Zokopa was on the move, he wasn’t really sure where he was going but he was going. He had been settled in the same spot for far too long and the male had grown unusually restless. Zokopa had been on his own for a long time. In all honesty the male wasn’t sure why he had been alone for so long, though part of him suspected that it was partly because of his eyes, and maybe even the the markings around his mouth. Zokopa tried not to let him bug him, but if he thought about it too much he would start getting upset about it so he generally just tried not to think about it.

With a smile on his face he began to trott towards the edge of the forest he had been calling home. The forest had been a good home from not a lot of others lived in it and he had managed to find a great den with a creek running close by. Now it was time to see something else though. Zokopa was craving some sun, so he was thinking his next home should have a great open field, perhaps a lake. Sand would be nice. Though if Zokopa was honest he had no idea where in the world to find any of that. So he decided to head eastward to see what might be in that direction.

Chama laid in a section of long grass not far from a forest. She had been hunting hares that had since gotten away from here. So she made herself comfortable and was watching different bugs filter through the back and forth through the grass. The female was easily entertained and didn’t mind having a lazy day. Even though there was likely much she could be doing, such as hunting. As if to prove the point that there was something else she should be doing her stomach let out a loud growl. She moaned. She was quite comfortable were she was laying and didn’t really want to get up, or hunt. She sorta wished food would just appear in front of her.

Stretching out her paws both in front and behind her Chama sighed. She could put it off a few minutes longer, she thought to herself. She closed her eyes and let the sun warm her pelt up. She let out a soft noise that sound almost like a purr from a cat. Really this was a good life she was doing.

Zokopa froze mid step when he heard a strange rumbling noise, along with a moan. He had just broken out of the forest and was in an odd mismatch of land. There was hills, and grass, some rock. Really it was all over the place definitely not the place Zokopa was looking for in terms of a home, not that there was anything wrong with it. It just lacked the sand and water he was craving. However since he heard the noise he stopped and looked around. When the wind shifted he spotted her a pinkish, purple female wild dog laying the grass. A grin broke on his face, while Zokopa was craving a new location to call him he also craved company too. It looked like he had found company so he trotted towards the female hoping that she would be friendly to another wild dog.

“Hello there.” he greeted her, a smile on his face. He looked down at the female who was sprawled out on her stomach in the grass. She looked nice enough and very very relaxed.

Chama jumped a little a voice startling her out of a day dream. She cocked her head upwards and say a wild dog with the most unique eyes looking back down at her. She was immediately drawn to him. “Hello” she said back to him a smile growing on her lips to mirror the one on his. “How are you today?” she asked him stretching out and yawning before she rose to a seated position. As she moved her stomach let out another growl. She looked down and felt her cheeks flush slightly.

Zokopa couldn’t believe it the female was friendly. He saw her eyes linger on his for a moment but in the next second a smile had spread on her lips. It made hope swell inside the male’s chest. A lot of the time when others saw them they would give him a quick nod and make their way, but this female seemed like perhaps she wanted to stick around and talk to him.

Before he was able to say anything else to her he stomach let out a growl. “Sounds like someone is hungry.” he said a low chuckle in his voice. “My name is Zokopa by the way.” he told her his head cocked to the side.

“I guess you could say I am a bit pecking.” Chama answered back acknowledging her overly vocal stomach. She didn’t see a point to being embarrassed about it. “My name is Chama.” she told him sweetly her stomach still adding tidbits to the conversation. She wished she could tell it to shut up but she knew that wasn’t going to get her anywhere. She knew she was going to have to go hunt though there was issues now not only did she not want to leave the male wild dog that she had just met but she was pretty certain with the amount her stomach was talking she wasn’t going to have much luck hunting, prey would be able to hear her coming miles away. She tried not to think about it too much though while she focused on the male with the intriguing eyes.

“Well Chama, it is a pleasure to meet you.” Zokopa told her. “What do you say I go get you something to eat and then we can talk more.” he offered for her. The female was clearly hungry and Zokopa knew the area well enough and was pretty confident that he could find something for them to eat pretty quickly.

“I will be right back.” he told her before she had a chance to tell him not to. It looked like he would be spending a bit longer in the area… something that now that he had met Chama he was not opposed to at all.

Before Chama had a chance to say anything at all Zokopa had disappeared from her view, deciding there wasn’t much she could do she lowered herself back into the grass to wait for the male to return.