Usushisa had wanted for cubs for a very long time. She knew that it was going to be difficult, what with her... issues, but the male she had chosen for it, Faust, said he would assist her in the matter however many times it took, which comforted her deeply. Yet, the becoming with cubs, so to speak, was only have the battle. She wanted to be a good mother and while there were certainly a lot of lionesses with opinions on the matter, she wanted to try to get the experience the most organic way: by watching cubs herself. So, she went to observe Safura's cubs and see what came from that. She approached to see Emangalisa strutting in front of her sisters and smiled as she looked upon them. Safura was nearby, but chatting with another lioness. Despite this being her first litter, she certainly seemed more relaxed about watching her daughters. Maybe it was on account of the fact that they'd grown more?

Zobuhle had to keep it up! She was running in circles around her mother, attempting to speed up. Her chest was heaving in a pant but she couldn't stop! She had to be the best! Of course, speed wasn't everything. There was plenty of other things she needed to train for. Like swimming, climbing, staying awake the longest, jumping the highest. She wanted to be the best in everything! Someone that wasn't her mother or sisters approached, however. Blinking, she opened her mouth to announce to her mother and tripped, barrel rolling towards the stranger. "Oof" she groaned, back legs over her head before she finally got a chance to look at who she crashed into. Oh, it was the stranger. "Hi, I'm Zobu!" she greeted with a flash of a grin. "I'll be famous someday so you're lucky to meet me."

Usushisa was watching the cubs in amusement when one of them suddenly came crashing into her paws. She glanced up at Safura, but found the familiar lioness smiling at her. No need for concern then, she thought, before her gaze returned to the cub at her paws. "Hello there," She greeted, scooting her hind legs back so that she was able to lay down and become eye level with the youth. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Zobu. My name is Usushisa, though you may call me Usu, if you'd rather." She smiled. "What were you running around for? It looked like a very strenuous game."

"Usu," Zobu tried and then nodded. "I like your name! You can be my friend," she told the adult happily. And then proceeded to get in the same position as her new friend. Leaning her head forward, she dropped her voice low in a whisper. "It wasn't a game, Usu. I'm training. Very hard training. I've decided I just have to be the best in everything," the little cub told her before giving her a solemn look. "And you've gotta work at being the best. That's what I was told, anyways."

Usushisa smiled down at the young cub and listened carefully when she explained her game to her. Well, evidently it wasn't a game so much as training, according to the little one at least. Well, regardless of what it was called, it amused Usu quite a bit and so she listened seriously. "Ah, training, I see. Yet, I can't understand how running in circles may help you." She looked to Safura, who blinked at her and she smiled, before looking down at Zobu. "Why don't I take you out somewhere you can really run? So long as you promise to stay with me and not wander off, that is?"

Zobu gave a wide eyed look. Go somewhere where she can really run?! That sounded like a blast! She turned to where her mother was, sucked in a deep breath, and bellowed. "Mama, I'm going with Usu to run, okay?!" she shouted, before turning to her new companion. "I can go, lets go!" Zobu urged excitedly, bouncing around Usu.

She was excited to explore away from her mama. The lioness were pretty strict with outsiders and it wasn’t necessarily danger but she still didn’t leave very often. Playing with Budek whenever she could was the exception. But now, she had a new companion to train with! She didn’t even wave good bye to her mama before she bounded after Usu, excited to get to wherever they were going.

Usu smiled at the young cub and ushered her along with her. "Come along then." She urged Zobu. She had exchanged another look with Safura and in that look permission had been given. She walked with the young cub for some distance until they got to a small clearing. They stood at one end and at the other end there were a series of stones of varying sizes. Usu had used them herself when she was younger to practice climbing and running around. If Zobu wished to be the best than this would be a grand place for her to come and train while they were in this place of the migration. "Here we are. Go explore those rocks for a bit and then when you're done, you can come back to me and I'll give you some exercises to run through, alright?" She instructed her student for the day.

Zobu easily pranced along, chattering about her training and darting around Usu to show how fast she was, or jumping to show how high she can go. The place they had arrived at... was fantastic. It was perfect. Zobu's eyes widened excitedly, nearly trembling with excitement. This was... this was the best place ever! She gave a squeal of excitement when permission was given, eagerly darting towards the rocks and hopping from one to the other, climbing up taller ones and leaping as far as she could. Obviously, she needed to train with Usu more! Budek had been fun and took her swimming but Usu knew how to properly train! This was the best! She couldn't wait to see what exercises the other had in mind.

Usu watched the cub hopping around with a small smile, though her eyes were careful on her temporary student. Falling would help the cub learn but she should at least prevent a large injury. "Be careful," she called, settling as she waited for Zobu to finish exploring. Silently, she calculated a small course for the cub to go through.

Zobu paused in her running, the breeze tickling her fur as she glanced around a rock at her new friend. She enjoyed Usu’s teaching and hoped to make her proud. She really would be the best, the best ever. And when she was done, she could show Budek just how fast she was!

Humming happily, she resumed the obstacle course, feet pushing into the dry, dusty dirt. She’ll be the best at running and swimming, she just knew it! With lots and lots of training, she could do anything she wanted to! Being plain would only be an appearance, after all.

w.c.: 1,018