"Take it easy, if you scowl any longer you're going to hurt yourself." Domeykite strolled alongside a smaller lioness. Her posture screamed 'do not disturb', but that was the sort of thing Domeykite was known for ignoring. Her hunched shoulders, the way she refused to make eye contact, even the slight twitch of her ears gave away her annoyance with him. They obviously weren't off to the best of starts, but he would have thought she'd have caved a little bit and cracked a smile.

After all, they had only been walking a couple days together. It was a small war band, but it wasn't like they needed to spill out of the pride's homelands en masse. The purpose of this trip was just to round up a herd for cultivating and slaughter. He would have liked a little more excitement for his first viking - something about this seemed dull, like a regular hunt instead he had to wrangle up beasts instead of outright kill them.

If only the company was better. He had been stuck with the small lioness if only because this was the first outing for the both of them. He assumed it was a decision based on keeping the 'weak links' closer to keep a better eye on them. Whatever, he was just happy to get out of the pride lands and explore. The green lion paused, thinking he had heard the lioness speak up. Miracles do happen!

"What was that?" he prodded her.

He could practically feel the irritation in the sigh she produced, "For the love of whatever gods you want to worship, be quiet - we're getting close."

"You just want me to shut u - OW," Domeykite growled. That - UGH. Jupe had quickly paced in front of him and aimed a well-timed kick to his chest. She didn't hit hard, but it was enough to make him want to retaliate... if there wasn't a captain nearby.

Fine, he got the message. He'd behave.

Jupe couldn't stand the green lion. Cocky little p***k who didn't understand that they weren't out here for fun and games. She could smell the herd of wildebeest drifting down towards them. It wasn't time to chit chat and make friends (not that she would with someone who had spent the past couple of days driving her out of her own mind). She had tolerated it to the best of her abilities, and if she thought she could get away with it she would have smacked Domeykite around a lot more.

The lioness lowered herself to the ground as they neared the herd. Already they had gone over the plan to capture the scared herd. If there was one thing Jupe was good at - it was hunting. She was small, but intuitive. She knew how to read her prey, and even opponents in brawls. It was her only advantage, given her slight build. The skeletal marked lioness was all muscle, a little bundle of power that was just waiting to be unleashed. Remaining low, she started to circle back behind the herd. The female reavers would flush the herd towards the male lions - their size and stature would make it hard for the wildebeest to escape, especially once the females pinched them in from behind.

It was a smaller herd, manageable though for how far they had trekked. Anything over two dozen animals would have been impossible for them to control. This she could handle. She was used to famine, loneliness, hardship. All of it had trained her, showed her how to be strong and unforgiving. Her tenacity was her virtue now.

Jupe slipped into position and looked to the lioness to her left, waiting for the cue to begin the chase. Sucking in a deep, calming breath, Jupe then leaped into action alongside her fellow lionesses. They ran at a steady pace towards the herd - nothing near their full potential so they could conserve as much energy as possible. All they needed was to spook and direct their victims towards the ambush. From each side, lionesses closed in, pushing the herd together. Then some of the younger males joined rank - she caught a glimpse of forest green that was obviously Domeykite. He was inexperienced in comparison to her, but at least he was capable enough of chasing the rear ends of prey beasts.

It must be from all the rejections he got while chasing tail, Jupe thought snidely.

Their pace slowed as the herd made it to their unwitting destination. The last members of the hunting party stood their grounds, shoulders squared and teeth bared. The captain let out a roar to startle the prey to a halt. Some of the reavers begin to pace, circling the herd to prevent any from trying to break rank and flee to safety. There would be no escape for these animals - it would be enough to replenish some of their supplies. The excursion was more about experience and training, so that the next time the group could take on something more ambitious.

"See? Easy, and you were walking around like you had a thorn stuck in your paw." Domeykite came up beside her, panting like an idiot. Actually, everything he did was idiotic, but she felt like her breath would be wasted trying to explain that to him.

"I was concentrating," she scowled. Yes, concentrating on ignoring him, but he always seemed to try and find a way to butt into her day. She couldn't wait for the excursion to be over, just for the peace and quiet that would embrace her when he was gone.

"You don't have to now - this looks like it's pretty much taken care of. Just gotta walk 'em back home. We can actually talk, catch up a little." His grin was a little too mischievous. The black lioness was certain she wouldn't make it to the end of this excursion.

"Or we won't," Jupe snapped irritably, and walked away from the pesky young lion to help cover an opening in the formation. At least they would have to be paced away from each other to make sure the herd didn't try anything to escape. She would rather listened to the panicked grunts and cries of the herd beast than Domeykite's stupid and incessant rambling.

Domeykite was left alone with, perhaps for the first time in a day, a frown on his face.