Mkhai = Krysin
Ali = *Greenie

It wasn't unusual for the god to spend time on the mortal realm, but it was unusual for him to be in the guise of an actual mortal. The disguise wasn't terribly clever - close to his true form with all the bulking height and muscle. From a distance, it was impossible to tell that there was anything unusual about the lion. But, once up close, it was clear to see he was unsettingly larger than the bounds of normalcy.

The god of warriors wasn't known for subtlety.

It had been too long since he stretched his legs out, abandoned his godly powers and traversed the lands as a rogue. He wandered now towards more hazardous terrain, where the long rolling plains of grass gave way to rocky outcrops and shrubs. Only the hardiest of creatures would survive out here, and perhaps that was what he was looking for. A vague curiosity of sorts had driven him this way - a pride of lions that built their foundations on their strength and tenacity.

Mkhai wasn't inclined to say that he could learn something signification from mortals, but the experience would be enough to drive him from his boredom. Even as a god... things could become dull, and the black-and-blue warrior hated the feeling.

Escaped would be the best way to describe what he had just undergone. Peering eyes could be seen from a distance as he essentially ‘abandoned’ his three daughters to be raised in the care of the pride and its members. He was certain they would be fine, nearly reaching adolescence now, and if he knew them like he figured he knew them they would be off on their own soon enough – the pride lands would not likely contain them, as they didn’t seem to contain him.

“Phew.” He muttered to himself, more so in the relief of not having to answer another one of their ‘why aren’t you taking us’ questions. The question would nag at him mentally for some time following the trip away. He had promised to return to them, but was sure it was likely he’d find them in their various homes. Ali had taken note of where they may end up. Lief had been the only one to come out and claim that she may end up in the Mwezi`Johari – a pride devoted to the moon and one that had evidently caught her heart. “Named her well.” He said with a sad smile.

Swallowing his feelings about the whole situation he carried on, lost in his thoughts.

"You," his voice was low, but clear. Mkhai hadn't been far from the lion, and was almost embarrassed that he hadn't noticed the mortal sooner. Making up for whatever time he had lost, he teleported in front of Ali'dido to properly address him. So, his own mortal disguise wasn't going to hold up considering he was teleporting all over the place, but he didn't seem to care. This was just some random lone lion - he had no reason to hide himself.

Of course, it would have been good practice. Mkhai needed to learn some common sense when it came to dealing with other creatures. He wasn't good at it. Socializing wasn't his expertise, and he had never really interacted with any creature besides gods before. He would cut himself some slack if he actually dwelled on that weakness. "Where are you from." It should have been a question, but it came out more like a demand. Mkhai wanted information, and he didn't think anyone was so stupid as to not give it to him.

"I am looking for a pride," and he was trying to go about it... in a relatively normal way. It was hard to tell if Mkhai was trying to be a mortal, or if he was just making a game of it.

“Me.” The word came out in a gasp that seemed appropriate for the way the lion had moved. Moved? That wouldn’t be how Ali would describe it to anyone else, teleportation wasn’t physically possible.. by mortals. Quickly he seemed to detangle what this ‘lion’ might be. Ali didn’t have much of a chance to truly think on it further before the conversation expanded from ‘me’.

“Myrsky Syntynyt.” He responded calmly as he finally came to grips with the situation he’d gotten himself into. “Now. Where do you hail from?” He dared to sound a little taken aback and even narrowed his golden eyes at the potential god. Had it been any other situation he’d have tried to make himself bigger than the other, but that would have been impossible next to the giant.

: For a moment, that black and blue god looked a little amused by Ali'dido's reaction to his presence. He hadn't met enough mortals - it was the prime moment where the startled reaction was entertaining, rather than annoying.

"Good." What a nice coincidence that this lion was from the pride he was looking for. But now his gaze turned almost critical as he observed the mortal. He had thought that the Myrsky Syntnyt was a fierce pride with great warriors. Ali'dido didn't seem to quite fit the bill. Perhaps he was being quick to judge, or maybe he had held the pride to higher standards because of what he had heard of it. Nothing was certain until he actually witnessed it for himself.

"That is where I would like to go," he clarified with a sharp nod of his head. The massive lion sat back and made himself comfortable. It was clear he did not expect Ali'dido to leave. Honestly, no one could outrun a teleporting lion. "I am from the Haven. It is not far from here, in a sense."

He clearly wasn't cut out for this mortal disguise. It was a wonder he was even holding on to the illusion.

The amusement shown by his unexpected companion stirred something in Ali that he hadn’t felt much. Anger. He stifled it and forced a grin to his face instead and relaxed his eyes. “Mhm.” He remarked at the comment. Then he received a once over from the lion and nearly stepped back. It’d be easy to mistake him for any other pride member, excluding the Myrsky Syntynyt. Yet he had still managed to fight his way in, earn his worth and so he wondered if his appearance had disrupted the idea the male had of what the pride should look like. They weren’t all warriors, though most of them were.

Ali was somewhere in the middle. He could protect his own, but it was clear that he didn’t enjoy the fighting nearly as much as others.

“The Haven?” He hadn’t missed the first statement, but he was immediately curious. “I’ll tell you the direction of the pride in exchange for more information about this Haven?” He offered. The curiosity washed away any earlier frustrations or concerns.

"Why would I exchange information with you?" Mkhai seemed unimpressed by the development. He expected to be told what he wanted so he could get where he desired to be. The god simply did not see why he had to give anything up in order to get what he wanted. He was, after all, the god of warriors. He eased himself back up onto all four feet and took two more purposeful steps towards Ali'dido.

He allowed the illusion to break unceremoniously. Wings were tucked in against his side, and if he was a large lion before, it was suddenly clear just how larger-than-life the god was. "It is where my kind lives. That should suffice as information. Take me where I want to go." Mkhai was also a foolishly young god. He was not yet a seasoned warrior, though his strength and might were nearly unquestionable. Even his body condition was pristine, a testament to his youth and inexperience.

It still probably wasn't wise to mess with him, but Mkhai would enjoy the brief challenge.

Ali-dido sensed the fact that the lion was unhappy with his response and so he thought it smart to take a step back. Even if the individual had been seated he was still aware of the fact that the lion was much larger than he was. “Well it certainly seems fair.” He responded as casually as he could.

That response didn’t suit what happened next. The lion began to rise from his seated position and Ali felt his ears press against his head. A fight was about to happen, he was sure of it, but that didn’t seem to be the case. Instead the lion did what he had half expected. Suddenly he wasn’t in the company of a mere mortal and instead he was nearly nose to nose with a god that had nearly doubled in size, in the green lions opinion. “The Gods Haven.” He had heard of it briefly in his travels, but only rumors. Wings, fluff, height, muscular build, and the stern look told him he was a god of something fairly powerful – likely also in his opinion, or at least that was the vibe.

“Fine, fine.. would you like an escort? Or are directions fine?” He wasn’t ready to go back, the complications that would cause would be tremendous, but he’d obey the god. Ali would only fight back so much, he wasn’t stupid though.

That was better. Mkhai eased the pressure off of the green lion, and brought back up the illusion of mortality. Ali wouldn't forget that he was in the presence of a god, and Mkhai didn't necessarily want to attract further attention to himself. He would hate to be bogged down by the gawkers and the disbelievers. He could teleport away, but even that was troublesome. "If you take me some of the way, I will be able to figure out the rest on my own." He could have just asked for directions, but Mkhai felt he needed to spend some time around mortals.

He was terrible at acting like one, and he needed to get better so he wouldn't... stand out so much in the Myrsky Syntynyt. Mkhai wasn't sure what his goal was, he just wanted to go there. He wanted to see the pride that worshipped both himself and his father. "I am Mkhai," the god belatedly introduced himself. He felt it was more information than the lion deserved to have, but he was being generous.

Much as he tried to hold back the impression that change left on him he couldn't. Wide golden eyes were still wider then they should have been and a jaw slightly ajar. When the lion expressed his desires Ali found himself able to collect his expression. He resorted to a much relaxed appearance though he was slightly shaken beneath his core.

"Alright, this way." It seemed alot of what Ali did lately was to guide others too the prides lands. Truthfully he didn't mind that - he basically became a unofficial recruitment officer of kinds. Though it was a title he'd given himself and the pride certainly didn't need one. What with all the new bodies arriving at the border each day.

The trip wasn't a long one before they arrived halfway. "Here. Is this good enough?" He dared not enter the prides lands again. His daughters were likely waiting there or within ear shot of their fathers voice and he wasn't prepared for that departure again. He'd take the god on himself if he had to get away.

"Ali`dido by the way." Realizing that during his many thoughts he hadn't thought to introduce himself.

"Yes, this will do." Mkhai wasn't a great travelling companion, as Ali'dido likely realized. The god was quiet, and almost single-minded in his desire to get to the Stormborn. In reality, he had no idea how to converse with mortals... if it was any different than conversing with gods. The air between them had, likewise, been a little stale. If Mkhai wanted to blend in and fit in within the pride environment, he really needed to learn how to attempt to socialize. Even if that meant talking to mortals, who while some were fierce and proud warriors, were incrediby weak in comparison to himself.

He was interested, however, in seeing just how strong they could become. "I appreciate your service, Ali'dido." His tone was so painfully formal. Mkhai didn't exactly thank the lion, but mostly because he thought it unusual for a god to thank a mortal for something so minor in the scheme of things. "I do hope the pride lives up to my expectations," or he was going to have to make it live up to them.

"Good bye," he told the lion, giving the mortal permission to leave so he could finish the last leg of the journey on his own.