This is a logged rp from Discord. It takes place directly after the next morning. It is between Krysin's Njia and KasaiLoki's Ciro'Mekaitso.

Njia had split away from Ciro shortly after their rendezvous, though that hardly meant she had left unsatisfied. The lioness had forced herself to pull away, or temptation would have gotten the best of her. She didn't need to spend all her days with pleasant company and what went along with it. Ciro was apparently on some sort of expedition, so it wasn't like he could afford the distractions either. She was alone, and it unsettled her more than anything else. Javik had yet to return, and the memory of Ciro was a cruel reminder of what she was without.

Did she really intend to throw away everything on the opportunity to be with him. It wasn't like she felt anything romantic towards him. He was just... irresistable, and she was sure he knew it. If it had been his game to get her alone to himself all this time, it had worked. Her family was gone, Javik was gone - all she had was him.

It was another self-inflicted cruelty that found her at the entrance of a cave. She knew for a fact that Ciro was here somewhere, though she did not immediately see him. The paler siblings had departed a while ago, and though she had no idea when they would be back, it was hard to miss the opportunity to talk to Ciro again.

She crept in quietly, yellow eyes peering through the darkness of the cavern to try and find his form. She hoped he had not slipped away while she was distracted.

Ciro had decided to rest just beyond the entrance of the cave, his body beginning to blend in with the shadows. He had covered his lighter colored mane with his paws, leaving only a few strands of silver to glint from the little rays of sun that seeped into the entrance. Astrus and Kristanf would be further in the cavern for a while, and Ciro could use a little bit of shut eye.

That was, until a familiar smell hit his nostrils. Golden eyes opened as the shadow of the female seemed to pass him. He rolled to his feet, quietly lifting himself from the ground. What was she doing here? Ciro wasn't going to argue the company, but he truthfully did not expect to see her so soon.

"I wouldn't go much further there. One good wind through this entrance and your scent will be all through out the corridors further in." He hummed from behind her. "And already Astrus is quite suspicious of your scent."

Wanting to finish speaking outside the cave, Ciro turned to exit, knowing Njia would follow. "I didn't think you'd come see me so soon," he purred once both were outside. "Round two?" he asked with a devious smile.

The sound of his voice from behind her startled the young lioness. Quickly she turned around to face Ciro, eyeing him suspiciously as if she did not quite trust the fact that she had missed him. "What does it matter to you if your companions know?" she asked him, even as she followed his lead away from the entrance of the cave. There was no reason for Njia to be brazen. The lioness Ciro held company with didn't see to be much of a threat. The male she was a little more worried of.

Perhaps she was simply becoming too comfortable around them, even if she had never officially met the other members of Ciro's party. She still didn't want to. The only one she was here for was the dark lion in front of her.

Even knowing that, she rolled her eyes at him for the suggestion. Her body language was conflicting, her expression sternly suggested that she wasn't interested even while she rubbed up against his side. Stepping in front of him, her tail flicked up in open invitation. Njia was finally beginning to admit to herself that all she really wanted from Ciro was the fantasy of being lured away from all that mattered to her.

She laid down then on her side. They were still far too close to the cave to really do anything, though the risk now was an exciting element to their games. "Javik hasn't returned, and neither have your buddies. I am worried, though. I would have assumed Javik would be back by now."

"I guess it doesn't." Ciro shrugged. "I figured you didn't want to meet them when you left earlier," his shoulders rolled in a shrug, tensing ever so slightly when the lioness had rubbed up against him. He was unashamed when he felt his gaze drift to the invitation, refraining for the time being, but it likely wouldn't last long. He'd try, for both their sakes.

He stayed where he was when the lioness laid on the ground, watching every movement as if she were his prey.

"I don't expect my team to return for while. There is so much in there to explore, and it would be good for them to do so without my company, to get them use to this on their own." He said referring to the siblings. As for the bird, he frowned slightly. "Maybe he got lost." He offered genuinely. He didn't know how avians minds worked and how, if at all, they could track where they needed to be. "Maybe he is getting a stern talking to by your mother," he joked, trying to lighten the mood.

"Have you decided if you want to join?' He asked. What better way to change the subject than to speak about the pride, the very reason he was out here and actually met her int he first place. If the lioness left today, she could probably make it to the Myrsky Syntynyt borders before being intercepted by Ciro's Captain. He didn't think he'd be able to stop a group of unruly reavers from taking her as a thrall if they had come across her.

"I don't want to. I am just assuming I'll be gone by the time they get back again," Njia answered casually, though she felt far from relaxed. Her desire for him had only strengthened from the moment she had caved into Ciro, and their time apart had only stoked it. She was a little impatient with him for turning down the invitation, and so she turned her gaze away from him, instead staring out into the horizon as they spoke.

"Javik doesn't get lost. He's trained himself to be the best at tracking, and he's never really lost sight of me before. I have to wonder if he really is pissed off at me for abandoning everyone." She sighed then, not wanting to dwell too hard on the realization that she had left her family to chase after a lion to sate youthful and vigorous needs. It really was shameful, but she was in such a state of rebelliousness that she simply no longer cared what it seemed like.

Njia welcomed the change in conversation, though she stubbornly refused to pay Ciro too much more attention. "I think I will. If Javik can't even be bothered to find me, I think I have no choice but to push forward with the idea of joining the pride. I really think... I don't want to be a part of the family right now." She was finally breaking free from them, but instead of easing herself away from her loving family, she was pushing and forcing herself to run in the opposite direction of them.

Bonds were strange. If the bird was angry at the female for following her...You know what, never mind. Javik probably had every right to be angry at lioness. In their first meeting, they had mentioned how they did not approach others normally. The initial meeting with Ciro probably threw the pair through a loop, one the vulture was just holding on tightly for the ride.

He decided not to resist against the female anymore, approaching her before settling quite snug next to her. He nuzzled against her neck, as if asking if that invitation was still open, an ever so slight purr beginning to rumble from inside him. He enjoyed the feeling of her body against his, and her contemplating joining only meant that their rendezvous could continue in the future.

"Let's not talk about your family now," he said abruptly in her ear, nipping lightly at it. "We don't have much time to spare, alone."



Ciro rose to his feet, content with the situation at hand.

"You are still welcomed to join us in our travels back to our home, although we still have a few stops along the way." He said. "Otherwise, you may need to go ahead. I'd rather not risk you following us as we near my Captain. My two charges may be oblivious to the world around them, but those are seasoned Vikings who can pick up a scent of another from at least a mile away." He really did not want to see Njia end up as a thrall, and being around certain lions from his pride, she might've.

Sated, the lioness lazily reclined next to Ciro. It was all too easy to cave into him, and if he pressed her, she likely would stay. As it was, she wasn't sure what she should do. There was no real reason to stay with Ciro besides his company, and even then she would have to deal with the other two lions. They would know what Ciro and herself had been up to, and that realization alone was enough to chase her away.

"You want me to join your pride, but you don't recommend me running into the other members of it." There was something there that Ciro did not want her to realize, and the mystery was both frustrating and alluring. She supposed she would find out when she made it to the pride, but at that point it would be too late to turn back.

Her strained relationship with her bird now was making it equally difficult to turn back. "I'm not sure," she finally answered, her tail curling up against her thigh. "Your two companions don't really seem like the type... I would want to be around," she winced at the thought of the two bickering lions. She could have sworn she had heard them from a mile away. It was too easy to track them. "I'm not really here for them either, so I may as well scoot on ahead of you guys."


He didn’t realize the slip up. Eh, Njia was smart, she would figure it out with the pride. He had already mentioned to her (vaguely) some were not kind, and he meant it. Others were similar to Ciro, dragging a beautiful lioness away from her family or home, but the difference was that while these lions normally drew them in and kept them in that servant-like role, Ciro did not. He enjoyed spending his time with them, but did not believe that he personally needed a thrall to benefit his life. Besides, he was out of the pride more than he was in it. He did not like the concept of pack thralls either.

Ciro gave a sheepish smile towards the female. He’d let her figure it out. She probably would soon enough.

“I don’t blame you.” Ciro said, ears flicking lazily towards the cave entrance, as if expecting them to be coming out. Not hearing anything, he rested his large head on her shoulder, breathing in her scent. “They are still green. More outings and they will probably grow up.” He explained.

The dark lion just wanted to rest here all day, but he knew he couldn’t. He nodded as he rolled to his feet, his body shaking off the dust and dirt from the ground.

“I think that would be best. And, if we were to come across your vulture friend, would you like me to pass the message along where you are headed?”

He was dodging the inquiry, and Njia was not so naive to not notice how he tried to divert her attention elsewhere. She stared at the lion for a few seconds, wondering if she should press him now before she made some sort of grave error. But as he laid his head against her shoulder, she let the subject drop. If Javik was around, it would be profoundly easier for them to scout out information. As it was, she was going towards this pride almost completely blind.

Njia just didn't want to go home, and if that meant running towards a pride large and strong enough to conceal her then so be it.

"From the time I've started to trail you guys, it has seemed like they've matured little." The siblings were very good at bickering, but in time perhaps they would grow up. She just didn't think it was on this adventure. Njia had no desire to know the pair yet, that and she was still a little unnerved by the idea of being outnumbered.

"Yeah, if you could I would be grateful. I'm sure he'll come back around eventually. We've known each other since we were little - he is like a little brother to me." Reluctantly she rose to her feet, shaking out the pleasant aches in her body. Njia was hesitant to leave, but she was even more hesitant to stay.

The dark lion stared out in towards the distance as Njia spoke. "Yeah...they have..." he said, a tone of fondness in his voice. He had known the two since they were little cubs, and to see how far they had come since. It was a shame the reason they were all out here together, but it was building their character. He wasn't use to freeborn's tagging along during the raids, and if they were to be part of the group, normally they stayed with one of the newer generations of reavers.

"Of course," Ciro said sincerely. They hadn't known each other for long, but the lion could see something in the female that could spark a fire. It was why he did not want her to follow him, but to travel on her own to the Stormborn. He knew she could make it there if she did not deviate from the path. He smirked when she mentioned Javik was a like a brother. "I can see that. He was pretty protective over you the first time we met," he winked.

Ciro took a moment to n** lightly at the female's shoulder. "You should get going then." He advised her of the directions and landmarks to look for on her travel back.

"I am sure we will meet each other soon," Ciro smirked. He'd make sure his den was always available if she decided to stop by.

A loud crash was heard inside the cavern causing the lion to sharply turn his head.

"Kids." he grumbled, turning away from the lioness, to the commotion inside.