the same way, wouldn't they?" Kati had begun to suspect that this was Kris' goal all along. The only reason it had taken so long for him to achieve it because she was unwittingly being difficult. Her ears perked up at his words, that subtle hint that maybe she could be freed from this. The question was how far she was willing to go to get herself out of this situation.

She had no idea what a thrall was, but she could assume it was something like a toy. She did not want to be his' for however long he would keep her, if he even intended to let her go. The lioness shuddered a little at the grin upon his face, and anxiously looked away from him. Sacrificing her dignity for the sake of escape was... difficult for her to come to terms with. The idea of it, though, seemed to play to her favor.

His grip loosened on her tail, so at least that was safe for the moment. The paw around her back, however, was a stern reminder that he wasn't willing to see her go just yet. She sucked in a soft breath, trying to build up her resolve. "There... is," she looked back up at him, hoping her wide eyed look would sway him over to the idea. The little lioness was shaking from anxiety, but even so she mustered up the nerve to lean over to him. "There are a few things I can bargain with for the promise of my release after."

She felt a little sick.

"Aren't you smart, finally realizing my true intentions." He would have applauded if not keeping the female where she was.

"Tempting. Tempting." The lion drawled, clicking his tongue as he seemed to contemplate. However, he wasn't in the business for a pleasurable time and then off you go, unless the thrall was already a member of the pride.

As she leaned to him, Kristanf felt his heart jump, adrenaline beginning to form again. He hadn't really expected the lioness to go this far, but he would not deny anything she would put out. He was male after all, and he could only resist for so long before swooping in.

He thought for a moment of what he could do. Ideally he could agree to what she was saying. Have her give him all she had to offer and then let her go. Or. Kristanf could agree to her terms, 'promise' to let her go and not do it. That was probably the better course of action. Though, she probably would be pissed at him.

"I think we can come to some kind of arrangement." He said quietly, nipping at her ear.

If there was one thing Kati needed to learn. Never trust a Reaver.

She felt sick to her stomach when the lion all too eagerly nipped at her ear. Kati was loathe to give herself up to him, but it was probably her only option now. She was no master of femininity, but any male would go for a pretty female if they could, whether they were charming or not. If she managed to secure the deal with him, then she could go free. If she didn't... well, he'd probably just do the same damned thing when he got her back to her pride.

It was now or later, and neither option sat well with the female. The queasiness she felt was only escalating with every second that passed. While Kristanf wasn't unattractive, he was very clearly going to do terrible things to her. It would put any female as far away from 'being in the mood' as possible.

But she had to do this. Maybe if she wore him out enough she could slip away afterwards without having to speak to him further. It did not occur to her that he would not honor his side of the bargain, but if she could spend a moment less with him, than she would. The lioness bowed her head, anxiously looking at her feet, still debating whether she should go through with it until the very last moment.

"Fine," she sucked in a shaky breath. "Not out in the open, though." She took a step forward, testing whether he would let her go or keep her within his grasp. Kati didn't intend to run away yet, not with him on to her like this. He would never let her go.

Kristanf’s smirk widened as she had seemingly agreed. He did not need to even need to say anything else, just nodded. As the lioness got to her feet, Kris stood close by. He would not lose his catch, even if she decided to dart. He was sure he would catch her, or call the others for the hunt.

“Not up for a risk getting caught? That is understandable,” the lion said, staying near her just enough to grab an appendage if needed too. He could have fun in one day AND have a thrall? That was pure luck for the newly bestowed Reaver. “There’s a more…quieter area just to the south here.” Truth be told, that was close to where his band would be staying. If he needed, he probably could call out after their act for some back up.

He’d see what was needed afterwards, but for now, he'd let her lead the way. Oh how the tables had turned.