This was absolutely terrible.

She had no idea why she had consented to this. Somewhere, her mother was probably having the greatest laugh of her life. To say their relationship was strained was an understatement, but it was in better condition than the one she had with her father.

But back to the point, she reminded herself.

She still had no idea why she had consented to this. This was sitting on a hill in the middle of absolutely nowhere. Right where her mother had prophetically seen her, where apparently a life changing event was going to happen, and by the gods 'Calypso you grab them by the wings and you fly' --

Gods, she was quoting her mother now.

This was stupid, it was probably a ploy by her mother to get another child to abandon her. Calypso had no idea why she had stuck around for so long, all things considering. Her mother had always been terrible and self-absorbed, and had no right raising cubs of her own. Her childhood was spent helping her mother achieve her goals, which were absolutely meaningless. Kat always had an eye for accessories, and her visions usually led her or her children right to them. Where her mother stashed all her prizes, Calypso had no idea. But they always did find them.

Which was probably why Calypso was still right on this stupid hill. There were a few distinctive landmarks, the burnt tree, the waterhole in the shape of a lion's tail. Yeah, it all fit the bill. But how long was she supposed to sit here and wait?

It had already been half a day, and she had spent most of it making claw marks in the dirt and reflecting on her terrible life choices.

He was headed somewhere new this time around and somewhere he hadn't taken his family. "Like a mini vacation." He said to himself with a laugh that tossed his mane and clanked some of his articles about quite loudly. The green lion wasn't about to hide himself in the roguelands, he was familiar with them and felt comfortable wandering through them. These particular lands didn't truthfully provide much cover for an assailant anyway.

"Oh my." He remarked as a peculiar tree caught his eye. The bark was burned to a crisp and stood out against the natural colors of the plains. He was intrigued and pulled by that intrigue to take a closer look at it. He drew closer and took a paw to the tree which seemed to crumble beneath his touch. It also left his claws looking dark and a sudden thought provoked him to drop his rump, pull around a satchel and grab out a small leather bag. The bag had been surprisingly empty, considering his trips, and he did what he could to fill the bag with the crumbling tree. "Beautfully deep, dark, and beautiful paints." He said to himself and thought of his daughters. They'd treasure this tree just as much as he would.

After collecting his sampling of the tree for later use he turned and caught sight of something atop of a hill. The sight wasn't entirely alarming - after a few moments the sighting too shape of a lioness. "Or a the figure of a very feminine male." He laughed to himself, but made no further move to speak with her just yet though his curiosity was peaked.

Calypso watched as a green lion approached the area, though she initially made no attempt to socialize with him. She wasn't sure why she was here, and she severely doubted that he was the reason. So instead she watched him with a sharp and unwelcoming stare. As he started to peel bark off a tree, she wrinkled up her nose and glanced from one side to the other as if she were to find another witness to the lion's weird act.

Seriously, trees were for sharpening one's claws, not for plucking bark from. What would anyone even use bark for? Her ears laid flat against the back of her skull, as if Ali'dido's actions were the epitome of offensive. Calypso had been raised in the Outlands, a small, vengeful, spiteful pride. It had formed her into a lioness who did not trust strangers. They had little use for art as well. Yes, her mother liked to collect pretty things, but she never made those pretty things.

The dark lioness had no idea what had hit this poor fellow on the head when he was a cub.

Tired of waiting for something to happen, she decided to make something happen. She was awfully sick and tired of waiting around for some cataclysmic and life changing event to happen. Calypso approached Ali'dido warily. It was clear from her body language that she wasn't exactly a friendly lioness. "What are you doing?" the scowl on her face was clearly disapproving. Honestly, she had no ******** idea what the purpose was of keeping bark in a pouch. Why even carry a pouch? Was it just to hold bark? If so she found that to be a little too silly for her tastes.

Ali had turned his attentions back to the tree with admiration of someone who could appreciate the colors and textures its charred bark brought to the world. When he turned to begin his trek away from the great tree he nearly found himself nose to nose with the female figure from above. My she moves quickly, also mental note - not a feminine male figure. Nearly snickering at his own thoughts he was interrupted by the abrupt question.

"Collecting bark." He answered casually with a wave of his paw. "Why, don't all lions collect bark?" He knew the answer to that question as most lions wouldn't be caught dead collecting something to the effects fo bark. But he'd argue that a small percentage would see the bark with similar purpose to what he saw.

"Oh wait. You haven't met the pride of bark collecting lions. Deepest apologies."

Sarcasm rarely got him far, but he was having a pleasant day and wouldn't allow oe dour looking female a chance at ruining it. "What are you doing? Do you typically spend time stalking a relatively boring sounding lion?" His golden hued eyes were alight with amusement as he spoke. Though he didn't appear to look like the typical Reaver he certainly had muscle that could pack a punch - he wasn't concerned for his safety (yet).

She crinkled her nose at him, as if the very suggestion that most of the lion population went around collecting bark like a bunch of ninnies was offensive. Clearly, this was a lioness who was not so easily amused. Even as a cub she didn't indulge in much beyond play fights and tussles with her siblings. No one went around collecting bark when it had no immediate purpose. "No, they go around collecting rainbows," Calypso drawled sarcastically. The lioness was unamused and unimpressed. What a waste of her time.

Her mother would try to doom her to something like this. She had more interesting conversations with a rock, and she certainly didn't go around collecting those. "Wow." Again she couldn't stand to sound even a little bit impressed by his lack of wit. "Here I thought I had struck up conversation with a lion, not a cub." So, she wasn't acting much more mature than he was. But at least she didn't go around collecting bark.

The lithe lioness sighed. Why she continued to talk to him was beyond her, but he was the only thing that could remotely be what her mother was cryptically hinting at. So, here she was. It was talk to him or go back to her hill and wait some more, and she was done with that. "Does it matter? I was just resting." Hah, like she was going to tell him that he was waiting around because her psychotic mother told her to because she saw it in a vision. That would almost sound crazier than a lion collecting bark for no discernable reason.

"If I had been stalking you - you wouldn't have seen me," she explained impatiently. Her social skills were subpar at best. Blame her parents. Calypso was the perfect mix of them, which also made her into a perfect disaster.

Golden eyes rolled at her response as Ali very casually rolled his shoulders adjusting the odd baubles that decorated him. The bark would be the least of her questions if she got to digging through his various bags and eventually got a closer look at the drum strung up around his neck and nearly buried in a mess of mane. Bark wasn't strange to him - actually very little was strange to him. He'd come nose to nose with some of the most unique situations, none of which had left a mark just yet, but some had left a mark on his memory. Thus far this would leave very little to his memory, but perhaps the bark would be a reminder of the lioness' dark persona.

"If only a cub could do what I could do with this bark." He remarked and fought hard not to roll his eyes at her again. Rolling eyes was such an unbecoming notion and he had worked hard with his girls to have them not do it. Now here he was finding himself in a position that seemed to scream 'ROLL YOUR EYES'.

"It doesn't matter, I frankly don't care, especially seeing as you're quite an uninteresting individual. You haven't any flair to offer and you seem to be up on some pedestal." He scoffed smartly and narrowed his golden eyes. There had been a rare number of times that this side of him rose to face a 'demon' so to speak. Typically the green lion was flowery and light - this lioness brought out a small spark that had lit into a warm fire in his belly.

"So why don't you go back to resting." He casually waved a paw at her and without much concern turned his back to her. The watering hole was beckoning him as his mouth grew as dry as the conversation he had attempted to hold.

He was picking a fight with her, she knew it. There was no other reason for him to challenge her character. Back in the Outlands, what he had said was more than enough to deserve permanent scarring. But, she tried to hold herself back, to be the better lion. Calypso snarled, revealing pearly white canines. The fur on her back bristled and her ears pressed flat against the back of her skull. Every inch of her posture warned Ali'dido not to test her limits.

He still ignored that.

Calypso didn't refute his claims. She knew her life better than anyone else, she knew what it felt like to be unloved, used, and outcast. Even now, her mother had likely freshly cast her out on her own. She knew Kat's ways - her mother was a manipulative force, and also a solid ******** b***h (she wasn't just quoting her father here).

She really was done dealing with Ali'dido's attitude. By the gods, she was never going to ask someone about why they were picking bark off of some stupid tree. Maybe she would have let him off if things had simmered down a little before he turned his back to her. But he didn't, and she didn't.
It was unwise to turn one's back to an Outlander. Calypso unsheathed her claws, and in a quick swipe she raked her claws over Ali'dido's back leg. She had meant to snatch one of those pouches on him and tear it up, but Calypso had to admit it felt better to feel her claws slice his skin. There was something satisfying tearing into him, and though the swipe was quick, and another did not immediately follow it up... it was no laughing matter. She drew back with blood on her paw, "Now why don't you sit down and rest?" she chastised him.

Calypso wasn't exactly malicious by nature, but her buttons had been pushed, and now she found herself circling him, preventing an immediate escape. "It looks like you could use it now, maybe take the time to reflect on why you're such a total ******** a*****e." She couldn't tell if this side of her was from either of parents, or something entirely her own.

Perhaps the most grave mistake he could have made was to turn away from her. Ali hadn't realized this until he felt the hot burning sensation that only a set of claws could make as they tore through fur, flesh and eventually muscle. Blood moistened his pelt, he could feel it, and without a choice he found himself seated and eventually circled like prey by the beast he had dared remark as dull.

"I take it back. You seem to have some flair - a little fire in that belly of yours." He snerked slightly at her and risked facing her as he spoke. "I'll rest when I'm ready. Do you think this wound will hold me back?" He raised his lip at her in a half smile that bore the pearly whites beneath. Still he couldn't get himself to follow up with that threat. He visibly attempted to move his leg, but the torn muscle rendered it useless in a pinch. A wince marred the perfectly deadly expression he had chosen leaving it only looking sore and perhaps grumpy?

The only thing he had left were those golden hued eyes that he opted to glare with. "Why don't you scamper along and find your littermates? Or are you alone in this world. No one to comfort you when a mean lion says something that hurts your feelings?" Through his sudden rage he could see what kind of harm he might have been putting himself in, but he wasn't a lion to go down without some sort of fight - even if he was losing this one.

It was satisfying to see how quickly Ali'dido was incapacitated. She doubted he could move quickly, or even all that much with that injury. He was no threat to her - the only thing he could do was try to throw words at her and hope they harmed her half as much as she had harmed him. Calypso wasn't immune to his insults, it was perhaps the reason Ali'dido found himself in his current situation. This lioness was no saint. She had no charmed life, no guiding moral compass.

His eyes bore into her, golden and fierce. How aggravating that he would still challenge her when she could see his skin fur peeled back to reveal skin and muscle. She couldn't stand to have him look at her now, not at her worst, and certainly never at her best. In mid-rotation, the dark lioness sharply turned back towards him. Something in her broke, just for a second. Her composure, her restraint, and what kindness she had ever possessed. Her bloodied claws were unsheathed again, and this time they raked across the left side of his face. It wasn't mercifully over his cheek and jaw, but rather straight from his forehead, down over his eye.

There was no coming back from that blow, she couldn't see now the damage she had done. And he couldn't. His eye was gruesomely gashed open, and as blood dripped down his face she walked up to him. "Who will ever comfort you know?" she growled, low and fierce. She reached out then, her claw snagging one of his pouches from him.

A trophy.

With the prize she never really wanted, she walked away from the lion, to leave him to his pain and misery.

Admittedly he was growing uncomfortable with her so near to him, any beast would have been nervous now, he wasn't necessarly unarmed though. He could have lashed out and struck her as she honed in on him, but she was fast, much to fast for the dazed lion. Moments before the attack on his face the pair stared at each other and with such equal force that he felt as though his soul were on fire. She was fierce competition.

Then it all went dark.

Had he died? Was she still speaking? His ears were flat against his skull when the blow occured and now they perked right up in a failed attempt to hear her final speech. It was clear she wasn't about to put him out of his sudden misery, instead she would insult and then leave him. Without feeling or seeing the wound he could tell he was in trouble. Warmth of the blood dripping from his now nearly empty socket warned him that he would need attention and quickly. Though how quickly could he receive it? Ali suddenly felt as though an elephant had sat upon his chest, panic was setting in and fast.

"Deep breaths."

He only spoke when he was sure that she had gotten far enough not to hear him. His suffering would be for him alone. "No." He stated plainly as he reached about to ensure that all of his goods were still with him. "She's taken it!" He couldn't shout, no, his voice was faint and slowly began to evolve into a harsh whisper.

"Damn it."

Were his last words before collapsing over into a black out.