This is a logged rp over discord - happens two days after the first meeting between Krysin's Njia/Javik and KasaiLoki's Ciro'mekaitso

Javik was enjoying a leisurely flight on his own. Njia was somewhere behind him, and in front of him was the lion they had encountered over two days ago. Javik had been tailing the lion for a while now, though he wasn't fully certain whether his target realized it yet or not. He had been around long enough to gather that Ciro was with two other younger lions. The same size as Njia's family group, though they were probably stronger.

No one was willing to admit that Elea was a weaker link out in the rogue lands.

It had been a long flight, but in the air Javik was faster and more discreet. It was easy for the vulture to swing back to Njia to report what knowledge he had gathered. Now his descent was obvious, the bird stretching out his wings and turning his head downwards. The air and momentum carried him to land unceremoniously next to Ciro. The vulture acted as if he had been there all along, and began to preen his feathers again as he adressed the lion beside him.

"You should stop here for now." Javik was quite cocky, but he supposed Ciro would know what the vulture's presence met. Did it really matter? He wasn't sure. Javik couldn't begin to fathom what was going on his companion's head. She hadn't returned to her family, and instead was keeping track of a total stranger.

It had been a few days since the lion had met the ‘lost’ lioness. When he had left the female and returned to his two charges, he was bombarded with questions, mainly from the male traveler. “There’s a rogue smell on you. Who is it? Why didn’t you bring them back? Tell me where she is, I can take her as a thrall! Ciro ---ouch” his questions ended when the paw landed right on the red/orange mane.

“We are going now. You two look…rested.” They didn’t, but lingering in this spot only meant trouble. Not for himself, but likely Kristanf who would probably high tail it out of here first chance to look for this stranger Ciro had spoken with previously. He did not know if the lioness would take his offer, but they were on a mission of time, and he couldn’t stray from it, not for these kids’ sake.

During their travels, there were only a few complaints. During a scolding, Ciro had caught sight of the large bird of prey in the air. He smirked, not letting Astrus or Kristanf know. So, he had piqued that female’s interest. Good.

When the vulture came in for a landing, Ciro sent the two pale lions ahead. “Go scout for water,” he told them, giving them no room to argue. Of course, they tried, but with one glare, both moved quickly away. ”Why do you always have to question him?!” he heard Astrus argue. Shaking his head, he turned his attention back to Javik.

“Is that so?” He questioned the bird. “Didn’t want to stay with mother?” He stated with an equally cocky tone the vulture had given.

"I don't pretend to know my bonded's intentions," Javik answered smoothly. He did hope the pale lions would be gone for a while. They seemed younger, inexperienced too. There was no telling what they would do if Njia came around while numbers were on their side.

Having relayed his message, the vulture suddenly swept back into the air. Njia was not far behind, and he would need to keep track of the pale lions if his bonded was to remain safe. It would be difficult - he couldn't entirely keep his gaze on Ciro if he was busy looking out for the other two. As long as he remained in the vacinity, however, he would see the lions coming back long before it was a threat.

Njia appeared not long after Javik had relayed the message. She had been lingering just far enough behind not to be picked up by the travelling group. Again, the lioness seemed to keep her distance from Ciro, though now it was her approaching him, rather than the other way around. The black and purple lioness sat down, tail curling around her thigh, amber eyes peering over to the equally dark male.

"Njia," she offered, since the last time she hadn't dared to give him her name. "Where are your companions?" She should have known that Ciro wasn't alone, but in the few days of tailing him, Javik had only ever seen the other two lions. Now, she just wanted to know that they wouldn't be back any time soon.

Ciro watched as Javik flew away, contemplating if he should continue on his way. He opted to stay, to see what this lioness had to offer now that he had caught her attention.

The lion watched slowly as she female appeared over the horizon. So, she had been following. If she hadn’t, it would have been a lot longer for the lioness to catch up.

His ears perked at the greeting. “Ciro’mekaitso. Though, most just call me Ciro.” He shifted on his feet, deciding to sit before Njia. She did not appear as tense as their first meeting. He did not want to give her a reason to do so now.

“I sent them off just before he landed,” the lion nodded to the vulture. “I did not need them to ask unnecessary questions. Unless, you’d like to meet them. I don’t mind calling them back.” He would just need to prepare the lioness for the twenty questions from Kristanf, and likely the awkward stares from Astrus. “They should be at the nearby waterhole,” Ciro had scouted the land on a previous mission, the terrain was familiar to him.

“What made you want to follow?” Now it was Ciro’s turn to ask the questions like the lioness had their previous meeting. “I know I am a devilishly handsome male, but I am sure that it not the reason.” He joked.

"That's a mouthful," Njia admitted with a small laugh. She came from a family with relatively short names - Elea, Umochozi; nice and simply names. Ciro would work just well for her, then. He was a little too close for comfort, but Njia muddled through it. With one quick glance up to the sky, she could see that Javik was still flying overhead. If her bird was nearby, she felt considerably safer. There were few who would readily put up with a bird's talons. They were sharper and stronger than her claws.

"I don't really want to meet them. I would prefer it if they were away right now," and it wasn't because she wanted to have Ciro alone. Right now the numbers were on her side, and that was all she cared about.

His questions were harder to answer, and the lioness sucked in a sharp breath as she pondered it over. Before she answered, he made that stupid joke, and she could feel her cheeks warm quickly with a blush. No. "It really isn't. You're not so handsome to sway every young female away," Njia answered flatly. She didn't find it quite as funny as he did, apparently, or at least she covered up her embarassment well.

"I just don't want to go back to my family yet. Besides, I wanted to know if you were truly alone or not. And you're not, so I guess I got my answer there." Javik would have sufficed if that was all she needed to know, but she couldn't help but be... curious about Ciro.

“Fair enough,” he stated, regarding meeting the other two lions. “You’d probably get an earload from them anyways. I wouldn’t even stick them with my worse enemies together. Separated they are fine, together…Well,” that showed him for agreeing to this mission. He shook his head. “Siblings.” He muttered, clarifying his travel companions if she did not know. Part of him was glad he was an only child in his litter. The litter his parents had after him with little menaces.

“Ouch. Harsh. But, it seem to sway you, so, I give myself a little bit of props there, no?” he flashed a smirk. He watched the flustered lioness before adding, “I kid.” But did he? Probably not.

He quirked an eyebrow. “Following me on a two day journey just to see if I was alone, when Javik, it was Javik, right?, could have told you the answer with a short flight away.” He shook his head, staring at the lioness. He rose to his feet, approaching her slowly, as if stalking his prey.

“As much as that sounds like an interesting fact, I call your bluff.” He stated simply. He stopped just before her, knowing if he got any closer, talons would likely be gouged in his skin.

“So, the truth, Njia. Otherwise, you can turn her hide back and be on your way.”

She felt her blood pumping as the other lion stalked closer to her. Anxiety made her glance back up to the sky to check up on Javik. Her vulture was circling notably lower to the ground now that Ciro had walked straight up to his bonded. If anything were to happen, he would be in range to divebomb the fool of a lion who would attempt to hurt Njia. Was it fear that had her blood racing so, or something else entirely.

Finally she caved, and the lioness scooted back a little to put some distance between them. He was just too close, it was hard to think straight. "I wanted to make sure you weren't part of a larger group and more of a threat..." she explained quickly, another excuse, but he had her flustered. Even she wasn't sure why she had followed Ciro this far.

Frustrated, she stood back up and stepped past him, brushing up against him unitentionally in a hurry to put some distance between them. "Look, I do love my family, but I'm feeling tired of being weighed down by them." She was a young lioness looking for her place in the world, and the burden of her family was simply slowing her down.

As she scooted, Ciro did not follow. He knew he had made his point clear to the female. No more games right now.

Oh? Was that all too? He didn’t believe her. He actually was part of a larger band. His Captain had gone off towards the West, instructing Ciro to meet them in two weeks. That was about five days ago. They were no closer to finishing their quest as to when they had started. It was rather discouraging for Ciro, but more so disheartening for Astrus. Kristanf was just the outlier in the situation. He was happy just to be out of the pride and on a real Viking mission, although not exactly what he was expecting for his first outing.

When the tables turned, he found her brushing against as she passed. He refrained from reaching a paw to swat in a manner males normally would. He ignored his instincts for now.

“Decided to live on the edge then, join my merry band?” He assumed, head turning to follow the lioness. “Won’t you mother or brother be upset for not coming back?” He guessed she could send the vulture to advise them.

“I will tell you, it won’t be easy traveling with me. Still up for the challenge?”

"No... not yet," she replied, uncertain of herself or her own actions. This wasn't the right decision to make. She'd be abandoning her family, the lions she had dedicated most of her life to protecting and living with. They brought her happiness, but it was clear that they were bogging her down. She felt she could do so much more with her life without them, as cruel as that sounded.

Njia continued walking, trusting that Ciro would follow her. There was a restlessness in her actions, as if she wanted to go through with it, but just couldn't bring herself to. "They would be. I'd have to tell Javik to let them know, but even that wouldn't soothe my mother." She was sure Umochozi would be fine with it. But, she also wasn't sure he would stick around with their mother if Njia was gone as well.

Javik's wide circling pattern began to tighten. His bonded seemed upset, but he didn't want to interfere with whatever was going on down there. He was there for support, not to tell Njia what to do with her life.

"I can take care of myself, travelling with you would be nothing for me." She just wasn't sure it was the right decision to make now. "Where even would you go? That, and the baggage you have with you..." she was speaking of the two other lions. It was crazy, she thought, to want to go with him but still not trust him. Exciting and crazy.

Ciro rose to his feet, deciding to follow the female when she did not stop.

“Think your friend here would leave you alone with me, let alone my crew of mischief goers?” Numbers then would not be on Njia side.

“Unless, you would like to go gather your mother and brother and they could come along.” He dared Njai, though he was sure she would not go along with that. Besides, if traveling with a pair of siblings was bad right now, how would another pair of siblings AND a mother. Nope, he wasn’t having that.

“Well,” he thought for a moment. “Right now, we are more of a…search party of sorts as mentioned our last meeting. We are following a rather non-existent trail. We are on a bit of a time crunch however. My Captain wants us back soon,” he let on that there was a larger group of travelers. “Luckily the…baggage as you call them, won’t always be traveling. After this quest, they will be fully ranked Reavers to go off on their own, or stay within or pride borders if they chose.” This was the first Ciro actually went about the Stormborn. “But, that is the beauty of this job,” he said after a moment’s ponder. “I can go anywhere I would want to, as long as I bring something of interest back to the pride.” Jewels, food, furs, a lady? Something to make a raid worthwhile.

"If I told him to," and she paused to look up into the air at her bonded bird, "probably not." Njia tried then to see if Javik would respond to the signal to fly away. She swayed her tail in an arc behind her, watching the skies intently. Nope. He refused to budge. Javik was overbearing, but his intentions were good. There was no way he'd let her fall to harm, and certainly no way he'd leave her alone with this stranger. After all, she had only just learned his name.

She continued forward, not sure why she wanted to walk, or rather why she was making him chase her. Njia figured, at least by some means, that if they kept moving Ciro wouldn't have a chance to get too comfortable around her. By the way Javik was flying, however, it looked like he wasn't comfortable either now. "I think it's time I suck it up and forge my own path, though that doesn't mean I'm coming with you," she pointed out as a sharp reminder that he hadn't convinced her yet.

Njia listened to him quietly for a few moments, and she felt a little unsettled by the fact that there was a larger force that Ciro was meant to reunite with. Javik hadn't seen anything in his scouting missions, so they weren't close to the viking band yet. "What do you mean by interest?" Now that sounded like a promising bit of information. He kept vaguely describing his pride without going into the juicy details. What was it about his pride that he did not want her to know about? Was it something that would keep her from joining him? "If you want me to come with you, you'll have to be less vague."

Was she actually planning on joining him? Why? Because he was a handsome face? Her mind was plagued by these questions. She was a younger lioness, an adult yes, but at that point in her life where she wanted to do something more than just what her mother told her to do.

Ciro normally did not chase others. He wasn’t quite sure why he was still following the female. It should be the other way around, she should be following him. This was --- very un-reaver like. Regardless, he continued, sometimes trotting up behind Njia to converse a little better, (not that he didn’t appreciate the sight from behind).

“I don’t have time to spare you know with your cryptic words.” Ciro said curtly. “While normally a chase in enthralling,” though he did not enjoy it much, “I owe it to another to be just a little more conscientious about my surroundings. He stopped following when they got to a certain point. If they continued straight, they’d be going off trail of where Astrus and Kristanf were. That would mean he would need to back track the steps.

“Ah-Ah-Ah.” He tsked. “I can’t giveaway all the information to someone who hasn’t made up her mind about what she truly wants in her life.”

“You give me your word to follow me, and I will give you all the information you would love to hear. Do we have a deal?” He asked from behind her. He glanced at the sky, spotting the vulture once more. His eyes narrowed slightly at him before turning back to Njia with the questioning stare.

Njia stopped underneath a tree, a bad position if she wanted Javik to keep an eye out for her. She sat underneath the shade, eyeing Ciro silently for a few moments. It could come off as another test for him, as if she was feeling out what he would do when he knew she didn't have back up. In reality, she felt a little guilty about trying to stray from their current lifestyle. In all likelihood she would be dragging Javik away from the life the vulture was familiar with. There was shame in that. "You can't convince someone without giving away more information," she pressed, her voice quiet.

Oddly, it was refreshing to be out of sight of her bird, though she knew that if she did not leave the shelter of the tree soon, Javik would fly down to find her. "You're telling me to blindly follow you, and no matter how handsome you may be, or as charming as you may think you are, that's too much." Njia stepped up to him, her heart pounding from anxiety over the decisions she was going to have to make. "I can't abandon my family on promises for information later."

She steadied herself, fixing her gaze on him. Javik wasn't coming down yet - it was surprising. Maybe he was giving her a respectful amount of space, but why? She was sure that if she screamed or if something sounded off, Javik would be there in an instant.

Maybe the lioness wasn’t as experienced as Ciro was.

“Oh, you surely can convince someone without giving them more information,” he said with a husky tone. Normally it did not come to that, but, the dark male could easily show her how convincing he could be.

Aha, so he was capturing her. Admitting he was handsome, charming even? He liked those compliments. “I am telling you to follow what that pounding heart of yours is telling you to do. Something in you made you want to follow me and it wasn’t your brain. A logical lion would have steered clear from a stranger, but you, you followed your instincts, knowing just well this would be the best option for you.” As the lioness strolled up to her, he matched her stepped, meeting her just before she arrived to him. His eyes glinted. “I will give you one last chance,” he said quietly in her ear, his breath right near her neck. “It may be worth your while in the long run.” He took a step back from the female, standing tall above her.

The tone of his voice for a moment shook her. She had no idea why it caught her off guard, or why she was being so stupid enough to let him sway her. Anxiously her tail curled between her legs and she leaned back away from him. All the momentum from her early bout of courage was gone, and she felt like she had lost her footing now.

Njia was not some cub to be swayed by charming words from a handsome lion. She could not be convinced to leave her family just because some male tried to win her over... could she? Njia hated to admit that maybe she led him out of Javik's sight for this reason. Was it any better reason to leave her family behind, to chase after the first rogue male she met? She felt shameful and embarrassed that he was getting to her.

But he was.

She shuddered as words of temptation whispered into her ear. By the gods, she had more self control than this! Njia refused to fling herself at the first male she had actually met outside of the Aka'mleli. "It is only adrenaline." Even her denial was embarrassing. If he didn't already know that she was weakening to him, he did now. "I can't abandon my family for this," but she wanted to. Njia bowed her head, more oblivious to her surroundings and trusting of him than she had ever been.

"I can't..." she stepped up to him, intending to brush pass him again and leave. Njia stopped mid-step, her body alongside his, tension and regret carried in her shoulders. She looked up through the leaves, trying to distract herself from the fact that he was so close. He was someone who could take her away from the burden of her family. Why was she fighting him so?

"I am more than some silly lioness bound to her whims!" But he was such a handsome whim, and maybe she wanted to be bound to him.

More than maybe.

"I have to be better than this."

Ciro'mekaitso shook his head, refusing to believe her words of denial. He could tell she was close, so close, to cracking, bending to his every word. He just needed to push just a bit more. "I think you can," he whispered when she stopped just next to him. The dark lion could practically feel the softness of her pelt there. She was left defenseless right now. The cover of the trees was his protection from the avian if he decided to attack, should Ciro chose to take advantage. He caught a whiff of her scent. So close.

But he wasn't that lion. He could continue this game with Njia, but every moment he spent with her, was more time taken out of his current mission.

At her last words, he nodded his head. He took another step back, away from the female, more towards the clearing. "Then that's that then." The lion said quietly. "You have a strong will. Normally a lioness would bend in half over the temptation," he watched her carefully, taking another step away from her. "I am from the Myrsky Syntynt lands. Lions born of the storm. We are a pride of located about a five day travel due South from this point." He relinquished more information about the pride. "Although, in order to gain passage, you must duel another."

He paused, ears straining as he heard the sound of bickering getting closer. Perfect timing for those two, not so perfect timing for Njia here.

"Best get going then," he said quietly. He was regretting saying those words, but, if his intuition was correct, he'd see her again.

Being told to go just made her want to stay. The lioness shook her head, trying to break herself free from whatever spell he had cast on her. Temptation coiled around like a vice, unrelenting in its grasp on her. He could say her will was strong, but she knew how weak she was. She would abandon everything now to be with him if just a few more tempting words were spoken. He had her within his grasp...

Then she heard other voices in the distance, and the illusion of privacy and intimacy was broken. Njia's yellow eyes looked over Ciro. The only thing that could break the desire the permeated the atmosphere around them was the threat of others coming to remove her choices from her. She backed away, eyes fixed on him, torn between what she wanted and what she felt was her duty.

"I don't want to go." The words broke, soft but certain.

But she heard the other lions drawing closer, could see the bulks of them in the distance. Respectful fear gripped her then, and against all desire she turned from Ciro and ran off.