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[LOG] Didn't Friend's Do This Already? (Poseida x Mti imara)

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Fashionable Mage

PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2017 4:02 pm
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Crap, crap, crap! She had really done it now, hadn't she? The awkward-ness of the one night spent with Jua was hard enough. Every encounter with him ever sense that ill-mistaken night had been tense and both of them seemed to have the same thought in mind: Get this over with and never talk again.

Ha! That was a lot easier to do when your best friends both crossed over into your 'unofficial' relationships!

Mti, oh her poor sweet Mti. Sure they hadn't been on the best terms lately, that being the reasoning sparking the whole 'lets go drink away our problems' night she had with Jua in the first place, but she dearly cared for him. This time away from him only proved that to her.

And now she might have royalled ******** any potential relationship with him forever. Good job, Poseida.

With a heavy sigh she entered the familiar cave she once shared with the imposing male. Though it had been weeks since her and Hasira had moved into their own shared den this place still felt more like home than anything. Before all of this she had found herself making an excuse to come visit Mti even when she wasn't home just to lay around and relax in the more comfortable setting.

Well, here went nothing. He was bound to find out one way or the other, it was much better that he heard from her own mouth. "Mti?"
PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2017 4:04 pm
The green giant had been home when he first heard the paw steps approach and eventually carry their masters way into his den. When he turned to face his guest he was a little surprised by whom it was. "Poseida." The name took his breath away and his eyes brightened. The excitement over rode the attention to detail so he didn't react to the way she was acting - not yet.

"What a pleasant surprise." He found himself purring. They hadn't been on great terms. She'd actually moved out with Hasira and since then the pair had been rocky. To the degree that Mti had found himself wondering if there had been anything between them at all. But seeing her had sparked back the hammering heart in his chest and the fluttering feeling in his throat. He grew silent though. There was clearly something on her mind. He wasn't sure how to feel anymore - was this it? He wondered briefly about what could possibly be bothering her and he had narrowed it down to her splitting it off completely.

So he waited for the words 'this isn't working' or something along those lines.


Fashionable Mage


Fashionable Mage

PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2017 4:06 pm
A wave of relief visabily washed over her, from her expression softening to her shoulders relaxing. News hadn't spread to him yet, nor was he still giving her the cold shoulder. Good, hopefully that was a sign of how the rest of the conversation would go, if she was lucky.

Though heh, she was now pregnant after her dumbest decision ever so she wouldn't consider her luck being a hot commodity right now.

Stepping forward Poseida greeted Mti with a loving nuzzle of her cheek against the highest part of him she could reach - at this time being his shoulder - with a low purr rumbling from her. "Mti, it's good to see you. I've missed you." She confessed in a low whisper.

Pulling away from him she slowly lowered herself onto her hunches, peering up at him with a tired smile. These past few days have been taking quite the toll on her and now it was finally starting to catch up all at once. Could it have been the huge influx of hormones? Possibly. Though the anxious ball storming in the pit of her gut was more likely to be the reason for her sudden fatigue if she had to directly name a reason.

She wanted nothing more for this little problem of hers to go away, and honestly had no idea how to 'break' the news (and possibly his heart) to Mti. So, she would settle on social formalities for now starting with a, "How have you been lately?"
PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2017 4:08 pm
"I've missed you too." It wasn't hard for him to admit this. The truth was never hard for him. He'd been telling his best friend about how much he missed Poseida, but recently his orange companion had been scarce. Mti had been worried for his mental health with his mother passing, but he couldn't catch Jua long enough to talk about it. He'd made a mental note to try and speak with Juas father, but that also hadn't worked out in his favor.

Mti did his best to shove that concern aside and simply enjoyed the short embrace.

As she relaxed onto her haunches so did he. The great lion moved smoothly into a seated position and even scratched the ground slightly as a stretch pulled at his muscles. "I've been well enough. Busy." He yawned a huge gaping yawn and eventualy settled his gaze upon her again. The look on his face was content. "I haven't had much time for social calls. This is a lucky coincidence. How about you?" He asked her and as though he finally caught a better glimpse his brow furrowed in concern.

"You look tired.. are you sleeping all right?" He asked her in an almost hurried fashion. He held still, but his mind whirled with thoughts of rushing her to bed and getting her a meal. Some water? He hoped she was okay and his concerns weren't warranted.


Fashionable Mage


Fashionable Mage

PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2017 4:10 pm
"My word, have they been feeding you the left overs from the Stormborn? I think you've gotten even bigger since the last I've seen you." She commented as a half-hearted attempt at their normal humor as he stretched himself, unwittingly showing off just how well...big he was compared to her.

She replied with a loose shrug of her shoulders. "They've taken pity on another who was on the medical staff for the poisoning disaster and given them a break. I've been just trying to adjust to life here." With a snort she rolled her eyes playfully. "And try to keep Sira out of trouble." She remarked with a weak grin.

Oh god's above, here we go.

Her expression dropped into a serious frown, her paws nervously drumming along the ground hinting at her sudden stress. "No, I haven't been honestly." She started, her own brows furrowing together. Oh, she had gone over this conversation a million and one times but yet her mind was drawing a blank on and pre-written explanations she had thought up in her time reflecting on the issue.

"It's actually what I've come here today to speak to you about actually." She remarked. Biting her lower lip she took in a deep breath, preparing herself both mentally and physically for what she was about to say, and more importantly, for the backlash she knew would come after.
"I suppose I'll just start from the beginning, it's easier that way. After our break up I was...distraught, lonely, and honestly just really wanted a night to forget the whole thing. Originally I went to go spend the night alone getting drunk off of fruit." With a bitter chuckle she shook her head at her own stupidity. "A dramatic 'cry away your heart ache' sort of night, ya know? Well...me and Jua met up in the middle of this fantastic plan of mine and we sat and talked, sharing a few fruits together, me sobbing on his shoulder like a over-grown child. The normal good and fun stuff."
There was a pause as she briefly glanced up at him to gauge his reaction before continuing.

"Me and him we...stupidly spent the night together." There. It was said, done, and out there. One half of the humongous mess she was in out there. "None of this is an excuse in any way, I take full responsibility for my actions and my own stupidity. I knew he was a friend of yours and yet for some reason I didn't stop when I should have. I thought that perhaps I could leave it behind me, chalk it up to a bad nightmare and move on with our lives but..."

And here comes the real kicker everybody, hold onto your butts!

"I'm pregnant."
PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2017 4:11 pm
"Are you.. calling me fat?" He made a false gasp and even raised a paw to his chest. The dramatic flair was relaxed and it seemed like things were back to normal. Even if they started out trying to hard. It would all go back.

"Ha! Keep her out of trouble." The large lion snorted casually. "You've truly lost what little mind you had left." He mused softly. The feelings he thought were lost had returned. They didn't come lightly either, instead they crashed like a waterfall crashed against the rocks at its base.

When her expression changed his stomach knotted and all the tension returned.

Confirmation. The large lion fought himself from fussing. The brow he had furrowed before was furrowed once again. When he blinked it tore away the light hearted look she had worn before. The stress was out in the open and he found himself wanting to do one of two things.. either vomit or pull her to the bedding and curl up with her. Neiher would have helped likely. Both would have left him feeling tense. One would have eased him in different ways.

Instead of reacting he opted for silence. It was clear that she had something to get off her chest and so he listened. The worry in his expression didn't falter. He wanted to scream at her to get on with it. When she bit her lip he found himself biting his cheek. 'After our break up..'.
Words. They had simply begun pouring from the lioness and Mti felt his heart slowly shatter as he began to catch onto where this was headed. He inhaled slowly and then exhaled. He forced himself to close his already dampening eyes as he couldn't face her. "You're what.." He asked quietly. Then clearing his throat he answered his own question. "You're pregnant." He opened his glistening eyes. The warm feelings he had felt for her grew cold. His eyes, bright and cheery had grown dull. Mti couldn't even meet gaze. "With Jua?"

Well that explained a damn lot. He stood as he realized why the orange lion had been avoiding him. Though at the time he had thought they just weren't crossing paths. "I.. was worried about you?" A dark laugh left the large lion as he began to pace his den. "Here you found the comfort of Juas den." He did finally meet her gaze, but with a sneer. "Is that all you came here for?" He stopped his pacing entirely and simply stared now. Every muscle in his body had tensed up.


Fashionable Mage


Fashionable Mage

PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2017 4:12 pm
When she first found out that she was pregnant originally she had been excited. It wasn't like her and Mti hadn't laid together before. And the prospect of giving Mti the family that she knew he dearly wished for made her strangely happy. The more she thought about it though ate away at that initial excitement. The mid-wives of the pride had given her a rough estimate of her being just a few months along, much too short of a time for any chance of him being the father.

Pinning her ears back against her head she gave a clipped nod, her head lowering itself in shame. "He is." She replied softly, confirming what both of them dreaded.

Oh gods no, there was that anger. Most saw him has a great mountain of a man but few knew that there was a volcano that lay hidden underneath. She couldn't say she could blame him, hell she would have reacted the same way, but her heart still constricted tightly in her chest as her worst fears were coming true. "I haven't found comfort in anyone's den but your own!" She exclaimed, her head rising to meet him head on. The hot tears that had been building openly rolling down her face now that her emotional lock-down had been burst open.

"I only speak to him to give him my daily report. Hell I haven't even told him that I'm expecting, you're the first one to know. I don't..." Letting out a sob she lifted a paw up to her mouth, clutching it tightly to try to contain herself.

Her back quivered for a few seconds before she lowered her paw slightly, just enough to allow her to speak. "I don't love him, I love you." It was the first time she had openly said those words. Sure they had told each other how much they cared about each other but never had they dropped the 'love' bomb. But she did, she knew that now. Was it probably too late? Yes, yes she understood that. But she couldn't leave things as they were without him knowing.
PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2017 4:14 pm
His chest rumbled as she answered him in an uncontrolled growl of anger. Mti was overwhelmed by the need to lash out at Poseida and Jua. They were equal parties in this. Typically he was the gentle giant that most knew him as.. only a small intimate number knew of his anger. Poseida was among those select few. So he knew she would anticipate him to blow up. Still he felt the blind rage works its way up his throat.

Mti opened his mouth to shout, demand a better excuse, get her to leave, but none of those words were ever said. He was stunned into emotional silence for a moment as the whole scenario sunk in a little further. He was going through stages in mere seconds. This was far to much for any lion to handle. "Yet you show up in my den pregnant." He said in a calm tone that carried a frightening undertone. He saw the tears begin to roll from her eyes. Usually he'd have raised a paw to wipe them away, pull her close to him and whisper sweet things to calm her. No. She did this to herself.

"I believe that he may already know. Words aren't the only way to communicate." He replied to her coldly. "Seems he may remember that night just as well as you might. A trip to seeing one of the lionesses wouldn't go unnoticed by the lion that had you." His tones were still cold as he continued. "But.." Then he was interrupted by her outburst.

The shock he felt about the news paled in comparison to the shock he felt now. Warming anothers den was part of adult life. He was fairly aware of that.. even if this case broke his heart. "You love me?" He blinked at her. The anger was fading in his eyes, even if the grimace remained.


Fashionable Mage


Fashionable Mage

PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2017 4:16 pm
"Because you deserve to know." She shot back immediately. He was just as much affected by this unfortunate situation as her and Jua, some might argue that he might be more affected by it than the latter would be. Even so it pained her to see him like this. Normally he was a very stoic man and it would have been hard for even her to know what exactly was on his mind, but this news had broken him in ways that she couldn't even imagine. There was no one else she could blame for this, no excuse she could spin, no grand apology that she could come up with that could mend his wounds right now.

She had in a grand sense of the word broken her beloved's heart. A crime she would never be able to live down.

With a shake of her head she denied the truth even to herself. There was a good chance Jua had already known, after all this was a small pride with eyes and ears every where. But she wanted to address informing each person in her life about the change in events in her own time, on her own terms. This was a private matter, dammit! That's the way it should stay. "He shouldn't...I hope he doesn't know yet." She mused out loud to herself. Truthfully she knew that the actual father of the cubs should know before anyone else but in her case it just didn't seem right not to go straight to Mti.

"Of course I do." She answered with a strained smile. With a weak sniffle she used her paw to wipe away the wet streaks running down her face. "You complete me. I wouldn't be here if I didn't love you."
PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2017 4:17 pm
"I do." He snapped at her. Mti wasn't sure whether he cared or not for the way she was acting. He was in the right to be mad and yet she justified her actions. The large lion raised a paw and rubbed his brow. "What am I supposed to do?" He asked out loud. The question wasn't entirely directed at her, but more so it was a general question of where this left them. He suddenly sounded and looked exhausted.

"You're so foolish to think that he doesn't know? Jua has been avoiding me this entire time.. unless that is simply coincidence." He stared at her. His eyes were dark and his tone was dull. "I thought you were smarter than that." Anger bubbled to the surface again and he found himself snapping at her. Mti inhaled deeply and tried to calm himself again, find his center. It was becoming increasingly difficult.

He was greeted with darkness as he closed his eyes. That seemed to help a little bit until she spoke again. This time he was beginning to hear what he had wanted to hear all along. Though he would have preferrd if it weren't due to the fact that his best friend was fathering cubs with his ex-mate. "I love you too, Poseida." He said after a short period of time. "I've always loved you. Being apart from you was likely the hardest time of my life." He was beginning to tear up now. "Now this."

He exhaled slowly. "What am I supposed to do?" He returned to his original question, this time he did direct it to her.


Fashionable Mage


Fashionable Mage

PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2017 4:19 pm
She winced at his words. He was indeed entirely justified in his anger, she honestly preferred it compared to perhaps him bottling it up unhealthily. Didn't mean that some of the words he said didn't hurt, oh they were a stab directly to the heart, but they were at the very least understandable.

His backhanded insult though did leave her confused. Blinking up at him she eyed him with a questioning stare. "Mti, if he's been avoiding you it's not because of him knowing I'm with cubs. I just found out earlier this morning. The mid-wives and your den have been the only two places I've been today." She clarified with a frown. She had expected Jua to have reserved his recent awkward behavior to her solely. He still seemed to be interacting (if Sira's nightly gossip was anything to go by) just fine with other. Strange, but that would have to be something that the two males would need to work out on their own. She had certainly done enough damage to their relationship as is.

Her jaw tightened as her head drooped down solemnly. Those words, three little words. She had been waiting on hearing them for ages now from him. Not hearing them and believing that he was less invested in the relationship than she was the whole reason for their break up in the first place. Yet, now under these circumstances they seemed so bittersweet to hear. "Do you know what's funny about this whole thing? When I first was told that I was pregnant my mind jumped to you being the father, I was ecstatic to rush down here and tell you the good news." She thought out loud.

She weakly shrugged in response. "I don't know, I really don't know." Before there were very few and far situations that she didn't have a answer to. This however left her completely drawing a blank and scrambling to make sense of any little detail. "I understand that you probably can't ever forgive me for what I've done, and that we can't be...together anymore." Her breathed hitched as more tears threatened to spill out. "I-I really should go then, shouldn't I?"
PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2017 4:21 pm
t looked as though he would have to find out for himself why Jua was avoiding him.. it really could just be coincidence and not a friend avoiding a friend because of their actions. The whole situation just stunk and so Mti was making easily made assumptions about the outcomes. It was all a lot for him to consider, but his first goal was to lash out at his best friend or ex-best friend? None of it was decided.

His expression softened as he watched her head droop and as she spoke. Mti hadn't been sure about where there relationship had been heading, but he hadn't considered fathering anyone elses cubs, but hers. Which told him that this was the lioness he was meant to spend the rest of his life with. His understanding could only go so far and the confusing emotions he felt were colliding with one another.

"Poseida I believe it's best you leave for now." The anger was swept from his voice and replaced with a sad tone. His eyes looked heavy and his body, which had stood tall and proud now sagged. "I need to think about things." He wasn't about to make a rash decision. Mti knew he could forgive her. Cubs, no matter how they came about, was good news for the pride. Good news for the future.

He sighed. But his heart ached for them. Poseida and him. "I'll find you when I'm ready."

Ctrl F Greenie
Fin! I figured your post wrapped things up nicely, and we had enough posts.


Fashionable Mage

[IC] Dov'Strunmah Lands

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