Log from discord between Greenie and me. Characters involved are Hasira, Poseida, Mti`imara, and Valla'drielle.

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Weeks leading up to this moment were filled with meetings, preparing, appointments, and plenty of mending. The group had become a family unit once again. Throek-irid, the proud grandfather. Mti-imara, the proud father. And Jua.. the true father. Though things were complicated, perhaps they always would be, everyone had found a happy place in their life. Mti was close enough to the family containing Throek-irid and Jua that Throek would have been a grandfather regardless (in Mtis eyes).

"What part of this is a miracle?" The green lion had watched Poseida grow and grow before she appeared to be ready to pop. Now she lay atop their bedding and he watched as she wriggled and groaned in the throws of labor. His words had been muttered under his breath as he moved to get some water to dampen her face. As he turned back to face her his ears twitched. There was movement outside of his den. Who could possibly be here, especially now? Even his thoughts were beginning to sound snarky in his mind.

The paw steps outside suggested that there was a number of impatient individuals waiting to see what was going on in there when his thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice. "Poseida, I'm here." Of course Hasira wouldn't miss it for the world. She shoved herself right into the room and placed herself next to her best friend. Mti was about to argue when the lioness gave him a square look. "Is there anything else I can do?" He asked his dear mate. Of course the answers would be simple or none, but he thought he might offer.

Poseida was ecstatic to have everything go back to a relative normal again. They were all a family once more, and with it came more time for them to celebrate and properly prepare for their family to grow soon. She appreciated all of the support that everyone had been outpouring to Mti and her these past few weeks. Even with the smallest appointment, preparing, update everyone had demanded to know what was happening.

She was happy to see that the news also gave most a ice breaker in the first few shaky weeks. It had opened the door way to finally mending the bonds broken, and in some cases, strengthening them.

Life was good. Or well, as good as it could be when a woman was this far along in pregnancy!

For the past couple of days something had felt..off. Mti had commented on her lack of energy but she had decided to wave off the sudden change as a normal symptom. She didn't want to cause him (even more) stress, especially if it turned out she was just overreacting. This was her first pregnancy, and without a close mother figure that she trusted enough to confide her feelings into she had no way of knowing if this was abnormal or not.

There was one though, the one who had first informed her of her pregnancy. Valla'drielle. Though she was often considered a space cadet even among the rest of the Dov - not to mention Poseida often had a hell of a time wrapping her head around whatever weird lingo she was using today. She knew what she was doing when it came to these things, Poseida had gotten to see her at work first hand with her alchemy lab station so close to the medical bay dens. As soon as she felt the first inklings of pain (which had soon roared into pure agony) she had sent Mti to fetch the older lioness at once.

So far she hadn't regretted her decision. As soon as the two of them returned Valla was stationed right at her rump, starting her preparations for the birth. It was certainly unusual to see the normally care-free lioness suddenly so concerned and barking orders left and right.

With another groan of pain Poseida slapped her paw against the hard stone floor of the den, trying to alleviate herself of this agony any way she could. Her ears flicked at the sound of Mti's deep voice speaking up. She couldn't quite make out what he was saying but if his tone had anything to say they seemed to be sharing a similar train of thought; What part of this bullshit was magical?

Her eyes lit up at the familiar sing-songy voice echoing. Lifting her head up Poseida weakly smiled up at Sira before her head flopped back down against her. "If you could just kill me I'd appreciate it." Poseida hissed out as another wave of pain washed over to her.

Good, the girl's...sister? Cousin? Aunt? Whomever she was, she was something of family to Poseida that much she knew. Now that she had finally arrived Valla could take a few moments to pull Mti aside properly. The contractions weren't coming too fast at this point, not enough for her to be needed to be glued to Poseida's side. But there was definitely a concern she had to address with the girl's mate.
Lifting herself slowly to her feet her blue eyes scanned over slowly to Mti. "Child, I need you to come with me for a moment." She finally called out to him as she nodded her head to a deeper portion of the cave. Her voice strikingly level and calm from it's normal bouncy tone. There was a time and place for everything, and right now it was time to be serious.

Hasira stationed herself protectively at the side of her friend and eased her paws over the stomach that had been presently causing her dearest friend so much agony. "Any way you'd like to go, I got you." A soft laugh filled the room at the bantering. It was a happy occasion and Sira wouldn't have had it any other way. "Just wait Seida, one day this will be me." She smiled fondly down at the perspirating lioness. The bodily strain would be enough to cause anyone to will death. Without realizing it she was mentally echoing the question of how this was possibly so beautiful to some - it was nothing short of hideous.

"Hasira, you're alright here?" Mti was shot a look from the mid-wife type lioness Poseida had been seeing since finding out she had been pregnant. A look of concern faintly crossed the old coots face that he simply couldn't ignore, but he hid the concern from his own. "We'll just be over here. Call if anything changes." He hollered to her and eventually followed the lioness.

"Valla, is Poseida alright?" His first and foremost concern was the safety of his mate. The cubs were a priority and if it came between his mate and them he was sure that she would want him to choose them. Mti was of course looking to the worst possile scenario and he felt his heart swell up into his throat. "You'll have to pardon my ignorance. I swear she looked fine, the pregnancy has gone well. She is healthy." He wasn't sure who he was trying to persuade, but no conversation off to the side was a good conversation.

Once he had spilled his concerns he silenced himself. It was likely the hardest thing he had had to do in many months. In that silence he stared, unblinking, at the lioness.

"b***h, you're the first on my haunt list. Choose what way you want me to come back to you." Poseida shot back without hesitation. Even in extreme pain and wanting to die she refused to lose her sense of humor. Death could personally come and pry it out of her paws if they so badly wanted it!

That being said it didn't stop the cry tearing through her just a few seconds later as the worst of the contraction passed. Her toes curled in themselves. Her claws finding perch with anything and everything within distance, be it in Sira's fur, into the bedding below, or even digging into her own skin. Nothing was safe from her wrath at this point.

"Stupid going through this yourself. Adopt." She grunted out through her gritted teeth. "Kids. Aren't. Worth. This."
Now that they were out of ear shot the brown lioness turned towards the expecting father. With a tight frown she shook her head in response to his question before answering, "I'm not sure. She isn't dilating like she should be, I'm not even seeing where her water has broken yet." Seeing his blank stare that hinted at the fact that he had no understanding what all of that meant she sighed. "Basically her uterus is going through the motions to give birth, but the children have no where to go at this point. If I can't coax her body into proper labor soon the cubs will suffocate and die."

There was a pause as she paced around in a tight circle. "At that point the children's...bodies could begin to decompose inside of her." She further explained. Pursing her lips tightly her ears pinned back against her head as she looked to him, trying to gauge an honest reaction out of her next words, "At this point in time there is a chance that we might need to make a choice between them or her. I highly doubt you've spoken about this type if situation, but with her hormones raging now isn't the best time to be asking her to make this decision. You're her mate, I expect you to know her better than anyone so.."

"Who would she prefer to see live?"

The green giant seated himself before the much smaller lioness and was nearly immediately glad that he had. The news she had, though it didnt make sense at first, settled in firmly when she painted a clear story for him. Poseida or the unborn b*****d cubs she carried. Oh how he wished that he could pretend that the right choice was choosing his mate. The lioness would kill him herself, or would she understand? Mti felt light headed suddenly. He'd just watched Throek go through this with his mate. Watched the male as life left his mates body. The pain he witnessed was agony. Agony that he only had to see, not agony that he had to feel. In some twisted way he had half expected this - the most of the pregnancy had been this emotional, why would the birth be any less dramatic?

"We can't pop her with a stick?" As soon as the words were out of his mouth he snapped his lips shut. Had he just suggested popping his mate with a stick like some awkward bubble? He raised a paw to his head. Closing his eyes he sighed. "Of course not." He mumbled. It wouldn't be that easy, life never seemed to be that easy. "If Poseida and I had talked she would choose the little lives she was destined to protect." He admitted finally with a shallow sigh. There was no relief found in saying the words out loud. There was no comfort in having made a choice. "She would hate me and herself if she lived when they did not." His eyes were damp now, but he strained to keep a confident and calm face.

"She doesn't have to know, does she? Can we leave her with the peace of mind that healthy cubs are on their way?" He pleaded with the mid-wife. Of course she couldn't control everything about the situation. He only hoped that whatever pain Poseida was feeling would help disguise his concern and damp eyes as for her and not the possible outcome. "But let me know if at antime if popping becomes an actual solutions." He tried for a small laugh and all he heard was a hollow sound.

She had gone through a very similar dilemma just recently, she still was in many ways. Even though the major threat had passed for her family she still had to watch her children writhe in pain as the after-effects of their poisoning was still wrecking their lives. She had lived through childbirth, being uprooted from her home, and other natural disasters in her life. But they all paled in comparison to watching her family whither away.

She felt for the boy, truly she did.

Valla did have to give him credit though, he wasn't too far off with his original guess. "Actually that...is what I will attempt to preform." She responded with a mild smile. Course her way was a lot more delicate than taking a stick to the poor girl's private area, but the general idea was the same.

Even so, she had her answer now. It wasn't surprising for new mothers to be driven with a instinct drive to keep their offspring alive even if it meant costing their own lives. But there had been some that had voiced reservations about that decision before their higher thought processes were warped by bodily means far beyond their control. It was a hard choice, one she could respect on either side of the argument. Ultimately it was a very personal choice that she refused to sway one way or another unless there was a absolute medically necessary reason to do so.

Lifting herself up to her paws Valla gently gave the distraught male a pat on his shoulder of comfort. "Of course I can. She won't know any difference." She reassured him before strolling her way past him back over to the pair of girls. Retaking her place at Poseida's side she wordlessly started her work back up.

The teal lioness chuckled at her friend. "I'll gladly take you haunting me." Hasira said and nudged her shoulder. "Well.. I'll adopt your children and you can haunt us all." She mused mildly. Of course she didn't realize the depth of the irony in her statement. The predicament the group was faced with had only been realized by Valla and Mti. Something that Mti hoped to keep under wraps. There was no reason to cause Poseida any additional concern.

"Oh?" The shock on his face couldn't have been hidden if had tried. They would actually be attempting to pop his mate? If he had been able to work past the concern, fear, and shock he'd have laughed at out loud. Perhaps a laugh he would be able to share with Seida later on. One he hoped he could enjoy many times over. He appreciated the response he received. "Thank you. That will at least give me peace of mind." He said, though it wasn't true. The choice he had made would leave him mateless and with cubs that he would struggle with. Perhaps Hasira and Jua would take them? He inhaled and watched Valla begin towards Hasira and Poseida, then he exhaled and began to follow.

"How is the most beautiful lioness in the world feeling?" Mti asked Poseida as he approached her and took his rightful post next to her head. He reached for her paw and placed his paw over top of it. In that moment he willed time to freeze. Her paw was warm beneath his, alive. This was what he wanted to remember, her being alive. Mti recalled when they met and all of the times they spent together which lead them to this moment and he was suddenly so thankful that they had resolved their problems and became a unit again.

"I love you so much." He caught himself saying.

Poseida let out a deep sigh of relief as her body slowly relaxed. Good, that wave had passed. Shouldn't she be counting them, or was it counting in between them? Ah, she couldn't honestly remember. Nor could she be rallied to be arsed giving a s**t about it considering that she would forget any running tally in her head the moment the contraction started in full.

Now she was starting to understand why these were family affairs, you needed someone to remind you to do piss all during this!

"Sira, I love you, but you couldn't even handle keeping your pet field mouse alive." Well, they were kids the last time she attempted to keep a pet alive, but that wee detail could be left out. With a playful snort she lifted her paw, wiggling her toes back and forth. "I'll find a way to make sure to be the biggest pain in the rear to you from beyond the grave as I can be."

Her eyes darted to go greet Mti as soon as he re-entered the room. With a weak smile she gave a half-hearted wave to him. "Most beautiful? Dear, we need to get your eyes seriously checked after this if you consider this mess beautiful." She jested as she nuzzled her forehead against him.

Someone would have to be seriously daft not to be able to read the body language of the two of them coming back. Though she couldn't put a precise paw on the situation she did have the inkling that her previous concerns about something being wrong were, in fact, true.

It was frustrating being in the dark about her own body, but after seeing just how tired and concerned he was she just didn't have the heart to confront him about it. Not now. If this went wrong than she wanted to enjoy the time with her loved ones in peace.

With a low purr she closed her eyes, relaxing her body onto him. Why Valla was busy with...whatever she was doing down there Poseida decided to keep her mind focused elsewhere least she stressed herself out! "I love you too, with all my heart and my soul." Lacing her paw as much as she could with his Poseida couldn't help but feel his worry being this close to him.

"Talk to me please. Just don't stop talking to me, okay?" She pleaded. "Tell me what you're hoping for? Any names you might have thought up? Anything please."

"Hey! Mees the mouse lived a long and happy week!" Hasira complained with a smile. "He became such a good snack though." She teased lightly, thinking back to the sorrowful day that her small mouse companion went from a friend to dinner lickity split. "I expect no less. I'll be expecting my favorites jars to fall and break, extra seasonings added to meals and made disgusting. All of those awful things." She mused with her friend and when Mti returned she dreaded the look hidden behind a 'calm' face. Sira forced herself to remain calm, for Poseidas sake.

"You could be covered in mud, sweat, tears, boils, and various other things.. you'd still be the most beautiful lioness to me." Mti stated plainly, even though she jested. He felt as though she needed to hear that. He wass trying to think of everything to say or do before certain circumstances came to fruition.. if they came to fruition - he had to be hopeful.

When she leaned into him, as much as she could in the position she was in, he shivered slightly and felt his eyes dampen. All things that were beyond his control, much like what might happen here. If he had known that the possible outcomes Valla had presented could have happened he would have set aside his anger much more quickly and focused on them. She was and would forever be the most important lioness in his life. His parents would have adored her - setting him in his place when needed.. a little spitfire. His silence didn't last long when she began to plead with him. Of course he could do that.

"Well. I'm hoping for plenty of girls. I hope that they all turn out like you and that I won't have to worry about them when they grow up. For any boys I hope that they come to be just like their biological father and grandfather. If these cubs turn out to be half the lion that their family is they will be amazing. We can tell them stories about their families." He paused briefly to inhale sharply. "Your parents and Rahisi.. they will know them all. They will have a strong knowledge of their heritage - who they are and where they come from." He kept repeating 'we'. Everytime he did he felt himself break a little bit more. Mti also found it made him feel more confident that things would turn out okay. Poseida was strong.

Had this been any other day in their lives Poseida probably would have simply accused him of trying to butter her up - most likely for more food - right now though she appreciated his flattering comments more than ever. If she didn't know that he was the man for her before, she sure as hell did now. Only her soulmate could see someone in this kind of position and hold only love and praise for them.

She made a mental note to find a way to repay him back for this if, no, when this was all done. One way or another they were going to come out of this. Together.

Contently she sat there during his speech, happily listening to him prattle on at her request. Her eyes couldn't help but roll at the idea of lots of girls like herself. Lord help this pride, if these past couple months have shown is that it truly wasn't ready for little Seida clones to be running around the joint. Especially since she had a sneaking suspicion that they were quickly going to have both of their fathers and grand-father wrapped around their little paws.

...Well, to be honest, they were going to have her wrapped around as well.

Her mouth opened to reply to his thoughts when her body jolted. Letting out a loud shriek Poseida shot up, her eyes locking on to the pool of liquid developing under her. "What the ******** was that!?"

Valla paws had immediately paused in their massages the moment Poseida had screamed. Her eyes slowly trailed down to the mess now covering a good portion of her fur. Huh, well looks like they wouldn't be needing the stick after all. With a small sigh of relief Valla greeted the snarling mother-to-be with a calming smile as she set her hands back on her extended belly. "That was your water popping, dear. Get ready, we're about ready to have some babies."