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Discord log between me and Greenie.

It had been nearly two months since that fateful day. So much had happened since then that it was still hard for Poseida to wrap her head around all of it. After the dramatic display in the middle of the township with Mti and Jua - something she had unknowingly gotten to see first hand - the news of her condition had spread like wildfire. By the next morning there wasn't a soul in the pride that didn't know the surrounding gossip around the new bundles coming, whether their reactions were good or bad. There were a fair share of traditionalists that had began to shun her entirely. Luckily most who disapproved of her and Jua's actions simply expressed their opinions through disgusted glaces.

For the first few days the tense peer pressure almost caused Poseida to have a nervous breakdown. She just wanted to live with her bad choices in peace dammit! There didn't need to be a constant reminder of how much she had royally screwed up. Slowly, but surely, she had begun to build up a resilience to the attention to the point now where she barely paid the whispers any mind as she went about her day.

If they choose to entertain themselves with pitiful gossip all day than she was certainly not going to bother to try and fight the heavy storm.

There had been some reasonably positive experiences to come out of this whole mess however! After she had gotten home and had a lengthy discussion (and other teary-eyed fight) with Sira they had eventually come to terms with what's done is done, there was no point in screaming about it at this point. Throek and the rest of Jua's family had surprisingly been extremely welcoming and helpful throughout the past couple of weeks. They seemed generally excited for the prospect of new additions to their family and were eager to lend any extra supplies to ensure that she was well-prepared by the time the cubs were expected to arrive.

Poseida was eternally grateful to all of them. These past few weeks might have been some of the toughest in her entire life, but also in their own way the most rewarding. Learning that she did have a strong support system and soon a sudo-family that would love and support her children no matter what was the biggest blessing she could ever receive. Why her own family might not be around anymore it was just nice to know that these cubs would never feel unwelcomed or unloved, not at least why they all still lived.

But that did bring up as well their father figure situation - or in their case lack their of! Poseida had seen Mti going about his duties from time to time in the past few weeks when she was coming home from her own work. Each time her heart felt like it was being ripped out seeing just how tired and broken he looked. She desperately wanted to go and run to him, pull him close and comfort him, make sure that he knew everything was going to be alright.

But how could someone comfort a person over a wound they caused themselves?

About two weeks ago she had noticed that he was losing weight drastically. His previously filled out and imposing form looked more like a gangly teenager who still had some serious growing to do. No. That was her last straw. He could be heartbroken all he wanted, but she would not allow the man she loved to let himself waste away. But...she still didn't want to technically disobey his wishes in seeking him out first.

So, she did the most logical thing to do. She started her own care-package delivery service for him. Every night now before he was off of his guard shifts Poseida made sure to leave out a wrapped package of supplies for him. A good meal, water, and of course some of the treats that she knew that he enjoyed. So far he hadn't said anything about it, and every night when she came back the package was gone which she took as a sign that he was doing something with it.

Tonight was no different. Even though it was getting more difficult to make the journey up to his den with her large belly she was bound and determined to make it every single night. For the man she loved there was literally no mountain high enough.

Mti-imara hadn't noticed many changes in his life aside from the lack of friends surrounding him. He had decided to focus on his work and thus his attention became undivided. His health was also no longer important.. missing a meal or two? Who would notice? He didn't. He hadn't meant to get this bad, but the world had struck him hard and he had become alone so quickly. Of course he hadn't thought about the fact that one of those individuals was giving him space at his own demand.

The days were hardest when he saw Poseida. Glimpsing her here and there with a very apparent belly now. It tugged at his heart strings and he silently hoped that someone was looking out for her. He just couldn't do it, not yet. But the way she walked suggested she would be a mother before she knew it.

Then one day - while at his worst - he started to discovering packages outside of his den. He recognized the scent on them immediately. They were care packages. At first they flared up his anger, something that had been idle for sometime. The first couple were tossed to the edge of his den. It was then that he realized they contained water and now part of his den was soaking up that water. "Damn it." He muttered.

Eventually he gave in.

Seeing the meat made his stomach growl, seeing the water made him thirsty, and over all he was feeling weak. With the nourishment provided to him by his loved one he was capable of beginning down the road to recovery.

"Poseida." He called from his den. Mti had made a point of waiting for her. She had been fairly on time with these deliveries and so it was an easy enough task. "You've grown so much." He tossed aside the formalities. "They will be so healthy." He tried for a subtle compliment. She looked good, aside the apparent exhaustion these deliveries were making.

"Why don't you sit for a moment and rest?" He could feel the anger boil below the surface, but it was tame in comparison. He still cared for her.

Her body jolted at his deep rumbling voice. s**t, he was here. It wasn't that much of a surprise to her that at some point they were bound to meet-up with her not-so-secret deliveries, after all this was his home and the man had the right to come home whenever he wanted to.

She had however hoped that it could have been a brief encounter. Possibly with her already on her way out, or had at the very least ample time to make her grand escape. least as much of an escape as one could make so heavily pregnant.

Her green eyes nervously flicked around, scanning the darkness for any signs of her ex-lover. Damn, for someone who was so massive he did have an impressive skill set in hiding himself when he wanted to. "O-oh. What are you calling me fat?" She teased back, mirror the last back-and-forth banter they had together before she dropped the bombshell on him. "Wars you know have been started for lesser insults." She continued as she padded back and forth outside of the cave, not wanting to test the sleeping bear by stepping foot in his domain without permission.

....Which is exactly what she got next!

Her soul and body wanted to immediately rush inside and flop down on the familiar bedding, curling up into his fluff side so she could finally get some quality rest and catch up with possibly the most important person in her life. Yet as soon as she laid a paw past the 'barrier' that separated his den from it's entrance she paused, a jolt of fear taking hold of her. He was still angry, that much she was certain of. Was it truly wise to push his limits at this point?

She trusted him with her life, but that didn't mean she could trust him not to lash out in violence like he had with Jua.

"Are you sure..?" She questioned nervously. Her brows knitted tightly together as she took a few cautious baby steps into the den. "I can leave if you wish."


The jolt pleased him. He still had a hold on the lioness that was taking its toll. It made him feel a little more powerful, which hadn’t been his goal, but still it made him feel a little better. The deliveries probably helped him though.. how could they not? She had even remembered his favorite snacks. Even the ones that were obscure. She was still his.

“Wars have been started over less.” He remarked coldly. Though he spoke coldly his eyes had lit up at her teasing and he almost even laughed. Her follow-up comment was what got to him. He would have waged a war over her body alone. Size was the least of her worries. The padding about was starting to bother him as well. His invitation echoed around in his mind as he forced himself to calm down. This was Posedia. The love of his life. He wanted nothing more than to simply love her again. Yet his every being ached when he saw the protruding belly carrying cubs that weren’t his.. or theirs.

It was an accident. The words spoken by Jua rang loudly in his mind. They did nothing to still the drumming of his heart which beat wildly in his chest. The heartbeat which in the past had been pleasant was no longer so nice to feel. It wasn’t caused by the pleasure of seeing his beloved, it was instead caused by rage of the situation. Which was the one piece he had settled on. Mti was mad at the situation, not the individuals involved.

His thoughts were interrupted by her question. Was he? The question provoked many thoughts, but the bottom line was crystal clear to him. “Yes.” He eased his tone and even got up to move and patted the area of bedding they used to share. “Come here and get off your paws. You must be so exhausted.” He almost wanted to whimper his concern for her, but maintained a collected presence. “Has anyone been taking care of you?” He wasn’t going to hold anything back, what was the point.

Well, he might not have responded to her teasing in his normal care free tone, but the fact of the matter that he responded to it at all and didn't snap at her showed tremendous promise that perhaps, just perhaps, he was starting to forgive her. "I'll inform the guardsmen and the council for our declarations of war against each other at once then. I'll see you on the battle field at dawn." She purred teasingly, a smallest hint of a smile tugged at her lips. For this briefest of moments everything felt normal again, right if she dared even say.

Alas, she had little time to savor the moment before things went right back to the tense atmosphere that it was before.

With a soft sigh she accepted his confirmation. It might have been a risk that most new mothers wouldn't have taken, but Poseida had to put her utmost trust in him if she had any chance of repairing their broken relationship. With a undignified waddle she moved herself into the den.

The state of it's owner however nearly made her gasp out loud. Sure, he looked in a sorry state from afar and she knew that he hadn't been taken proper care of himself but was so much worse up close. With a frown she kicked up her pace as much as she could. She openly refused his offer to rest in favor of standing face-to-face in front of him. <******** her exhaustion, ******** her own worries, ******** his demands for space. Someone needed to take care of her love before he self destructed! Even if it meant ruining any chances for them she was not going to hold herself back and continue to watch this disaster.

"Mti.." She whispered softly, her expression softening as she eyed his tired and ragged form. Lifting a paw up she gently ran it over his chest, feeling the lack of proper muscle that use to be there. "I'm take care of myself, I've made my bed and I'm lying in it. Who has been taking care of you though?" She whimpered, her voice not bothering to mask the concern she felt for him right now.

If he had the energy he would have chuckled at her. Even the waddling seemed to spark something in him, but nothing came to fruition. His gaze had gentled, but he was still wary. The lioness needed care, she was pregnant! They were a likely a very sorry looking pair if anyone had the nerve to peek into the den at that exact moment.

Truly he hadn't thought he'd been so bad. A meal missed here and there hadn't bothered him and he could walk as well as work just fine. All in all her gasp startled him enough to raise his brows. Then her pace picked up on her way towards him and he wasn't quite sure what the outcome was going to be. Was this an unconventional form of bowling?

Lowering his muzzle a touch to stare at her face to face he sighed.

Mti attempted to open his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by the soft whisper of his name between her lips. He missed the way she said his name.. there was so much comfort found in such a simple thing. He closed his eyes slowly and allowed himself the simple pleasure of leaning into her paw. The small things in life often meant the most. When she spoke though his eyes snapped open and narrowed slightly. They weren't made though.. more disappointed than anything.

"You're alone?" The question was aimed at the fact that Jua hadn't stepped up. But he knew Poseida.. she'd likely not let him. Hasira would be there, she always would but cubs needed to know a father was there. "I'm fine." He said to her follow up comments. He didn't know what he looked like, but he felt fine. His concern was the to be mother seated in his den without a doting father to be next to her. Even with all that had happened this situation likely broke his heart the most.

"You shouldn't be up any longer, please come lay with me." He attempted a small purr. The sound seemed odd to him, strained and unpracticed. He yearned to have her safely nestled with him. These moments helped to melt the hate away.

Oh Mti, her dear sweet Mti. Whether it had been at his job or in his private life it always seemed that he would always put other's needs ahead of his own. Even at his worst he was still a better man than she could dream of, nor could she ever live up to the high standard that he set for those around him to live up to.

But for his sake she would certainly try.

Sucking in a deep breath without thinking she leaned up close to him, pressing the top of her head into the underside of his chin. For a moment she just rested there, relishing the feeling of being close to him. Leaving the words 'it's going to be okay' that she dearly wanted to comfort him with unsaid between them.

His voice snapped her back to reality with a shudder. Pulling away Poseida gave a weak nod before she began to lumber her way over to their previously shared bedding. She didn't have the energy to fight him suddenly, especially when he used that tone of voice. It was unfair in it's own right how easily he could have her wrapped around his paw with just a few mere words. Besides, perhaps if she complied to his wishes he would join her and she could start her own agenda of making sure he was okay.

"Well I have Sira." Poseida finally answered his earlier question. With a strained smile she slowly lowered herself onto her hunches, kicking out her legs under her. "Me and Jua are not mates and never will be. In my culture it's not expected for the father of any bastards be a part of their lives at all, so I couldn't say I was holding my breath in that regard. But.." Pursing her lips she swept a paw out, silently inviting him to come sit next to her.

"He does come by when he has time to drop off anything that he thinks I need and making sure I'm okay." Letting out a short chuckle she shook her head continuing on, "Though I think I make him more nervous than anything now as he rushes off typically even before I can blink. His family and father have expressed an interest and excitement over the new additions coming soon, which I'm thankful for."

Caring for her was the easiest thing he had done in this lifetime thus far. Seeing her needing or wanting something broke his heart on a regular and he struggled with that everyday. Now that he was capable of forgiving her and his friend he found that he could continue to care for her. The press of her body against his warmed his heart and soul in a way that nothing else had in the months following their dispute. "I really did miss you." He muttered briefly as she made the move from him to the bedding they had once shared.

Mti watched with the curiosity of a cub at the 'whale' of a lioness lowered herself and then managed to find a comfortable-like position at all in her state. All things aside he was impressed what the female form could do. "I'm glad Sira hasn't left you. I expect no less from Jua, you've seen how frightening you can get right?" Not to mention that his little outburst likely put a damper on things for his orange comrade.

He held his breath slightly. Her paw had swept the space next to her and he hesitated slightly. What was a lion to do? Ignore this? He moved to lay next to her and sighed as the weight of sitting up was lifted by the strength of the ground. Mti was now perfectly eye to eye with Poseida and he smiled lightly. He missed seeing those eyes before falling asleep. When he laid down he did something that even he didn't expect.. lifting a paw casually he placed it fondly on the belly that divided them. The wriggling of life was a feeling he wouldn't soon forget. "They moved." He gasped slightly.

"Has Jua felt them move?" He thought about his question briefly and realized that the lion likely hadn't set foot in her den long enough to grace the belly that held his cubs. "If he hasn't he is missing out." The sheer shock left him silent for a moment longer. "I'm glad his family has been so warm. It's a shame that they won't get to meet their Grandmother though." He said with a soft sigh in remembrance of Rahisi.

With a gasp she playfully set a paw to her chest, looking at him in mock-despair. "Me? Surely you are confused. I'm as pleasant as one could be." She replied back as she watched him join her sitting down. It was a strange feeling sitting with him, going back-and-forth like they normally did. It almost felt as if these last couple of months were something of a bad dream.

Well, or they would if it wasn't for the constant reminded that this was in fact reality sitting in her stomach.

Returning his smile with her own Poseida scooted herself across the bedding, closing the distance between them so she could properly reach them without have to twist herself into a uncomfortable position. She had missed this so much. Truthfully she had been so exhausted lately not only because of the normal symptoms that pregnancy brought with, but also because she missed him. It didn't feel right anymore sleeping without him next to her. She often found herself waking up out of a dead sleep in a panic realizing that the spot next to her was cold and unoccupied only for the slow truth to come back to her sleep-addled mind that it was because of her own actions.

Her eyes lit up at him putting a hand on her belly, and her smile only grew when her children responded with his gesture by greeting him for the first time properly. "That's the most they've been active all day. Apparently they really wanted to meet you." She cooed softly. Her paw lifting to rest on top of his tenderly.
Truthfully no one else besides Sira, Mti, and her had the honor of feeling the cubs growing inside of her move. Whenever someone had made the motion to go to touch her belly without her permission she snarled. "No, he hasn't gotten to feel them." She answered back. Though her protective instincts flared up at the idea of a male who wasn't her mate coming in such close contact with her children her more rational side did keep her in check. He was their biological father and thus had every right to check in on their progress.

...Well if he ever decided to express that much interest in said progress!

Closing her eyes she lowered her head, draping it over his shoulders why he continued to feel her belly. "It is. So much of their family isn't with us anymore." Poseida mused out loud. Her mother and sisters would have been ecstatic to learn that she was expecting no matter the circumstances. No doubt her mother would have busted in her den the moment she found out and refused to leave until her grandchildren were born. The image caused a bitter chuckle to escape Poseida.

Though they might be gone these babies would know that they would have been adored and loved by all of their family. They'll know their legacy and be filled with stories of them. But at the very least they would also be surrounded by living family. "Though it might be small they will have a family that loves them. That will be enough."


The bantering had returned and with ease. Healing wasn't nearly as hard as he had made it out to be! Mti would have sighed, but the moment had come and gone in favor of something much more simple and easily shared between them. Laying there together as new parents to be had been a dream of his, whether he cared to admit it or get the job done was arguable prior to this, but it was a dream. Jua had tried to push him to start a family.. perhaps this was some twisted way of his orange friend telling him to get on with it? Had the time been appropriate he would have chuckled. Instead he just smiled warmly at her.

"I would hope so." Mti responded and blushed lightly as her paw graced his. "I'd like to be their father, Poseida, if you'll have me?" The question seemed odd in his head and even more so when he spoke it, but he felt right. This felt right. The pair laid together and he had never felt so happy, so relaxed, and purely.. so exhausted. The last months had been excrutiating on so many levels and he knew why. It was almost a case of self-torture.

A pang of hurt hit his heart when he realized he hadn't taken the time to recognize her loss. It was all so recent and fresh. "We'll make sure they are reminded as often as we can." He confirmed for her. "They will be raised to know where they are from." Mti was sure of that. He himself had no family to his name, that he knew of, but the family he did have - through bonds and not blood - were who he would speak of. Juas family had basically adopted him in.. it was likely the only reason Mti hadn't been kicked out for his reaction.

He would need to mend those relationships. A heavy sigh left the lion. Another day. Today he was tired and needed some rest. Moments later, paw still on her belly, Mti began to snore softly.


His questioned caused her to freeze. For a second she simply stared at him, her mind trying to fully process what he just asked her. She wouldn't be honest in saying that him accepting her children as his own wasn't something she dreamed about, but never in a million years did she ever expect him to actually do it! So much negative emotions, memories, outrage could have simply been projected onto them instead. Not that she could blame him for holding some disgruntlement towards them, not when she herself did the same thing early in her pregnancy!

A surge of emotion over took her. A quiet sniffle broke her silence as her eyes filled with tears. With a quick nod she finally spoke up, her voice cracking slightly, "Y-yes! Of course, Mti. Nothing would make me happier."

Burying her face into the scruff of his mane Poseida tossed her free paw over his back, leaning her weight into him. She had a lot to make up for, and they had a lot of healing to do. But they would get through this as a family, a true and proper family. Together.
If she was only going to be granted one blessing in her life, this would certainly suffice as being the grand daddy of them all. She would make sure that she earned this forgiveness from him, even if it took the rest of her lifetime and a million apologies.

She didn't have the energy in her to respond properly to him. She gave a nod in agreement into his fur at his reassurance. She knew he didn't have a family, they were much in the same in that regard. But they had the pride and most importantly they had each other. They would build their own family together, making sure that their children knew both where they came from and that the world was open for them in the future.

But that would all come later. Another day. She needed to take things one day at a time as Sira often reminded her. For now Poseida let out a sigh of contentment hearing Mti's tell-tale snores. Lifting her head up she pressed a gentle kiss to the top of his head. "Sweet dreams, dear." She whispered softly as she readjusted herself to a more comfortable position. Within a few moments Poseida was passed out along side her mate.