Do`al = Felyn
Croatoia = *Greenie

The meal had been satisfactory, the company had been great. They mildly apperaed to be on the same level and yet she didn't know much more about him than he did of her. Perhaps the primary detail that continued to replay itself in her mind was that he was a collector and potentially she would be the 'collected'.

"What do you need from a lioness who knows her way around a plant?" She considered the possible bodies she had left in tow. Nothing out of the ordinary in science. Sacrifices must be made and eventually she planned to go bigger. The hares and other familiars were simply play things, but what would happen to a lion? What dosage would be required to stop the heart? Get them to talk? The applications would be endless. Of course she had no need for either, but her services could be of use. Why had no other lion addressed this?

Then there was her favorite - disease.

She still hadn't determined how to keep diseases for an extended period of time. Nor had she found any worth trying to keep.

"Did your collection have a purpose?"

The scarlet lion listened to her words as he busied himself cleaning a paw, drawing long, languid strokes along the glimmering fur to rid it of any rusty speckles of dried blood. For a moment, he seemed content to continue his work, digesting her questions and choosing his approach to this carefully. Some souls were weak and easy to pull into his embrace, others needed convincing.

When at last he set his paw upon the ground, his bright eyes settled on her with a purpose.

"Yes and no," he began, "I merely like chaos."

The purpose in his eyes had turned to something fierce as he began to spin her the tale, for the first time since they had crossed paths showing her somewhat other than a carefully calculated poker's face.

"There is nothing in this world so beautiful as anarchy. Prides grow complacent in their borders, fat and full and boring." That same smile surfaced for her again, trying to lull her into feeling at ease with him even as he began to show the first signs of his wicked little heart.

"You have felt that need to watch something react to the unexpected, no? Judging by the smell of it, that plant is not used in the healing arts."

Blue eyes monitored the actions of her recent companion closely. He appeared meticulous in his cleaning habits which was a mild surprise, but she continued to speak. Her own pelt still had flecks of blood against its golden hue. When she had said her piece and he appeared to be done grooming he didn't hesitate to begin. "Chaos." She muttered, sounding much like a cub in her brief shock. She too enjoyed a bit of chaos here and there. "It's a pleasant surprise to meet someone whom also appreciates the beauty of chaos." Croa admitted casually.

When he smiled she felt compelled to match it.

Croatoia wasn't a lioness to rely in such things as fate, but it seemed fate decided to show herself in the form of this lion. "Yes." Was the simple answer she provided to his question. It was all she could muster at first before compiling a string of sentences together. "What you're describing are merely experiments." She said with a wave of her paw. "What makes them fun is the discovery.. what makes them great is knowing how to use what has been learned." The smile she wore had never faded and her eyes took on a crazy glint.

"You speak as though you know this all first hand.. whether with plants or not." Just because one enjoyed chaos, didn't mean he threw himself into it. There were those that were simply a catalyst, she wondered if this was his role.

: "Oh, I have seen chaos manifest in every form imaginable." The words were accompanied by that same ferocity in his eyes, his shining devotion and awe in all things chaotic and unfathomable. "Some of it at my own paws, some of it propelled by them."

Whether she was appeasing his nature or truly meant what she said, Do'al felt he was making good steps towards winning her over. For what purpose, he wasn't sure, but it was true that his troupe's numbers had dwindled over the years. Sure, there were those that owed him favors, scattered across the lands from the mountain ranges to the beaches but there were few still that were loyal enough to stick by his side.

Even Makri, he feared, was nearing the end of her wandering days.

"At the end of the day, my only motivation in life is to see the seeds of chaos sewn wherever they might grow. You asked me what I collect? Those that would spread them with me, those with great skills at fighting or with knowledge I do not possess but could put to use."

That crazy glint in her eyes as she spoke of putting her knowledge to use was not missed, and his warm, pleasant smile took on a hint of its own devilishness.

"Truthfully, I was just hungry today, but I am glad I found you here. I am Do'al."

Croatoia couldn't help, but to lean forward a little as he spoke - literally being dragged into his bubble by his words. They had been compelling, had he been a salesman she would have bought in. He had surpassed her expectations when he spoke of causing chaos with his own two paws.. he wasn't one of those 'sit back and let others do the dirty work'. It was something to be admired and she didn't hide the admiration from her expression.

"It'd be my pleasure to sow those seeds with you." She responded and her smile never faltered. Her eyes were alight with pure enjoyment about the conversation they shared. "Do you have any future plans?" Her curiosity continued to peak and tickle the back of her mind as her heart began to race.

"I'm glad this meal could happen." She admitted. "I'm Croatoia."

There was no way to hide the absolute pleasure Do'al felt in that moment. Not only had she been lured into his grasp so easily but he'd be damned if she didn't actually seem thrilled. He couldn't have asked for a better result and, given that gleam he could see in the eyes staring back at him, he had to wonder if she might be a perfect fit for building a new troupe.

"Ahh, Croatoia," he all but purred the name, emphasizing the syllables so that he would remember it to a T and letting the last vowel fade off into a pleased laugh.

"Oh, I've many plans but I'm never sure which one to use until I know where I'm going to be next." His eyes drifted to the plant she had been inspecting, tracing the slope of its petals with his eyes and picking out the spots and colors that marked it for what it was. "Looking at this and knowing your particular skill set?" He shook his head and glanced back at her with his wicked smile. "I've a good half dozen new, pleasant thoughts."

His words trailed to a pensive silence and he hesitated only slightly over his words, giving himself a false sense of modesty.

"Would you consider, perhaps, traveling with me a while?"

The way he said her name had her knees weak, not that she would have admitted that to him or anyone else. Never had she been so smitten by another. Croa allowed herself a moment to simply enjoy the way he admired her specialized talents. That was likely what had her swooning more so than his sweet tones or purrs. Though they played a wicked part.

"Well, well.." She cooed at him, impressed by his vast number of plans - even if she hadn't known what they might be. Croa didn't peg him as one to dazzle as his pelt would do that enough on its own, anymore would be excessive. "I'd love to hear about them." It was her turn to purr a slew of words at him. She did truly want to hear more about his ideas, where would he take her? Curiosity gripped her tightly and she worried that it wouldn't let her go. That was until he asked her one simple question.

"Not at all."

Her tone suggested that she was far more excited than she had cared to let on. Croatoia wasn't ashamed by her excitement, but rather had hoped to seem a little less eager for something different. He just seemed so casual. It had simply been so long since she'd been introduced to something that could use her talents. Then she thought of her plan, one that had been haunting her for ages. She had considered something before - when she was an adolescent. Even attempted something and it was in that moment she realized that she needed to learn more.

"Will we leave right away?" She offered him the question slowly. Wondering if she might be able to get a night out of him.

A pleased smile stretched wide across his vibrant mug and those devilish, alluring eyes lit with a peculiar light. It was always a treat when he could force someone to bend to his wills and an even better one when said someone was such an attribute to his lifelong cause. For a moment all the possibilities of her presence played out in his thoughts, spinning their web so clearly that he seemed distant where he sat before her. They were only thoughts, though, and she was the prize he had stolen for himself.

"No, dear, we can stay a while." He pushed himself up slowly and took a long, languid stretch of his limbs, splaying his strong paws wide in perfect, lazy contentment. Then he shifted and settled himself closer to her, within her proximity enough that had she been afraid of him still it would have been alarming. "Makri is out somewhere and I daresay I can't move along without her, no matter how skilled of a tracker she is."

A paw raised, careless of her personal space, and reached to pull her chin up to look at him. It was surprisingly gentle for all that his eyes burned with a fierce, renewed fire. His passion was his greatest strength and, at times, his worst attribute.

"I'd wager we have the night to discuss whatever plans you'd like to hear, Croatoia," her name, again, as gentle as a purr, "she'll be back to find me come morning."

: Though their conversations had turned pleasant, even inviting, she still felt herself naturally wanting to shrink away. In a failed attempt at ceasing her movement she began to stretch playing off her earlier movements as part of that. Easy enough.

The small bit of contact, a simple paw touching her chin, caught her off guard and her eyes burned brightly. The flame could easily be mistaken for someone delighted to be touched, but the exact opposite feeling coursed through her and had they not just been getting on so well she'd have thrust him aside. Instead she tried to not recount her memories of the same affectionate touches and focus on her current situation.

Chin up and eyes focused on him she tried for a smile that came off as bitter sweet. "Staying would be fine." She finally managed to get out, but he was already off onto another bout of speaking. Her ears twitched slightly, but remained focused on him. "Oh?" The purr had begun to help settle her inner demons enough for her to ease into his touch. "Shall we find somewhere a little cozier then?" She offered coyly. Her blue eyes drifted away from him briefly to ensure that her plant was still in sight. Once spotted her gaze returned to him.

Whatever hesitation she held in her heart never registered in Do'al. He had found himself renewed purpose, both long and short term, and his passion had swelled up to consume his finer observation skills. She seemed hooked and pleased to be so despite the uneasiness she had shown him when he first arrived. It was a victory in his book even if the deal hadn't quite been sealed.

She could always change her mind. He wasn't foolish enough to think his flashy coat and suave words were enough to have her tagging along like a lost pup.

He let his gaze follow hers as she glanced over at her plant, then swung it out past her as he pulled himself up gracefully to his feet. She wouldn't go far from that, he supposed, and he would rather that she didn't if it were so useful as she seemed to think. That meant they would have to stay close, at least.

"I am certain we could find a place to pass the night, dear, so long as you don't have any objections."

His charming smile was in place as he began to walk, lazy and languid, toward the treeline he had ventured from not too long before. He had no doubt they would find something without wasting too much of their precious time.