Rp between *Greenie and ChaosTheories

The sounds of crashing, laughter, and then a stern talking too could likely be heard through most of the close quarters dens near the green lions. Since he had come back home his daughters had caused a lot of noise and problems within the small space. Well.. small compared to the that of the roguelands. "I need you guys to realize that this is our home now and that we have..." dramatic pause for effect "...neighbors." The daughters gasped dramatically right along with him, but Lief proceeded to attempt climbing a fairly unstable stack of drums...

BOOM. And various other drum related noises happened shortly after. "The neighbors are going to think I'm throwing you little devils around this place." He snorted happily. The cubs were giggling fiercely by this point. The single father was overwhelmed by the amount of personality that radiated from his darlings, but at the same time he was so proud of how independent they had become. Little discoverers.

"Shhh, girls. I think I hear someone." He was lying, but that lie got him a moments peace and if it did then it was well worth it. Of course Lief gave him a narrowed eyed glare shortly after. "There's no one!" She gasped at him. "You're.. a..." dramatic pause, it seems to run in the family "...liar!"

There was someone, in fact. The lioness was certainly not having a good day, so she hadn't been watching where she was going. It wasn't unusual to see a surly expression on her face or hear her grumble about this and that under her breath, but seeing her wander around this particular densite was out of the ordinary. She tended to stay by her own space, but that space had him... her thrall, who was not really her thrall. It was complicated.

Eldahildr practically jumped out of her pelt when there was a sudden boom. She made an undignified squeak and froze, her limbs tense and ready to flee like danger would be upon her at any second. Who, what, and where? She looked around, and thought she heard voices coming from a short distance away.

"Um, hello? What's going on?" She called out, her sour mood temporarily forgotten.

From within the den the scene froze at the sound of an actual voice. Quiet mutterings to the effect of 'see I wasn't lying' and 'but dad what do we do?' could be heard in quick rambling tones. "Well hello there!" Ali-dido, swift as he could be, exited the den to meet a rather intriguing looking lioness. "Just a tumble or two, the cubs are rambunctious as ever these days. They tend to forget who the parent is." A chuckle left the lion. "Three daughters." He said sounding nearly as exasperated as he felt. "I tell ya, I think I would have rathered sons. I find sons to be a little less excitable." He mused at her softly.

"Sorry, formalities aren't my specialty. It's a good day to die and.. uh, I'm Ali-dido." He scrambled through the typically strong sounding greetings at a rate that left a little to be desired. If it wasn't made plain from the get go he was an odd version of the usual stormborn lion. "Girls, clean up those drums!" He turned his head enough to call out at them and received a number of grumbles.

"Y'know how cubs can be." He had turned back to face the lioness and accented his complaint with a roll of his eyes.

Eldahildr tilted her head at the peculiar muttering and then a lion appeared, as smooth as the taste of mint. His coat reminded her of mint too, with butterfly-like markings down his back. She didn't recognize him, either, but he seemed friendly enough.

She smiled as he spoke of the cubs. "Cubs are quite a pawful, aren't they? I believe you, I had seven at once," Eldahildr said, chuckling to herself. "They are grown now, so at least they're someone else's problem until they need dear old mom for something."

Elda met his eyes with a slight nod of her head. "It is a good day to die," she answered politely. She had been born and raised in the pride, so the greeting came out naturally. However, her mother had been a stranger to the lands, so she didn't tend to judge lions that were trying their best. What did strike her as unusual was that he was staying at the den with his daughters. Wasn't that the job of the lioness or the nurses?

"My name is Eldahildr, but if that's too much of a handful, Elda will do." Suddenly she grinned, a sly look in her eyes. "What did you do to the lady of the den to be stuck on cub duty?"

Golden eyes glimpsed the pelt of his newest companion with great interest. The gradient palette greatly reminding him of a rising sun. It was soothing to say the least and he appreciated the calming sense it brought him. Then that moment was shattered by her words.

"SEVEN, oh goodness gracious." He stumbled a little over his words. "I've gifted with three beautiful girls and three is more than enough to drive someone batty." Clearly impressed, but astonished by her words his eyes shot open. He threw a paw up to his forehead dramatically and with a grin remarked.. "How ever did you survive?!" A chuckle followed as he settled his paw to the ground. "Here's to hoping they don't all call on you at once." His chuckle silenced into a bright grin.

Though he had failed at the greeting it seemed she would let it pass - phew! He'd been a member for long enough to know better, but he certainly wasn't within the Stormborn guidelines.

"Lady of the den?" A quizzical expression took over the previously smiling face. Then he realized what she had meant. "There isn't actually a 'lady of the den' here so to speak." He laughed in small way and for a brief moment he considered Yai. The moment passed quickly though. "These young ladies were dropped at my paws. The mother opted to wander the roguelands, but didn't want any attachment. So I understand." He explained his cubs life story. To a stranger. "I'm so sorry, I tend to ramble." He mused and tossed his mane a touch to remove strands from his face.

"What brings you in this area? I don't believe I've seen you around? Though.. I've only been here a mere week or so." He admitted. "Before then I can't recall how long I had been home. My trips are fairly long." A roll of his shoulders provided enough of a shrug.

Eldahildr laughed at how flustered Ali seemed over her cubs. "It was chaos, but my thrall helped me raise them." As the words left her mouth, a shadow darkened her expression. Oh, she didn't want to think about him now... She shoved thoughts of him to the back of her mind.

"I do not mind, it's not every day I get to have such a pleasant conversation," she said with a nod. "I think it's incredible you claimed these cubs. They should have fulfilling lives." Eldahildr smiled at Ali. He was different, this lion with wings, but she found him intriguing. She considered herself different too, since she had been born during the reign of warlords that did not approve of females becoming reavers, yet she had dreamed of becoming one since she was a cub. And now, a female was warlord, and she had completed her reaver training and was waiting to be confirmed. But her thrall was angry at her, angry that she hadn't freed him too, even after discussing it in length, after she had borne his cubs... The shadow that had threatened to consume her face settled back down with a vengence.

"Honestly, I wandered over here without intending to," she said, her tone lowered. Now it was time for her to overshare. "I just needed to get away from... well, I just needed to get away." For the first time since meeting Ali, she looked away. "If I am interrupting your daughter bonding time, I can leave."

Chaos. That was likely the best way he'd have felt to describe what he considered her situation - chaotic. "Sounds like a handy Thrall." He mused lightly as her mood seemed to change at the mention of this individual. The darkened expression didn't last long and the attention returned back to him and the cubs that had been causing their own chaos behind him.

"That's good to hear! I tend to be decent enough company, from past experience." A chuckle escaped him briefly. "I wouldn't have left these girls out there, not when they could be such an asset to the pride and my life." He admitted before turning his golden eyes towards the den entrance proudly. The balls of fluff might be worshippers of the god of destruction, they were still his little destructors and he would have it no other way. His gaze remained there until she spoke again and his attentions returned to her once more.

"Those are when the greatest adventures happen!" He made an honest gasp and his eyes widened with excitement. "You aren't interrupting. I'd be surprised if they noticed I was gone at first.. though they seem to know.." he leaned in to whisper "..when I head towards the border. My wee Lief came about when I was just about to leave and raked me over the coals." He shuddered as he thought about the way those little eyes had narrowed at him and the tone that convinced him to stay just a while longer.

"Perhaps we could sneak away for a little?"

It was rather sweet, how he fawned over his daughters. She couldn't say many other lions would have felt the same way, especially during her youth and the restrictions put on daughters. It made her feel that there was goodness out there still, and it was a refreshing feeling.

Eldahildr's ear twitched as Ali leaned in, and she couldn't help but turn her ear to him, grinning. He was very good at distracting her from a dark mood. He was just too... cheerful and happy? Friendly? All of the above? Quite a contrast from how she usually was. "Well, well... what kind of adventure would you like to have?" she answered with her own question, her gaze flicking from his den to him, then a sneakier look out towards the border. "I guess we could find out once we got out there..." Perhaps, one that would not be suitable for children.

Would he dare? Did he dare? The green lion was struck by the suggestion, but in the best possible way. His daughters were well on their way to a deep sleep after several promises not to slip away while they were out. That should be enough time.

"How could I say no?" He whispered too her as quickly as he could and began to usher her away from the den. "Quick, lets escape." He mused happily as he tried to set space between them and the den that held ticking time bombs of 'where's daddy?'. He could just hear them now and winced slightly, but a quick glance back told him he was just imagining things.

Eldahildr nodded, glancing at the den and then stepping carefully away, her paws making as little sound as possible. She was feeling pretty excited now, and her eyes lit up her expression. She took the lead and brushed ther tail underneath his chin playfully. "Come this way, we'll see where our paws take us... at least until it's time to return to your daughters." She smiled, and once she judged they were far enough away not to be heard by the cubs, she bounded away, but not so far that Ali couldn't easily follow.