Myn - 08/27/2017
Boneka was furious. Her order had been late and she would have to inform Ali and his daughter of this. And that was not okay. It was all his fault, whatever his name was. Her eyes flashed angrily as she spotted the dark lion. Of course, there he was, acting like everything was just peachy. What a jackass. He thought that smack earlier had been something. She had felt guilty for the little blood she had drawn. Guilty!

Letting out a roar of anger, the usually well tempered diplomat pounced, throwing herself into the dark lion, attempting to pin him. She snarled. "How dare you lie to me! You- you- you imbecile! Do you know what you've done?!"
Astoria - 08/27/2017
He was minding his own business, trying to think of something nice he could do for mother when a fury of fur came at him. Tail between legs almost he did his best to sidestep, but tripped and she ended up on top of him regardless.

"I... um.... what die I lie about?" He was confused and did his best to look non threatening, cause she looked mean and he really wanted to keep his skin.

If there was something he could do to fix the situation, he would. "Can I fix what has happened?" He offered.(edited)
Myn - 08/27/2017
She sneered. Why was he playing innocent now? Did she look like an idiot? Pushing off of him with a growl, she stood just far enough for him to stand. "Stop lying to me, fool," she snarled, tail lashing. She felt her claws dig into the earth with her frustration.

"You lied to me! You told me Dinen was at the lake! He wasn't and I wasted my time looking! And now my order is late and it's your fault," Boneka nearly shouted. And something horrible began to happen. Angry, frustrated, hot tears began to well up in her eyes. She would not cry. If she did, she'd do more than make his nose bleed! Due to her rage, she hadn't noticed the lack of a scratch on his nose...

A loud snort escaped her. Offering to help? "Haven't you done enough," she asked sarcastically.
August 30, 2017
Astoria - 08/30/2017
He rolled over when she got off of him and sat up, still extremely confused about the whole situation. It had never once dawned on him that she thought he was his brother, not until she spoke about Dinen. While he knew Dinen he never exactly talked to them or about them much, so that was a clear sign as to what possibly happened.

While he knew this lioness by name most likely, he wasn't familiar with her. He hadn't recalled ever meeting her but it was possible he had heard her name a couple of times. There were plenty of pride members he had yet to meet. He was slacking on the social department.

Giving a small nod he let out a light 'ah' and rubbed his leg lightly with his other. "While I wish I could do something to make this even less upsetting than it is, I'm afraid I'm going to have to make this just a little more awkward....."

He looked at her. "I'm Elikai, you must be looking for my brother."
Myn - 08/30/2017
Her eyes narrowed further and further. Could this really be the case? Was this not the scoundrel who tricked her and wasted her time? She looked him up and down, skeptic, making a clucking noise. What nonsense this was. She tossed her head, giving him another peevish growl. "I doubt you have a twin brother," she snarled, tail thumping on the ground.

"You could be lying to get out of this," she continued with a snap. Just then, she felt a tug on her tail. She whirled, ready to swat whoever away... and saw her loyal friend and assistant, Emas the opossum. "What?*" she snapped.

The opossum panted, shaking his head. "Th-this really is not the same lion, Neka," the opossum weezed before moving past her, leaning against her front leg to steady himself and look up at the twin. "I am so sorry, Mr. Elikai. I hope you aren't hurt-" his eyes fell on the bit of blood he could spot that had been from Boneka's claws. The gasp that escaped the tiny creature nearly knocked him off his feet.
Astoria - 08/30/2017
What reason would he have to lie. "Excuse you, why would I have a reason to lie about that." He was actually a little bit offended that she didn't believe him. It would seem he wouldn't have to stick up for himself for very long as an opossum backed up his words of having a brother. "We have different eyes." He stated since that was literally the only difference between the two, physically.

"I'm alright, thank you for being conserned though." He said reassuringly towards the opossum with a warm smile. Despite the confusion he wasn't upset, though he had wished she had believed his words. @Tag Myn(edited)
September 9, 2017
Myn - 09/09/2017
Emas nodded sympathetically before whirling around to face Boneka, scowl ready. "Honestly, Neka, I know you have a few loose in that noggin and your memory is spotty at best but how could you make this mistake?!" He scolded, straightening up to give the impression of looking down on here despite being less than a foot tall.

Boneka wasn't listening, however, and was choosing to glare at the lion. Different eyes? She squinted, doubtful. It was... possible. Doubtful but possible. And Emas said it was true. She sniffed, still ruffled. "Where is your brother at?" She demanded, to scowling. It was his fault, walking around looking like the scoundrel.

Emas gasped again. "Boneka! You should apologize!" He squeaked.
Astoria - 09/09/2017
Even after the opossum made the connection that he was definitly NOT his brother and his own words spoken she still seemed to question what he was saying. He let out a heavy sigh. "I don't know where he's at, I AM NOT my brothers keeper. And maybe you should apologize, afterall you did just lay paws on one of the rulers Sons." He was about to play that card, and he didn't care. She was getting on his nerves at this point. While he was patient and understanding this was ridiculous.

"I get that you're upset but the fact you have trouble taking my words for what they are makes me question you as a member in this pride." He glanced over towards Emas, "You should listen to Emas more and then maybe we can find my brother together so I you can take out your frustrastions on the RIGHT lion. Though, two wrongs don't make a right. No matter how angry he has made you, that doesn't mean your actions are justified." Though he was tempted to kick his brothers a** for her. @Tag Myn(edited)
Myn - 09/09/2017
The ruler's son? What? Boneka stared hard. The ruler was the Malenga. Who was Shauku. She gave the male a once over. Shauku had sons, she was sure... Suddenly, her eyes widened. "But she can't have a son like him," Boneka immediately replied, stunned. This... couldn't be the case. Suddenly, anger roared within her. And, without another word, she whirled away and ran off, again on the search of the subject of her anger.

Emas gaped after her before glancing nervously at the male. "I-I'm sorry! She'll be apologetic, I swear!" he squeaked before running after the furious lioness.
(WC: 1225)