Breytast Vindar.

As a cub the time hadn't meant much more than seeing adults disappear into the day and return victoriously or battered. For the most part, battered. Into her adulthood it meant a chance to pit herself against various individuals for a chance at rising through the ranks. When that hadn't worked she decidedly worked her paws to the bone to do so. Her dreams of becoming the first female Warlord had been left behind quickly in Svanas wake, but she desired to keep it rolling and impress upon her own children that you can be anything.

"Svana." She beckoned out loud to the new Warlord. They had previously met on a couple of occasions and heck the Warlord had birthed her beautiful nieces and nephews. They were connected regardless of the outcome of today. "I'm eager to challenge you today." Her tone was neutral, but her eyes were wide with excitement. She'd worked hard to get to this point and therefore she felt ready to be here and stating these words out loud, not just to herself in her den. Her right hand had come along with her in support of this choice.
