She'd left him be during the feast, but as it got darker and hatchlings got tired, he'd eventually left the confines of food and the faces he'd soon know all too well. It was only then that Eosphoth reached out to Lennik to tell him Danzik wanted to see him. Only her usually warmly accepted touch on his senses was reproached by the dragon that had now taken up the boy as his.

He is mine. I will tell him what you say. Hessianth stated firmly and Eosphoth was taken aback. In one afternoon Lennik was no longer hers to speak with and comfort freely. In one evening, he was no longer an extension of hers. The sadness and confusion coming from the green sent Danzik to her side, pulling the green's head in close to stroke over her head knobs. Only with some soothing did Eosphoth this time reach out to the brown. My Danzik would like to meet you and to see her son.

Hessianth passed on the message and L'nik reeled briefly. Why hadn't she just told him herself? Because you are mine and only mine the brown replied, full of will of possessiveness. And love. There was so much love L'nik wasn't certain he'd ever known what it was before. Well, at the very least we can say hello. he agreed and Hessianth passed the message along. Though not so secretly, L'nik wasn't sure how it would be to never hear the green's voice again.

The two met outside of the candidate barracks.

"Was he worth waiting for?" Danzik asked as she finally got a closer look at the brown who stood at Lennik's side. He was a sturdy looking dragon though somewhat hard to make out simply by the glows that lit the darkening Weyr. L'nik didn't even look down at the dragon. "Absolutely." he stated with absolute certainty. How could he not have, though, with such a brilliant and strong brown at his side. "Introduce me," Danzik asked, "and tell me what I call my son now." Hessianth rumbled at L'nik's feet and turned his attention up to the green that lingered over Danzik's shoulder.

L'nik frowned. "Don't make it sound like an order," he stated, before continuing on to do as had been asked anyways. "His name is Hessianth. Hessianth of L'nik." he purposely repeated the dragon's name before his own honorized one, though it was for him alone. A brown. For him. Danzik looked at the brown now, who has positioned himself quite purposely to make sure he was between the two of them. A possessive one. A bit. Eosphoth agreed before leaning her head in to nose at the brown.

Hessianth received this interaction better than the earlier tresspass into L'nik's mind, bumping the top of his head against Eosphoth's snout in greeting. We are siblings, you and I. Your mother is also mine. she introduced. Almost as connected by blood as Mine and Yours are. he mused. Eosphoth's attention whirled towards Danzik as she rumbled in agreement. Well you don't need me to say it, but L'nik is a good boy. You chose well. As if I could have chosen him wrongly. Of course he is. Hessianth rolled his head back towards L'nik and the young man looked down towards him - though it was only his brightly marked face he could see in the dim glows of the hallway.

A silence fell over the pair for a long moment.

"I'll be keeping an eye on you, but you'll do well. He suits you. He'll have the best riding straps and you'll have the best made riding gear in the Weyr," Danzik said finally. Of course, this was only after herself. She'd been making them for years after all. L'nik's brow furrowed. "So you're going to keep more of an eye on me now that I have a dragon?" he stated stiffly and Danzik's own brows furrowed together. "If you're trying to say something, say it straight up," she said, just as stiffly. He hesitated briefly, but the brown at his side sent him a surge of 'Just DO IT' and the words spilled out of his mouth; "You've barely ever been around, Danzik, for all the other things, and suddenly you're interested?"

Eosphoth reeled back more quickly than Danzik did, wings flaring out in offense. Where do you end and Hessianth begin, L'nik? Eosphoth's tone was sharper than L'nik had ever heard and even Hessianth found himself stepping back from her trespass. He didn't even get to respond. My love has always been Danzik's love. I have loved you because she loves you. She took up role as Assistant Candidatemaster so she could watch you. Did she not hold you enough? Did she not give you the special treatment you feel you should have gotten when she didn't give you into the Creche? She only drew back her touch when Danzik reached out to place a hand on her neck.

"Enough. He'll understand. In six months. In a year. Maybe two." she whispered softly to the green and Eosphoth reeled back before taking to the sky, nearly knocking L'nik and his brown over. Danzik sighed. "You didn't need to hear any of what she said. Take it as you will, but you're getting into positions now where I have better excuses to take from my duties to perhaps......fix what I have broken. I'm sorry, L'nik." she sighed.

"Hessianth suits you. I'll be watching where he takes you - and you take him."

With that, she took her leave, the conversation apparently over and leaving the newly impressed pair to soak in what had just happened. And for L'nik to soothe Hessianth after his chosen had been spoken to by another dragon. His L'nik. His only.