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Alone again. She was probably better off this way. Calypso had left her mother in a fit of anger after it had been revealed that she had been used again. Deep down, she had known that her mother would only send her off if it was profitable to her. There was no way Calypso was out alone in the world without there being some benefit to Kat.

Calypso was now determined not to be used as a tool by her mother again. She was going away for good, and nothing Kat could see would help her. Even Calypso knew Kat's visions didn't work that way. Kat could only see what she truly desired, and that was the material things in the world. She never loved her daughter as much as she loved her things. If Calypso made it far away enough, Kat wouldn't be able to follow her.

At least, that's what she told herself. That was what she had to believe in order to have peace of mind. The dark lioness traveled the rogue lands on her own with no set destination in mind other than away from Kat. She should have followed in her father's footsteps and left a long time ago. She had never felt true affection for her mother, so why she lingered was beyond her comprehension.

But, no more. Calypso would free herself from that life. So here she was, on her own, travelling underneath the raging hot sun as if to atone for her naivety when it came to her mother. "Damn it," she muttered underneath her breath, her voice raspy but full.
