This is a Discord Logged rp between KasaiLoki's Ciro'Mekaitso and Krysin's Calypso.

Ciro'mekaitso was not one to go off on a raid by himself. But today, today he found himself wandering the rogue lands without his Captain or band behind him. Knowing there was a rogue entering the Stormborn land without being properly initiated made his blood boil. The dark lion could probably let a stray female get away with it (though he'd persuade them to stay for the evening in his den most of the time), but a rogue male? There was no reason for that.

Narrowing his eyes, the fuming lion continued forward, stalking the familiar grounds he had traveled in raids past. He wasn't looking for anything in particular, just something to clear his mind. He'd head back to the Stormborn lands in a day or two.

Calypso had been running for a while now even though she had no destination in mind. At the time 'away from her mother' had suited her well enough. She had been manipulated one too many times to let herself stay by the red lioness' side. Kat had always been the manipulator, even when raising her own children. They had all just been tools for her use, and Calypso had proved to be the most useful of them all. By now, Kat was probably sitting on a hoard of goods, like a dragon posessively guarding its treasure.

In the beginning, her mother had collected most of her trinkets herself, but as time passed on her cubs became more and more advantageous for her. Calypso had dropped one final treasure off to her mother, and then had cut ties with her. For how long, she did not know. Kat was a powerful seer, and she was sure that if he wanted to find her, the red lioness could.

Calypso grimaced at the thought. The lioness was slender and long, with almost unusually long fur at her head, and with fur on her tail long enough to sweep against the ground. Her pelt was dark with yellow and orange accents, though it was dusty from long and hard travels. Calypso's legs were sore, but she refused to stop. She refused to look back at the life she had abandoned.

Around her neck hung a small pouch, fashioned into a necklace that no longer held anything. That prize had been given to her mother, but the pouch she would not part with. It was her own token of victory over a male lion she had encountered so long ago. She left him with more... permanent gifts. Calypso was hardened by her life - rough around the edges with almost a brutish swagger to the way she carried herself.

There was no messing around with her.
So when she saw a rogue male, she approached him with enough confidence to hide her caution. She didn't seek out confrontation, but was always ready for it. "You, there. Where are you from?" Calypso wondered if there were others nearby, because if there was, she wasn't going to hang around for much longer.

The sound of another drew him out of his angered trance. He looked up, spotting the female approaching him. That's a bit unusual. he thought to himself, golden eyes watching the female's movements. Normally it was him to approach an unknown stranger, not the other way around. He stopped his movement as the other approached, head tilting at her question.

"That's not a normal greeting one would normally start with." The Reaver started, calmly sitting as the female approached. "A simple 'hello', would be more inclined to give you answers that you are looking for." A small smirk laced his maw. "I tell you what, why don't we start this little game over again. You start with introducing yourself first, and then I will speak next. Maybe after those introductions are done, we can get on a more personal level with each other?" The lion said, the smirk widening slightly.

"So, care to try that again?" His tail curled around his front paws. He watched the other's muscles, curious if she would play along, or she had a little more spite. Ciro would be welcomed for the challenge if it opted for it.


Great, another troublesome male. Calypso rolled her eyes at the thought, and wondered quickly if it was more worth her time to move on than try to get information from him. She wasn't up for playing his games, and she certainly wasn't here to indulge him. Stopping a couple yards back from him, the lioness sighed to calm herself. She did not need a confrontation like the last one. The last time she had been lucky, and her opponent hadn't actually expected her to fight him.

She had been underestimated, and she quickly proved what a mistake it was. "Where I am from, bothering with pleasantries is a waste of one's time, better spent with more productive actions." The outlands had been rough. There was loyalty within the pride before it disbanded, but their territory had been unforgiving. Her own family was dysfunctional to a fault, and perhaps she was to. "Look, my intention isn't to be rude. It's to find out what I need to know and move on."

This lion was nothing to her, just a source of potentially valuable information. She didn't want to waste her time on something that didn't really matter. Her mother, no matter how much she loathed her, taught her to never waste her energy on things that weren't valuable. "I do not have a limitless source of patience - I hope you understand." Her dark eyes narrowed, waiting to see how he would respond to her now that she refused to indulge him in his games.

"And...what kind of 'productive actions' is what your home is known for?' A series of thoughts of what the answer could be roamed through the male's head. He breathed a sound of amusement. "Coming off with that approach to start is not going to get you what you want, regardless if that was how you were raised. An eyebrow quirked.

"Why is it you need to know where I am from then, humor me that." He said, rising to his feet. "You can't be the only one benefitting from this meeting, and that is if you have the 'limitless' patience as you have so referred." Ciro took a step towards the female, noting her appearance.

"What is it that you are looking for?" He inquired. Ciro did not need to tell this female anything, but it sounded as if she needed something. The dark lion would be willing to give it to her, but it had to be a two way street. He knew he was treading on thin eye with the lioness, her narrowed eyes and posture told him that. However, he hadn't had a challenge in a while, so he welcomed the change.


Calypso's ears flattened, and the thin press of her lips meant she suspected what the lion was thinking of. She was not so fond of her homelands now to defend it. Her relationship with her mother had all but chased her away from that territory. The lioness could have answered him then, but she refused to acknowlege the stupid question. She suspected she knew what he was playing at, and she would have none of it.

The lioness watched his approach carefully, her tail twitching from agitation. There was a darkness inside her, waiting for the opportunity to lash out. Sometimes it didn't really need an opportunity. She had her mother's greed and her father's poor attitude. A perfect, disastrous mix of the two. "I know where I have left - I would like to where it is now that I am going." If he belonged anywhere, it was close by, and she needed to be aware of the lands around her. Calypso had been on her own for a while, but she was still used to an environment where she had her pride to look out for her and have her back.

"It doesn't matter to you," she snapped, feeling as if he were testing her, and she oh so hated to be tested. The tension in the air was thick enough to feel, suffocating around her as she fought the urge to strike him and leave. He wasn't worth her time or her energy. The lion was playing with her, skipping around the information she wanted, though for what reason she could not imagine.

Sucking in a sharp breath, she calmed herself down again, though it was a clear struggle for her. "Something new. I am trying to leave some things behind and start anew, away from everyone I once knew." Away from the one lioness who had abused her trust time and time again.

"Do you have any idea where is it you want to go?" Ciro pressed on, stopping just before Calypso. "I know these parts rather well, and I am sure I you in the correct direction." He needed to know the lands so if he were to ever become a Captain, he'd know where he could travel with his newly formed group.

"If you wish to know my home's where about, I assure you, it matters ALL to me." He emphasized, a snarl now rising from his maw at her temper. He wanted her to know that he could be just as forceful as she was being.

When she seemed to calm down, Ciro did as well. "You have a fire in you that would be befitting of my pride." It was time he started to open up a bit before the impatient female. "I am from the Myrsky Syntynt lands. It is no more than half a day's travel. However, you are not just openly welcomed unless you choose the option of becoming a thrall." did one actually choose thralldom? Ciro shrugged. "Somehow I don't think that would be so...befitting for you." He didn't think the lioness could be bossed around or used as a personal thrall without her probably castrating the male.

"There are Reavers on the borders," normally, thought Ciro did not allude to that, "which will meet a challenge. Win the duel, you join the ranks. Lose well, maybe then you'd find something else that would be better suited for a...less strong being." He tempted, wanting to see if the lioness was all talk and no bite.

It agitated her how close he was now. She felt her claws flexing against the dirt, digging little trenches into the ground. Better the dirt than the lion in front of her now. "No," she answered, voice strained as her posture grew more tense and rigid. "I do not know these lands well, so I am just going forward. I never had a destination set in my mind when I left my old home." It was taking all of her willpower not to push him away from her. He was just too close. If he did decide to attack her, there was no way to avoid a confrontation. She'd be forced to fight.

Calypso wasn't sure she would be against the idea, either.

Her tail twitched at the suggestion of becoming a thrall. She was familiar enough with the word to know what it meant, and she was appalled that he would even suggest it. Calypso was not a lesser lion, and she did not leave her homelands to join a pride that would belittle her. With a disapproving growl, she stepped forward and past him. It was a bold move to leave her back open to an attack, but she did not think so now that he would do it. Not if he was trying to recruit her. "It would not," she agreed shortly.

"And I am not weak," she snapped, hackles raised. The roguelands had done little to calm her tempestuous attitude. It had only gotten worse after the fight with her mother. Now, it would surely take a strong lion with patience to calm her, bring her back down from constant 'fight' mode. "I could prove it to you, here, now. Are you one of those Reavers?" Calypso wasn't sure she wanted to join the pride, but she was sure she wanted the chance to pummel this lion into the ground.

Golden orbs watched the posture tense up. This lioness was becoming a spring-loaded bundle of nerves, and if he kept pushing, he was sure a fight would erupt at any moment. Ciro was not one to back down from a challenge, although he preferred to duel males over females. Not that he couldn't handle the lioness if she'd thrown herself at him, but he'd rather enjoy other pleasantries from females. Dueling did not always suit them.

As she passed, Ciro resisted the urge to n** at her hide.

"Not suggesting you are," the pet name sweetheart almost dropped out. "Just stating the facts of the Stormborn." He shrugged, still on his feet, watching her movement. "I am." The tone was matter-of-fact. "I don't think that would be such a fair fight, do you. I haven't been in the rogue lands as much as you, therefore you would be at quite a disadvantage. You look as if you haven't eaten much over your travels." He said calmly. The will to fight was definitely present in this other.

"Tell you what. If you want a challenge, I will be back in pride grounds in two days. Rest near the borders, and on the third day you can prove your strength to me." He bartered. It really would be at an unfair advantage for a well rested lion to duel a traveling rogue. At least what Ciro was offering was for them to meet on the middle ground. Let them show each other's strength at their best.

"If you win, you may decide to join the pride or leave, knowing you are indeed stronger than I. Lose and well, I would get my answer on your strength and that's all I would need to know about you." Well, he'd love to know her name, but he was sure he wasn't getting that from her.

"I've won fights that were not fair," Calypso replied with a small shrug of her shoulders. It was true that her time in the roguelands had taxed her. The lionesses' strength wasn't at its peak - her slender form attributed to that. But, her claws were sharp and her wits were sharper. Even at a disadvantage, she was sure she could find a way to prosper. "The true test is being able to win when you're at your worst."

She looked back over her shoulder at him, considering his offer quietly for a few moments. If she could take shelter within a pride, it may just be enough to keep her mother at bay. Kat wasn't a fighter. She was a thief who relied on the strengths of others to get what she wanted. A strong pride may be just what she needed to keep her own mother away.

"Fine," she answered finally. While she could fight right now, she wasn't stupid enough to turn down the opportunity to rest and recover before facing the lion. The advantage would never be her's, after all. Ciro was a male lion, and looked to be in his prime. She was strong-willed, but slight of build. If it was a test of brute strength, she would lose.

"I will meet you there. Try not to keep me waiting too long." The dark lioness nodded her head to him, which was likely the friendliest gesture she had made since they met. Then, she left him behind, headed towards the Stormborn lands.