The day was pleasant, but the large billowing clouds off in the distance foretold an incoming storm. Most creatures were ennjoying what little of the nice weather they had left. Domeykite was no exception, though at the sign of an incoming storm he had begun the trek back to his homelands. He had taken a few trips outside of the pride now that he had the right too. Why he had slacked off in advancing through the ranks was a mystery. The freedom and privilege that came with being a reaver was worth it.

If he had known how much he would come to love the position, he truly would have done it sooner. Alas, he had imagined it to be too much of a burden, had thought he wouldn't like being told what to do by some captain. Domeykite was out with the intention of making up for lost time. He was going to experience everything, do anything that he wanted. There was no one around right now who could stop him.

The dark green feline was about the average size for a lion, and his pelt for the most part was a perfectly muted green. It was easy to blend into his environment, easy to take opponents by surprise. But, he wasn't bothering with being subtle now. The lion was simply on the move - this little venture out so far had yielded nothing of interest. He hated to go back home with nothing, but the gods didn't seem to be on his side today.


Not all creatures were enjoying the time left to them before the incoming storm. Having sensed the change in pressure and the tell-tale whispers and flitters of the birds with their all-knowing wisdom, Orhni was beginning to panic. A little. She was in a strange land far, far from the shores of her forefathers and she knew all too well what it could mean for her to get trapped in a storm without proper shelter.

She was a slinky lioness, longer than she was broad, with a mask that made her as festive as her mother. For all that they looked alike, it was rather her father's inheritance that marked her most, from the careful, graceful way she placed her paws upon the earth with each step to the regal air that settled around her shoulders. She was a prince's daughter, through and through, even if the lands of her birth were no longer her home.

"Dammit," she mumbled beneath her breath, turning her eyes to the sky and letting her ears swivel as she judged eached direction for its likelihood to house a shelter. It was only as she turned to look over a shoulder that she saw him - a lone male, proud and unbothered by being out in the open. She hesitated as she got closer and closer, wondering how much of a threat he posed versus how likely he was to help her shelter from the storm.

Maybe if she tried using her feminine charms?

"Excuse me," she called, her voice as clear and pleasant as a songbird's, "have you any idea where I might weather out this storm?"

Domeykite should have been embarrassed that a lioness managed to sneak up on him, but he wasn't like most of his fellow reavers. He just didn't care. The green lion turned to look back behind him, and seemed to carefully consider Orhni. It was unusual for any lion to be alone, and his bright green eyes quickly scanned the surrounding area looking for possible companions. No one, of course. He had been alone up until now, and she clearly had been too.

She seemed a little nervous, but he chalked it up to the weather. For some reason, she seemed like the type of lioness to be a little... unaware of the world. A little naive, and definitely too pretty. If his captain and the rest of their band had been here, she would have been in considerable danger of being captured. Domeykite doubted he could do it all on his own. But... she was pretty and definitely stupid.

He had never considered taking that sort of prize for himself, but it was as if the brewing storm was just dropping her into his paws. It wasn't like him to disobey the Stormlords. He just had to feel out the situation. "Hello," he greeted her with a smug smirk, as if he was amused by her obvious plight. "Yeah, I do. If you want to follow behind me I can take you to some shelter."

She couldn't be that dumb, but he had to try.

A relieved sigh escaped the lioness and she did little to hide it. In fact, she rathed played it up, drawing a paw to her chest and letting her eyes flutter shut so that the mask across her face completed it's checkered, diamond pattern uninterrupted. Hers was a family accustomed to dramatics and there was no shame in showing him just how much his help would actually mean to her. After all, he had been pleasant enough, right? A truly dangerous lion would have shown aggression at the very first, she thought.

"Thank you so much," she chimed, opening her eyes and offering him a pleasant smile, "I would be indebted to you if you can get me somewhere safe before it is upon us. I am rather unaccustomed to violent storms."

Her eyes rolled up to the sky, considering the energy of the winds and the pensive way all of nature seemed to hold its breath in wait. She closed the distance between them with her gaze upturned in the same manner, then dropped it once they were in cloesr proximity.

"I do not like the feel of this one."

As her eyes dropped, she considered him for a moment, then took a few steps in the direction that he had been originally heading. He must have been heading for wherever safety was, surely?

"I am Orhni."

He couldn't help but watch her act curiously. It was a little over the top - did her parents raise her to be that way, or was she trying to impress him? "It would be my pleasure," he purred. Domeykite played the game calmly. He wanted her to know that he noticed her, but not that he was interested in her. It was a fine line, but crossing it meant scaring her away. Not that he'd let her run now - he was dead set on having her. She was delicate and high strung, which meant she would be a lot of fun.

Domeykite had never been... known for kindness in regards to thralls. Most of the Stormborn paid them little mind, Domeykite on the other hand liked to play with them. It was worse when he was Freeborn and had nothing better to do. Now he went on vikings to occupy himself.

"It'll be a nasty one for sure. You're fortunate to have run into me - I know the lay of the land pretty well." God, she was so pleasantly stupid. Not that was unintelligent, she just had absolutely no common sense. No one would wander near the Stormborn's homelands alone, and then go on a lovely stroll with a stranger just to evade getting caught in a rain shower.

"Domeykite," he greeted her finally, and now that she had caught up to him, he began to lead the way to 'safety'. His pace was slow, as if he had no care in the world, while in reality it was just to make sure he remained next to her. If she got spooked, it would be easy enough to grab her and force her along. She was petite enough not to pose that much of a threat.

"Domeykite," she repeated as they walked, testing the sound of his name on her tongue as she let him guide her. It was a peculiar name, she thought, but who was she to judge another soul? She had been raised to talk to muses after all. "Well, it's a pleasure to meet you. I really do think I was lucky."

There wasn't a thing about him that was setting off her alarm bells and she was honest as she turned a smile up at him. He was handsome enough, too, and polite. It seemed to her that her luck was turning around for the first time since the muses had gone silent.

Trying her best not to appear too foolish, she turned her eyes out ahead of them and tried to pick out wherever it was that they might be heading. She was curious for someone so naive and willing to believe whatever another soul presented on the surface.

"Is it very far? Are we near your pride?" She paused, suddenly, and furrowed her brows in consideration. "Will anyone be angry that I am here?"

She was full of questions but it seemed that none of them were the right ones to be asking.

Domeykite smirked a little when she confessed she felt lucky. Truth be told, luck was on his side today rather than her's. He did suppose bad luck was still luck... She was naive that he felt a little sorry for her, but not so sorry that he was going to give up on his prize. He wasn't sure what she could do besides look pretty, but the pride always had a way of putting thralls to good use. Honestly, it would be a small victory for her.

She would have a pride to take care of her and protect her. The only price was her servitude - and if she had cubs even they would be considered freeborn and above her. Orhni was securing her future and potentially her offsprings' future. "We are quite close," he assured her. Domeykite would indulge her for a little while. Answer her questions, keep her occupied - that was the best way to get her back to the pride without a fuss.

The terrain began to change, from lush grasslands to more rocky, harder terrain. They were close now, and Domeykite only needed to keep her by his side a little longer. Even if she tried to flee now, she wouldn't make it far enough that he couldn't fetch her again. His pride was close enough to back him up now. "They'll be quite pleased to see you. Proper company is always enjoyed," he chuckled.

Oh, she was in for a rude awakening soon.

So he was a part of a pride!

Orhni smiled pleasantly at the thought of passing her time with a group of lions she did not know. It might only be a short while but she did dearly love to learn what made other cultures tick and how the lions within them referred to and interacted with one another. Domeykite himself seemed pleasant enough so she couldn't possibly imagine that his brethren were any less inviting and courteous.

Of course, she didn't really have any experience with those that weren't courteous.

Her gaze fell from him to focus upon the terrain as it began to shift - she had noticed it only after the grass became splotty and she found herself studying the rocky terrain as it took over. She'd never been anywhere that wasn't lush and fertile but then, she'd never been anywhere that great storms loomed so dangerously either.

"Hm?" She seemed distracted as she pulled her gaze away from the transforming landscape and back up to him. "Oh, will they? That's wonderful!" She laughed then, completely and utterly oblivious to her misfortune. "I'm looking forward to meeting them all."

They were here. Domeykite had led Orhni up. The pride itself was situated near sheer cliffs, so that there was only really one true direction one could enter the pride from. The weather was drastically different from the lowlands. High winds with droplets of rain that seemed constant, but not heavy. Rather than taking her away from the storm, it almost seemed as if Domeykite had led her into the midst of it.

But, she had trusted him this far. He thought it would be weird for her not to now that they had finally arrived at their destination. "We're here," he finally told her, though she could clearly see now that a large pride dwelled here. The Myrsky Syntynyt were a massive group - it was no wonder they could easily raid other lands. "There are dens just a little further in where you can take shelter from the storm."

He figured he would just throw her in with the thralls, let them help her figure out what was happening to her. But... he didn't want them to have all the fun. He'd stick around for a little while just to see her reaction to her plight. Domeykite wouldn't miss that for the world. She was, after all, the first thrall he had brought home himself, the first one he could definitively claim as his.

Orhni's unease had undoubtedly grown as she realized they were headed not only up at an incline but, too, into dreary, overcast weather. For a moment she was worried they had walked directly into the mouth of the storm until she realized that it was not a mere drizzle that was charging the air. There was somewhat more lurking beyond these lands.

Still, there was a marked relief when she realized they were close to a pride and even more as he mentioned that the dens were close.

"Oh, thank you so much, Domeykite!"

A pleasant, appreciative smile spread across her face and she all but leapt into a quicker pace so that she could head for the safety of shelter. It was only after a moment that she paused and glanced over her shoulder at him. He was the only lion that she knew here, it would be rather strange of her to go on alone.

"You're coming too, right?"

Yet even as she spoke, she was moving forward, simply expecting him to follow her. Why wouldn't he, after all?

"Of course," Domeykite assured her. "Just to help you get settled in for the evening. Wouldn't want anyone to get the wrong impression." She was probably the type to think it was scandalous to share a den with a young male. He supposed he could indulge her for now, for what was possibly her last moments of peace and normalcy.

So he'd walk her into the heart of the pride, because once she was there it would be impossible for her to leave. Smirking, the dark green lion sauntered after her. At the same time, he was cutting off her only escape route. The only way she could go was further in to her new home.