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[PRP] A gift that keeps giving (Naani, Ebere)

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Sparkly Bibliophile

PostPosted: Thu Aug 10, 2017 1:43 pm
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The shiny bug had started something. Ebere had finally managed to summon the courage to actually give her the pretty beetle the day after finding it, and he'd just kind of left it next to her with a mumbled "I got this for you." before bolting again. She hadn't really stopped to see her reaction to the gift, but he assumed she'd liked it, so he started to think about what else she might like. Pretty things, edible things, interesting things?

Courting involved giving things, right? So he'd worked hard the rest of the week, looking for trinkets and interesting things. A shiny rock here, a flower with a pleasant scent there. A freshly killed rodent where he knew she'd find it as a nice little surprise... A bone from the latest hunt with the best parts left on it. At first he hadn't said much when delivering her gifts personally, but he was getting bolder. And today he might have bitten off more than he could chew.

He was already starting to regret his latest gift to her, since it was very awkward to move the damned thing. Ebere was already sweaty from rolling it here, but he'd devoted a good part of the afternoon to this so he figured he might as well follow through. However, he couldn't look like this when handing it over so he stopped to groom before taking it to where he hoped Naani would be. It would really suck if she wasn't there today.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 13, 2017 9:55 am
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Naani was at her wits end. She was confused and unnerved... and maybe a little aggravated. Her assumption that Ebere would start leaving her alone was entirely wrong! It had started with this shiny dead bug - which was weird because not only was that a strange gift, but he just sort of mumbled something unintelligible and then ran for it before she could say anything - and then grew and grew until she was constantly getting things from him!

She would admit, privately, that some of the gifts were kind of sweet. The flower, for example, did smell nice but she'd deny it to her dying breathe before admitting that she had held onto that one in her den. Her reaction to the rodent and meat bone were... mixed. On the one hand, she didn't really have the energy to hunt anymore, but on the other hand... was he trying to imply that she needed fattening up? Or that she couldn't take care of herself? She was perfectly fine, thank you!

No, but what really annoyed her was that she didn't WANT the attention in the first place! Every time she tried to scuttle off to be by herself, he would appear. It didn't matter what time of day. It didn't matter where she went. One time, she could swear she had checked every direction before heading off, but he still appeared out of nowhere. How was he doing that?! Was she that predictable?

So it was with this thought that the purple lioness carefully peeked out of her den before stepping out. No sign so far. Good. Maybe she could find somewhere to hide herself today. She had a full day of... thinking, lamenting, whatever you'd call it. (it never really occurred to her that, so distracted by why and how Ebere was doing this, she was starting to think less on her previous depressing thoughts)




Sparkly Bibliophile

PostPosted: Thu Sep 07, 2017 2:40 am
As a cub grooming was something that happened to you whenever mom, dad or another grown-up decided it was bathing time. As he grew up he was supposed to handle staying clean and tidy on his own, and he had, most of the time. However, it had never felt "Life or Death"-important before now. He was sure they were destined together, Naani and him, and he wasn't going to muck it up by looking dishevelled in front of her. Taking care of his appearance was officially serious business. She probably wouldn't be shallow enough to dump him just because of a messy mane, but he couldn't leave anything to chance. He was sure they were meant to be together, but also terrified he'd mess something up. There was a trial of kings coming up, but he had a trial of his own. To him the stakes were just as high.

When Ebere was finally satisfied with the state of his fur and had also mussed up his mane a bit to avoid looking as if he was trying too hard, he realised that Naani was already on the move. He looked at the decent sized rock at his feet and back up at the rapidly disappearing lioness. Crap. If he kept rolling the rock he would never catch up with her. He could wait at her place until she came back, but who knew when that would be? It was a pain and a half to move this particular gift so it was unlikely that someone would steal it or even try to move it. After a bit of fidgeting he gave the rock a final shove so it wouldn't be totally in the way and then took of running after his Destined Mate.

"Naani, Naani," he called when he had closed most of the distance between them, "Wait up!"

Sorry about the long wait!
PostPosted: Fri Sep 08, 2017 1:51 pm
Naani cringed at the sound of his voice. See? He kept managing to catch her when she least wanted it. How? She couldn't help glancing frantically back and forth, hoping that she could find somewhere to hide despite the fact that he'd clearly seen her already. There was nothing though. Just sheer rock faces that she couldn't dive behind.

With a groan, the purple lioness turned around to face him as he ran up to her, a grumpy look overtaking her features. "What?" The word came out gruffly, her annoyance showing through. She just wanted to be alone! Didn't he get that?! Maybe she should just head back into her den. Or maybe she should enlist the aid of her brother.

No, actually, he might just help Ebere instead. She scrapped that idea immediately.

Huffing, she plopped her butt onto the ground and stared him down, ears flat against her head. A quick glance around him left her a little confused though. He wasn't carrying any gifts this time. He did seem winded though, so he must have been doing something previous to this. Eyes narrowing, she straightened up, "What do you have this time?" She paused here, "And don't just mumble and run off again afterwards!" She was getting answers this time, gods help her. No more of this!

It's fine. ^-^ I've been kind of busy irl anyway.



Sparkly Bibliophile

PostPosted: Tue Oct 03, 2017 2:40 am
Ebere offered her a shy smile despite the gruff welcome. It was amazing how pretty she was, even when she was a bit grumpy. Perhaps she'd had a rough morning? Lucky for her he was there to turn her day around! She'd love the gift he'd brought this time! He was so happy to see her and that happiness boosted his confidence in the special thing he'd found. Ebere then opened his mouth and uttered a few words despised by every not-happy female.

"Hey, why don't you smile a little?"

He didn't mean to imply that she had an obligation to smile in order to make him happy, but it sure came out that way.

I guess she should have a chance to react to that before he tries to show his gift...
PostPosted: Mon Oct 09, 2017 2:28 pm
Naani had a brief moment where she wondered over his sanity. Why would he look so happy when faced with her hostility? Was he blind or stupid... or both? It grated on her nerves. No one should be so happy, especially when faced with her. There was nothing about her that they should be happy about.

And then his next words had the fur on her spine bristling in indignation. Did it LOOK like she wanted to smile?! Did she SEEM HAPPY to him!? What, was she meant to bury her feelings and throw up some horrid, fake mask just to please others?

A growl grew in the back of her throat, teeth starting to bare, but it was tempered by the lack of will to snap at him. Interacting with others was not a strong point of hers lately.

That didn't mean that she appreciated the thought.

Stiffening her jaw, she raised her head up and stared hard at him, "What reason would I possibly have to smile?" She huffed, "And you didn't answer my questions."




Sparkly Bibliophile

PostPosted: Tue Oct 10, 2017 9:33 am
The adolescent had the decency to look ashamed of himself, even if he wasn’t quite sure where he had gone wrong. He slicked his ears back and hunkered down a little in a submissive stance. Question? What question? He miiiight have been a bit preoccupied with what he was thinking and what he was going to say and kinda, sorta not really listened to her. A little. Maybe. He pushed the panic aside and decided he better just show her the cool gift he had for her right this second to defuse the situation. They just had to get to it so he could do that.

”Ummm...,” he started, ”I got something for you, but it’s not here. It’s over there.” He waved his paw in the general direction he had just come from.

”You’ll have to come see it!”

He jogged away, hoping she’d follow, and when he reached the place where he’d left the gift he turned around with a hopeful grin on his maw. It was a rock around the size of a young lions skull, the shape was fairly round but with a rough surface. Just an ordinary looking rock.

PostPosted: Tue Oct 10, 2017 10:39 am
She watched distastefully as he seemed to curl into himself, musing to herself that good, he deserved it, and ignoring the tiny piece of guilt she felt over how cowed he looked. She waited for an answer, not realizing that he hadn't noticed her question from before, and so was surprised when he seemed to pop back up.

Come see it? He was jogging away now, and she briefly considered turning and bolting while his back was turned. After all, she didn't want to be here, didn't want to admit that she was curious about what he'd brought this time, but... he would probably find her again later. And next time it would actually be in whatever hiding place she'd managed to find. She shuddered at the thought.

Ugh, she would humor him for now. Perhaps she would figure out what his problem was by doing so. Hunched resignedly, Naani padded slowly after him, eyeing the direction he was headed in the hopes of seeing his "gift" before they got there.

So when he stopped and turned with that dopey grin on his face, she was confused. There was nothing here. Nothing but dirt and rocks anyway. A quick look to the left and right yielded no clues as to his gift, and it was with trepidation that she spoke up, "What... is it?"




Sparkly Bibliophile

PostPosted: Tue Oct 10, 2017 12:12 pm
Ebere put his paw on the rock and puffed his chest out, proud that he had actually moved it all the way here. She looked a bit confused, and he supposed that was because it didn’t look all that different from any old rock around the pride. But it was! He’d seen that old Amusu roll it out and immidiately got the idea to get it for Naani later.

”It’s a rock from the catacombs,” he said, as if that explained everything. ”So you can be closer to... you know.”

It made more sense in his head, and it was frustrating to him not to be able to get it out properly. Sure, she could visit her parents at the shrine whenever she wanted, at least until they decided to depart. But this... this rock would be closer. Ah, screw it, he wasn’t saying this right.

”Naani,” he blurted out, ”Will you marry me? I can give you a family again.”

I’m sorry. He insisted...
PostPosted: Tue Oct 10, 2017 1:52 pm
Naani blow up in 3..... 2..... 1.....

She was positive now. He was crazy. He was giving her... a rock. She had to hand it to him that it was kind of.... sweet... that he was trying to help her feel closer to her family, but....

But whose to say she wanted that? The dead couldn't talk, couldn't comfort anyone they've left behind. No, all they left in their wake was silence. So what was meant to be a kind gesture had instead turned into a mockery that left her paws feeling cold. She was frozen in place, unsure how to respond, unsure she even could with how numb she suddenly felt.

And then his next words made her freeze up. A family? She had a family, but they left her. Left her to rot. Left her with people like this, who just assume that she could move on.

How dare he? How dare he?!

First he wouldn't leave her alone, then he implies that she should be happy with her lot in life right now, and keeps confusing her with strange, abhorrent "gifts". And MARRIAGE?! They barely knew each other nowadays! And family - was he implying that he would replace the one she had?! She was fine. FINE! She didn't need to replace what was lost!

How DARE he?!

The anger she had tried to bury earlier bubbled up again, but this time, it didn't fizzle away like usual. Her teeth pulled up in a snarl, and a fiery light lit up her normally dull pink eyes. For the first time in a long while, she felt her former spit-fire self start to return, but it was spiraling into a burning hatred that she wasn't willing to control. "Marry you?! I don't- why would-" she was starting to stutter in her fury, "Why would I want THAT?! I HAVE A FAM-" She choked on her words, not able to finish it when she knew that really, she only had her brother. Her brother, who she hadn't really been around, who had moved on, who, who-

The fur on her spine frizzed out as she spat, "And why would I want a ROCK?! A rock isn't my parents."



Sparkly Bibliophile

PostPosted: Thu Nov 16, 2017 3:35 pm
No matter how rose colored Ebere currently saw the world, it was very hard to miss that his proposal had gone terribly wrong. At first he had thought she was speechless from happiness, and then she just blew up on him out of nowhere! What? What just happened? This was totally unexpected, and just wrong!

Ebere refused to accept being snubbed like this. His feelings for her were so strong and so true, and so he could not believe that she felt nothing for him. It made no sense! If he just did the right thing, said the right thing... everything would be fine, right? He couldn't have messed this up. Why did she have to make this so hard? They loved each other, right?

”I know it’s not,” he said, voice raised in frustration and anger. ”I KNOW! I’m not stupid. I just thought... never mind then.”

He was pacing now, his fur bristling just like hers did. His insides were on fire with a bittersweet pain unlike anything he’d ever felt before.

”What do you want me to do for you then?” He demanded, tail swishing, eyes feverish, ”Anything. I’ll do anything!”

Oh, yay! Stubborn boy is talking to me again!
PostPosted: Fri Nov 17, 2017 5:05 pm
Naani stared, teeth still bared in anger, as he paced back and forth. Thought what? That she'd be happy about his strange behavior, his thoughtless words?! No, that was exactly it! He was thoughtless! Brainless! She had to actively fight the urge to swipe outstretched claws at his head with his next pass by her! Her shoulders were bunched up along her spine, her muscles ready to strike the second she lost her restraint.

His next words left her huffing scornfully. She thought she'd made it perfectly clear what she wanted. Leave. Her. ALONE. She wanted no one, no company, no friends, no mate, no fam- her brain stuttered again at the thought, bringing hurt tears to her eyes. She was a mess to look at - tears bubbling up despite the seemingly permanent scowl etched on her face - but she didn't care in the slightest. Connections like that, they were dangerous. And so easily breakable. It was a lesson that she'd learned the hard way these past few months. She wished she could bury it all. Bury these feelings and connections down with what remained of her parents.

And, a traitorous part of her whispered in the back of her mind, she wished that she could join it. Drown herself among the dirt and bones that remained of her loved ones. If she could only see them one more time....

Turning with a snarl, Naani began her own pacing, claws ticking against the ground with each movement. He wanted to prove himself?! Prove that he could give her back her family!?

Then fine!

Eyes dark with hatred, the lioness turned back to him with her head raised high in challenge and spoke with a hoarse voice, "Anything? Then bring me back a real remnant of my parents!" Her head lowered bit by bit with her words, "Enter the catacombs, and bring me back a token of my parents!" She seemed to almost wilt into herself then, tears now obscuring her vision and preventing her from seeing Ebere as anything but a fuzzy blob, "Bring me back my parents!" And then she broke off with a sob.




Sparkly Bibliophile

PostPosted: Sat Nov 18, 2017 11:17 am
”I will,” he called after her. ”I swear I will!”

He wasn’t sure how, exactly. He just knew that doing this for her was the only way he could make the pain inside them stop.

[IC] N'ezi-ozu Lands

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