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Memoires of a Musician

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Requiem of Whyspers

Fashionable Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Mon Jul 24, 2017 5:37 pm
“An exorcism? Yes, that’s my specialty.”

“Oh, that’s wonderful! We’ve been having some trouble for a while now but most people think we’re just crazy.”

“I wouldn’t jump to that conclusion without a thorough inspection of the property. Where are you located again?”

“We live in the large villa in Lacunosa Town. You can’t miss it.”

“The one with the pool in the roof?”

“That’s the one, yes. Can you please hurry?”

“I’ll be there as quickly as I can be.” Odd hung up the phone and rushed to his room, grabbing a couple of Pokeballs, stuffing a few things into a duffel bag and throwing it over his shoulder. “Lykas! I’m heading to Unova for a job. I’ll be back soon.” He called to his boyfriend, who was currently in the middle of a shower.

“Alright. I’ll probably still be here when you get back. Unless I’m not.” Lykas called back cryptically.

Odd pulled out his SNAG as he walked to the front door. “GRAY, send Claydol to the main room in a few minutes, please.” He told the AI through the device, ignoring any protests the AI might try to make. He was focusing on the task at hand. It sounded like his client was having some major issues with a Ghost of some sort but couldn’t determine what kind it was. They had been trying to treat it like a Pokemon until very recently and, when it started fighting back was when they had elected to call for help. He’d been recommended by one of their relatives he had assisted in Kanto a few months ago and so, they had called.

Heading out to the waterfall outside of HQ, he pulled a few glass bottles from his duffel and filled them with the fresh water flowing over the rocky cliff face. Stashing them back in his bag, he walked over to the edge of the cave entrance and dug around in the weeds there for a few minutes before standing back up with a particular plant in his hands. Exactly what it was was anyone’s guess but it seemed to be something he had planted there, himself. Stowing it in his duffel as well, he ensured that his inkwell and his pens and brushes were secured and that he had the papers he needed to create the wards he may well require for this job all available and stored in a way that nothing would get broken. Returning inside at last, he found Claydol already waiting for him in the main lounge. “Take me to Lacunosa Town in Unova, please.” He told the Psychic-type, vanishing into a flash of pink light without ever stopping his walking.  
PostPosted: Mon Jul 24, 2017 5:41 pm
Appearing at the Pokemon Center in Lacunosa in mid-step, he waved back at Claydol in thanks for the transportation, not looking back as it disappeared once again. Keeping an eye on the locals as he traipsed through town, he became accutely aware that several people were giving him funny looks. It appeared that he was out of place carrying a book of holiness under one arm and a duffel bag slung over the opposite shoulder. “Never seen an exorcist before?” He asked one of them who had been gawking for far longer than he felt comfortable dealing with.

“Uh-uh…” Was the response, a vigorous negative shaking of their head accompanying the verbal response.

“Well don’t stare, please. It makes us uncomfortable just like it would you.” Odd told them as he continued on by them, trying to ignore the continued staring as he began to climb the large staircase in the middle of town. Halfway up the stairs, he began to see where he was going. The immense-by-comparison villa loomed over much of Lacunosa Town, it’s two storied height and arched windows lending an air of not only a very old origin but of a degree of class which most of the village certainly lacked.

“Oh, thanks the Twins you’re here!” A young woman exclaimed as she ran out the front door, rushing to Odd’s side and falling in step with him. “My son has been up for three days straight! He can’t sleep. He’s barely able to eat. He doesn’t play. Or sing. Or dance. Or do anything he usually does any more. All he does is sit in his room and write! He won’t even tell me what he’s writing any more.” She blurted out, seemingly all in a single breath. She was very clearly frazzled beyond anything she had felt before.

“How old is your son?” Odd asked as he was lead to the front door.

“He just turned fourteen.” The woman replied. “What does that have to do with anything?”

“And when did the activity start, exactly?” Odd questioned, ignoring his client’s own.

“Um...About three years ago, but it was hardly noticeable then.”

“So it started just before he hit puberty and it’s coming to a head now that he’s fully in the thick of it...:” Odd repeated to himself. “It may be that the spirit has attached itself to your son due to the impressionable age the activity began at and due to his current age, physical and mental states, he may simply be the easiest in the household to manipulate.” Odd explained. “I’m going to try and expel the spirit from your son first before attempting to force it out of the home.” He informed the young mother. “Please, see if you can get your son to come out of his room and join us in the foyer.”

“I’ll try.” The young woman replied, rushing inside while Odd set up his tools.  

Requiem of Whyspers

Fashionable Shapeshifter

Requiem of Whyspers

Fashionable Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Mon Jul 24, 2017 6:21 pm
“I don’t want to do anything too extreme to a possible victim of possession this young but I may not have much choice…” Odd told himself as he set out all he thought he would need for this procedure. Taking one of the bottles of water, he set it on the table, said a small prayer, read a few verses from his holy book and then conjured a small Guardian Halo around it, cementing the consecration of the liquid in order to create Holy Water. Taking the plant from his back, he pulled several leaves from it, laid them out in a small wooden bowl in his bag that was carved from a solid branch of Holly. Unhooking the Golden Arms emblem he used to hold his hair in it’s singular braid, he attached it to the spare rosary he carried in his bag, making it a complete divine weapon.

“He’s on his way. I’m surprised that he’s actually coming out…” The young woman who’d called for him said as she re-entered the room.

“Spirits will sometimes attempt to emulate their victim’s personality or actions during a possession in order to prevent themselves from being discovered. It may be that the spirit has realized it’s in danger and is attempting to save itself.” Odd replied, taking the larger Golden Arms in his bag out and laying it out on the table beside a bottle of anointing oils, he began to try and sense the spirit in question.

“Mom?! Where’d you go?”

“I’m in the foyer, darling. The plants needed a bit of water.”

“You might want to make good on that statement.” Odd told the mother, who nodded and reached for the Channeler’s holy water. “Try this one…” He said as he blocked her hand, holding out one of the other bottles he’d brought. The young woman gratefully accepted it and went about watering some of the small potted plants scattered around the room,

“What’s up?” The young boy asked as he entered, Odd immediately taking notice that he was not a typical teenager. And not for any particular reason. The boy was dressed as if he had stepped out of a play featuring a cast of characters from Unova’s renaissance era. “And who’s this guy? He looks weird.”

Odd smirked at that. “I could say the same regarding a boy your age dressed that way.” He replied with a smile. “My name is Odd.”  
PostPosted: Mon Jul 24, 2017 8:11 pm
“We-ird!” The boy replied, crossing his arms.

“Perhaps from your perspective.” Odd retorted with a smile. “But your mother called for me. You see, she’s been worried about you. I came to see if I could help.”

“What’s there to worry about?”

“You. Specifically the sudden change in your personality your mother tells me about.” Odd replied. “She tells me that you’ve become a man obsessed, essentially. That you’ve confined yourself to your bedroom and do little more than write music when, until quite recently, you were a rather active boy with friends and hobbies outside of the home.”

“So? Is it that weird that I like music?”

“Jonathon, what instrument do you play?” Odd finally asked, his eyes taking on a soft glow, the black light of death shining from within them.

“Piano. Violin. Cello. Flute.” Jonathon began to cite, counting off the instruments in his fingers. “Clarinet. Harp.”

Odd could sense no lies, though he would only be to do so if they were told with ill intent behind them in the first place. “And when did you learn these instruments?” He asked, truly curious. “Each would have taken you years of study and practice to master from the moment you picked them up and the earliest you would have been able to learn any of them would have been around the age of 7 or 8. Prior to that, you would not have had the discipline to learn had you not been forced into it.” He pointed out. “Meaning that you would have had to learn to play seven instruments in 7 years or fewer in order to have mastered them to the degree necessary to write music for them.”

“Um…” Jonathon paused.

“I am nearly 20, myself, and I can only play three instruments.” Odd told Jonathon as he knelt down in front of him. “Two of them are guitar and the third is Saxaphone. And of the three, I have only mastered one well enough to write music for it.”

“So? That’s your problem, not mine.”

“Jonathon…” The boy’s mother finally stopped falsely watering the plants now. “Jonathon, please. This isn’t you. You are a boy who loves video games and sports. You love being outside with your friends. You push the limits you’re given and often remain outside after dark, even when the rest of the village warns you of the dangers.”

Jonathon looked at his mother for a moment before sighing. “Damn you, Cecilia.” He said, annoyed by her persistence. “I had hoped I could convince you to drop this but clearly you love your son far too much.”


“Tomas, my dear. Tomas Hawthorne.” Jonathon replied, dropping the act entirely.

“There you are.” Odd stated, a small ribbon of shadows slowly emerging from his own and snaking toward the possessed young man. “Who are you, Tomas? Why have you chosen to take a body that is not your own?”

“I mean no harm, truly.” Tomas replied. “I was stirred from my peace when I realized that my life’s work was incomplete. I hadn’t realized how much time has passed since those days and sought to complete it now, before I lose my chance entirely.”

“So you took the boy’s body for yourself?” Odd demanded, Ramses’ Curse winding around the boy’s legs now. “Why would you do such a thing if you meant no harm?”

Tomas/Jonathon sighed. “I was desperate. I am still desperate. I cannot find the inspiration I need to complete my final masterpiece even now.” He lamented, hanging his head. “Nearly three hundred years later and I still cannot find my muse!” He exclaimed, clearly tormented by the thought.

“Is that all you want? To complete your work?” Odd asked, Tomas/Jonathon completely bound by his power, unable to escape if he wanted to.

“With all of my being, that is my only desire! I wish to gift my legacy to the world. Perhaps later than I would have liked but I believe there is still a place for it in this world. It will be marvelous when it is complete!” Tomas/Jonathon replied, the fervent desire in his voice evident to all.

“Then I will make you a deal. Leave Jonathon’s body behind and let me help you finish it in his stead? I can see and hear you without the need to occupy my body Odd offered, trying to end the family’s suffering without having to put the child through the strain of a forced exorcism.  

Requiem of Whyspers

Fashionable Shapeshifter

Requiem of Whyspers

Fashionable Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Wed Dec 20, 2017 12:00 pm
“I will consider it on only one condition. I wish to find Meloetta. If I cannot find the inspiration I require on my own, then I should like to seek out the mother of muses herself.” Tomas/Jonathon replied, crossing their arms across their chest.

Odd considered the proposal for a moment before crossing his own arms in defiance. “I would be glad to help you but no one has seen Meloetta in decades. It’s unknown if she even still exists.” He countered, shaking his head slightly at the very thought.

“Perhaps that is because she simply wishes not to be found? In my day, it was common knowledge to the learned artists where Meloetta dwelt. We could and would often seek her out in times of desperation.” Tomas/Jonathon replied. “If you would give me the assistance I need to do so, I will leave the boy and his mother alone.” He finally offered.

“That I can manage.” Odd replied. “Though I make no promises to it being there when we arrive.”

“There is only one small matter of import that must be decided upon before I vacate the boy.” Tomas/Jonathon interjected, cutting off Odd’s verbalisation of his misgivings. “How do you propose to transport me there? I cannot leave this place without a body of some kind…”

Cecilia stood back, trying her hardest not to interrupt the discussion going on but desperately wanting to tell the both of them to be quiet and give her son back to her, pacing back and forth with very obvious anxiety emanating from her.

“I can seal you into an object on my person for a short time to get there?” Odd offered, before realizing why that wouldn’t work. “Hmm... Nevermind. You’d then be bound to the object rather than the location…”

“There is another way but, perhaps, you fear for the outcome?” Tomas/Jonathon replied, giving a knowing smirk. “You are a spiritualist, yes? You know the ways of the soul and it’s laws? Then you know I would be freest if I were to inhabit a living body for a short time.” Crossing their arms, the spirit looked at Odd for a moment, waiting to see his reaction to the implication.

“I fear no spirit whose power pales to my own.” Odd replied calmly. “If that is the only way, then so be it. Utilize my body and leave the boy be.” He finally stated, beginning to pick up his tools and return them to his duffel. “Be mindful, however, that I have the power to expel you at any time, should you try to overstep the freedom I offer you.”

“Let there be no fear of that. My only intent is to finish my work. I will take us to the place where Meloetta once dwelt and we shall see what the future holds for me.” Tomas/Jonathon replied. The young boy began to spasm after that statement, seemingly convulsing as if he were having a seizure, Tomas separating himself from the youth’s body now.

“Be careful!” Odd ordered, stepping closer and picking Jonathon up, holding him firmly as the spirit possessing him left his body completely, at which point, the boy went limp.

“Jonathon!” Cecilia screamed, watching as her son convulsed and, eventually, collapsed in Odd’s arms. “Jonathon, no! Is he alright?!”

“He will be fine, Ma’am.” Odd replied. “His spirit is still strong. His body is simply weakened at the moment. He should wake up before long. At that point, make sure to feed him something filling and get him to move around a bit. Slowly.” He told the worried mother as he carried the boy into the parlour and laid him on the chaise lounge by the door. “He will be sluggish until his body and spirit are in tune with one another again but he should recover fully within a few days.”

“Oh, thank you!” Cecilia replied, making sure to memorize Odd’s instructions.

Returning to the foyer and focusing energy into his eyes once again, Odd took a look at the spirit he was dealing with in it’s true form at last. Tomas appeared to be a renaissance era composer. “Alright, before you take control, tell me, where are we going in search of your Meloetta?” He asked the spirit.

“Meloetta once dwelt upon an island far to the east, beyond the boundaries of what is now called Undella Bay. In my time, we called it Treble Island.” Tomas replied, rubbing his spectral chin as he thought back to the last time he had heard of Meloetta’s home.

“Never heard of it…” Odd replied.

“Of course you wouldn’t have. As the quest to seek out Meloetta became less frequent, it’s home became less well known.” Tomas replied, shaking his head. “I have watched the world slowly forget that the mother of muses exists in my time trapped in this place. She must be terribly lonely, so far from humans with no one coming to visit her in this modern era.”

Odd couldn’t help but share in Tomas’ sorrow at such a thought. Anyone being left so alone for so long must be losing their mind at this point, if they hadn’t already. “Then let’s go. If Meloetta’s been alone for that long, she would probably appreciate some visitors.” With a silent nod from Tomas, the spirit rushed into Odd’s body, the channeler intentionally suppressing the spirit’s control before he could take any.

~We’ll be on our way shortly.~ Odd informed the spirit now stowing away within him. Before that, however, he went to see Cecilia once again. This time was to collect his payment for services rendered. Sub would be happy to hear about this one. Especially if it meant shutting GRAY up about not paying rent. Once the details had been finalized and Odd was sure his payment was being sent off to where he could retrieve it when this was all over, he finally left the rather lavish villa and began to make his way eastward, toward Undella Town.

~You seem to be a rather open-minded young man for your time. Do you mind if I ask how that is?~ Tomas asked from within him.

~I grew up in the Church. I was always taught that every man has a story of his own and a good priest will hear it before he gives godly council.~ Odd replied, shaking his head slightly as he did. ~Not that I’m one to be giving such advice after what I’ve done for sake of strength.~

~What, may I ask does that mean?~ Tomas inquired, genuinely intrigued by Odd’s response.

Odd sighed, becoming a bit introspective for a moment before giving his response. Rather than conveying it all through vague emotions, however, his response was verbal. “I’ve quite literally walked through the valley of the shadow of death and feared no evil. The evils that I’ve passed bow to me now.” He replied, his answer no less cryptic than the last.

~You intrigue me, young priest. You respond to deep inquisition with crypticism and extistentialism. Very poetic, I must admit.~ Tomas finally admitted. ~I like you!~

Odd laughed to himself at this point, both because of Tomas’ response as well as the fact that they had reached Undella Town already. That had to be the fastest walk he’d ever experienced, though it was a somewhat short trip from Lacunosa to here, he had to admit. It didn’t take long at all to find a marina, though it was a bit harder to locate someone willing to ferry him out beyond the borders of the Bay. ~It might help if you could give me some more specific details about the location of this island we’re supposed to be looking for.~ The Channeler told the spirit hitch-hiking within him.

~I can only tell you that the general direction is east-south-east and that it should take about an hour and a half at a full sailing speed to get there.~ Tomas replied.

“Hmm...Lykas has told me a little bit about sailing… Let’s see… Full sailing speed would be… about 5 knots for the average boat these days. Most modern ships are equipped with engines that can top out at around 20 knots. Maybe a bit more. So….around 25 minutes if we can find someone with a decent boat…” Odd worked out the math with the information Tomas gave him, trying to draw his numbers in the air as he did so. He gave up on that after a few moments, though. Finally figuring out the time frame and the general direction, he had a better means of finding someone to ferry him across the water. Which did, eventually become a successful quest.

It was near dusk by the time he found someone willing to carry him across the water. He didn’t bother with finding out the captain’s name considering the short time-frame he planned to be on the ship. Upon boarding, he sat by the side of the ship and watched the waves pass him by in relative silence. ~How, exactly, do you plan on convincing Meloetta to assist you with this music of yours?~

~There is an incredibly high chance that it will take little convincing given the time it has been alone. Should it still dwell on the island, it has most likely spent ages alone.~ Tomas responded. ~I would bet that it will help us simply for the joy of doing what it lives for once again.~

Odd nodded sagely. If Meloetta was, in fact, a muse from the old world, it was probably true that it would enjoy bringing inspiration to humans again, even if only the one, for quite a while. Especially one who had not left the world for hundreds of years in hope that meeting it would help complete some project that had been a work-in-progress since before their death. He was so lost in thought that, despite knowing how long the trip should take, he didn’t even realize he had made it at first.

“Hey kid! Helloooo!” The man who owned the small watercraft finally got the young channeler’s attention with a few snaps of his fingers in front of Odd’s face. “You alright there?” He asked as Odd stood up and stretched. “You seemed pretty out of it…”

Odd waved his concerned aside. “Ya, I’m fine. I just got lost in thought while we were riding. Sorry about that.” He assured the older male. “Thanks for the ride, though.” With that, he called out Cadenza and had the Shedinja utilize Telekinesis to carry him from the boat to the shore.

“Hey, kid! I’ll be out here fishing all night! If you need a ride back, just send me a signal, ok?” The man called out to him as he crossed the water, waving frantically after him. Odd waved back without looking to let his ride know he had heard and acknowledged him.

~So how do we find Meloetta now?~ Odd asked Tomas as he allowed the spirit to separate from him.

~We will need to lure it to us with a song or the passion of another form of the arts. Meloetta comes to those it feels are kin to it through the arts.~ Tomas replied. ~Though, I do not see how I can be of much help...~

“You don’t have to help much.” Odd assured the man, pulling out his SNAG and dialing a number he’d long ago memorized. “Lykas, send Claydol to my location with the case in the back of the closet.” He said when the other end of the line was picked up.

“Ok...What’s up?” Lykas replied, the sound of a few bumps and crashes accompanying the question.

“Taking care of something while I’m out here on this job I took. I’m gonna need that thing asap.” Odd responded.

“Geez.. You’re not even on the map…” Lykas finally stated after all the bumping and thumping had stopped. “How is it supposed to find you?”

“Send it to Undella Town and it should be able to sense me from there.” He instructed. “I’ll be home before you know it. I promise.” With that, he ended the call, pocketed his SNAG and waited.

~I’ve seen the two in that old manor use telephones but that was unlike anything I’ve ever seen before… What exactly what that?~ Tomas inquired of Odd, looking curiously at his pocket.

“We call it a SNAG. It’s like a phone except that it does a whole lot more.” Odd replied. “Stand back a bit.” Stepping a few paces backwards, he glanced away just before Claydol appeared. “There you are! Do you have it?” He asked of the Psychic-type. The Pokemon nodded and a large, black case levitated toward him along with a small black box. “Great! Thanks!” With that, Claydol disappeared, returning to HQ in case of further need at home.  
PostPosted: Wed Dec 20, 2017 12:01 pm
Setting the case down, he opened it up and took out a guitar. An old electric thing he hadn’t used since back when he’d first joined Snagem. Star Mason hadn’t been seen on tour in years but he was about to make his first appearance in all that time. Tuning the instrument rather quickly, as if he’d never put it down, he pulled the wires from the case and plugged them into the box he’d had delivered with it. “Good thing Lykas figured to send this too… Sounds better with the amp.” He told himself as he released Celesta. “Think you can get me a steady charge?” He asked the tiny Fairy-type. “I don’t need a Thunderbolt, just a steady electric current…” He told her as he handed her the end of the power cord. The Pokemon grabbed the wire with her skeletal arms of shadow, pulling them beneath her disguise and beginning to emit a small electrical current.

The Amp sparked to life with a dull crackle at first. But in short order, Odd was thrumming out a few short chords to test his sound and ensure he was tuned correctly. “I haven’t sang this song in years but I think it’ll apply here…” He said to himself as he started to play the first few notes of an old song.

Thanks to Celesta and her electrical supply, the music exploded across the island, plenty loud enough to be heard but not enough to disrupt the local wildlife much. The creatures in the immediate area ran off but that was about all for the moment. By the time he was done, he looked around and saw a lot of nothing. “That didn’t seem to get much response…”

~Try something softer…~ Tomas suggested.

Turning down the volume on his amp, Odd tried again, except, this time, he called out Replay before he got started. “We’re doing the song. Except… You know who to be…” He told the Chatot. Playing a few soft notes to start, he began the intro to his next song with Replay filling in the role of the second voice. By the time the intro was done and the proper song was beginning, Replay didn’t even look like the sweet little Chatot Odd had always known. Standing in front of him was Lykas, the young male he’d fallen for all those years ago, before he’d become a hybrid. When the song was done, Odd had a few tears rolling down his face, the passion in his heart overflowing for the first time in ages. For once, possibly for the first time, he truly felt the meaning behind these songs. Blinking away the tears a bit, he saw Replay had returned to his usual self, sitting on a tree branch not far away and looking at him curiously. “Good job, buddy.” He praised, recalling the bird to his ball.

~I believe Meloetta is paying attention now…~ Tomas chirruped with a knowing smile. ~The passion and love in your heart in that song must have moved her. Perhaps one more time and she will appear?~ He suggested, floating beside Odd.

“Alright…” Odd agreed, wiping the remaining tears from his face with the back of his arm before turning off his amp entirely. When he straightened up and began to play again, the sun was already setting. Before his fingers ever hit the strings, he knew exactly what he wanted to play this time. Strumming lightly across the strings, he began to sing his last song in an attempt to call out to Meloetta. This time, he poured his every emotion into it. His very heart and soul filled the strings, threads of his power slowly winding their way into his surroundings and practically illuminating him in the growing darkness.

This time, several of his Pokemon emerged unbidden. Fermata appeared and used an elegant Feather Dance, downy rain falling around his trainer. Celesta stopped powering the deactivated amp and used Copycat on Cadenza just as he summoned a Silver Wind, glittering powder filling the air around their master. Replay appeared again to utilize Mirror Move alongside Bass when he appeared to use Reflect, the mirror-like constructs of psychic energy magnifying the depth of Odd’s performance. When they were done, the Pokemon all applauded Odd’s song, having felt just how deep he’d dug into himself to pull off such a soulful song.

Oh, how wonderful!

Odd flinched at the sound of the voice he’d heard. “Thank you…” He said as he straightened up and began to put his guitar away. “It looks like it fell on deaf ears, though.”

No, it certainly didn’t! You are such a talented young man. Why do you stop?

“I was hoping that Meloetta would hear me and come to see what was going on…”

~Who are you talking you?~ Tomas asked Odd, looking around. ~There is no one here but the two of us and your Pokemon…~

“Hmm? You can’t hear her? There’s a woman here… She was complimenting my music…” Odd responded, looking over to where the spirit waited.

~No. There is no one else here.~ Tomas repeated.

Oh! Silly me! The voice in Odd’s head giggled before the air beside Tomas began to shimmer for a brief moment. The figure that emerged appeared to be somewhat emaciated, as if it had been kept alone and uncared for for some quite some time.

“Giratina’s Wings…” Odd exclaimed under his breath, rushing to the Pokemon’s side. It was clearly Meloetta but it looked like it had lost the will to even care for itself. “What happened to you?!” He asked, deep concern evident in his eyes and his voice.

~Mother of Arceus. It looks like she’s dieing!~ Tomas exclaimed, hands shooting up to cover his mouth in horror. ~It must be because humans stopped coming to see her!~

I haven’t seen another human in centuries. It’s so lonely here with only the same few Pokemon for company. And none of them are creative like humans are. There’s no one to inspire… Meloetta replied, Odd slowly making the connection that she was speaking telepathically, the way Mykel usually did.

“Your whole reason for existing is gone…” Odd muttered to himself, biting back tears. “It must be a horrible place to live here that way… Why have you stayed so long?”

Meloetta smiled, though it was a sad one. Why would the humans change if I left? They still wouldn’t need me, even if they didn’t have to find me. She replied, her smile turning a bit brighter now. But if I left, then the ones who did need me wouldn’t be able to find me, would they? She asked as Odd recalled his Pokemon to their respective Pokeballs. He took her into his arms and started to walk into the forest on the island a moment later. ~Tomas, follow me and we’ll deal with your problem once we get Meloetta in a better condition.~ He told the spirit who had yet to move from where Odd had ejected him from his body. The ghostly composer nodded and followed after Odd as he carried the Legendary Pokemon into the forest.

It took some searching but Odd was able to find a small collection of berry trees, which he made quick work of collecting from and cleaning the fruits. He also went out to the beach and, walking out into the water, utilized Devil Whisper to skewer a few Basculin and returned with them. It took a bit of work to get it just right but he utilized Celesta’s Thunderbolt to start a fire, using it to cook the Basculin and a few of the berries, figuring that making them a little softer might make it easier for Meloetta to eat in her condition. Once he had some food cooked, he took the holy water he’d made earlier in the day and decided, that if he wasn’t using it to slay evil ghosts, he may as well let Meloetta drink it. Maybe the blessings upon it would help her recover?

The weakened Pokemon didn’t really even have the strength to refuse when Odd tried feeding her and giving her some of the water. She was asleep before he knew it, but it certainly looked like the most peaceful sleep she’d had in who knew how long. The channeler couldn’t imagine that she slept well most of the time in the condition she’d let herself fall into. Deciding to get some rest, himself, he stretched out by the fire and looked up to the sky. Before he knew it he was asleep.

When he woke up in the morning, he found that Meloetta was gone. Figuring he would need to call out to her again. Heading out to the beach, where he’d left his guitar and amp, he found Meloetta there, still quite weak looking but certainly appearing to have more energy than she’d had the night before. “Are you alright?” He asked her, walking over and opening his guitar case.

I feel better after hearing your music… The small humanoid replied with a bright smile, contradicting what her appearance might suggest her mood to be. Will you play again?

Odd nodded with a smile of his own. “On two conditions.” He warned her, two fingers held in the air as he pulled his guitar from it’s case. “First, I want you to sing with me. I’ve heard you have a beautiful voice.” He told her, his smile widening a bit. “And second...I have brought a friend along who seeks your power of inspiration. I’d like it if you would try to help him.”

Meloetta considered Odd’s request for a moment. I’ll sing with you for now. I always enjoy singing… She replied. As for your friend? I will try but I’m afraid I may have lost my touch after more than 50 years since the last humans I saw were here. Odd nodded in agreeance with Meloetta’s terms.

“That’s all I can ask is to try but I’m sure you still have the power within you. You -are- the mother of muses, remember?” Odd reminded her, trying to inspire her not to give up on her life just yet. “You might not be familiar with this song, but let’s see what happens?” He suggested, releasing Celesta and handing her the cord to his amp again. “Just like last night, please?” Celesta nodded and and began to pour a static charge in the cord. With his amp powered up and his guitar recently tuned, Odd jumped right into playing his first song of the day, using his free hand to release Replay and Fermata at the same time. The birds joined in with him, both familiar with the song by now due to Odd’s tendency to practically always be listening to music when he was in his room.

Meloetta clapped as the song began and, with a small amount of effort, picked up the lyrics with a bit of telepathy before she joined in with the trio as well. He ended up singing a few more songs with the Legendary Pokemon before they stopped and Odd packed his things up. “Alright, I need to get something to eat and then will you do what you can for my friend?” He asked of Meloetta, the Psychic-type dancing with Fermata and Replay while Celesta clapped and wobbled along with them. Meloetta nodded cheerfully, looking strangely more healthy than she had been when they started singing. It looked like she had been the victim of decades of isolation and that alone had been causing her to wither away. And now, with someone new to keep her company and to play and revive her spirit, she was recovering wonderfully with speed.

Heading back to where they’d made their “camp” the night before, Odd found where he’d left his backpack, digging into it and pulling out a few packaged treats. What are those? Meloetta asked him, walking over and looking at them.

“They’re called protein bars. They’re kinda like candy bars but they’re a lot healthier.” Odd replied before opening one and taking a bite. “Want one?”
Meloetta looked unsure for a moment but, after seeing how Odd seemed to be enjoying it, she eventually nodded in agreement. Mimicking Odd, she use Psychic to tear the packaging open and took a small, tentative bite. “That one’s made with lots of berry chunks and a yogurt coating. I think you’ll like it.” Odd told her before taking another bite of his own protein bar and waiting to see her reaction.

It’s good! She exclaimed, eagerly beginning to chew bite after bite of the bar.

“Told you.” Odd stated with a small laugh. “Now then… My friend who needs your help…”

Where is your friend? Meloetta asked, looking around.

“Well, he’s right here. He’s not exactly alive anymore.” Odd replied, giving her a serious look. “And he says that he can’t leave and go to the Otherworld until he has the closure of finishing a great piece of music he was writing when he was alive.”

Oh? How will I help him, then? Meloetta asked, curious.

“I’m a Channeler. Of the Ghost-type, specifically. I can allow him to possess my body so you can communicate with him directly. “ Odd replied, shrugging when she looked a bit confused. “It may look or even sound like me when I do it but this friend of mine will be the one in control at the time.”

That sounds dangerous… Meloetta responded, apprehensive at the idea. She had just met this human, whom she had already decided that she liked, and he wanted to let some other, not even living, human use his body?

“It can be, sometimes, but my friend has promised to give my body back just as soon as he is done working on his song.” Odd assured her. “Plus, I can take it back at any time, if he tries anything funny.” He promised the songstress, who still didn’t look too comfortable with the idea.

I’d like to… But I don’t want you to disappear. I like you. She told him, rubbing on her arm anxiously.

“Will it help if we take turns and work in short bursts so you can see I’m not just leaving?” Meloetta nodded, a small smile beginning to form on her face again. “Alright. I’ll give him control for 20 minutes the first time and then I’ll come back and visit for a bit, ok?”

~Tomas, make this count! I can’t promise she’ll still be comfortable with this after the first round!~ He warned the spirit who’d been following them all day, waiting with growing anxiety.  

Requiem of Whyspers

Fashionable Shapeshifter

Requiem of Whyspers

Fashionable Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Wed Dec 20, 2017 12:02 pm
~Thank you, my friend!~ Tomas replied as he slid into place within Odd’s form, the Channeler’s soul taking a back seat to Tomas’ for the moment. With his eyes closed, Odd looked for a moment as if he had fallen asleep to Meloetta.

Are you okay? She asked.

Tomas nodded slowly, Odd’s head following the motion with relative ease, if a small delay. “Yes, I’m alright. But I am not your new friend. I am his. The one he asked you to help?” He replied, his own voice ringing through behind Odd’s thanks to the Channeler’s power giving it more strength to be heard.

Meloetta looked uneasy at first, the change in her friend’s voice making her feel uncomfortable. “Please don’t be afraid. I only require a form to use while we speak. I will give your friend back to you shortly.” Tomas begged, almost shedding tears already. “I am beyond desperate Meloetta. I have not been able to depart this world, the regret of my unfinished work tethering me to my old home until your friend came along. I cannot find the inspiration to complete it on my own…” He explained to her, a small sob escaping Odd’s lips as he finished. “I am so weary of this world but I cannot leave my work incomplete… Please… Bless me with your gift of inspiration! I require the insight of the Gods to see what I am missing!”

Meloetta, despite her unhappiness with the current happenings, was not unmoved by Tomas’ plight and nodded. I’ll try. She promised him, though she still felt a bit unsure if she could still manage as much after going for so long without having anyone to give her gift to. Figuring she may as well give it a try, she started off with a song, not so old and not too unique but simple and easy to get started with. After a few notes, she began to dance along with her own music. Tomas watched, awed by the muse’s intricate motions, though he felt little from her song.

Anything? She asked when she was done.

Tomas shook his head sadly. “Unfortunately not.” Tomas responded with a sigh. “It seems I’ll need more than that to find the spark I need.” He almost sounded like he was ready to accept a fate of being trapped in the Land Above for all of time, filled with regret.

I’m sorry! Meloetta apologized, blushing deeply. I’m afraid I’m a bit rusty on the blessings… She looked as upset as Tomas did, despite it being Odd’s face showing his emotions.

~Stop with all the frowning already! You’re gonna give me Murkrows feet!~ Odd piped up from within himself, trying to inject a small amount of humour into the moment.

“I appreciate you trying, Meloetta. I’ll stay as long as your friend does but I’m afraid I simply have lost my talent for composing song after all these years…” Tomas told the Melody Pokemon, closing Odd’s eyes for a moment as he relinquished control back to the Channeler.

“What do you say we keep celebrating?” Odd asked of the Mythical Pokemon and the forlorn spirit. Both nodded, though the latter was visible only to Odd when he did so. “This is still cause for celebration! Meloetta’s made a new friend and, if I can, I’ll see if I can’t get Tomas into a new body of some kind, so he can keep you company, if you’d like?” He suggested to the pair, trying to figure out if there was some way he could expedite Tomas’ reincarnation into a new form. Meloetta would surely love the company.

Meloetta once again looked a bit apprehensive while Tomas simply looked indifferent. Too much ‘Meh’ for his liking, he decided. “Meloetta, why don’t you teach me to play a new instrument?” He suggested.

Which one? I like the classics, myself. Meloetta responded, immediately looking happier and more full of energy.

“I like stringed instruments but I only know how to play my electric guitar. Can you teach me the harp or the violin?” Odd asked. “I can also play the Flute and the Saxophone if you have a wind instrument you like that you could teach me to play?” He suggested.

I like the harp! Meloetta agreed. Oh… but you don’t have one, do you? She asked, suddenly realizing they were missing the most important part of learning to play the harp. That being a harp upon which to learn.

“I do not but I bet, with your help, that I could make one…” Odd replied.

Alright. Meloetta agreed. We’ll need some wood or metal to make a frame for the strings…

“There’s plenty of wood around here. I bet something green would work best, right?” Odd replied. Meloetta nodded. It needs to still be flexible since we don’t have a way to carve it here… She responded, floating up into the air for the first time since Odd had arrived and beginning to look around.

“We do, though.” Odd replied. “I have several Pokemon with cutting moves with me that can carve wood if we need to.”

Oh, yay! Meloetta replied, a happy jump in midair accompanying the mental exclamation.

~My friend...What are you doing?~ Tomas asked as Meloetta wandered off.

~She’s feeling insecure. Can’t you feel it from her?~ Odd replied silently. ~She needs to be reminded who she is and what she can do. I promise that she’ll recover her ability by the time we leave, as long as we can help her recover her confidence.

~I see… Perhaps the same could be said of me?~ Tomas wondered.

~Honestly? It’s very likely. Help me get her confidence back and you might see a change in yourself as well.~ Odd suggested. ~Forget about your song for a day or two and let’s help her. The world can benefit from her power these days…~

Tomas nodded, unseen by any eyes but Odd’s. ~I’ll try my best. For her sake!~ He agreed.

With that, the pair set off, Odd making sure he wasn’t leaving any of his Pokemon wandering around without him first. They wandered the island for a bit before Odd found a few pieces of wood to work with. He brought them back to Meloetta, the Psychic-type looking them over for a bit before decided that she liked them. I’ll use the big one, so you can see what I’m doing, ok? She told Odd before heading toward the shore where Odd had arrived. She didn’t seem to be doing anything at first but, after a few minutes, the Ghost Channeler noticed some fish Pokemon jumping in and out of the water not far off.

“What’s that all about?” He wondered aloud.

Meloetta turned to look and rushed over, flitting through the air like a mesmerizing sprite of the old legends. They’re bringing us strings to use! She told Odd with a small, mental laugh. Each Pokemon that jumped into the air seemed to be carrying lengths of fishing line, which Meloetta was collecting as quickly as they were delivered.

It took about an hour before Meloetta was ready to go but when she was, she was carrying a fairly large bundle of what looked like brand new or almost new fishing line. This should be enough! She decided before heading back to where they’d left the pieces of wood Odd had found. Just do like I do and we’ll get our instruments made.” Meloetta told her human friend. Odd nodded and followed Meloetta’s guidance. When it came to shaping his harp’s frame, however, the Pokemon used Psychic to bend her wood into shape. Odd had to rely on his channeling abilities. Ramses Curse was his best bet and it did, eventually, get the job done but it took much longer than Meloetta’s method. It also strained the Channeler greatly, for some reason. Likely because it took a far greater application of focus and energy to actually move something with the ability than to hold it still, which was what he typically did.

I’ll help! Meloetta offered once Odd got the shape where he wanted it, using Psychic to tie it into place for a moment while Odd released Refrain. “Use a weak Charge Beam. I need this wood dried out so it doesn’t lose it’s shape when Meloetta let’s it go.” He told the Oranguru. She gave him a funny look but nodded and did as she was told, shooting a weak beam of electrical energy into the fresh branch, the heat building up in it from the charge rapidly drying it of any remaining water content. “That was great! Thanks, Refrain!” Recalling the Psychic ape, he took his Harp frame in hand and let Meloetta show him how to string it, the Psychic-type using her mental prowess to wind pieces of their fishing line together tightly for their thicker cords and, eventually, to tie them in place correctly since it became difficult with the thicker cords.

When they were done, both Odd and Meloetta had functional instruments, if a bit archaic. Ready? Meloetta asked, standing on a stump beside Odd. The Channeler nodded and soon found himself mimicking Meloetta’s movements, plucking string after string to create a delicate cacophany of notes. The two played no song at first, Meloetta simply teaching Odd which string produced what sound. It took a little while for him to get the hang of it but it wasn’t all that long, really. Perhaps a half hour or so.

“I think I’ve got it.” Odd spoke up after a bit.

Wonderful! Let’s play a song together, then! Meloetta replied rather cheerfully.

“What did you have in mind?” Odd asked, head tilting slightly out of curiosity.

There’s a very old song I used to enjoy but it needs at least two people to play it right. Meloetta replied, beginning to pluck gently at the strings of her harp.

“Couldn’t you play it on your own? Surely you have the power to orchestrate such a feat on your own!” Odd replied, completely dumbfounded.

I could, certainly. Meloetta replied, her face falling slightly. But where would be the fun in that? Her frown perked up a bit before she continued, though. Playing an arrangement for two or more is most fun with more people!

Odd had to chuckle a bit at that. “I have to agree with that.” He replied. “Well, why don’t we play it together?”

Meloetta nodded and began to pluck at the strings of her harp, slowly supplying Odd with the notes he should play telepathically, allowing him to play an unknown song alongside her. After a short time, Tomas pitched in with silent vocals that only Odd could hear.

“It’s beautiful…” The Channeler could almost visualize the story as the song unfolded. It was sad and sweet and it hurt the heart in just the right ways to amuse the very soul itself.

It’s very old...but I can’t quite recall how it ends… Meloetta replied as the song suddenly stopped short of it’s final crescendo.

“That’s terrible. I’d love to hear the end of it…” Odd replied.

As would I! Tomas agreed.

I’ll try my best to remember it. I think I might be able to with a friend to play it with! Meloetta cheered.

The rest of the day was spent with the Channeler, the spirit and the myth all playing music together. By the end of the day, despite his years of weariness and struggles, Tomas seemed to be feeling inspired.

“My friend, I believe I’ve found a moment of clarity!” Tomas exclaimed at the end of the night, as the three returned to their encampment, Odd and Meloetta eating some fresh fruit Meloetta had picked for them. She was looking much healthier now than she had been when Odd found her and her mood had brightened considerably. “May I borrow your body?”

“Make it quick.” Odd replied, allowing Tomas to possess him once again. Grabbing a few leaves from the ground and a charred stick from the fire, the age-old maestro began scratching notes onto the back side of the leaf, composing the song he had been writing for centuries without completion. Now, however, he was adding new notes. Somewhere during their day of play, the spirit had thought of notes that would play together with those he had already written so long ago.

“Meloetta! Do you think you could play this?” Tomas/Odd asked of the small Legendary Pokemon.

Oh, of course I could! She replied, ecstatic to be asked.

“This is an original piece I’ve been trying to finish for hundreds of years...No one has ever played it before…” Tomas told her, Odd’s eyes displaying his desperation to hear it. Meloetta lit up at the idea of being the very first to perform an original score and she began to dance around Tomas/Odd, reading the notes from his mind. As she danced, music played, the notes in her flowing hair flashing as the notes from Tomas’ song filled the air around them. Every time her hips swayed or her hands clapped, the sounds of an orchestra caused the air to hum, thrumming with the energy of the song and brought to life by the muse’s newborn enthusiasm.

Tomas/Odd watched in awe, listening to his song being played by the Mother of Muses. Absolutely stricken by the sounds and the sight of it, Tomas fell free of Odd’s body, unable to maintain his control over it for now.

Oh, it sounds so wonderful! He cheered silently, though he felt a nagging in the back of his mind that something seemed off. Not with the song he’d written, per se, but with Meloetta herself. Somewhere inside those notes he’d written, she was adding something else. It worked beautifully with the song itself but he couldn’t quite identify it.

Odd looked at the score Tomas had scratched into his leaf sheet music and immediately began to notice it. “There are extra notes…” He said to himself as he read over it. Picking up the stick Tomas had used his hands to write with only a few moments ago, he grabbed another leaf and began scratching the extra notes into Tomas’ score as superscript. When Meloetta was done playing, he took the extra notes and began to create a new piece, small though it might have been.

“These are the notes you were adding in, Meloetta. Do they mean anything to you?” He asked when he was done making the notes.

Um? Meloetta walked over and took a look at the leaf Odd had scratched the information onto in an effort to make sense of it all. I feel like I know those notes but I don’t know what they go to… She replied, her voice breaking slightly as she scratched her head.

“Almost like you’ve almost forgotten them but you still remember they’re important? Or something else?” Odd asked, laying the leaf down on the ground.

Yes, actually. I recognize them and I know I should remember them better but I can’t… Meloetta replied, still trying to figure out why the notes seemed so familiar to her.

“Well, maybe if we talk about some of the songs you know, you’ll be able to remember better?”

No...I think, perhaps, she should try singing my song again. The notes you caught were added in while she sang it. I could hear them. Maybe she’s subconsciously adding the notes in places she feels like they fit? Tomas suggested.

“Maybe...Meloetta? Would you sing Tomas’ song again? I’ll help you play the music, if you’d like?” The Channeler offered.

Meloetta nodded. Certainly! It was fun to perform that song! She agreed, preparing to start again already. She danced across the clearing a bit before she found a spot she liked and began to sing.

Odd picked up his guitar and, without even plugging it in, he began to play the notes to the song Tomas had written for them, utilizing the leaf Tomas had made his sheet music with as his guide. The result was a dull metallic tone to the notes but the music was still played smoothly. Meloetta began to sing as Odd played, striking her hands together and ringing out a tambourine-like sound to accompany Odd’s guitar chords. The two played together as Meloetta sang, dancing around the clearing before long and belting out Tomas’ age-old song.

Once again, Odd began to notice extra notes added into the score he was playing, memorizing the extra notes as quickly as he was able to. The duo played for a while, Meloetta singing the same song at least twice more, with more vigor each time. It seemed the more she sang and she more she enjoyed herself, the more revitalized she became. Before too long, the group had finished their revelry and Odd sat down, reaching for another new leaf and lifting the burnt stick he and Tomas had both already used once each to write down their music and began to scratch the collection of extra notes he had heard the Melody Pokemon singing. The tambourine-like chimes her clapping had created during their singing made very distinct notes and Odd had a feeling there was something to them that made her keep playing them over and over again.

Once he had finished, which admittedly, took several long minutes, he noticed that he had a completed song. “Interesting… You’ve been singing a song within a song.” He told Meloetta, holding up the leaf with the notes scratched on it.

I didn’t notice...It looks really familiar, though… Meloetta noted, looking over the notes.

Picking up his guitar and strumming the strings lightly, Odd began to play the previously hidden song. As he played, Meloetta’s eyes grew wide and she began to sing softly. She recognized this song, now. It was old. Very old. A song she used to sing all the time that had brought her much joy but also one that had quelled ancient beasts and warring men alike. A relic of the long-gone past that had been lost to the ages.

About the time Odd finished playing, Meloetta began to sing once again, this time from the beginning. Odd watched, along with Tomas, utterly awed as the Melody Pokemon’s music rang out across the island they currently dwelt upon, the Pokemon’s body lighting up and practically glowing as her hair came alive, the quarter note-shaped object in her flowing locks riding along the staff lines up to just above her ear as the gloriously green-color hair coiled itself around her head and turned a reddish brown in color. The Pokemon’s elegant dress coiled upwards a bit and drew shorter, into a much more compact and free tutu.

That is Meloetta’s Pirouette Forme! Tomas exclaimed. This must be her Relic Song! He watched on as the transformation completed and then looked to Odd. My friend...I need to use your body one more time! I have had a sudden burst of inspiration!

“Alright. Alright. Hang on this time.” He told the spirit, digging into his bag and fishing out a few scraps of paper. They were blank cleanse tags, along with the brush and ink he’d brought along to make more if he needed them. “Use these this time. They’ll be a lot more permanent and it will be much easier for me to pass the music on to others.” He assured, laying out the writing instruments and papers before relinquishing control of his body once again to Tomas.

The Spirit invaded his form yet again, picking up the brush and paper before dipping the brush into the ink and beginning to write in a frenzy. Changing some of his original notes, adding in the ones he’d thought up before and adding still more notes to it’s end, the spirit ended up with a full concert-length score before he was done. At last releasing Odd from his control with the papers all laid out in order(And, thankfully for Odd, numbered in order to make it easy for him to follow along later).
PostPosted: Wed Dec 20, 2017 12:03 pm
Can you play it?!
“Can you play it, Meloetta?” Odd asked along with Tomas’ silent plea.

Meloetta nodded and read over the score laid out for her, then began to sing, a matching dance playing out as she played Tomas' Song, the music echoing out of her very being as she sang and danced. Amid the music, Tomas’ body began to shine, a golden light engulfing him.

Finally! After so many years, my life’s work! Tomas exclaimed, spreading his arms wide as the light engulfed him.

“Your work is completed. Time for you to move on to the Otherworld, isn’t it?” Odd asked.

At last, it would seem so. Thank you, my friend! Tomas replied before the golden light completely swallowed him up and then extinguished, taking Tomas with it.

Dropping back to sit on the log he’d been resting on throughout most of the day, Odd heaved a sigh of relief. Meloetta, seeing the Channeler’s exhaustion, settled in beside him. I haven’t had this much fun in a very long time. She told him. But you can’t stay much longer, can you?

Odd shook his head in the negative. “I’m afraid not. I have family and friends at home, waiting for me.”

Like the blue-haired boy I saw in your mind when you were singing on the first day we met? Meloetta asked. I don’t think I ever asked who he is…

“His name is Lykas and he’s my partner. My everything, sometimes.” Odd replied with a soft smile.

I wish someone cared about me that much… Meloetta mused to herself, a dull sense of longing hidden in her mental voice.

“My friends and I are much like a family, Meloetta. We all care very much about each other, even if we don’t see each other for a very long time.” Odd replied. “If you want, you could come and stay with us?”

Meloetta perked up slightly at that. I could? She asked, pausing as if she were genuinely thinking about it. I think I’d like that, actually...But could I, really?

Odd smiled at her. “Meloetta, look at you now compared to just a few days ago when I first came here.” He told her. “You need people around you. Isolating yourself on this island for as long as you did nearly killed you and while there may not be very many of us, my friends are I will never let you feel like you’re alone like that again.” He promised.

Then yes! I want to come! I don’t want to be all alone any more… She cheered, jumping up and beginning to dance around happily.

Odd smiled and dug into his backpack. He’d not put much into it, not expecting to really need much out of it on this trip but there was something he’d taken to carrying full-time, just in case. Pulling out the Master Ball he had taken from Lykas back when they were trying to get Zygarde to stop running from them, he held it out. “Thi is something you probably haven’t seen before.” He told her. “It’s a special kind of Pokeball that can hold Pokemon as rare as you. Will you submit to being caught in it? I won’t force you but it will keep you safe in case an evil human or an eager trainer tries to take you from me without knowing you’re my friend.” He explained, putting extra emphasis on the part where he wasn’t going to force her to let him capture her.

Meloetta looked at the Master Ball, a bit apprehensive at first until Odd explained why he wanted to ask her. No human has ever asked me if I wanted to go with them before… She replied before she smiled. Yes, I’ll you catch me. I like you and I have fun playing with you. She assured him, reaching out and tapping the button on the ball. The light from it engulfed her and drew her inside, clicking almost immediately to signify the capture was successful, Meloetta not even fighting against the ball.

Odd let out a sigh, both of exhaustion and relief. He hadn’t played his guitar so much in years and his voice was aching from singing so much but he’d successfully removed Tomas from the house as he’d been hired for, saved Meloetta from death’s doorstep and even managed to catch her as his own Pokemon. This had been a strange trip, indeed. “I’ll let you back out when I get home to Mt. Silver.” He told the Psychic-type within the ball.

I’ll just sleep in here for now, then. I’m tired… Meloetta replied, her mental voice somehow escaping the ball to communicate with him. Sending Refrain’s ball back to his PC at HQ, he clipped the Master Ball to his belt and called for Claydol. He had the Psychic-type Teleport his things back to HQ and then Teleport him back to Lacunosa Town, where he returned to Cecilia’s manor to check up on her and ensure than Jonathon had recovered. He also wanted to collect the pay he’d been promised. It didn’t take him long. Jonathon was already awake and active again, back to playing his games and adventuring through the town with his friends. It was good to hear that after the drastic change he’d undergone when Tomas took control of his body.

Having collected his pay and ensured that his client was satisfied, he finally returned home with one final call to Claydol.  

Requiem of Whyspers

Fashionable Shapeshifter

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