Oh, how the tables had turned. To say that Kati had bitten off more than she could chew was an understatement. If she had the time to reflect on her actions, she'd question why she thought trying to hunt an Eland was a good idea. The antelope was the largest by far that she had seen, and instead of turning tail and running from the lone lioness - it had decided to stand its ground. Kati, in comparison, was a small lioness. Her coat was a dull black with striking splashes of blue, green and yellow.

Narrowly she dodged the Eland's antlers as it tried to shove her back and away. The little lioness danced around her prey, holding onto the hope that she would be able to wear it out. If the hunt had started with a chase, Kati would have been more out of breath. She felt there was still a chance, and that later today she wouldn't have to be digging for meerkats later. She swiped at the Eland's back legs, and the creature turned so fast that Kati was completely caught off guard.

The next blow it tried to land hit.

Antlers caught Kati underneath her arms, thankfully not puncturing skin, but from that point the giant antelope lifted her up over its shoulders and carelessly tossed her away like she was nothing. The lioness yelped as she was thrown up, and landed with a loud 'thud' on the ground behind the antelope. The Eland, content that it had made its point, walked away with it's tail shaking like a tempting treat behind it.

For a few moments, Kati laid in silence.

She was utterly defeated.

This was it!

This was his time to prove he was a reaver! Finally out on his own, (well, with a group of other green reavers), Kristanf was going to make the most of this opportunity. He wasn't like Ciro, where he was always out on raids. Instead, Kris was lucky to have joined this small group going on. He'd have to build up to more raids later in his life.

The sound of stomping caught the pale lion's attention, as he followed his ears. His equally light eyes narrowed as the sight of a lioness trying to hunt, failing miserably as she was thrown, and the would-be kill getting away. Kristanf snorted. Pathetic. he thought to himself. A lioness needed to know how to hunt, and this one could not manage to bring down this buck?

Thought reveled in his mind. But, there now was a lioness, set right there before him, not aware of the young reaver nearby. What a great thing this could actually turn out to be!

Sneaking from behind the large bush he had managed to hide behind, Kristanf stalked up to the other, keeping his movements slow and quiet.

Now...how did one take a thrall again?

"Ugh," Kati moaned and rolled onto her back. For a lion, she wasn't very... lion-like. She was a gentle creature far away from home, used to feeding on fish and small mammals. Out in the plains, she was out of her element. A fish out of water. Her muse no longer spoke to her. There was only silence where it had last been, and she was so determined to see herself out of her previous life that she had come to ignore the truth that it had existed at all.

Her back was sore, but she could have come out of it much worse. Kicking her back legs up she used the momentum to efficiently roll herself backwards and into a seated position. "That didn't hurt too bad," she muttered, relieved that she truly didn't seem to be all that injured. Perhaps it was because she was so light. There wasn't all that much weight to crush herself with when she fell, she mused.

She was turned away from Kristanf, completely unaware of anyone else in the area besides the stupid Eland. It was still walking away from her with its head held up high. Those sharp antlers at the top of its head was a firm reminder that it wouldn't be wise to go after it again. With a sigh she flopped back down onto her back. "I give up. This sucks. I shouldn't have left - it's been too long though, I can't go back.

It'd be... awkward."

Kristanf watched as the lioness was completely unaware of his presence. He eyed the retreating eland form once more, continuing to stalk quietly up to the female who had changed her position to being on her back. The Stormborn were trained about weak spots, and this female rolling over, her stomach exposed, made him thing she did not have the same type of training he had. If one was not careful of their surroundings, they could find themselves in quite a predicament.

It seemed, this lioness, was in that currently. And yet, here Kristanf was, hesistating just slightly because he just did not konw..

Screw it. He'd talk first. Who was this lioness, what could she offer him? (Not that it really mattered what she could and could not do. Kris was rather desperate to have a thrall to call his own, he'd probably would have settled for anything that moved before him.)

"Go back where?" He had the nerve to ask, a small smirk placed on his maw as he stood, awkwardly close to the lioness. "From those moves, I don't think where ever that is would want you back."

Kati looked back over her shoulder, curiously eyeing the approaching lion. She didn't feel a threatening presence emanating from him. Rather, he seemed young and perhaps stupidly cocky. "The Kizingo'zaa," Kati answered honestly. Her posture was completely relaxed, legs splayed out, front paws resting up under her chin. She was a picture of naivety and innocence, a creature who had never met anyone unkind.

No one had ever given her a reason to fear them before. She trusted Kristanf now because she had never been shown to distrust strangers. "I'm sure if we ever met again, we would have many disagreements about plenty of things. It's probably better that we don't." The Kizingo'zaa was no longer her home and hadn't been for quite some time. This was her first real attempt, however, at venturing away from the coast.

She hardly knew what she could take on her successfully, so Kati recklessly flung herself at everything until she found something that worked. "Where are you from, mister cocky?" she inquired playfully. He hadn't given her his name, and so she took the only word she could describe him with and gave it to him. It was only slightly intended as an insult. He deserved it for that remark he made, after all.

Kristanf was a bit taken aback by the lioness' reaction, or lack thereof. He could not help but frown and tilt his head at the other's position as she spoke.

"The..The Kizingo'zaa?" He managed to say, recomposing himself. This was not how a thrall should act! ...Right? Maybe Kristanf should have done a bit more research about this thrall capturing before actually attempting such a task? If you could consider this thrall capturing. The Reaver may a small hum, not really paying attention to what the female said. He was too distracted with what he needed to do to really answer her.

"Er-me?" He wasn't really ready for the question. Should he tell her about the Stormborn, should he lie? It seemed like this female would probably believe anything, with her relaxed position and all. She did not seem to know a threat when it loomed (or maybe he just was threatening enough...bah, he'd have to fix that!)

"I am from...a land not that far from here..." He did not outright say the Stormborn, for what if she had heard of it and resisted going with him. "Though, it doesn't welcome just anyone"" He was not the best of liars, but maybe the female could be persuaded with mystery?

"Uh huh," Kati answered dubiously. Usually when someone was vague, they were hiding something. The lioness was too trusting, but not completely without her wits. "It almost sounds like you're actually not from anywhere. It's okay - you don't have to lie to me." So, maybe she was without some of her wits. "Sometimes it's better to be from nowhere. Means you can only go somewhere. See?" She tilted her head back towards him, hoping he'd understand and agree with her.

She was beginning to think this male lived a lonely life, and perhaps that was why he was so socially awkward. Who tried to initiate proper conversation by acting like a bit of a jerk? Sighing, she rolled herself back up into a seated position, her body turned now to properly face Kristanf. The lion showed no indication of relaxing and laying down with her, so she supposed she'd take a minute to act polite.

"Look, I'm Kati, and I would rather be from nowhere than somewhere." The dark lioness introduced herself with a friendly smile. Kristanf could be a little offputting, but she hadn't noticed anything to actually make her concerned.

Kristanf was, once again, taken aback. "No! I am from somewhere!" He did not have a ratty coat or anything to show he was a rogue. His form was not skin and bones, which showed he ate well. "I am from the Stormborn!" He finally said. "I am not from just anywhere. You gotta be someone to be accepted amongst us." He scoffed slightly.

"I can take you there. To show you!" Kristanf said haughtily. "Though, you gotta stick with me." He couldn't have her just wander around. She probably would get into trouble the second she stepped in there. He didn't mention the fact she would not be able to leave if she chose that option. Ah, minor details.

"I'm Kris, Kristanf." He finally introduced to the other.

Kati arched a brow at him, and tilted her head to the side as if she could better understand his sudden outburst. "Look, it's okay if you don't fit in with your pride, too, you know?" She had the wrong idea again. A sympathetic look was offered to the poor male, and Kati resisted the urge to walk over to him and pat him on the shoulder for reassurance. She knew what it was like to be on the outside looking in. A funny lion such as himself clearly wasn't a valued member of the pride, otherwise they wouldn't have let him wander so far from home!

"Why do you want to show me your pride when they don't like you?" Kati had clearly jumped a few steps ahead in her reasoning. The lioness looked to be genuinely baffled. "Not that I'd mind visiting, but if I'm seen with you won't it be taken the wrong way?" she asked with a hint of slyness, that could suggest one thing to him but hinted at something completely different in Kati's head.

"I mean, I don't want to be unpopular there too."

"..." What the hell was this female talking about? She did not know him! She did not know how the Stormborn worked!
"I'll have you know, I fit in just fine with my pride, thank you very much. In fact! I am so treasured there that I am actually allowed to leave the lands because they trust me to do so and bring back goods for them." Kristanf explained, stretching the truth a bit. "If I didn't have a pride, then why would I be so willing to try and show you it?" he asked the other.

"I-ahh." Kristanf growled. He had to turn this situation around, and fast.

"Actually," the young reaver thought. "You know.... You may be right," finally trying to reason with the female, seeing things on 'her level.' "If you come back to the pride with me, they may see you as a token, and welcome me back. They could even treat you like a goddess." Really Kristanf? he berated himself, refraining from doing an eye roll that threatened to come out.

"They like females better anyways." Lies. Kris shrugged.

The look Kati gave him said everything, from the flat expression, to the way her ears laid back against her skull. She didn't believe he was liked. "...Are you sure they don't 'allow' you out of the pride just to get rid of you for a few hours?" she asked after a few seconds too long of silence. "It seems like you're trying too hard, Kris." This poor lion clearly needed her help, and Kati decided to break the conventional rules of ettiquette to offer him her assistance.

She walked up to him boldly and seated herself but a few inches in front of him. By comparison, Kristanf dwarfed the young lioness. Kati was rather small and almost delicate looking. It was a wonder how the eland didn't break her in two during their confrontation. She lifted a yellow paw and placed it against Kris' cheek, giving him a comforting path. "If you want me to come back with you and visit your pride so you can be popular, I will. But you shouldn't need a lady to make yourself likable. If you've got a bad personality, that's your fault, you know?"

Kristanf was clearly a broken lion, someone struggling within his pride to find his sense of self worth! If Kati could help him, it was her public duty to do so.

Kristanf turned his head away so Kati could not see the eye roll he gave her, as well as the scoff.

Glancing back to the female, he shied his head away from her paw. Was she really touching him? This lioness just kept getting weirder and weirder. Once she is in the lands, she will be a thrall. Your first thrall. All you got to do, is get her to the lands. Kristanf reasoned with himself, forcing a faux smile on his maw.

"Yes, I know. I disgust myself even saying that I need your help." He more or less disgusted himself by saying those words. "Do you have everything you need for the journey? It's probably half a days walk." He just needed to now make sure his little 'princess' was ready to go, and now if it meant he had to cater to her whim (as long as the boys were not around) then so be it. Just half a day, he could do this.

Kati didn't really want to go on half a day's walk with someone who's pride had clearly ostracized. But, she had been taught to be kind to those in need. She had left her pride for feeling like she didn't belong - she didn't want this poor male to go through the same thing. So, she'd buckle down and get this over with. "It's okay to ask for help..." she reassured him, and then in a slightly more flat tone, "but it's kinda rude to put it that way, that my help is disgusting."

She reached up again to 'bop' him on the nose, as a small sort of punishment for his transgressions. Once the act was completed, it was as if he had never wronged her at all. Forgiveness came easily to the lioness, especially for little things like that. "I am very hungry," she suggested with a sweet smile. "I am from coastal lands so I've ever only eaten fish and small game."

Her tail whipped back and forth behind her, the little lioness practically vibrating with excitement over the idea that maybe she could get him to get her a meal. "I would love to actually be able to fill my stomach in one sitting!"

His eyes crossed when she bopped him on the nose. "I think...we should keep our paws to ourselves. Sound okay?" he did not want to be touched by this female unless he was the one initiating the contact.

"Er---" Kristanf was not the best hunter. "I mean. I think there may be some leftover antelope not far from here you can pick on." Whatever was left of it, that was. His group would have had their fill, so they wouldn't be there for the lion to 'show off' his new...toy?

"I am not the best hunter. That is usually my sister's job." Or one of the thralls in the pride really. "You can get your fill there, and then once back in the pridelands there will be a whole smorgasbord of food. I think that will hold you over until then, right?" He offered.

"Wow, aren't you sensitive," Kati remarked, but decided to respect his sudden desire for personal space. She lowered her paw, and politely scooted herself back a couple of steps before sitting down again. For someone who was supposed to be leaving with Kris, she wasn't particularly moving much of anywhere. Not after she heard what Kris had to offer her. Kati rarely ate... leftovers. Her fish were always freshly caught, and the hares and other small mammals she ate were almost always kills she made.

She crinkled her nose at him, the wind knocked out of her sails. "You want me to eat... an old kill. I'm here, helping you, and you want me to eat leftovers." The words weren't accusatory, but rather filled with sadness, as if this was suddenly the largest disappointment in her life. "I think I'd rather hunt for myself. No wonder your pride doesn't want you if you can't even land a fresh kill."

She sighed dramatically and rose up onto her feet and turning her back to him. Was she... walking away from him?

Yes, yes she was.

Apparently the deal was off.

"I...I just meant that...if you were hungry right now, that's what you could have. When...when we got back to the pride there will be a bunch of fresh meat! Gazelle, Antelope, Klipspringers! All of that is normally available." He tried to give the other some details of what she could be eating, but she'd just have to wait until they got back. Damn, why was he trying so hard?!

"...Wait, you aren't going to come with me? REALLY? AFTER ALL THAT? Come on you can't just...walk away!" Kristanf shouted after the small female.

He was so out of his element, he did not even think to chase her. He just stood there, his mouth wide with surprise and absolutely shock that the lioness had called off their deal, to even move. "Damnit." He whispered quietly when the female was out of range.

...This...was not how a thrall capture was suppose to go.

His pale eyes looked around. Good, no one was around to see this failure. No one would ever need to know this.