Altxorra had gotten into another scuffle. Growling, she sat behind a boulder, examining the bite and scratch marks, her fur roughed up. She had been defending her dads again. Except… this time, she may have gone to far. Perhaps it was her fault, constantly boasting about them. She’s been told that it wasn’t good to boast. But she liked boasting.

Now, she couldn’t go home. Not yet. She didn’t want to have to explain how the fight had happened. How she had lunged at the bullies first and had her pelt handed back to her. A low rumble sounded in her throat at the memory. She’ll get the jerks back. But later.


Uongo had been minding his own business, as he did. He was a thrall after all. He liked to listen in on things, he liked knowing about gossip. But he wouldn’t spread the gossip nor meddle in affairs. And so, when he heard the low growl, he stopped and turned his head.

Had… the boulder just growled. Plopping down on his butt, he tilted his head, blinking at the rock. He was sure he heard a growl. From there. Was it a growling rock? ”Are you okay?” he asked out loud in wonder. Would the rock… reply?


Someone had heard her. Altxorra froze, pushing back into the rock, a hiss escaping. She couldn’t let someone see her. What if word got back? There was already the others who witnessed her getting her a** beat. She didn’t need to increase the liability.

”Go away,” she snapped, ears flat. She prayed that the voice wouldn’t come around the rock and see her. Well, she didn’t really pray. She didn’t believe in the gods. But she did wish that whoever it was would leave her be and go on their way.


Uongo wa Uwongo was speechless. The rock really could speak. Amazing. The things he learned about the stormborn was numerous and apparently, he still had a lot more to learn. He would definitely have to speak to Kluna about the talking rock. Surely it was a pride secret?

And it sounded female, too. Uongo had imagined that a rock would be a male, if it had a gender. Wait… what if it was a male but had a girly voice? He shouldn’t make quick assumptions about stuff like that. ”I…” he was speechless. What could he possibly say to a rock? Well, there was everything to talk about. But where would he even begin?


The mule headed male was obviously not getting it through his thick head! He was still there! There had been no sound of footsteps, no sounds of retreat. The idiot was truly remaining, despite her telling him to go.

”What could you possibly want, you son of a b***h?” she asked roughly, ears flat, tail whipping. She had inherited Bast’ion’s dirty mouth, though never in front of Zerrin. At least, when she could help it. Her nails dug into the dirt, ready to dart if she heard the footsteps coming around.


Well, not only could the rock talk but it had a very… interesting vocabulary. Blinking, he tilted his head, studying it for a bit. What did he want? Well, nothing at first. He had just been walking by. But who wouldn’t be curious about a talking rock? Unless… all the stormborn knew this and he was making a fool of himself. Or being completely insensitive.

Or both.

Jaw dropping, he lowered himself in apology. ”I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to stare! It’s just, you see… I’ve never seen someone like you before,” he tried to offer in explanation for his rudeness. Perhaps the rock would understand.


Like her? Could he see her? Did he know about her? Was he coming to gawk at the girl with three fathers? She felt her nails curl into the dirt, snarl picking up. How dare he. How dare he make fun when he knew nothing!

Letting out a roar, she pushed hard against the ground, leaping across the rock to land on the male on the other side. Not much older than her, blue. That was all she saw before she knocked him to the ground, pinning him and snapping inches from his face.


The flurry of brown and blue that came at him stunned him. Shocked him. Had the rock just transformed into… a lioness? So it was a girl, he thought idly as he stared dumbly at the teeth snapping at him, unsure on how to proceed. His gaze travelled past her, towards where the rock was. Where the rock still was. He frowned.

”Are you… not a rock?” he asked, befuddled, not realizing how close he was to having his pelt shredded. This was a very confusing encounter. ”Or… are you friends with the rock?” Maybe that was it. His eyes narrowed, unsure.


This guy… what was he saying? Her snarl dropped, eyes narrowing. A… rock? Was she a rock? She glanced over her shoulder at the boulder, before turning her gaze back to him. This guy… was obviously crazy. She pinned him for a few seconds longer before pushing away from him, getting to her feet. She didn’t want to catch whatever was addling his brain. ”Are you an idiot?” she asked in a harsh whisper.

No… he wasn’t worth her time. She needed to go soak her wounds. Sighing, she shook her head and trotted away.


Uongo remained on his back, staring up at the darkening sky. Huh. It was the same voice. She wasn’t the rock. Maybe she had been hiding behind it? By why would she try to trick him? Did she think that just because he wasn’t a true stormborn, she would make it worse for him? Make everyone see him for a fool? He frowned, paw reaching out to the sky.

Well, that was fine then. But Uongo thought her being a rock would have been so much cooler. And a great story to tell. Well, her not being the boulder after all wasn’t going to stop him from retelling the story of the day he encountered the magical boulder. His grin grew wide, imagination running.