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Reply [IC] Myrsky Syntynyt Lands
[PRP] The Gift of Gab (Geist x Stories)

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Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Fri Oct 27, 2017 8:27 pm
User Image It had been a few good days for Geist, if he did say so himself. He had been accepted into the small, select group of bards within the Stormborn after proving to them that he had what it took to compose ballads and songs and stories. He was sure his mentor was proud even if the older lion didn't show it in a way the younger male was used to. His parents had been very proud to hear of his achievement and now all he had to do was wait for his siblings or cousins to become Reavers so he could make memorable epics from their glorious battles...or hilarious songs about their failures. Either way, he was going to have fun!

Hopping down from a rocky ledge, Geist headed for the cliffs where the sea beat against the stone at high tide. At low tide, as it was now, there was a bit of beach to walk on and he liked to think of it as his special place to get lost in his thoughts and think of new phrases or ways to turn a simple, two-line story into a five minute poem. He didn't have any material to work with at the moment, though. He was just heading there to enjoy himself and take in some much needed quiet time.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 26, 2018 10:52 am

Jeng spread her wings, yawning and looking up at the sky with a tired, but content smile. She was tired, but probably because she had only just woken up. She took to the sky and let her wings fly her around a bit, sighing as she circled around and looked at the lands below for something to do.

It was sort of her thing, to fly around and look for stories to tell, though she much preferred hearing stories from others than telling them hers. She knew she was good at that, and she really liked helping others be good at it, too.

Especially those who had a destiny in that sort of thing. Silly mortals and their fun little rules they lived by. Every land was different, and all the beliefs were incredibly interesting. Though sometimes a little confusing, even for someone who could weave tales like Jeng.

She spotted someone out by the water, circling high above before landing some distance off to take on a more... normal... appearance.

Now she made her approach, clearing her voice.

"Hello there, young one!"


Snuggly Knight


Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Sat Jan 27, 2018 7:16 am
Geist found a little ledge that leaned over the water a ways, creating a small stage to practice on to the fish and gulls that populated the waters. He walked onto the edge and took a deep breath of the sea air, the saltiness making his nose wrinkle with delight. The sea certainly could have stories and songs written about it, he thought to himself as he watched the waves roll in. Perhaps that was where he could start to practice.

A voice caught his attention before he could start to compose, though, and he turned to spot a lioness heading his way. He tilted his head slightly, not recognizing her by sight, but he didn't think too much of it. The Stormborn were many, after all. She could be a newly initiated Freeborn. Instead he hopped down from his rock and padded forward to meet her.

"Hello," he returned cheerfully, a grin settling on his features. "Can I help you with something?" Occasionally older lions would seek out the younger Freeborn to help them with one thing or another to prepare them for their first Viking, so if that was the case this lioness would be sorely disappointed. Bards weren't common within the ranks here and he'd have to let her down gently if that were the case.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 11, 2018 11:21 am

Jeng smiled, eyes sparkingly as she approached the male lion. He seemed friendly enough, though she was not too familiar with these parts and unaware of the real dangers some of the lions posed. She could always just fly away should anything happen, anyway. Silly mortals and the proclivity for fighting: she was much more fond of words and sharing, when it came to it.

And anyone was worth talking to. Listening to. She just had to give them the opening, most of the time, so they could share their story.

For such short little lives, these mortals certainly had many fascinating tales.

"Oh, I was just exploring this part of the world," she said honestly, humming as she spoke so her words had a musical quality about them, "You looked to be very deep in thought, my young new friend. Have I interrupted something important going on in that skull marked, yet handsome head of yours?"

She smiled at him warmly, sitting down and swishing her tail behind her.


Snuggly Knight


Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Tue Feb 13, 2018 6:42 pm
Geist laughed at the lioness' comment. Not in a mocking way but in an amused way considering he knew himself too well. Deep in thought? Him? Perhaps, if he was trying to cook up a nice story based around his pranks with is twin brother when they were cubs. As a new bard he had some work to do in making a name for himself and since he was still growing he didn't have the opportunity to meet or know any Reavers personally. He knew his uncle (who was slightly younger than him, families were strange things) would be going on his first Viking soon so he would rely on him for lots of stories, but for now he had to work with what he had.

"I wish," he said with a grin. "I guess I was trying to make something interesting out of something silly. Cub games aren't really good story material." As much fun as he had he knew now that the adults he had tried to spook had only been playing along so he and his brother felt better about themselves.

"You're a traveler then? Do you have any stories you'd like to share? I was just approved to be a bard in my pride," he said, his head lifting a bit higher with pride. It was a hard rank to get, especially at his age, yet he had impressed one of the bards and had been taken under his wing to train. "I know a few lions my age who will get to travel soon, but until then I've got limited source material."

PostPosted: Mon Feb 26, 2018 2:34 pm

Jeng's eyes seemed to light up at the word 'story', her interest piqued.

"You could say I'm a traveler. I've certainly traveled quite a distance." Though, she had ages to do so. She was a goddess, after all, and she had all the time in the world to gather her stories. What she wanted to do, really, was help mortals find their voices, and share their stories, since they had such a finite time to do it. She watched him, wondering but looking strangely excited.

"Oh, everything can make a good story, you just have to find the heart in it. The right audience, of course. If you find someone who wants to hear your story, no matter what it is, then you should share it! I think it's a gift to be able to keep your stories in your mind, and bring them up when you need them. The more you do, the more you learn, the more you can share! But just because you haven't done those things yet, does not mean you have no stories to tell."

She smiled.

"A bard! That's wonderful. I'm a bit of a bard myself, though I'm not sure what kind of a pride this is. Still, if you like to tell stories, like to entertain others and bring them real moments of happiness, then I think I could help you. And I think it might make one of your very first real experiences, too."


Snuggly Knight


Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 10:07 am
Geist's excitement was growing the more the lioness spoke. A traveler that was a bit of a bard herself! And she was so encouraging even if his current repertoire was rather lacking. Cub stories would be appealing to cubs, he supposed. Or he could embellish them and turn them into fantastic fairy tales of dragons and ghosts haunting the lands in the night.

"Oh, it's a great pride," he said fondly. "The Stormborn are know most for their Reavers and Captains who go off a-Viking for treasure and glory and honor. We bards create tales of heroism, failure, hilarity...whatever strikes our fancy," he said with a little toss of his head, grinning from ear to ear. He was clearly pleased that he'd be the one helping to weave the stories that would get passed down from generation to generation.

"I'd love all the help I can get!" he added as she offered to help him. He figured she had a plethora of adventures to tell him about and he'd happily sit here all day and listen to them and absorb them. Viking ballads were nice and all but he wanted something unique and memorable that would have his name spoken for years to come.

"What's your name?" he added curiously, tilting his head a bit. "I'm Geist." She definitely wasn't a member of the pride but he wanted to remember her when she did finally depart just in case anyone within the pride began to speak of her. He'd put in a good word for her to keep her from potential harm.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 10:15 am

"My little friend, I think this story will really help you in your career. It might not be heroic, but it will certainly be magical."

She smiled, dropping her magic and spreading her green wings. She stood up tall, her hood now comfortably settled on her head, her feathered pouch at her side. She smiled at him, folding her wings against her body and sighing in relief. She did not like to hide her true form much, and tended to take the risk to reveal herself more often than not.

Her companion, Archimedes, would have been furious. She was a faster flier than him, though, so he was still trying to catch up to her. They would both get an earful if he did.

She watched him with her bright, seagreen eyes. They stood out against her dark fur and hood, shimmering with interest.

"My name is Jeng, little Geist, and I am the Goddess of Stories. Your pride sounds like a wealth of them, for good or bad, and I love the idea of you wanting to better them all by sharing these stories. Bringing happiness to others, bringing lessons to share, is such a noble art that many creatures overlook. It warms my heart to see someone so young taking up such an interest in it! I want to help you. What do you think of a Goddess's blessing?"


Snuggly Knight


Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 10:33 am
Geist's head remained tilted as the lioness spoke. Magical? What could she mean by-

Golden eyes widened and his maw opened in surprise as the lioness suddenly changed. There was no slow transformation, she just suddenly had massive green wings and a hood pulled over her head and she exuded a presence that Geist found hard to describe. It was magnetic and he took a small step forward, no fear in his heart, only eagerness to hear what she had to say.

"Goddess...of stories?!" he said with an excited laugh, his whole body nearly trembling with excitement. What luck! As a Stormborn Geist knew about gods and goddesses as they sired and mothered many litters here. His own grandfather was the god of chivalry and although he had never met him, his grandmother had told him about the encounter.

"A blessing?" he echoed, his voice nearly a whisper as he stared up at the massive lioness. His heart was pounding with happiness and he had to try very, very hard not to leap about for joy. "Yes! Oh, Jeng, yes! I would love one!" She was right...this was going to be a story for the ages!

PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 10:44 am
Permanent Power:
-Make it Up
Jeng’s blessing comes in the form of a boost to storytelling prowess. She can aid in someone’s ability to come up with stories, to weave creative and fulfilling tales, and to feel no hesitation or fear, aka stage fright, when delivering these stories to others. This power only impacts the delivery of the story itself, and do not linger once the tale is told, but the blessing is always there, waiting to be used. It will not aid in telling lies, however, and cannot be used to deceive. If a blessed mortal speaks a lie with the intention of deception, the blessing will be lost forever.

Jeng watched him, seeing the way he grew excited at her transformation. She made it as grand as she could, so it would be something he could remember, and tell others about. She did not think he meant her any harm, after all, though she was not familiar with the pride and what some gods went through because of them.

"I think there was a little fate here, guiding me to you, and I do love when fate guides my wings. You seem very worthy of a blessing, young one. You have an honest face, hidden behind what some might think would be a scary mask. I think it just gives you more character to work with."

She stepped toward him, nodding her head to indicate he should bow his. She touched her head to his, closing her eyes.

"My blessing will help you to share your stories. You will be bold, entertaining, and your mind will be clear when you wish to share. You can tell whatever story you wish, true or untrue, but you cannot use these powers to deceive. Stories are meant to help, not harm, and should you ever trick someone with your tales, cause them harm or to be led to harm, my blessing will leave you."

Her magic was warm and seemed to light up through his whole body, though it was his head that would be left tingling. She stepped back, smiling at him. Archimedes would definitely be angry with her, but they were her powers to share as she wished, so the owl would just have to deal with it.


Snuggly Knight


Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 10:56 am
Geist stared up even more as Jeng moved forward towards him, the grin on his face only widening as she mentioned his markings. He had used them to spook others when he was a cub - although he was pretty sure now that most of those who he had startled in the darkness had just been reacting that way to not discourage him from hunting - and he was sure they would aid in certain ways later on as well.

He bowed his head as indicated and shut his eyes, feeling a warm, comforting sensation fill his mind and body as she spoke. His head tingled where hers touched his, even after she moved back, and he lifted his head while opening his eyes to stare up at her with amazement. There was a bit of light around him as well that slowly faded as Jeng's words ended and he felt like he could do anything at that moment.

"Don't worry," he said, his voice trembling as he struggled to keep his happiness in check. "I won't use it to hurt anyone! Oh wow, this feels so funny!" He finally let out a laugh as he lifted a paw to rub his head where the tingling was mostly centered, then jumped forward to nuzzle the goddess' cloaked chest.

"Thank you Jeng! Thank you so much! You were right, this will be a great story to tell!" He already knew he'd be able to captivate any audience with it. Gods were a fairly popular topic here but he had never heard of one blessing someone before. Cursing, sure, but blessing? A story for the ages!

"Is there something I can do for you?" he asked suddenly, realizing that thanks might not be enough. He knew of her and her domain now and would surely give thanks every time he told a story, but if there was something she needed or wanted that a mere adolescent mortal could do, he'd gladly be of service.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 06, 2018 2:43 pm

Jeng smiled proudly as the young lion reacted with so much honest excitement for her blessing. It was hard to find creatures, these days, that still understood the importance of a tale, but the fact that this pride used them and allowed them to train was a comfort. Maybe there were other prides out there that listened to their story tellers, and appreciated the lessons they had to share.

"Oh, no, there's no need to do anything for me but tell your stories and master your craft. Maybe I'll come by some time, and listen to one of your tales. That would be more than enough in return, I think."

She chuckled, tilting her head to the side and watching him.

Stretching her wings, she looked up at the sky and sighed.

"I should probably get back to wandering and helping others with their tales. But I won't forget you, and I'll come back again. Hopefully you'll still be here, and you can show me how you grow." She would remember this story, as well, for herself and hopefully as one she could share as a success to others.


Snuggly Knight


Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 1:22 pm
Geist couldn't believe his good fortune and it was all he could do to keep himself from running in circles around the goddess in delight. As it was he was still grinning like a fool and his paws were dancing in the dirt, clearly excited and eager to start to share the blessing with everyone in the pride.

"Oh, please do! I'll tell you all of the stories I've come across and made," he promised as Jeng spread her wings. This would certainly be the tale that put him on the map. Bards normally kept the history of the pride and told the tales of Reavers and Captains, but he'd be sure to make his own encounter with the goddess his first notable story.

"Thank you again, Jeng!" he said happily as he bounded back, giving her room to beat her wings and rise into the sky. He had places to be and lions to see now, too! He knew his parents would be quite happy to hear their son was blessed by a goddess and he was positive his twin would share his joy and delight. What excitement!

Last post from me!
[IC] Myrsky Syntynyt Lands

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