Log from discord between Greenie and me. Characters involved are Hasira, Poseida, Mti`imara, and Valla'drielle.

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Eight. She had given birth to eight of the most gods damn beautiful children she was convinced will ever exist on this planet. They were covered in blood and mucus, looked like deformed wrinkly sweet potatoes with fur, and had given her a raging headache from their screaming.

But they were perfect. They were Mti and her's children. Already she was in absolute love with every single one of her own mini banshees. They had been worth the countless hours of torture that they all had just been put through.

With a tired sigh Poseida's glossy eyes peered up at Sira and Mti. Both looked equally as warn out, frazzled, filthy, yet on the underline they both seemed relieved. "We did it. We actually did it." She croaked out softly, her voice little more than a hoarse whisper after hours of screaming at the top of her lungs.

"You did do it, child. I'm so proud of you." Valla interjected as she solemnly set down the last little cub at her mother's side. Well...the ones that had made it. No matter how much Valla had tried to save the last two, to will breathe into their little bodies she couldn't manage them to got that extra mile and take their first breaths.

They had returned to the stars. Despite the loss of two lives, Valla had to look on the bright side; Poseida was still alive, and the family had still grown with six healthy cubs. The spirits might not have decided that those two were ready to come into this world, but things could have gone much, much worse.

Poseida's brows furrowed together as she made a mental count in her head of the small bundles tucked protectively in her side. With a slow, unsure blink her gaze finally lifted to Valla. "Where...are the others?" She meekly asked.

Biting her lower lip the older lioness' head lowered. "I am sorry for your loss, but...there was nothing I could do."

Things were settling down, the den was a mess, and so were those involved. The group was worn out and the padding of paws outside had increased, paused to listen (he was sure) and then began creeping up again. Mti felt himself wanting to burst into tears at the pure relief of the whole ordeal, but remained calm as a cucumber. "We're all proud of you." He stated. Hasira gave a firm nod while taking a count of the cubs that had been placed next to Poseida. She wasn't even warranted a chance when the new mother spoke up and questioned where they were.

Then the news was out. A rush of emotions hit Mti like a wall. He'd already gone through picking between his mate and their cubs. Then this. He would have cried had he not known the other possible outcomes. "Thank you Valla." He said softly. He would still mourn the loss and it was then that he realized he should include the biological father and grandfather. They would need this piece of information. Still, he couldn't bear to leave the lioness' side. "They shall have a proper burial. Poseida, they will run among the clouds with their grandparents." He wasn't sure what the right thing would be to say. "Rahisi will remind them not to eat certain plants and your mother will sing to them." He cooed softly.

Hasira felt shock at the sight of the two bodies hidden at the base of the pair of lions. "She looks like Rahisi." The lioness said softly as she peered at one of the cubs. Orange pelted with decorative moons with the same dark browns. The orange had splotches similar to Jua. It broke her heart to see the youth. "I'm so sorry Seida. They are all so beautiful though." She forced herself to return her attentions to the living.

Gone. Two of her babies were...dead. The world suddenly seemed to be running in slow motion as she could barely focus on what everyone around her was saying. Her eyes blankly stared forward to the two un-moving bodies still resting, almost as if they were just sleeping, at the base of their bodies.

"What did I do wrong?" She muttered to herself, not fully realizing that she was speaking out loud.

Oh dear, she was worried about this. It wasn't uncommon for mothers to blame themselves after still-births. With a frown she quickly scooped up the tiny bodies, tenderly carrying them over to another corner of the cave where she made sure to take the utmost care and respect laying them down and covering them up. They might not have been able to see this world, but they were still these parent's beloved children.

Padding her way back over to Poseida she slowly lowered herself close to her head, her paws coming up to gently rub the top of her head. "You didn't do anything wrong, no one did anything wrong. Life sometimes decides that two souls just aren't ready for this world yet, they just need a bit more time up there with their ancestors." She slowly explained, her motherly instincts coming out in full force. With a calming smile she gestured over the mewling pile of fluff pressed against Poseida's side. "Don't focus on the negative, focus on the positive. You have six beautiful children that need their mother now more than ever."

With a pause Valla gently swiped her big toe across Poseida's cheek, clearing away the tears that had started to build up in her eyes. "You'll meet them again eventually. For now, why don't you and the rest of your family get to know these wee ones?"
She was still in shock over the whole affair, and desperately wanted to mourn her loss in private. But, as her mother had once told her, motherhood was about putting aside your pain for the good of your children. She might have lost two but Valla was right, there were six others who needed her to be at her best as well.

There would be a time and place to let her feelings loose, but now wasn't it.

With a clipped nod she slowly leaned down, nuzzling her nose into the pile of squirming bodies. She just let herself enjoy their presence for a moment, reminding herself that these cubs were alive and well before she finally lifted her head. "You're right. All of you are." She conceded, a small attempt of a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth.

"Well...I guess we should name them before the others come busting into the den?" She offered as a weak diversion. Was there a proper social etiquette to follow with these things? s**t, was there something that she should have been doing that she forgot about?

Oh gods above...She hadn't even been a mother for an hour, and already she felt overwhelmed!

Immediately Mti could see the way she was bound down the path of blaming herself and in that moment he had never been so thankful for Valla. He and Sira watched as Valla took control of what could have been an extremely negative moment and made it beautiful. Mti had done his darnest, but words from the lioness had been better said - he couldn't argue that.

"Why don't we rest a little bit?" Mti offered to his mate. The experience had been overwhelming - birth to death had occured right before their terrified eyes. "The cubs have gone this long without a name.." He chuckled softly. "They can last a couple more hours of daylight." He mused.

"Seida, you need to try and set some worry aside for a little bit." The lioness attempted to console her friend. Though she herself was curious about what the ettiquette was. Neitehr of them had clearly anticipated becoming mothers so soon and so they hadn't taken the time to study traditions. She was sure if she was worrying about such a fickle bit of information that it was likely in the forefront of her friends mind.

"Valla, would you mind walking Hasira back to her den? I presume Seida would be okay by herself for a little bit?" With him of course. It had been implied that he wanted some time alone with the new mother. Instincts were kicking in and he found himself feeling suddenly crowded

Oh gods almighty rest, that sounded heavenly right now. Still, "What about everyone else? I'm sure they want to meet the kids." She inquired. They had all been waiting eagerly outside of the den after-all! As much as she wanted to rest, Poseida couldn't help but feel like she owed it to them after all of the support and love spent on them these past few months for everyone to get a chance to meet the cubs properly.

Valla however was incredibly thankful for Sira and Mti. They both seemed to understand the importance of Seida needing to properly rest after such an ordeal. She wasn't quite out of the woods yet! "They're right, Poseida. You need to rest, your body has been through a lot." Poseida opened her mouth to protest but was cut off by Valla before she could get a word in. "I will take care of the others." She stated in a stern tone, ending all chance of argument from the tired mother.

It just wasn't worth it to Poseida to try and start a fight that she was vastly outnumbered in.

With a soft smile Valla rose to her feet, gesturing Sira to follow after her. "I'd be honored to walk her home." With a chuckle she shook her head. "Yes, she'll live through my absence." The new parents needed some time to themselves, she could understand that. Once Sira was safely home Valla could use this time to go and do a quick check-in with her own family and get properly cleaned up before returning.
"If you need me for anything you can just wave someone down to come running for me. I'll be back in a bit then~" She shouted over her shoulder as she moved to the exit, assuming that Sira was in tow after her. Before exiting the den Valla carefully scooped up the tiny bundle.

Preperations would need to be made for their funeral, there was no sense to keep them here as a constant reminder to Mti and Poseida.

With a tired sigh Poseida slowly leaned into Mti's large body. Now that they were alone her adrenaline was starting to wane, causing a whole new wave of exhaustion to wash over her. "Mti.." She slowly purred out. Though her eyes were closed her head tilted up slightly to properly address him. "Thank you, for everything I mean. Your forgiveness, your support, your love. I don't think I could have done this without you."

It seemed that rest was precisely the right decision. That was made abundantly clear when the typically argumentative female gave in to the demand from the mid-wife. Mti was sure that both Throek and Jua would understand. If they didn't then he would square it away later. Leaving the task of shooing them away was easily set to Valla. Mti wouldn't allow his attentions to be divided between them and his mate. "Poseida. Look at the beauty you've brought into this world." He was beaming with the pride of a father. In his mind he was their father, regardless of biology. Truthfully he had been unsure about how he would feel, but he had never felt so close to something in his life.

A sense of relief washed over him as he gazed towards where the other two lifeless cubs had been left previously. Valla had done them a favor and taken the bodies. "I was happy to be with you again. Those days were he hardest of my life." He admitted to her breathlessly. Todays events were beginning to catch up with him, but there was still plenty to do. "Let me get you some water and a little to eat. You'll need to keep up your strength. If I remember what Throek had said they get fiesty.. fast." Mti painted an amused looked on his face.

He didn't leave her side though, instead he waited to make sure she had heard him.

Meanwhile Hasira left the den with a quiet goodbye. She so desperately wanted to stay, but she knew the pair would want to be together. "Do you need a paw with the preparations?" Sira was ready to do just anything for her bestie. That included planning the funeral of the two unfortunate souls that were gone from this world too soon. "I'm not as familiar with the prides traditions.. nor did I think I would have to be so soon, but I'm willing to learn." The lioness blabbed away a mile a minute. Endlessly concerned.

Poseida gave a silent wave to Sira as she watched the two lionesses exit the den together. Truthfully a small part of her was glad to have them gone, the stress of having to keep up appearances no longer was looming over her head. Now in the freedom of her own home - what a bizarre thing it was considering this den her home once more - she could relax and take a moment to process everything that had happened in just a short amount of time.

With a low rumbling purr she clipped a nod in response to Mti. Her bleary eyes eyeing each and every one of the wriggling bundles tucked into her side with tender love and patience. "Our little beauties." She coo'd softly, not wanting to risk disturbing them from their slumber. She slid one of her paws to his gently resting it on top of his massive foot. Being here with him in their own home, with their children was the most perfect thing that she could imagine. If she could have snapped her toes and paused this moment in time she would have, capturing this sheer bliss forever.

Alas, she wasn't a master of time, and life would go on whether she willed it or not. Her head craned back to look up at him, casting a mild smile back at him at his half-hearted joke. "If they're anything like you they'll be constantly demanding cuddles and eating us out of house and home before we even know it." Chuckling at her own joke she shook her head. Scooting away from him she opened up more room for him to get up, a silent permission for him to get up. "Don't forget to get yourself something!" She chastised him playfully.
Meanwhile outside of the den Valla had already informed the small entourage waiting eagerly outside that the birth had gone well, but the new parents needed their rest before they could accept any visitor. Though Jua seemed a touch more disappointed than most the two older males were quick to exit with him in toe.

She could honestly say she was a bit surprised that Sira hadn't followed after the orange male. It was no great secret that the two were in the middle of a courtship with each other.

Ah, but blood apparently apparently was thicker than water in this case. Or a the very least the bonds of sisterhood.

With a warm smile she turned her focus on Sira as they walked side-by-side. "I would love some assistance, but only if you feel you are up for the task. Preparing bodies to go meet with the great spirits is not for the faint of heart." It was something that Valla was a touch better at than some. With her deeper connection to the cosmos she felt it was her duty to make sure that the souls of the dead were properly laid to rest, least it upset the balance of the pride's energy in a whole.

...Something that most tended not to agree with, but something that most dared not to argue with the headstrong lioness about.

"Ah, they might have been born of this pride but I must ask child is there any special rites that your dead must go through? They are half of your blood as well, I want to make sure that I do not forget anything in your beliefs as well."

Emotions were settling on one or two, rather than the high of a few. He couldn't have been more thankful. Silence grew outside of the den and he felt at ease. There was no need to please an audience of on lookers. In peace he was able to watch his family and gradually he began to worry about the outside world. There was no longer the safety of cave walls to prevent injury. Try as he might he couldn't rid his mind of the concerns he now felt. There had been other cubs before this litter, sure, including Jua himself! But Rahisi had just perished and Seidas own family had been murdered. Mti furrowed his brows at the tragic thoughts.

Poseida had moved in time for him to get up and move away before wearing the look of utmost worry. The tension he felt in his body made it tough to walk at first. "Are there any birth rites that need to be tended too?" There wasn't much he didn't know about the lioness, but the deaths had been so recent that he hadn't had a chance to discuss this with her. Nevermind that the cubs seemed to have come so fast - he hoped they hadn't missed anything. If they had then there would always be a next time. The thought made him blush slightly. "You enjoy that I demand the cuddles and for whatever reason our hunters put up with my appetite." He chuckled warmly. Concerns faded quickly with her teasing.

"Believe me, my gut won't let me forget to get something." With a dramatic pause he turned and patted his ever grumbling gut.
After collecting up some of his remaining dried meats he returned to his loved ones side and laid himself down opposite of her. The bedding was enough for her and the cubs, he made a note that it would need to grow. Perhaps their home needed to grow? It had been a smaller den when he had gotten it - surely it would shrink with so many others around. "Here. Eat a little and then we can sleep." He offered Seida a small piece, nothing major.

Hasira had seen the way Jua looked as Valla expressed to the group outside that the family would need some time. She desperately wanted to go and comfort him, but she had to fulfill some other duties prior to seeking him out. But she'd be lying if she said she didn't feel a wicked case of cub fever. Her attentions were taken from him as he disappeared with his father and basically an uncle. Those attentions returned to the pale lioness that she continued to walk along side.

"It's no secret that Seida and I would do anything for each other. I don't want her to worry about these cubs as she will have enough of a hard time dealing with the living ones." She mused softly. "Helping these cubs along the way is the least I can." Then reality hit her. She had been so focused on ensuring that her and Seida were commiting to the prides concept that she had lost sight of their own heritage.
"Thank you." Hasira replied, stunned.

"Unless there is a mass grave involved we will light a pyre." She responded slowly as though she were struggling to pull information from a buried cavern of knowledge. "Sorry. The mass grave remark was unneeded." The wound was still fresh and she hung her head to hide the way her eyes dampened. "We would light a small pyre and collect some personal belongings as well as decorative pieces such as flowers. In the case of cubs the personal belongings might be what a cub would own or gifts from their parents." Funerals could be beautiful - theirs often were. She grew silent as she considered what she had said.

Now that Mti had gotten up from his place Poseida shifted in her seat. Why he was away she figured there was no sense in just sitting here twiddling her thumbs why she waited for food.

What was the saying that her mother always droned on? You're always doing something as a mother?

So she lowered her head into the massive pile of fluff at her side, beginning to absentmindedly clean off the cubs with her tongue.

Well, he did give her reason to pause. His concerns mirroring earlier ones that she had herself. "I don't know honestly." She confessed with a shrug of her shoulders. "If we're forgetting something it can't be that important." At this moment she didn't have enough energy to stress herself over any unnecessary pomp or other ceremonial bullshit that others might have wanted them to do.

For all she cared for everything else could wait at least untill the morning!

With a half grin she nodded as she lowered her head back down, her voice lowering in volume as to not spook the little bundles why she spoke, "Mmmmm I never said that I disliked your cuddles, though I suspect we'll have to put a pause on them for a while least they lead to these babies gaining some siblings prematurely." She teased impishly. She might have been tired beyond belief, but that wouldn't stop her from making her dear Mti flush with embarrassment.

Her head lifted just a smidge from it's busy work when he laid himself back down. Mouthing a silent 'thank you' to him she pulled the small piece of dried meat over to her mouth. The moment she got a whiff of the meat however her nose wrinkled in disgust. With her fast twisting up into a unflattering scowl she rolled the meat back towards him.

Sigh. She and her body couldn't win tonight.

"My stomach doesn't seem to be ready for any food yet." She explained with a sigh. Flopping her head down she reluctantly curled protectively around her children, longingly staring at the piece of meat that she should have been enjoying along side him.

Well if she couldn't eat, at the very least she could catch some sleep. Pulling out a paw from under her body she stretched it out his way as she closed her eyes. "Good night, love." She muttered out softly.

It was only a few moments more before quiet snores overtook her as she fell into a deep sleep.

Valla gave a knowing smile to Sira as she watched her conflict on whether or not to go console her lover or not. Ah young love, it was truly a beautiful thing. She suspected that not before long the tables would be turned and it would be Seida offering to help her friend with her first childbirth. "Aye, that's very kind of you to do still. This is a critical time for any young mother, and it's easy for them to fall into a depression even without losing any young." She explained.

With a slight chuckle she shook her head, her tail being used in lou of her loaded paws to dismissively wave off Sira. "No need to thank me, dear. I know it's hard to find the balance when you are thrust into a brand new culture. I'd hate for you to lose a part of yourselves in the process."

With a thoughtful hum Valla nodded along. "That certainly is doable. I'll see about pulling some extra help to set it up properly." These cubs in her arms would have a grand, beautiful funeral if they had anything to do with it. No one would be able to second question how loved and blessed they were once they were done.

She only hoped that Rahisi could be there in spirit to see it and escort her grandchildren safely to the afterlife.