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A splinter.

It had to be a splinter.

Mwanga'moyo would crumple down onto his belly if he could at the annoyance. But he was already on the ground. Withered up practically. Couldn't move. Nosiree. He had only taken a few steps away from the tree that he was sharpening his nails on before the pain had gotten to be too much. A whimper came from his lips as he stared at his now injured paw. Would he die here?

Nah, he couldn't. There were too many things in life he hadn't done yet. He had accepted his reputation as a parastar. In fact, living the life of the despicable wasn't that bad. He wouldn't mind being born into the same class or male. Females had too much responsibility. Yet, he hadn't had cubs yet. He hadn't been chosen. It pained his heart and left an empty void. Someone needed to find him acceptable!

The lion went back to his paw, now having a new surge of desperation. Gently, and very carefully, he neared his teeth toward the paw in an attempt to pull out the small sliver. He thought he had grabbed it when his fangs closed on his paw, just a hair away from his skin. There was nothing there when he looked. It must have been safe. But when he got up and rested a bit of weight on his paw...



Letting out a very pitiful whine, Mwanga fell back onto his back. It was no use. He was going to die. Here. A heavy, weary sigh left his body. He didn't want to die!

His eye caught a moving figure and boy was he glad to see another. He didn't think he had been this glad in a long time. As his pink gaze focused on the creature, his mouth curled into a grin. They were so tiny! It was a wonder why they were wandering alone without their mother. Were they even weened yet?

Regardless, it was his only hope. He was going to take it. "Hey, Hey." The lion dragged himself towards the dog with his good paw. Hopefully they didn't think that he was a dying lion. Mwanga was pretty sure he looked like such. He sure felt like it. "Pup, can you come over? I need your help. Please." He lifted his injured paw, pouting. "I got a splinter."