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Lately Nianzu had altered his training habits. Since befriending Suyin, he had trained with her most days. He enjoyed sparring and racing her as well as trading tips and occasionally going hunting together. It was going rather well. And then he had to mess it up by developing a crush on her. An adult soldier, having a crush like he was a cub. The whole thing was humiliating. Add to that fact that he was terrified of telling her and getting rejected. After he realized he fancied her, he needed to get away from her to ensure he didn't make a fool of himself.

He knew that he would have to tell her. But he didn't want to come off as dispirit or cheesy. Talking to the Western lion didn't help things either. The odd lion tried convincing him to sing Suyin a song or write a poem about her. That was the last thing he would do.

What he needed was a proper plan of attack. He needed to be straight forward and blunt. If she returned his feelings, he would be ecstatic. And if she rejected him. Well, he already knew heartache and he knew that in time it healed. He just did not want to go through it again.

As he thought about his choices, he did not hear the dark furred lion calling out his name. When the other lion got closer to him, Nianzu caught a glimpse and continued onward, doing his best to ignore the lion.

Jianyu was thrilled. The other day he had met his dear friend Nianzu's love. He could see why his friend cared so deeply for her. She was a summer cloud with a rainbow shinning down. She was gentle but strong with a smile that could distract from any pain.

It was a surprise to see Nianzu running alone. At first Jianyu thought that it must be because it did not work out between him and Suyin. However, Jianyu realized that most likely Nianzu was here to apologize. They were supposed to meet up the other day to go over ideas on how to court Suyin, but Nianzu never showed up. It worried Jianyu, but he decided that his friend had gotten ill or something similar and despite his best efforts couldn't muster the strength to go to the meeting. And he went all the way here just to apologize to him. Truly, Nianzu was a great friend.

“Nianzu! Nianzu wait up for me!” Jianyu yelled as he trailed after the much faster lion. He was a storyteller and didn't find himself running too often. When Nianzu didn't react, Jianyu did his best to push his limits. “NIANZU!” he managed to get much closer to the lion and luckily he caught Nianzu's eye.

With a sigh of relief he slowed down, completely winded from the exercise. However, Nianzu did not stop, an act that made Jianyu tilt his head. 'Does he expect me to follow.' Jianyu thought as he watched Nianzu. When he realized that Nianzu was not going to slow down, he realized that he would have to chase after his friend.

'Is this his way of telling me to get in shape?' Jianyu that before running after Nianzu.

That last thing Nianzu needed was to deal with Jianyu. He needed some piece and quiet. There wasn't a single lion he could think of that was more loud and annoying then Jianyu. Once he was certain he lost the dark lion, he slowed down. He could feel the sweat dampen his fur. Once he got back to the north he knew he would have to take a swim.

He wondered what Suyin was up to. By now she probably found a new training partner. He couldn't help but wonder if she was enjoying some time away from him. It was so frustrating not talking to her and even more not knowing what to say.

“Okay Nianzu, old buddy, I finally caught up.” Jianyu huffed before slumping down next to Nianzu. “I get your point. I do need to exercise more. How about we strike a deal. You help me get in shape and I help you with your unfortunate love life.”

Nianzu could yell. He could not understand why Jianyu had to latch himself onto him. There were many other lions in the pride that would love the attention of the wannabe bard. Nianzu was just not one of them. “I think that that deal won't be beneficial for either of us.”

Jianyu let out a gasp. “Oh dear, please don't tell me that Suyin rejected you. When I met her I knew that the two of you were soulmates. If you had seen the way her eyes sparked with life when I spoke your name, you would believe it to. But fate is cruel. Was she stolen away from another?” He spoke quickly, already forming a story around this event.

Normally Nianzu tuned out when Jianyu spoke. However when he said that he met Suyin, his nostrils flared. “You talked to her? Why would you do that? What did you say. I swear if you told her anything-” He stood up and towered over Jianyu, looking every bit of threatening he could.

Jianyu cowered back. “Nianzu you are my friend, dare I say be closest most dear friend. I would never betray you. I spoke to Suyin the day we were supposed to meet up. She was looking for you because she was worried about you.”

'Worried?' Nianzu thought, giving Jianyu space. “Why would she be worried about me? She knows better then anyone that I am strong enough to care for myself. Is she worried that I am going to defeat her in our next sparring match? Because if that is the case, she shouldn't worry. She is a strong competitor.”

It was difficult to hide his shocked face, but Jianyu managed. He knew that Nianzu was an idiot when it came to love, but he had no idea that Nianzu was this dense. “Have you never pined for someone who you couldn't be near? This is how your beautiful Suyin is feeling. She is not worried that you will become stronger then her. She is worried that you have no interest in her. When she spoke to me, she said that you were avoiding her like she was a wart on a hog.” If only the two of them had a chance to go over an idea for a song to sing for Suyin. By now Nianzu and Suyin would be happily together.

He knew that he needed to change his approach, but he was worried about looking silly and Suyin laughing at him. However his current approach was getting him nowhere. At this point Jianyu had wrapped himself not only in Nianzu's life but Suyin's life as well. At this point he might as well listen to what Jianyu had in mind. That and if he had the chance to help get Jianyu in shape, that would give him the opportunity to see his 'dear friend' in as much pain as he was listening to all this romantic nonsense.

“Okay Jianyu. I will take you up on your offer. Help me with Suyin and I will help you get in shape.”

He wasn't looking forward to the exercise, however he was delighted that finally Nianzu would listen to his advice. “Anything for my best friend.”

WC: 1,244