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Reply [IC] Kitwana'antara Lands
[PRP] Unexpected Welcome

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Vice Captain

Magical Apprentice

PostPosted: Mon Oct 09, 2017 6:57 pm
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Pingana was leading a very striking, very familiar and very intimidating family through the heart of the Kitwana'Antara. Thanks primarily to Mittere's reputation, the usual curiosity about new arrivals was stifled and only a few especially nosy pride members openly watched or gossiped as they passed. If any of the visiting group broke off, Pingana let them go as long as Facio was still with him. Others would be watching them, the older lions were of greatest concern but Facio most of all.

Unfortunately, they never ran into Kestven, so Pingana was taking them to find Jani. If she happened to be out hunting, next would be Amani. Amani would definitely be around but he was at the very bottom of the 'reasonable options' list simply because he wasn't trained to fight even as a hunter.

He prayed to the Goddess that Jani would be home.

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The smell got worse when they arrived inside the pride, it was all Tisiphone could focus on at first. The sounds were no better when they passed through a more populated area. She almost regretted not running when she had the chance before, but she couldn't let herself think about that. She was here because this was where Facio wanted her, so she followed dutifully, though near the back of the group that remained.

And still, somehow, the thing that bothered her most was that her proper name had been given.
PostPosted: Mon Oct 09, 2017 7:12 pm
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Thanks to Pingana's quick thinking, Jani had been warned to expect guests. The stranger who looked related to her family had returned...with more company. And Jani was grateful that none of her mother's children were around at the moment. She would see what these strangers made of her, who looked nothing like them, before deciding whether or not to bring in the rest of the family.

Except for Kestven, but he was occupied elsewhere. Ah well.

The Huntress didn't have to wait too long before she spotted Pingana's distinctive fur coming near. And...well. This was a surprise indeed. As the group came closer, she could see that a number bore the same shades and markings as her mother, as well as some forms that had been seen in her brothers and sisters. But it was the dark-maned male leading the group that caught her attention most of all.

He wasn't young, and Jani estimated him to be of an age with Mittere. In fact, he looked enough like her to be her brother. Neither Jani nor any of her siblings had ever heard their mother speak of relatives, so she wanted to know what this male would claim.

She wanted to know a very great deal about these strangers.

"I see you, Pingana," the green lioness called out at last.


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The deeper Pingana led them into the pride, the more uneasy Mors felt. He didn't know what to think of the lions and others who watched their passage, but he knew they were talking about his family. There was too much interest on those faces, many gaunt with illness, for it to be any other way. But not a one of the people he saw bore any resemblance to his father.

At last someone called out at a volume meant to be heard and not overlooked. Mors turned eagerly, hoping to finally see the family Dad claimed. But his hopes were dashed and his shoulders slumped slightly at the sight of a fairly ordinary, green-furred lioness with a completely different set of markings from his own family. Probably just a friend of Pingana's. Or his mate. Great. How much longer must he wait for this...reunion?


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Facio nodded affably to the many observers the group passed, refusing to let his mask slip any further. He suspected he had been late to don it, given Pingana's cool appraisal and general unfriendliness. Still, they had gained admittance. He'd allowed the leopons to separate from the group and discover what they would about the pride - they could regroup later.

Pink eyes narrowed as an unfamiliar voice hailed their guide. The lioness was not young, but nowhere near his own age. Was she merely being friendly, or was she one of Mittere's proteges? The pink lioness did teach and lead lions into battle, so it was only to be expected that she'd continued those habits here.  


Obsessive Bookworm


Vice Captain

Magical Apprentice

PostPosted: Mon Oct 09, 2017 7:23 pm
Pingana was mildly surprised to hear Jani call out to him, but he realized that it was smart of her to have met them away from her den. He gave a forced, somewhat grim smile at her call and changed direction so they headed directly to her. He stopped some feet away so the group would stop there, then moved himself around to Jani's side.

"Allow me to introduce Mittere's eldest daughter," he said, looking over the group and then focusing on Facio, "Jani, this group is led by Facio, Mittere's brother."

Tisiphone was slowly retreating within her own mind as they walked and walked but the lioness who called out to Pingana drew her attention. She was confused when they started heading towards a lioness that looked just.. wrong. She was very pretty, lovely mild colors compared to their brighter fur.. but she didn't look anything like them. And then Pingana introduced her as Mittere's daughter.

That couldn't be right.

Looking confused, she looked from Jani to Pingana to Jani and finally to Facio.
PostPosted: Mon Oct 09, 2017 7:34 pm
Jani was surprised to hear that the stranger actually claimed to be her uncle. Well, she had already guessed that kind of relationship, so she'd have to assume it was true. Whatever else, that would be true. Even the name, which she'd never heard before, sounded related to Mittere's. So he was the real deal. And his kids, her cousins, well, they were relatively obvious. She might not have pegged the purple-pelted ones as being kin outside the group, but within the resemblances were clear.

"Welcome, Uncle Facio and cousins, to the Kitwana'antara," Jani told the group, inclining her head slightly. "I'm afraid Mother never once mentioned any brothers or sisters, so you can imagine our surprise."

She waited patiently, wondering how long it would take them to ask why she looked nothing like her mother.


"But how can you be our cousin!?"

The impertinent words fell out of Mors' mouth as if his lips could no longer keep them inside. And then he saw it. Jani's eyes were the exact same color as his own, else water lied. Somehow, that was the only outward trait she'd inherited, and he'd just made a fool of himself.

Worse, he could feel Facio's disapproval, even if his father was still smiling. He was going to be in serious trouble later.


Facio had actually opened his mouth to respond to Jani's welcome when his idiot son couldn't hold his tongue any longer and asked the rudest possible question. Sighing heavily and only slightly dramatically, the older lion met his niece's eyes with an apologetic expression.

"I am sorry, your cousin Mors has always been prone to stuffing his feet in his mouth when he speaks. Please forgive him." There would be punishment later, and there would be blood. Oh, there would be a great deal of blood this day, but not yet.

"Is your mother out? I have been dreaming of reuniting with my sister for many long years," he continued, glancing around now and again. There was no trace of Mittere, nor of any who bore any major resemblance to his small family. Briefly, Facio wondered if he'd been had. But no, these lions weren't nearly that clever. She was here. Somewhere. And his niece, with her too-wise blue eyes, knew exactly where that was.  


Obsessive Bookworm


Vice Captain

Magical Apprentice

PostPosted: Mon Oct 09, 2017 7:42 pm
Pingana sat down at Jani's side, considering himself well outside of necessary now that an appropriate someone was here to answer all the questions they surely had about all of this.. and the most appropriate one to deliver the news that they were not going to find Mittere here anymore. He wasn't necessary for the conversation, but he wasn't just going to wander off like his job was done. He was both curious and compelled to stay. As a Spy, he ought to know exactly what was going on and as a Scout, it was reasonable to expect him to stay nearby when they had visitors. No Guards had been foolish enough to trade places with him, and there were few he would have trusted to handle this anyway.

So he sat and he watched. He even smiled when Mors asked the obvious question.

Mors took the words right out of Tisiphone's mouth but she was smart enough to keep them right there on the tip of her tongue. She might not have been if Mors hadn't blurted it out, though, and she felt a strange relief when he did. Better him than me, she thought.

The eyes were the right color but this still didn't feel right. And she was far too polite and kind looking to be related to them, that was what most convinced Tisiphone something wasn't quite right about this.
PostPosted: Mon Oct 09, 2017 8:00 pm
The green lioness laughed long and loud at Mors' question, shaking off Facio's apology. The tension had been thick enough to slice with a claw, and she much appreciated this brief interlude.

"No, no, I don't mind much. Technically speaking, I'm not related to you by blood. But my mom, Tarafa, was Mittere's mate," Jani explained. She still felt a pang of loss thinking about her wonderful, fragile mother. Luckily she'd had more than four years to become accustomed to that sad fact.

"Believe it or not, I have sixteen siblings," the lioness continued, overlooking Facio's question for the moment. "Mom had ten kids in all, Mother six, and they adopted my brother Kestven when he was a cub. So we're actually a rather large family, not including all of you!"

She wasn't ignoring Facio, per se, but she wasn't quite ready to bring the whole mood downwards. Just let her have these few moments of happiness, Goddess, and she would be content. Besides, just because Jani took after her birth mother more than Mittere didn't mean she was dumb. She'd seen the flicker of irritation in Facio's eyes, and meant to make him wait - just a little longer.


Mors' jaw dropped as Jani started listing out just how many siblings she had, how many cousins he hadn't known about. True, he'd never actually heard of a pair of lionesses, but that was much less crazy than two lions having seventeen kids between them. Even if one was adopted.

"That's...that's crazy!" he gasped out at last. And Jani was much older than he was. Scary to think, but she was old enough to be his mother. Wait a minute...

"Do you have kids?" the pink male asked, oblivious to his father's growing anger.


The eldest lion didn't miss Jani's oversight in answering his question. Nor did he miss the sharp glance she gave him before she elaborated on her own immediate family. Was this, Facio had to wonder, a warning? That despite the fact that he'd brought a total of nine lions and leopons, Mittere's family still outnumbered his greatly? Did she suspect his purpose?

Surely he had not been so crude as to telegraph that intent to a mere child.

"I had not expected to hear my sister had any children at all," Facio commented. "Truly, she must have found happiness here." In truth, he hadn't imagined any situation that could possibly result in Mittere birthing cubs. After all, not a single male had been able to best her, and rape was the only way to force her. And if her mate had been a lioness...how in the names of all the gods had Mittere been convinced to have children?

And why was he wasting this much time wondering about it? It was in the past, and therefore not at all relevant to his goal. This wouldn't even matter later, when he thoroughly shredded his son for idiocy and impertinence. At least the girls were quiet.

"But perhaps we can discuss the details of our family later? I would like to speak to my sister now."  


Obsessive Bookworm


Vice Captain

Magical Apprentice

PostPosted: Mon Oct 09, 2017 8:16 pm
Pingana sat silently while Jani focused on the happier side of the family introductions, though he knew it wasn't what Facio wanted to hear.. it was disarming how genuine Mors was being, though. He and Tisiphone were clearly surprised and interested in this unusual development, at least. He was brought back to focus when Facio, again, pressed for an introduction to Mittere.

He had to realize they were stalling, but he couldn't have known why.

So the spy-scout looked expectantly at Jani. Would she reveal the truth or did she have some other plan? How much had Sedare pass on of her worries to her family? Had they made a plan? Could they have planned for this?

Tisiphone's mouth hung open at the revelation that they had seventeen cousins as well, though she still did not speak. She had never imagined Mittere, now confirmed to be their aunt, would have any family- not like this. If she had children, they had to be like her and her siblings. Well trained, well behaved (except Mors at this moment) .. tools, not beloved.

Jani seemed clever, she could believe it when it was just her.. but seventeen of them. Could Mittere have been making herself an army or had Tisiphone gotten everything wrong about their target?
PostPosted: Mon Oct 09, 2017 8:29 pm
She smiled at Mors. Of all the previously-unknown relatives, he was the one she felt closest too thus far, probably because he was the one who was actually talking, and seemed to be genuine. That impression could be faulty, of course, but for now she wasn't going to argue.

"No, I don't have any children myself, though I do have nephews and they have children as well." She tactfully left out that one of those nephews was now the pride's King. Time enough for that later, if this went well.

But she'd put off Facio's request once already and she didn't want to push her luck too much. The green lioness' expression sobered as she straightened.

"I apologize, but Mother..." she couldn't say it. "I'll take you to her," Jani told the group quietly.


It made Mors feel a bit better to hear that Jani didn't have kids, but then she mentioned nephews. And the nephews had kids. What were those cubs even called? Mors had never had so much family before that he needed to even wonder about things like that. His head felt like it was spinning.

Then everything seemed to change abruptly as Jani promised to take them to Mittere at last. Oh good, then he had a breather before he had to worry about this insanely huge family.


The more relatives Jani listed, the more Facio was certain that they meant to make this difficult. It seemed the family easily amassed more than twenty, possibly more than thirty members of varying ages. And if Jani was among the oldest, this could bode ill for making an escape later.

Task first, escape later. For the green lioness had finally agreed to take them to Mittere. From the sound of it, it seemed the formerly undefeated lioness had finally found an opponent she couldn't win against - the pride's plague. While Facio disdained the cheat, he certainly couldn't argue with anything that would allow him to finally overcome the pink lioness.

"Let's be off," he encouraged Jani, gesturing for her to lead the group onward.  


Obsessive Bookworm


Vice Captain

Magical Apprentice

PostPosted: Mon Oct 09, 2017 8:57 pm
Pingana got back up to his feet, having already weighed his options, and stepped back instead of moving to follow them. He wouldn't go with them, not openly. If Facio was catching onto them, it might allay some of his suspicion. He had a guess of where they would be going and they were indeed waiting until they found Mittere to start anything so.. he would be off.

He thought about reminding them of his warning but they would be fools to have forgotten the risks. Not all of them looked foolish.

So he nodded to Jani and departed without another word.

Tisiphone was astounded to hear there were yet more family members here. It made her more uneasy the more she thought about it. There were too many of them, army or not. They were supposed to find just Mittere here for their father. If this reunion was what she guessed it was going to be, that meant.. it was her job, their job to throw themselves between seventeen lions (plus children) and Mittere so father could..

Looking briefly forlorn, she resigned herself to her fate and followed dutifully along.
PostPosted: Tue Oct 10, 2017 4:17 am
She noticed Pingana leave and nodded in return to him. The Scout had been a great help and while she was somewhat nervous about being alone with her uncle and cousins, Jani wasn't about to change her mind now. She'd chosen this course and now she'd run it to completion.

"She's this way," the green lioness told the group as she turned and began to walk. It hurt - oh so much more than talking about Mom - to pretend even for a moment that Mittere lived. But she didn't know what would happen when she told Facio his sister had died. Best to be in the location she'd prepared with what scanty time she'd had.

She could only hope those siblings waiting were ready.


Mors followed eagerly, though he dropped back to walk next to Tisiphone, instead of staying up front with their father. The young male tried to offer his sister, whose face was a mask of nonexpression, an encouraging smile. They were almost there! Then they could relax!

Well, maybe relax wasn't the best word. Run for their lives maybe?


Wordlessly, Facio followed Jani. He hadn't missed the nods between Pingana and his niece and while they could be simple politeness forbearing to interrupt her conversation with him, they could also be far more sinister. After all, Mittere had almost certainly taught the girl.

Soon. So very soon he could almost taste it. Victory would be his.  


Obsessive Bookworm

[IC] Kitwana'antara Lands

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