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[PRP] Strangers in the Night (Golka/Muladhara)

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Lightning Shadow X

Floppy Puppy

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 27, 2017 11:23 pm
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((Title is WIP))

Midnight. Moonlight. Normally sleep would've taken her, but she had slumbered most of the afternoon and she wanted to make sure that the others were at peace. Even with such a broad territory, it never hurt to be somewhat careful with wandering rogues, raiding prides and scavengers eager to steal cubs from under the stars. Not that she had anything like that personally to worry about, but the cubs of any member of the Vita were cubs to all the Vita.
Whelps that would become grunts, that may one day become more.

So here she was on patrol, the cold of the night air clung to the fur not covered by her trophy pelt that hugged to her broad shoulders and keeping an eye on the territory. It seemed most of the herds were either asleep or too aware that they weren't her concern to be too bothered by her presence and most smaller scavengers wisely avoided the strongly built lioness like the plague as she plodded along in silence.

Everything, so far, seemed at peace.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 2:41 pm
User Image This was a fool's errand. The thought bounced around Muladhara's head relentlessly, as it had a hundred times since she'd first left the demons' lands behind. Go forth, said their bahdron god. Raid the common lands. Coerce those worthy of joining their ranks, and take those worthy to serve them. Sounded all well and good on the surface, and the kind of thing she would expect from the Aegnor. But there were...problems.

Problems like the pride being lax in their demon blood. Absorbing a group that, perhaps, would be better left sador. Allowing leopards even the chance of a proving they had the spirit to walk the pride as equals. What ridiculous measures! And if she was honest, they gave her no small measure of doubt about the path she walked among the demons.

Of course, Az had been silent. Muladhara was not surprised. It was not her demon's way to contribute to meaningless introspection. Her contributions tended to be more outgoing in nature. The burnished lioness had learned not to question it.

Hence, she was unsurprised when the feminine spirit perked at the sight of another. The female was solidly-built, as herself, though she seemed larger in size. Whether that was moonlight or fact, Muladhara couldn't yet tell. Additionally, the manner of her movements spoke of a patrol - but Mu could not think of anything for her to be watching after. Was there some pride all the way out here, that she had been unaware of?

What an interesting thought. She scowled, and paused in the act of advancing, one paw lifted in mid-step until she saw how this new figure reacted. Perhaps she might return to the Aegnor with something worthwhile, after all.

Lightning Shadow X


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Lightning Shadow X

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 4:43 pm
It was the smell that'd tipped her off, just a small shift in the breeze and her patrol had come to a halt with her ears sat atop her head and her amber golden eyes peering across the blue moon bathed horizon of the grass stalks. A new smell, most definitely. Feline definitely, she wasn't sure what species though...what made her more uncertain was the intent.
Visitors weren't uncommon, it was just knowing what they wanted here which was always a problem. Some meant no harm, only a meal to drag back to their dens...but the stories and tales of lions that stole cubs or other full grown lions did persist, nothing that she feared personally, but an anxiety that clung to her chest when she thought of the weaker Peons - or the cubs of the pride.

Those thoughts were fleeting as she steeled herself and eyed her surroundings again, a smooth and mechanical movement as she slowly surveyed the area. A few sniffs, a few twitches of her whiskers. She definitely couldn't place it the direction, not yet at least...
Bah! To the hells with it.

Her claws gently scraping the dirt beneath her paws she huffed, tail lashing the grass behind her she spoke out, eyes still on the look out for anything that moved that didn't look like prey. Every muscle tense, every nerve and instinct ready and it took all her sense to keep her voice straight and not growl as she spoke out loud to 'nobody' in particular.

"Passing through, stranger?" Her ear flicked. "Not uncommon to move during the night."

PostPosted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 11:38 pm
A-ah, she was undetected. Good. Good to know that spending so long inside the pride's lands hadn't dulled her abilities quite so much. There was something innately satisfying in watching the lioness move; taking in the detailed way she surveyed her surroundings, only to come up empty. To know that - if she chose it - Muladhara was only a few steps and one good pounce away from a fight like the ones she'd so cherished in years past.

Az's voice fluttered in her ear, though. It was not a scolding tone, but a cautious one. The sort of whisper that warned her not to be distracted by thrills gone by. This was no meager creature, to be taken by surprise and shredded without warning. That was no way to treat a potentially worthy asset.

She stepped forward before she spoke. The completion of that lone paw-step sounded terribly loud in the night. "Something like that, yes. Rest assured that I have no intentions to remain," Mu replied, "although I wonder why you ask. Is this place yours, by chance?" Was she being too curt? Hopefully not. It was difficult to modify one's voice when one commonly spoke in snarls. Normally Az took care of that for her, cushioning her gravelly tones into something more appealing to the ear. For whatever reason, however, she was silent now.

Lightning Shadow X


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Lightning Shadow X

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 04, 2017 12:52 am
The sound gave position away, her ear flicked but made no movement and passed it off as continuing to survey her surroundings. But at least now she knew where the stranger was, but they had made no move against her, no threat and she wasn't about to pre-emptively strike someone who possibly meant her no harm and was simply here to hunt...but still...she was prepared. Every muscle in her tightened and ready to spring as she listened to the words carried on the air.
This one didn't know either. How well secreted away was her brother's pride?
How long had it been since they'd had a raid? Or a warband scout? Then again, they still seemed to be patching up the remains of their ancestor's old battles and follies and mistakes. Green, tainted mistakes. She didn't let such thoughts linger though and held her head high as she responded to the stranger, her own tone just as heavy that bore the weight of her muscle and physical strength down like a stone in a pond.

"Mine in a sense that I help rule it, I am part of a triumvirate that rule this land...but the head of that body belongs to my brother, I am merely the teeth and claws that defend it." She wanted to make that point very clear, her voice sharp at the end almost as a warning...a small one though, she still had no idea the intent of this stranger. She just wanted to make it clear to them what they were up against if they did intend something.
"Though I prefer not to defend against those simply wanting to visit...we get many who wish to hunt our lands, we only get sterner on such visitors when the pickings are slim...you're lucky you've come at a better time of year."

PostPosted: Thu Sep 07, 2017 1:21 am
Muladhara continued to approach, slowly and with plenty of warning. Was this lioness really so oblivious? She chose to think not. Perhaps this stranger had always known her position, and her lack of reaction was intentional, like some sort of power play. Either way, it lent a lot of credence to Az's advice - to treat her like a real threat.

"I'll count myself fortunate, then," the visitor rumbled, that gravel voice dry but genuine. If the other members of this pride were of her ilk, Mu doubted she could stand against them for long. But oh, the fun in trying! "Though I didn't come to hunt. You could say that I'm on a mission of...recruitment for my own pride. Having not realized that this land was laid claim, of course I'll refrain from soliciting any of your pridemates." A lash of her tail accompanied Mu's low chuckle. "As I assume that is what your brother leads here."

She couldn't help thinking that she was quite close now. Despite her demon's chiding, the strange lioness' lack of reaction to her presence was such a glaring, delicious red flag that Mu had to swallow a hungry growl. Such confidence, protected by nothing more than the pelt on her back! Appearing powerful was one thing, but leaving herself so blatantly vulnerable was foolhardy. Surely, she would dispense with this charade before too much longer!

Lightning Shadow X


Familiar Phantom

Lightning Shadow X

Floppy Puppy

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 12, 2017 7:51 am
When the stranger was close enough and only then did she make it clear she'd known their position, their head turning as honey golden eyes settled on the now confirmed lioness. Taking in her colours and markings as she stood herself firm in the face of this strange visitor who now confirmed she wasn't here for any cubnapping, but recruitment. The idea made Golka's eyes narrow just a touch, but her expression remained calm and calculating.

"Indeed, he is the Warchief of the pride." Her tone was held heavy, not with any threat or intent, but with a definite warning hinting at its borders as she kept her eyes on the lioness in front of her. "And do tell, where do you hail from that needs fresh blood?"

PostPosted: Tue Sep 12, 2017 11:55 pm
Warchief. What a deliciously primal badge of office. Muladhara was almost as pleased by it as she was to see some acknowledgement - at last! The red lioness betrayed none of that strident emotion though, not as those eyes took her measure. She only lifted a brow in question, assuming that she must have passed muster. They weren't attacking each other just yet, anyway.

At this point, she might actually regret the fight. Mu found herself glad that this sister to the warchief was as shrewd as Az had first assumed.

"I travel from the lands of the Aegnor'hini." She grated, holding that honey gaze with her own limpid blues. "We are a pride very much...in tune with our own inner spirits. As such, from time to time, we venture outside of our bounds to seek those who feel in kind." The lioness rolled her shoulders, relishing as she did the tingle of Az's approval across the back of her skull. Now subtlety mattered, apparently. Very well. She could be diplomatic. "Since we seem to be sharing, what of you and yours? I should like to know the name of the pride whose lands I've come to, and the title of the warrior I met there."

Lightning Shadow X


Familiar Phantom

Lightning Shadow X

Floppy Puppy

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 29, 2017 8:19 pm
This fiery crimson lioness' words made the firm female arch a brow ever so slightly as she looked over the other, she made no move to assault her as again she hadn't made a move against her. Merely her sharp yellow eyes kept upon her calmly as she tried to recollect any pride by the name of Aegnor'hini...but...no...nothing really clicked. Not immediately at least, she wondered if her brother had heard of them, or his mate.

She listened to the blue eye'd female calmly, continuing to stand as she relaxed, but only partly - her muscles were still coiled in case she had to pounce but her interest in this one's words and intentions kept those urges at bay enough.
In any case if she wasn't sated tonight she could've always challenged one of the grunts to a friendly duel.

"Hm, I can't say I've heard of them, the only thing spiritual with our pride are our Shamans...and they tend to prefer the outer spirits to the inner." At the inquiry of this stranger she flicked an ear contemplatively, she had no knowledge of this pride nor their intent...then again a scuffle might've turned out interesting. But she'd hold onto that thought later. "The Vita'Alizaliwa, the War Born as we're often called...we've been in these lands for a fair few generations...though previously as clans before we joined together as one larger pride."

PostPosted: Sun Oct 29, 2017 10:18 pm
A chuckle rolled warmly up from Muladhara's throat, seeming genuine as the nod of approval the lioness gave her new acquaintance's words. "That's fair. We've had no knowledge of you either, after all." At least, she was fairly certain they didn't. She could be wrong, now that she really thought about it. Who knew what was going on in the heads of their leaders just now? She'd choose to keep faith in their transparency, though - at least for the moment. "I would be happy to bear word of your pride back to the demons - as we are sometimes known," Az was very careful to take control just then, tossing the knowledge of the pride's nickname out as casually as one might mention the weather. "Perhaps the shared knowledge might bear fruit between us."

The sensual force that shared her soul was so very particular about diplomacy. Mu supposed she could see the point in it this time, at least: invoking the term 'demon' in common company could cause alarm in some. But this lioness was a warrior from a clan of warriors. Mu found herself thinking it silly to presume she would spook so easily.

Speaking of warriors, however... "I do notice that you've neglected to share your name or title, though." The statement was pointed as the glance she gave the other lioness, one eyebrow quirked. She was more amused than accusatory, though, and just the slightest bit surprised about it. Normally, the oversight would have irked her something fierce. "I hope you wouldn't mind satisfying that personal curiosity? I would offer mine first, even, as a mark of courtesy: I am Muladhara, and among my own I am meiv'seere. An adjudicator, you might say. One who settles disputes, by word or claw." She couldn't help the satisfied way her voice curved around the latter. Truthfully, she wouldn't have wanted to.

Lightning Shadow X


Familiar Phantom

Lightning Shadow X

Floppy Puppy

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 30, 2017 8:34 am
Needless to say, Golka's interests were peaked at the mention of 'demons' - their pride'd had their share of demons but only demons in the sense of personality with that green tainted one. But on the other hand, some could've called her family pride demons purely for the way they fought...she had no idea. So she held her tongue on the matter, despite any lingering thoughts this lioness had still not done anything to be accused of or worth laying a claw on. A small huff escaped her as she sat herself calmly and watched the fiery female with a calm if hardened gaze.

"I suppose no harm can come from more knowledge of our pridal lands, we wouldn't want a territorial dispute happening." That made sense in her mind, the more war hungry part of her brain wrestled like an angry whelp - territorial disputes brought good fights! But this wasn't a way of gaining allies.
The inquiry into her name and title shook herself back to reality from the yowling in the back of her head and she kept her eyebrow perked at this lioness - this Muladhara as she now knew her name to be - and found a small inkling of newfound respect.
'One who settles disputes', sounded most definitely familiar to her as memories of irritated Grunts amidst each other rolled through her mind and caused the slightest of smiles to pull at the corners of her mouth.

"My apologies, I am Golka Bloodtusk - High Warlord of the Vita'Alizaliwa." She had to push down every want to puff out her chest in pride. "It's my job to train Generals that will in turn train Grunts and Scouts, the protection and hunting force of our pride...you could also say I'm a bit of an adjudicator myself, we like to settle our disputes through sparring and fights most of the time though."

[IC] Rogue Lands

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