What luck! The lioness was blown away by the character of the area she had discovered. How unruly the plants had been. The lack of taming had lead her to believe that the scents she had smelled were much older than they appeared. How could there be a pride here that has left these plants so undisturbed? Then she over heard some muttering. What was that? She wondered curiously and dared to creep forward when she heard the word plant. How could she not follow up on such mutterings? They proved two things, that the plants weren't touched for a reason (due to the urgency in their tones) and another.. that there was indeed a pride around here.

One paw step after another she crept yearning to hear what the pair had to offer when she felt a gentle tap on her shoulder. Using all of her focus and ability she held in a yelp that attempted to part her lips. She wouldn't give the individual tapping her the satisfaction of such an undiginified sound. Instead the golden lioness wrinkled the heart on her nose and closed her sky blue eyes slowly. A sigh escaped her before she finally turned around and opened her eyes again to be greeted with a stern looking teal lioness.

"What exactly do you think you are doing?" The lioness asked and rightly so, but still Croa found herself feeling offended by the accusatory tone. As though she had done something foul by standing there and simply listening in. "I heard about plants." She heard herself say without providing so much as an inkling into why she was curious about plants. The raise of a teal brow above golden eyes caused the golden lioness to roll her own blue eyes in response. "My name is Croatoia, I enjoy learning about plants." She sang in a sarcastic tune that seemed to sate the lioness' question.

"Hasira." She responded callously, clearly not ready to entirely give away answers to the individuals curiosity. The other intruders had been here with reason, why would this lioness hide away in the shadows. Hiding wasn't helping and asking questions wasn't doing anyone any good either. She wiggled her lighter shaded toes and clawed at the loose dirt beneath her paws. She was fairly new within the pride herself. She didn't know the protocol to handling outsiders, only that they were rarely welcomed with open arms. The recent circumstances had changed that, a little bit at least, given it was outsiders that had lended a paw in the prides time of need. It was an unreal experience. Watching the male she had been in a courtship with go through several stages. He went from having a mother to losing her in a matter of days.

"Hasira, what are they talking about plants for?" Her ignorance played a huge part in the question, but truthfully she wanted a way back to the topic and this one left her looking innocent.

Hasira felt the fur on her hackles bristle lightly and she regarded it mildly. This lioness was odd enough for being here, but her curiosity in plants helped to wave away some of Siras concerns. "There was a tragedy here recently." She admitted and rested her rump on the soil while hanging her head lightly. "Plants seem to intrigue you, but I haven't the foggiest as to why." Well she knew why, Seida knew her way around a plant or two, well more than that. But Hasira couldn't have even feigned interest. "Plants were what caused a lioness' death." Had it been any other day she likely would have been much more guarded, but being emotionally wracked left her weak in that regard.

"Oh?" Croatoia held her tongue as excitement built up behind concerned blue eyes. "I'm so sorry for your loss." She remarked after taking a slow breath to steady the joy in her tone for something more sympathetic. "Could you show me the plants? I mean so that I know which to avoid for future reference." There, a good tactic if she ever saw one.

A brow raised at the lioness, but Hasira could see the logic in wanting to know which plant it was. "Of course." She raised herself and opted not to turn her back on the trespasser. If she could avoid losing sight of the golden hued individual she would - there wasn't a reason to lose sight of her. "That way there." A raised paw and pointed toe directed the lioness. It was Croas turn to raise a brow at the suspicion of her companion, she had played it cool all this while and now to be treated in this manner? "Thank you." Croa spoke quietly and chose to follow suit with the lioness' directions. Better to play along then to call attention.

"Which way from here?"

"Just keep going, I'll tell you when to turn."

The pair began to walk in a silence that spoke louder than words. Croa held her ears twisted to listen for the teal lioness and in turn she could feel the golden eyes burrowing into her soul from behind. There were no words that could describe that feeling except to say that it was eerie, even for Croa. "There." Was the signal she finally got from Hasira that directed her towards a lonely patch of plants that appeared to be guarded from a different direction. The pair grabbed the attention of an orange individual that Hasira seemed to simply wave off. "Who is that?" Croa queried, but received a sidelong glare in return.

"These are the plants. You've seen them, now you may leave."

"Leave? Oh, I believe you misunderstood."

"I've misunderstood nothing." Hasira responded harshly and narrowed her eyes. "You'll take maybe a closer look, but nothing more. These plants don't need to leave this prides land." The alarm bells had been correct in warning her. She noted the sly way the lioness glanced towards the plants with an eagerness that made Hasira feel ill.

"Leave. Now."


The demand was met with a near disgusted look from Croa. She played the anger and hate well, she knew that, but she also knew her way around sneaking in to get something. Especially if she truly desired it. Those plants would be hers, but for now she turned tail from the lioness and left the way she had come knowing full well that area would likely be guarded before she was eve off the pridal lands. So she took an extra moment to scan the area for other possible entrances - there were several.