Her thoughts were always racing, going on forever it seemed. The trials would start soon, in which her brothers would compete to see who would be the new leader of their pride. She was doing her best to stay neutral, she wanted them both to win but she knew that wasn't something that would be possible.

Only one would come out victorious. They had gone through so much and now they were going to have to go through possibly more stress with the upcoming trials. The rules and regulations regarding what was to happen were still being hashed out and not even she knew what the requirements to win would be just yet or what would happen to the losing party.

Her thoughts raced with what might or might not happen and she let out a deep breath and looked up towards the cloudy skies. It was dusk but through the thin clouds she could still see the twinkling of the stars behind them. It almost reminded her of her thoughts, always trying to break through when she just wanted to have quiet.

It was like her mind could never rest, even when she was asleep she'd dream of things. It was like she could never have emptiness.

Swiping her paw into the dust she drew a figure and then erased it. While she always had much to think about, she rarely spoke about most of it, or any of it for that matter unless it was relevant.

She was sure it had others wondering about her but frankly she didn't care what anyone else thought. All that mattered to her was what she felt was necessary, and if that meant she was going to be silent, then that's what it meant. Sometimes she felt as though others wasted so much time with idle banter when it could be used for something else, like learning more about a ritual, or even more about healing.

That was what she spent her time doing anyway. She was one of the one's who cared for those that were still living within their pride. She hoped to keep as many that way as possible. She was also hoping to maybe one day come up with a cure for the plague that had once ravaged their lands and killed most of their family and loved one's.

If she could do one thing for her family, for her pride, it would be that.

To find a cure.

Perhaps one day.