Mioyo - NovaCracker
Hakuna'jina - Das Tor

Something tugged at her. Something within her domain, something big. It had stirred the goddess from her slumber, and pulled her a full night's flight away from the pride. Likely a good...two phases of the moon away if she'd been mortal. It became clear why the feeling was so large as she drew closer, however. A group of lions. Perhaps the start of a small pride. But...there were familiars coats, she realized as she drew close. She recognized her descendant, Beti, and...dear Sparda! She would know little Mori'earsira and Haramu'chanua anywhere! And...and Mioyo! The goddess stared at the group from the rock she'd perched on for a good moment before calling out to Mioyo.

"Mioyo! M' friend! What're y' doin' s' far from th' swamps? 'N' wi' a group s' big?" She didn't recognize more than half the group, but...something wasn't right.

Just rest as they searched for a home. Primitus had invited her to bring the hungry, tired band for a few nights in demon territory if only knowing the massive red lioness was more than a challenge for any demon, and the god had claiumed them as His. So, Mioyo had invited them to follow -- it was breif, the edges were fine, but they weren't there yet. Tonight, though, Mioyo was up late bringing a few kills in for the band when she felt... watched, and old habits began as she tensed. But the familiar voice -- that oif Hakuna of all lions -- made her relax.

She did enjoy the company of Moto long ago, and even now, and the sister's peace brought new friendship in Hakuna - a friendship Mioyo was pleased to earn, so when the goddess addressed her, she was glad to see her, and sighed.

"Primitus said we'd be welcome to rest a few days in your pride... Get some food in us. The swamps... The spirits drove us first up a mountain, then dissolved the pride." Mioyo explained, and the female sighed, eyes closing a moment. "We're looking for sanctuary. Homes, many of us, again. But hjow are you? Shall I bring the descendants? Or -- maybe your youngest group of neices and nephews?"

"I'm well 'nough! Much has changed in th' pride since y' las' knew i', Mioyo." Including the advent of leopards being admitted. Primitus had....hm. She wasn't against it, but she did wish he'd spoken to her and the other leaders first. Moving off her perch, she stretched out a wing to cover Mioyo in a motion of comfort. "I'm sorry f'r yer loss, m' friend. I'll make sure tha' by th' time y' ge' there, th' other leaders'll be informed 'n' acceptin'." Other pride members, however...well, that was another story. Especially so soon after the last change.

"No' jus' yet. Few too many new faces o'er there f'r m' righ' now." Her ears flicked back in discomfort for a second before she looked back to the other crimson female. "Y'know m'...no' keen on big crowds, f'r all I'm stuck leadin' righ' now."

"I can say with confidence, leopards can be just as rough as us." Mioyo chuckled. "Give them time to prove their ferocity. Prides need time." The lioness chuckled, before sighing, tucking in close to Hakuna just as she might Moto. They were almost family as it was, and Mioyo smiled. "I'm not worried about unhappy demons. We're planning to stick on the border area, and besides, I have muscle enough and experience enough to deal with any angry demons." Mioyo chuckled, and cuddled, sighing.

"Oh I know. Primitus told y'?" She wouldn't be surprised, really. Since Primitus knew very well about her little of leopards, and the upset in the pride. "Th' pride jus'...well, lots o' th' pride 'as spent s' much time thinkin' them 'neath 'em. I know they'll come 'round though. They respect strength, 'n' leopards go' i' in plenty!" The affection confused her, but she accepted it for the moment. "S'...I see faces I recognize in tha' group. A couple o' former demons 'n' m'...grea'-granddaugh'er. Someone took t' callin' 'er th' 'Kinseeker', if I 'member righ'?"

"She's my son's mate." Mioyo snickered, then smiled. "Primitus mentioned it in warning. The rest... I've run a pride, and watched my family rule another. I know how this goes." Mioyo smiled, and nuzzled the goddess fondly. "As for one of my other boys, it seems he decided his lifemate was Moto." Mioyo laughed a sad laugh, and sighed. "So some of my kin are here. Like my grandchild. There's also simply lions who... Wanted familiar faces to roam with."

The red lioness finally sagged, burying her face in Hakuna. "I promised to find a home for us. But I'm not sure where to look, nor how the world away from our lands is. I don't dare ask Primitus either. He's ever so excited to be among a pride again, and... He needs that."

Slowly-- very slowly, Mioyo lay against Hakuna and shut her eyes.

"Between us, I don't know what to do for anyone anymore."

"Y'll do fine." The family info was rather interesting though. And she eyed the rather motley crew of lions in the group beyond them. "Hmm...some o' 'em migh' remain behind in th' Aegnor'hini, y'know. I 'member Haramu-chanua 'n' Mori'earsira. Only reason they lef' was th' fate o' any cubs they had. Many o' th' changes in th' pride'll sit well wi' 'em." And she was certain Nyota would be glad to see his half-brother again. Perhaps Moricorm her half-sister. "Any o' m' bloodline cou' easily claim a home, too."

"That's true..." Mioyo drawled. She hadn't considered it, but she also nodded at others. "But not everyone would suit the pride, either. Bad memories of the old ways. But some of their family might also stay here. What then?"

"Th' pride doesn't mind family visitin', or members goin' t' visit family. We're...no' as vicious, now. Th' world changed, 'n' s' did we." They had to, to survive. Hakuna'jina took a deep breath, closing her eyes. "Maybe folk'll see th' new pride 'n' decide it's f'r 'em. Y' ne'er know. Bu' we'll find ou' when y' reach th' border." She let go of a small chuckle. "Th' new blood would be 'preciated, too. Always."

"Well, we'll see where things go when we arrive." Mioyo smiled wearily, snuggling into the lioness like a littermate might a sibling for affection. "As long as the others are happy I think I can be okay with a nice, long stay to see as well." Mioyo sighed. Part of it... She just wanted her family and pridemates happy, and Mioyo rest her head on Hakuna's shoulders, eyes shutting wearily. "I'm just glad we'll be safe."

[Word Count - 1133, according to Google Docs]