The news was reaching throughout the pride by now she was sure, there was no way it could have been kept a secret. Zjarri`fol had returned from her expedition with Tethys early for a visit home in time to compete in the Breytast Vindar. Something that she had attempted to do previously to reach her status too Captain, unfortunately she hadn't been lucky that time around. This time was different - now she was Warlord.

Sabia`deimos would have been deaf to not have heard the news. In fact her golden eyes had lain upon the lioness during a fight well fought that landed her a higher position - the highest in fact. Sabia had watched this lioness go from a Reaver, to gathering a band, becoming Captain and now attaining the ultimate seat as Warlord of the Stormborn. She felt pride grow in her chest as she thought of it and had decided that enough time had passed for the blue lioness to settle into telling her family and more. Surely they would all be proud, Sabia was familiar with the blue family and was sure that atleast the matriarch was likely brimming with glee at the new rank.

It seemed the pair had been seeking one another out. Sabia was just leaving her den with a familiar paw printed butt became a blockade of sorts. "Well hello to you too." She said with a wicked grin and smacked the rump that blocked her without considering how that may appear for the new Warlord. "Sabia, would you get back in your den." The lioness harshly whispered at her old friend. "I need to talk to you and I'd prefer to do this with just us for now. It's important." Pink eyes finally met gold and silently they pleaded for Sabia to comply.

"You know I'm just teasing you." The crimson lioness stepped aside and by removing herself allowed the blue lioness to tumble backwards. "Should't apply that much pressure if you actually want someone to move." A chuckle bounced off the walls and Zjarri found herself scowling at her friend. "I said it was serious." Her brows were furrowed as she pulled herself back up into a more appropriate position. Sabia was still smirking as she watched the lioness adjust herself into a better position that had her seated.

"Yes, go ahead. I haven't truly stopped you. In fact you seem a little nervous. Care for some mint to calm the nerves?" Sabia dropped the smirk in favor of mild concern, but received a raised paw that waved off the offer.

"You're sure?"

"Yes, thank you though."

This was the first of many speeches, she was sure, the first of many changes to a rank and more! Her eyes darkened slightly, but pride was evident in them. "You've been with me from the start, dueled with me and helped me through the ranks. Even now you talk to me like a dear friend and would support me to the end." Zjarri could almost feel the silence that had overcome the cave as she began to speak in a more unique tone. Was it to much? No time to concern herself with that, Sabia had nodded her acceptance. "I need to hear it." A demand that came out more like a desire.

"Yes, of course I would." Sabia was growing annoyed by the professional tone coming from a lioness that she had only a moon ago seen playing about. The tone suited her which made things a little harder to get angry about. "What is this about Zjarri?" The crimson lioness very nearly demanded and found her brows furrowing beneath the mask she hadn't had a chance to remove.

"It's about the warband I started, that we started." She continued forward ignorning the tones that her companion chose to use. There was no need for it, but she would have felt the same way if things were the other way around. "If I'm taking this position on it won't leave me nearly as much freedom to go out on Vikings - raids won't be out of the question, but to leave for a year?" Her brows raised at the thought, could it truthfully happen? Sure? Things weren't impossible, but they were unlikely.

"I'd like you to step up and take over the band. You'll have to travel back to Tethys - unless he has recently joined us here. Then I can talk with him myself, but he'll need to know that I'm still behind him." She was and if she could manage leaving to be there when it counted then she would make it happen. Silence fell between the lionesses and although it was an obvious transition Sabia was still shocked.


The response underwhelmed Zjarri and she felt her lungs empty of all air into a sigh that was so heavy she thought she might very well collapse. "Truthfully I don't know what I was expecting. Something a little more ceremonious?" She stifled a laugh as the tension that had been thick in the room faded and both lionesses broke down. "I mean would yes have been better? A nod? A tear?" Sabia asked through her laughter.

"Well something beyond 'okay'." Zjarri mimicked the tone to a tee and Sabia found herself laughing even harder. It was exhausting having a mean reputation and these moments refreshed her. Azadi and Zjarri were all that she needed in life to find some form of odd satisfaction - not even joy. Satisfaction was far more than she could have hoped for so anyone to say otherwise would receive the treatment of the Captain before Zjarri. Death.

"Fine, let me do that again." She breathed evenly, calming herself. "Yes, Warlord." Zjarri was still chuckling, but smiled fondly at the response. "Much better, Sabia. You almost seem tame when you talk like that." The blue lioness mused at her friend. "Alright, I'll let you tell whom you need to tell and so on - I need to mill about to answer questions now." She rolled her eyes lightly at her own words and left the familiar den to head towards the main dining area. This left Sabia alone with her thoughts which were going a mile a minute.

Gaining her composure was simple even when preparing to declare herself Captain to lions that had themselves aligned with Zjarri. Hopefully they trusted in her decision, this would be a test of that.