Everyday was one day closer to the news of Poseida going into labor. When the day had finally come and the news had been leaked he was baffled. Jua stood there with Hasira, who was screaming at him in excitement, about what was going on. "She's in Mtis den and Valla will be there shortly. The cubs are coming Jua!" Jua couldn't fault the lioness. He'd been courting her for a while now and even with this incident between him and Poseida the lioness hadn't once faltered about their own personal relationship. But he figured Hasira for the 'cubs are great news' type - he hadn't been wrong. She was ecstatic over the event to the point that she hadn't even allowed him to get a word in edge wise before she disappeared to go and be with her friend.

"Damn woman." He muttered to himself as the excitement began to creep up and through him. Before he went there he would have to tell a number of lions.. or at least two. Though the rumors were flying hard and fast he wanted to speak with them in person. So he went to the primary meeting hall to seek out his father and Alduin. The pair of lions were easier to find then most as they spent a lot of their time talking. Jua understood the need to communicate, having been outside the walls for only months now they had been exposed to so much and so keeping that line of communication open meant that things could be handled quickly.

"Dad, Alduin!" He called out. He grew silent and waited to hear a return call, but it seemed the tone of his voice had been enough for Throek to get up and actually investigate. "Are they coming? The rumors, are they true?" He would be a grandfather! Perhaps in less than a few hours! "Alduin?" The Jun made his appearance at the follow up call out for him. "So it's true then." His concerned face eased into a very happy smile. Cubs for the pride meant they were healthy and they could survive happily. It was moments like these that reinforced for him that he had made the right choice. "Alright, lead the way." Alduin took the lead on speaking for the moment as Throek simply relished in the moment. Throek spent that silence sending up a quick thank you to the gods for this moment and whispered an 'I love you' to his perished mate that walked among them.

"This way." Jua took charge and lead his father and their Jun towards the dens. "Has she gotten everything she needs? Will she need more bedding? Has Valla seen her yet?" The pride had only a few that were capable of handling this situation. He knew of Valla, but since they hadn't had cubs in the pride since Jua was a cub it was tough to have time to train or even see if anyone else would be interested in the field. If the pride continued to grow and branch out then he would need to consider those options - something he would bring up with Alduin. "Throek, you need to calm down. You'll have Jua worrying next." Alduin laughed at the council member. It was only in moments before births that he had seen Throek get like this. Cubs were the one thing to get the orange lion excited, beyond that he typically remained a stern figure.

They arrived shortly after Alduin calmed Throek down and was greeted with a shriek. "Oh it has certainly started." Suddenly Throek appeared a little pale around the gills. He shrunk away from the den briefly and had to seat himself. "Ah, you're remembering when Rahisi was in labor?" Alduin chuckled. The pair had been old friends for a long while and so he would never forget. "I'll never forget my time with Rahisi.. that moment especially." He smirked slightly, but stayed seated. Jua was peering at the pair of them curiously. "What happened with Mom?" He asked. It had become easier, with time, to speak of his mother. Still as he said 'mom' his heart broke a little bit and he shivered.

"Well Jua." Throeks smile grew and he actually broke into a partial laugh. Jua opted to begin pacing while he listened to his father and the sounds from the den. "When your mother was pregnant she was quite the handful." Alduin snickered. "Shush Alduin.."

"I didn't say anything, Throek."

"You didn't have too." Throek said gazing at his comrade.

Alduin openly laughed now. "Jua, you should know, that your mother was always a handful. Why would pregnancy be any different?" He asked and peered at Throek. "Alright, continue." Jua couldn't help, but laugh at the pair and felt warm. He hoped that he and Mti had mended things between them enough to be like Throek and Alduin someday.

"Rahisi was an angel, is an angel." Throek argued back, but it was silly. Everyone knew differently. "Well anyway." He continued. "Rahisi, during the birth had me in the room, much like Mti is in there with Poseida right now." He smiled fondly. "When the lioness helping us had been explaining things she had gone as far as asking if I would like to see what was going on." He mused slightly and Alduin broke into another fit of laughter.

"Jua, you should have seen how pale your father was." Alduin said through his laughter. "I swear he was going to collapse right then and there. A big brave lion on the battlefield.. couldn't stand to see his mate give birth." Jua was laughing as hard as Alduin now. The pair nearly buckling over at the thought of a weak kneed Throek.

The three of them were laughing as Throek tried to finish his story for his son, but the story had taken longer than anticipated. Things had begun to slow down in the den and the three of them wondered if the cubs had made their appearance yet? Who knew? Jua was patient though, or acting like it. "Mti will get us when it's all okay. Don't want you passing out on the cubs Dad." He mused lightly with his father who gave a playful glare to his son. Alduin simply chuckled and the three grew silent as they waited.