Myn: Uongo was quite lost. He had ran away with his brother and now... he didn't know where he was. "He told you to stay near and not wander off," he scolded himself, tsking. What was he supposed to do on his own? All the grand adventures he told everyone he's been on weren't quite the truth. Well... rather, they were completely made up. His brother had taken care of him and, before that, their father. Before even that, he supposed his mother, though he couldn't quite to remember. Shivering from the light misty rain, he shook his fur out for the... how many times? He couldn't remember. Probably the millionth. That sounded like a good number. Shivering, he took shelter under a small rock, the morning not quite bright enough to find a better place to escape the rain.

Greenie: "Blasted wolf." Kluna was in a bitter mood and those who knew her would likely know why. The maned wolf that had been graciously gifted to her was no where to be found and yet she had plenty of work to be done. The articles she had plenty of would be of little use to her for the time being and those items she did need? Of course Stylter hadn't gone and collected. Instead he was out and about collecting up after his new pet. "The pair of them better be ready for a swat when I return." She muttered to herself. The lioness wrinkled her nose as a fine mist began to pour over the already damp lands and then her eyes narrowed to a fine slit. She wasn't pleased in the slightest. "Darn it." She cursed beneath her breath. Then rolling her shoulders slightly she adjusted the large baskests she had hoisted on either side of her. Had Stylter been available she'd have made him do this portion, but time was becoming of the essence. "Who's that?" She'd caught sight of a small critter type individual making a quick scurry towards some debris. The rocks themselves appeared to make a decent enough shelter. She considered briefly if she had found an easy meal.

Myn: When was the rain going to end? Uongo wrinkled his nose and inched out of his shelter to peer up at the sky... but it just looked gray. "Yuck," he spat, backing up with a disgruntled look. His eyes swept over the land, attempting to find somewhere to run to... and spotted a... lion? He squinted. Whoever it was, they were large. And he didn't quite feel like being found by something large without his brother. Nope, no way. What if they were dangerous? What if they could breath fire? Or fly? Shuddering for a reason that wasn't because of the rain, he moved further back into the shelter, not ready to be meeting such a... but what if they could fly or breath fire?! Eyes widening, Uongo realized he could be missing an incredible opportunity! Taking a deep breath and shoving away his fear, he dashed at the shape. As he approached closer, he attempted to stop. The rain slicked ground had another plan, however. And so, Uongo slipped, tumbling towards the shape, coming to a stop on his back, back legs high in the air. It was a lioness. "Can you fly,?" he wheezed through the new ache

Greenie: Yuck. Her sentiments exactly. The small voice appealed to her dislike of the current weather and so she crept forward with little intent to hunt the creature now. When the voice had faded and silence fell beyond the tapping of raindrops on a nearby log she sighed softly. Hunting would be far much to work in her current state. The pride members would provide for her though so she wasn't concerned. Before she had a chance to turn away from the scene and continue on her way a small form presented itself. "Oh my." She muttered as she realized that the form was not only dashing at her, but was also a.. cub? Her blue eyes opened wide in wonder and she winced slightly as the cub attempted to stop. The 'stop' ended with the cub on his back and had looked quite painful. "Are you al-..?" The high priestess was interrupted by her concern with an odd question. "No." She remarked. Ears at attention and focused, as well as her eyes, on the cub that had made a point of interrupting her path. "I cannot fly. Can you?" The pure shock had her by the tongue and had she heard herself she would have simply shaken her head. The question was silly, but she had seen gods without wings - perhaps this was a miniature god instead of a cub. The thoughts were bizarre.

Well. She didn't seem dangerous. Though her response made him smile, flopping from his back to his side. A wince was drawn from the movement. "Yep!" he chirped, ready to fire off his grand stories. He pushed himself up, not minding as he was now a bit muddy. "I can fly all the way to the sun! And above the clouds!" he boasted, sticking his chest out proudly. "One day, I even touched lightning! It was shocking!" he wanted to double over in laughter at his own joke, finding it humorous. But he got himself to continue. "But I can't breathe fire. Yet. I know an aligator that could, though," he pointed out. He leaned back to look fully at the lioness. He nearly toppled backwards, being so closed to her and having to look up that far. "Well, can you do anything cool as well?" he asked, before continuing to talk even more. "I knew a hyena who could turn invisible." Then, he leaned foward and looked around suspiciously. "He could still be following me," he whispered loudly, leaning against this stranger's leg.

Greenie: The lioness was baffled, but alert. She watched the cub with wide attentive eyes that could have fooled anyone into thinking she believed the cubs antics. Soon as he had begun to babble on she picked up that he was perhaps stretching the truth a small amount. "Oh yeah?" Her response was casual, but with great enthusiasm. "I'd very much like a flying cub of my own.." The prides typical way of going about things weren't lost on the high priestess - she just approached them in a more 'head game' fashion. "Especially ones that have touched lightning!" A well placed gasp and a step forward brought her closer to the cub. "Yet?" She queried him, playing along. "So you mean to tell me you'll breathe fire someday?" Her brow raised slightly as she questioned him. "I'm a healer for a whoole pride." Now the high priestess had lowered herself to his level and widened her eyes a little bigger. "I make everyone feel just a little bit better with the help of some of my friends." The way she said 'friends' to any aware adult would have immediately picked up that perhaps she didn't exactly mean 'friends'. She wasn't frightening by any means, but when she thought of Stylter it did ruffle a few feathers. "Do you want to come and visit my den?" She coaxed almost cooing at him from the distance. She'd take him by force if she had too, cubnapping wasn't beyond the pride, but she felt like this one would need just a little verbal support.

Myn:"Yep, I did both of those!" Uongo informed her proudly before leaning in close. "Too bad you don't have cubs like me. But then, there aren't many like me!" he told her proudly, chest sticking out further. He could have floated away with how big headed he was getting. He gave her a pondering look, considering. Before grinning and nodding. "Breathing fire should be easy. I just need to eat something spicy and bam, I'll be able to breath fire! I just need to awaken my power," he told her, nodding sagely. He was getting quite worked up with his tales, now. His brother usually called him a liar and others he talked to didn't believe him. Having an audience that believed his words were making him excited and his tales all the more extravagant. Uongo blinked, leaning in close to her face, nose nearly touching hers. "For a whooollle pride?" he whispered before sitting back on his haunches, giving her an amazed look. "Wowie, miss. That must be like... a bajillion lions!" he thought before nodding. Yeah, that sounded like the right number. Her den though? That sounded fun. He could always find his brother later. A large grin broke out across his face. "Yes, ma'am! I want to see this pride!" he chirped before getting close again. "I've seen a pride where all the lions walked on their back legs! And could stack on top of each other, becoming larger than a giraffe!" He told her, though in truth, he has never seen a pride. He moved next to her confidentally. "Let's go! I can run faster than a cheetah but I'll slow down for you," Uongo confessed.

Greenie: Ha! Little did he know... The lioness had already been planning and plotting. "Well. A cub that has touched lightning is certainly a special cub indeed." She praised him largely. The way he spun tales was brilliant and unexpected. She thought of the ways she could use that during ceremonies. It would flesh out so many details without her having to lift a paw. The thought was one of excitement for the lioness. "Oh?" Her blue eyes lit up with a spark of potential laughter at his comments regarding breathing fire. "What.. if I told you that I have some really spicy things to eat back at my den? I could help you learn to breathe fire." She added a gasp to enhance her well tuned lie. "It'd be a useful power for a cub such as yourself. With your wide travels and already fine tuned skills." She raised a paw to accent her words in a dramatic waving motion. There were so many ways she could trick this cub into returnin with her. He was hers. "There are practically a bajillion." Kluna couldn't stop the chuckle that followed. "I'll bring you now then. We can begin that training for fire breathing at once if you'd like?" She offered mildly as though she were just tossing the idea out there mildly. She'd have to monitor what he got into close, but then again Stylter was already a baby sitter for that wee jackal he'd basically pupnapped. The High Priestess sighed slightly and shook her head - what was becoming of her den. "Oh good. I definitely can't keep up with a cheetah." Another head shake from the lioness, but with a small smile. "What should I call you?" She asked curiously as they began their walk back to the pride.

Myn: The cub's eyes grew wide, nodding excitedly. Oh, to breath fire for real! He could impress everyone and no one would call him a liar again! Sure, he liked to make up stories but Uongo didn't think of himself as a liar. Lies did bad things and he certainly didn't do bad things. He was a good boy. "I would love that! Are they yummy spicy things?" he asked eagerly, little legs doubling the pace to keep up with the lioness's strude, He couldn't wait to get to this pride she told him about. It sounded adventurous! "Uongo," he chirped happily, before remembering he should fully introduce himself. "Uongo Uwongo!"

Greenie: The walk wouldn't take long if the cub continued his pace - she was impressed, of course he was no cheetah though. Perhaps the cub would end up a bard? She mused at the rank in mind and thought of the stories he might spin. "Of course they are yummy!" She pretended to sound offended that he would even suggest that she would produce disgusting spicy things, though it wouldn't have been a surprise by any means. "Uongo, you can call me Kluna." She smiled in his direction briefly before looking ahead. She already figured that it wouldn't be long before he would be able to use Stylters old baskets.