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Word Count: 1047

Pomona felt like the sun rose way too early that morning. She really didn't want to wake, but she could already hear her younger mates - Irozi and Fleri - giggling and awake near her. Pomona was not a morning lioness, she took ages to wake, staring blearily at the world around, her mind slogging forward like a calf stuck in mud.

She huffed.

Irozi and Fleri were both early birds, waking up before the sun rose to chat and watch the sun rise. Pomona had stayed up through the nights occassionally to witness their morning routine. How had she managed to land such giggly morning mates, she wondered.

Not to say she didn't love the pair, though. She pulled her body up from her slumbering position, lumbering towards Irozi and Fleri, who were laying a bit of a distance away to not disturb her as she slept, but she now flopped down in between her two mates.

Fleri leaned into her immediately. Fleri was closer to Pomona's age than Irozi was, the two had been together longer. It was a normal thing they had before Irozi had come along. In fact, Fleri would wake up before her before Irozi joined them, and she would watch the sunset on her own until Pomona flopped down next to her.

Irozi was... New.

New to their dynamic and routines, but he was worming his way into their little harem with ease.

It took a moment longer, with a little murmured encourangement for Irozi to lean against Pomona as well. Pomona gave a small, content hum when both her mates frame her.

There was no where else she would rather be, than here.

Fleri and Irozi resumed their chatter, talking about what crafts they were working on or gossiping about the other members of the pride. Pomona couldn't be super bothered trying to concentrate on what they were saying. She was content in this moment, listening to them.

It took a bit longer for the two to quiet, leaning against Pomona a bit more, and relaxing with their harem leader. She rumbled out a comforting noise, and they huffed against her, dozing a bit in the warmth of the early morning sun.

It would take at least an hour more for Pomona to awake fully, but she enjoyed the quiet company of her mates while they humored her morning laziness.

It took several long minutes of the morning quiet for Pomona to breathe in the life of the world around her. Her mates stirred against her side, their dozing turning into a morning nap with her. She gave a small chuckle, watching her two sleepy mates yawn and stretch.

"Good morning, my loves," She said quietly, and the pair hums in response to her.

Fleri responds first, nuzzling right up underneath Pomona's chin. "Good morning," she greets in return, a happy little spout of laughter coloring the edges of her words. Irozi seemed to shake awake a few moments later.

He mumbled a good morning, yawning afterwards, and Pomona gave him a fond smile. Irozi was a lot more shy compared to Pomona and Fleri, a soft boy with a big heart. Pomona nuzzled the top of his head, gentle and kind.

"What are we up to, today?" She asked, stretching forward a bit, sticking her paws straight out.

Fleri hummed thoughtfully, and Irozi tilted his head a bit. He wasn't quite sure if he could pipe up and offer his input, but he huffed softly to get Pomona's attention.

Both of the others looked in his direction, and he ducked his head shyly.

He wasn't used to being the center of attention. He had a lot of siblings, so he never really had the attention he craved from his parents, and now the focus was all on him. He took a shakey breath, trying to steel himself.

Pomona gave a comforting hum, a small chuffing sound to encourage him to speak his mind. He gave her a weak smile in return but didn't speak at all.

Fleri wanted to jump in with her suggestion, beginning to speak, but was shushed softly by Pomona. "Give him a little time to speak, and then you can have your turn," She said softly to Fleri. She smiled soothingly at her mate, nuzzling her softly to show that she didn't mean any ill will towards her female mate.

But if Irozi was shut down for any reason, it would take him ages to speak his mind again at all. They all needed to be patient with one another. Fleri frowned but nodded and Irozi gave her a sheepish smile, shoulders hunching with nerves.

"I was... I was wondering if we could just have an easy morning and then maybe go out later to hunt... Like, no work or anything..." He glanced away after he spoke, unsure of how the suggestion would take.

Pomona gave a thoughtful noise, and glanced at Fleri.

"What was your suggestion, dear," She asked the mostly-white girl.

Fleri shook her head, though, instead. "I like Rozi's suggestion. It sounds fun. Its been a while since we all spent a day together," she said easily. She stretched her paws out to match where Pomona's were, but he was a lot smaller than Pomona, closer to Irozi in size.

She glanced over to see Irozi do the same on Pomona's other side, and gave a small delighted laugh.

"Lazy morning it is then. Like I would say no to spending time with the two of you," Pomona's voice was filled with the love and affection she held for the two of them, and she laughed as well. "Great idea, Irozi."

Irozi made a happy sound, stretched up to nuzzle Pomona and reaching a paw out to touch Fleri.

The bright pink boy gave another yawn, laying his head on Pomona's paws. His mates were warm, and so was the sun. They would spend a nice, quiet morning together without a bother and then spend the rest of the day together. It filled his heart with joy and happiness, and he hoped the day would last, though that wasn't how time worked.

So he would enjoy this morning as long as he could, and hoped for more like this in the future.