He had heard the news. News travelled fast, especially among thralls. And the news... shocked him. Panting, he had ran from what he had been doing, running to find the high priestess. He wasn't used to the way of life yet, not used to how things changed and all the fighting. He didn't need to fight, after all. Just serve.

Spotting his mistress, the adolescent doubled his speed. "M-Ms. Kluna!" he called out, gasping for breath as he finally slowed to a stop. His chest heaved, shoulders rising and falling. I-Is it true? Are you really... are you really not the high priestess anymore?" he asked worriedly. He was a thrall. But he admired the high priestess. She had found him, saved him from his wandering. Sure, he had been looking for his siblings. But growing up and looking back on that day... the probability of dying while out in the wilderness by himself, as a cub... it was high. She had saved him.


Leaving the scene of where it all happened was the easiest walk of her life. Behind, in her den, were Stylter and her other thralls, all but one had remained. That one had been out mucking about an absorbing the culture, she hoped, but it didn't stop him from coming after her when he had heard - loyal.

"Kluna, Uongo. No need to be so formal anymore." Not that she had pressed that upon the cub, he had taken to the formalities all on his own. Sometimes they were appreciated, today they became unnecessary. "It's true, but you don't need to fret over that either." She smiled, it was a weary grin, but sincere. She had been excited to see her former student achieve the title of high priestess, there would be no sour feelings between her and Dione. The priestess had worked hard to achieve that role.

"What have you been up too?" She asked him slowly while listening to him heave breaths in and out. The youngster must have been running about with breaths like that. "Did you make some friends?"


Uongo frowned, breath still heaving. He wouldn't drop the formality; he hadn't kept it up just because of her rank, after all. Shaking out the beginnings of his mane, he sighed, breath finally catching up. "Are... are you alright?" he asked, eyes squinting as he looked her over. The stormborn treasured their scars but he was still not a true stormborn.

Her question had him hesitating. He... didn't want to tell her. That he had been meeting up with a friend. Well... could Altxorra be called a friend? She seemed to dislike him. But they still hung out, when there wasn't eyes prying. No, best not to talk about her. "Plenty!" he lied easily, with a grin. "I've met some children of gods, too. They're outstanding," Uongo told her with a large grin.


Oh. Kluna realized why the adolescent had been so concerned for her well being, he had thought she was fought for her rank. The small smile that had tugged at her lips grew and she gave a chuckle that faded quickly. "I'm sorry Uongo, I forgot you aren't familiar with all of our traditions yet." Stepping to the side of the low traffic path she waved a paw to suggest that he do the same and eventually she seated herself. Without waiting for movement or a reaction she began to explain.

"When a priestess or lawspeaker are challenged it's handled differently." She spoke slowly, not because he wouldn't understand, but because she wanted to cover all of their bases. Thrall or not he was a member of this pride and eventually she would encourage him to challenge for his freedom. That was simply the right path choice for him. "Dione.." A name he would have been familiar with as the pale lioness had been her student for quite some time before out doing herself. "..when she challenged me, it was to a battle of wits, not physical strength."

Kluna paused in her speech and peered at Uongo to confirm that he understood.

She had heard him start to speak of his new friends and she didn't intend to, but had accidently brushed the topic aside for a lesson. Though the idea of god children did catch her ear. She set the thought to the back of her mind so she could ask about it another time.


Uongo followed her to the side, ears flattening as she said he wasn't aware of all their traditions. Well, he knew that. But, he quickly shook off the slight disappointment and tilted his head, ready to listen. As she spoke, his eyes widened. Oh. It was with Dione. He knew of her. It... relieved him a bit. Just a bit. If Kluna were to lose to anyone, perhaps Dione was the best bet.

Relief came like a hard wave when she told him it was a battle of wits. He gave a wry smile, shoulders slumping. "I-I see. Well, she has been training!" Uongo said decidedly, grinning suddenly. "Will you be celebrating her new rank?"


Kluna wanted to bop him for the look on his face, but left him alone for it. There was still some to be learned and unless there was interest in taking up becoming a lawspeaker he wouldn't have asked. "Yes, frequently." Her answer was curt, but he face hadn't grown cold or unkind. "I will be. She has earned it and with my recent additions it is a load off." She admitted in confidence to Uongo. The cubs had been a blessing and a burden all in the same token. They seemed to take on some shared characteristics of their mother and father - much to her dismay.

Tethys being the father wouldn't be denied. She wouldn't do that to her cubs, but she'd be damned if they acted in the same manner. This time away from being high priestess was her ticket to tending to her cubs. Of course she would be at Diones aid whenever she was needed, but these cubs would be their future. "You'll be a helping paw with these youngsters too." She forfeited her smile for a more studious glance at the adolescent. "You'll be able to teach them the ways of the pride in their youth, plus you have a unique perspective of the roguelands."


He nodded, soaking in the information. His eyes did widen, however, at the comment about the relief it would give her. He never would have expected the former high priestess Kluna to feel pressured at all. She never seemed to be. It was... rather shocking. And disturbing. He wanted to tell her not to confide in him. He wanted to believe that she wasn't bothered by such things as time, age, society, and duties. That she was invincible. But, in a rare moment of wisdom, he kept his mouth shut. When the topic changed to the matter of her cubs, his eyes widened but this time in excitement.

"I'll be glad to help!" he yipped happily, already thinking about all the fun he could have with the cubs. "I could tell them everything I know about the roguelands!" Of course, he had only been in the roguelands for a little bit and most of what he would tell them would be... greatly exaggerated, if not a straight up lie. But a lie was alright if it was in good nature and meant for a story, right?


Blue eyes peered at her companion, almost tempting him to say something about her sudden weakness. He seemed to think twice about it and her scowl became a smile once more. Kluna relaxed a little bit and was prepared to applaud his enthusiasm when she was struck with a yawn that overtook her.

"Well I'm glad you'll be willing to help me with them." She mused. "They will know you fairly well. Stylter, and his little companion will also help." Kluna sneered at the thought of those two being responsible for something. "But I won't lie, the responsibility will mostly fall to you." Her nose unwrinkled in time for another yawn.

"I best go and get some rest before the cubs get up. Would you do me a favor and grab me a meal? I was on my way down there when you took my attention away." She waved her paw in the direction of where the pride gathered before she stood and began her way back to her den. "Thank you." She said to him, but didn't wait for any other response.


Uongo smiled after her, watching the once high priestess walk away. Regardless of her current rank, she was still the mistress he looked up to most. A dumbfounded look crawled across his expression then. He forgot to ask her what rank she now held! He hesitated over going after her. No... he could ask later. She was hungry and had asked him to do something.

So, turning heel, he began to trot towards where the rest of the pride was. There was probably a celebration of some sort, considering the season. He would snag as much as he could just to please his mistress.

Ctrl F Greenie
(w.c.: 1,533)