A flick of his long tail disturbed some of the leaves that lay around him and caused his ears to twitch involuntarily. Exhaling a breath the male opened his eyes and lifted his head from his resting place.

Where he was, he had no clue, but he was certain of one thing; he was safe.

Wander by heart he didn't often settle in one place for too long and he was feeling the itch to carry on once again.

However a figure moving in the distance gave him pause.

The earth colored female approached the orange leopard cautiously. While she wasn't entirely wary of strangers, one could never be too careful. Plus new blood was always a welcome thing to their ranks. Perhaps she might be able to persuade the male to stay for a time?

Growing nearer she saw that he looked well fed and taken care of despite his leaner physique. He was more muscle than anything and she was quite pleased about that. It wasn't often she ran into males that looked as good as him.

He watched as she grew closer, noting her size and the way she moved. She was confident and so sure of everything she did, just from what he was picking up by her movements. This was good, so she was familiar to the area most likely.

This meant one of two things, he was either in her territory or in a pride in which she resided.

He was betting on the second.

"Hello." He said, standing up so that he might great her better. Giving a small shake he dislodged some of the leaves that had clung to his pelt while he had rested.

She smiled as his husky voiced hung in the air. "Greetings," She paused a short distance from him and took a second to look him over a little more. He seemed to be non hostile, but one could never be too certain. Not at first anyway.

"Welcome to the Elimisha'sombea. I am a Warden of these lands so it is my business to know who happens to be upon our boarders." She didn't want to come off as a hard a** or anything, but at the same time it was her job. "My name is Kyllikki, what may I have the pleasure of calling you by?"

Kind of a fancy way to ask for a name, but she didn't really care.

He gave a smile. "Cucurbita'Moschata, but you can call me Moscha if you like." He said knowing his name was quite a mouthful. Typically he let them take a pick at a nickname but lately Moscha seemed to be the most common selection by those he had run into.

"It's nice to meet you Kyllikki." He said, wanting to hear her name come across his tongue. It had a nice ring to it.

"Moscha, it's a pleasure to have you upon our lands. Are you just passing through?" It was likely he hadn't even known where it was he was located before this moment. He seemed the traveling sort.

Given he hadn't a clue he had been on a pride he was contemplating what to say. "I was, but since you have greeted me so kindly perhaps I might stay for a little while?" He said with a coy grin, she was attractive, he had to give her that much. Plus the way she was so commanding was quite a turn on for him.

When he mentioned perhaps staying for a time this made her happy, "I can offer you a place to stay with me. We don't have much for accommodations for strangers." She offered, there was a bit of a hidden meaning behind it but she was already certain that he had picked up on that.

Smiling he approached her, his face came up a little bit above hers and this was even more delightful. She was small but fierce, this would be an interesting time to be certain. "I would be honored to stay with you Ky." He purred in his throat as he walked around her in a circle for a small moment.

Her heart thudded in her chest at his words, she hadn't ever been interested in the males that were currently in her pride but now this male was here and he was just all she could think of. When he accepted her offer she felt it skip a beat but remained calm on the outside, despite the fact her body was screaming. "Have you traveled far? I can take you to a place to get some refreshments before showing you where you'll be staying." She offered to him.

He pondered her words for a moment and gave a shake of his head. "I have traveled a great distance but never enough to exhaust me. I would be more than happy to see your abode." Moscha was more than anxious to see what she could offer him, he had been with a few others in his time, males included but this female was truly inspiring his body among other things.

She swallowed, so he was going to get straight to the chase was he? She had to admit he was ballsy, but so was she. The only reason he was going to be staying with her was because she was being lustful, but honestly she didn't care. She would have let him stay with her regardless, the more she thought about it. She had let Ska stay with her when she was first exploring their lands. "Well then, follow me." She said leading the way.

Following behind her they entered into the dense treeline and climbed into some of the nearby branches and started towards her home. He watched her as she moved, graceful and powerful, through the trees. He smiled, oh yes this was going to be perfect in deed.

She arrived at a hallowed tree in which she had been lucky enough to take up residence in. "Here is where you shall be staying for the time being." She said leading him inside.

He followed behind her and took a quick look around, it was nice indeed and then he looked back at her with a lustfully wicked grin. "Shall we?" He said huskily and she obliged.

WC: 1,049.