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A Family Affair - Pakiti Ya'jua Contest - [CLOSED/JUDGING]

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Bronze Coffee

Stubborn Senshi

13,275 Points
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PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2017 2:18 pm
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  • Before entering, please read through the above link and familiarize yourself with the background and mindset of this new pack.
  • All dogs won here must stay in the Pakiti Ya'jua, unless the pack disbands.
  • All dogs are in the Pakiti Ya'jua of their own accord.
  • This thread will remain open for 2 weeks - until 4 PM CST on June 13th.
  • You can enter for both, but only win one total.
  • The dogs in family one are blood related; meant to be a biological mother, father, and their offspring.
  • Both families can be new to the pack, or have the adults could have been there since the beginning!
  • For questions PM Peppermint Coffee or find me on AIM and Discord!
PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2017 2:19 pm
Family 1

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This is a little family unit, a mother, father, and their only offspring. Who are they? What are their names? Where did they come from? What happened to the pup's other siblings? Were there ever any? Tell us everything about this family.

[size=14]Starry Skies Ahead[/size]
[b]Mother's name(s):[/b] Given name || Wolf name
[b]Mother's owner:[/b]
[b]Mother's personality:[/b]

[b]Father's name(s):[/b] Given name || Wolf name
[b]Father's owner:[/b]
[b]Father's personality:[/b]

[b]Pup's name(s):[/b] Given name || Wolf name
[b]Pup's owner:[/b]
[b]Pup's personality:[/b]

[b]Family's History:[/b] Including how the parents met, how they function.

Bronze Coffee

Stubborn Senshi

13,275 Points
  • Mega Tipsy 100
  • Tycoon 200
  • Elocutionist 200

Bronze Coffee

Stubborn Senshi

13,275 Points
  • Mega Tipsy 100
  • Tycoon 200
  • Elocutionist 200
PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2017 2:20 pm
Family 2

User Image

This...odd family unit has recently been discovered outside of the pack. Clearly the male is of no relation to the pup. In fact, they look so opposite it makes everyone wonder just how the two came across one another. Just how did that happen? (Extra notes: The red male is based on malice, and the pup is based on peace.)

[size=14]A Rocky Start[/size]
[b]Adult's name(s):[/b] Given name || Wolf name
[b]Adult's owner:[/b]
[b]Adult's personality:[/b]

[b]Pup's name(s):[/b] Given name || Wolf name
[b]Pup's owner:[/b]
[b]Pup's personality:[/b]

[b]History:[/b] Including how the pup came to be abandoned and why the male took him in.
PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2017 2:20 pm
Family 1 entries:
  • Anderlit, Talencia, SSBrosB
  • Pollack, DavyJnah, *Greenie

Family 2 entries:
  • SilverLutz & Depawsit
  • - mynsed - & Porcelain Pinch


Bronze Coffee

Stubborn Senshi

13,275 Points
  • Mega Tipsy 100
  • Tycoon 200
  • Elocutionist 200

Bronze Coffee

Stubborn Senshi

13,275 Points
  • Mega Tipsy 100
  • Tycoon 200
  • Elocutionist 200
PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2017 2:20 pm
PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2017 2:20 pm

Bronze Coffee

Stubborn Senshi

13,275 Points
  • Mega Tipsy 100
  • Tycoon 200
  • Elocutionist 200


Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2017 10:58 pm
Time to break the ice!

A Rocky Start
Adult's name(s): Shappa || Bright Eyes
Adult's owner: SilverLutz
Adult's personality: Shappa has been there, done that, bought the t-shirt. Nothing surprises him anymore after the life he's had and to say he's jaded is an understatement. His experiences turned a once bright eyed, enthusiastic, and energetic pup into a snappish, cold, and self-serving adult. Shappa cares about himself and little else. Everything he does is to benefit himself, ensure he gets the biggest share in any venture, and if others get left out in the cold, well, that's their problem! His somewhat ruthless tendencies found him at the mercy of the goddess of zeal, Bidii, who after an encounter with the male was not at all impressed with his means of living. Now with his new-found responsibility of raising Rayth, Shappa is faced with a brand new yet headache inducing, sanity testing experience to live through. Gods have mercy on his soul.

Pup's name(s): Rayth || Banshee Step
Pup's owner: Depawsit
Pup's personality: There are some that would consider Rayth courageous for the things he's been through in his short little life. Rayth definitely doesn't count himself in the number, in fact he finds himself a coward often hiding in the shadow of his mentor. Simply waiting for the bad guys and the nightmares to finally go away. But what the little guy doesn't understand is that after all he has been through, having some fears is perfectly normal. So he does get quite a bit hung up on his own cowardice, and becomes frazzled when others try to explain to him that he shouldn't be upset. Despite his intolerance towards his own cowardice, Rayth is probably one of the most tolerant pups you'll ever lays on. I mean, you'd have to be if you were stuck with the shmuck he was stuck with! Of course he knew Bidii knew him no harm by sticking the pair together, but if you just knew the guy!" Having been lost at such a young age, Rayth really wasn't raised to have any beliefs in 'this is right and that's wrong.' So when he sees something that others are putting huge amounts of disapproval on, he defends it fiercely.

Because to him there is no black and white its all just grey area. Boys can like boys, girls can like girls and y'know what? If that wild dog loves that leopard that's their business, but how they will have babies he doesn't know ... On a perhaps negative note though, Rayth does have a particularly bad habit and it has driven his mentor insane throughout their travels. Rayth is a bit of a materialistic lion. [ Read as Hoarder ] His puphood trauma left him with some pretty deep scars that he doesn't like to delve too deeply into. He does however like to mask the emotions from said scars with pretty, sparkly, and interesting things! He will drag things from one end of the Savannah to the other, that is until Shappa takes it away and hides it in his sleep. In which case he wakes the next morning and starts brand new. Though throughout the difficult journey they have taken Rayth has managed to persuade Shappa to allow him to keep some of his items, and he keeps them a secret in a neat secured little pouch that we wears like a saddle.

History: The moral of this story, kids, is don't piss off a goddess.

Shappa found himself at the mercy of Bidii, the goddess of zeal, after a rather unfortunate encounter with her while she was in her mortal form. Having had enough, she returned to her true form, much to Shappa's surprise and horror, and he only managed to escape with his life after he promised he would deal with whatever punishment she chose to give him. After telling him to give her a few days to think about what would satisfy her...zeal...for revenge, Shappa was left alone to worry and wonder what he might be cursed with. She was only the goddess of zeal, after all, not nightmares or lightning or anything of that nature. It wouldn't be so bad...right?

A few hundred kilometers away, Rayth was fighting for his little life after being swept away from his family by a flash flood. The river they had been camping by had swollen in record time, leaping from its banks and invading the den they had found. Rayth and a few other pups were pulled into the water, but he was the only one that his parents couldn't rescue in time. He clung to a log as the river rushed him further and further from his family, ultimately separating them for good.

It was a day or so after these events that Bidii spotted a small speck of white laying in a muddy marsh while flying. Upon further investigation, she found Rayth alive, but weak and clearly alone. It didn't take long for the goddess to decide exactly how to save this pup. She wasn't in the business of letting young things die if she could help it, but she wasn't going to raise him as her own. She had much better things to do, like find that damn red male that had gotten her ire up.

Once Shappa was located, Bidii gave him her decision. He would care for and raise the orphan pup until he could fend for himself. Shappa tried to work his way out of the arrangement, but the goddess gave him the option of taking the pup or letting her take his life. Shappa accepted the punishment and was informed by the goddess that she would be keeping a close eye on them to ensure he wasn't mistreating the pup and that he was sticking to his punishment. And so the two were left, Rayth asking if all lions could fly and if Shappa had any food for him. Shappa, well aware he wasn't really fit to be raising a pup on his own but too nervous about his own life to let Rayth simply waste away, began hunting for someplace they could live while the pup grew. A pack or pride that accepted wild dogs would be ideal so he didn't have to rely on just himself to hunt for two. He wouldn't have to do as much work if there were others around to help, as well.

The two journeyed for a few weeks before reaching the borders of the Pakiti Ya'jua where they were found and welcomed in with open paws.  
PostPosted: Sun Jun 04, 2017 8:30 am
Starry Skies Ahead
Mother's name(s): Raqiyah || Firebrand
Mother's owner: Anderleit
Mother's personality: She's a compassionate, open and honest dog who grew up learning how to be a soldier. Though most of that life has been happily left behind, parts of her will always be affected by that training.

Father's name(s): Agios || Clear Sky
Father's owner: Talencia
Father's personality: Serious by nature, Agios is learning to unwind and be happy as he never could growing up. He will stand quietly for what is right, take action when it is needed, and feels it is his place to protect and guard those less able to defend themselves.

Pup's name(s): Ajiambo || Crimson Rays
Pup's owner: SSBrosB
Pup's personality: Despite all that they've been through, she has quite a playful and up-beat personality, and tends to look on the bright side of things. If she sees someone who is sad, such as her parents, she'll try to do all she can to cheer them up.

Family's History: Agios was born in a militant setting of generations of war with a day-dwelling pack that lived on the same plain. Despite being raised to hate the wild dogs from the other pack, he found never could abide the kind of senseless animosity and cruelty that happened on a daily basis right before his eyes, even at a young age. The night-pack frequently made slaves of the day-pack members that they captured, who were then used in day-to-day chores that were unpleasant or unpopular. They also were physically abused, often starved, and commonly seen as less than alive. When he came of age, he chose to become a slave guard to try and mitigate the abuse and mistreatment that the slaves endured. It broke his heart to see the state in which they kept these 'enemies' who were of their own kind, from oldster to pup.

He spent his days carefully and quietly attempting to ease the burden of these slaves. He would often sneak extra food into their enclosure during the day, when most of the pack was asleep. He dominated the more abusive guards, claiming that injured slaves could do no work, thus reducing the amount of damage done to them. Still his heart felt burdened with guilt, that he did no more to defend and uplift the day-pack slaves.

Things took a new turn for him, however, when a new batch of day-pack slaves arrived one day. Among them was a girl of sunset shades, a bright point in the misery of his daily life. She was beautiful and proud in her new imprisonment, and Agios began to find himself protecting her more actively from the attentions of the other guards than he did any other of the slaves. He began to linger near her, speak softly with her when no one else was near, learning more about her over time. Her name was Raqiyah, and he came to admire her resilient spirit and her kindness to the other slaves. She was no push-over, to be sure, but intelligence shone in her actions and words, and she came to accept that he was unlike the other guards.

Between her talks with him, and muted conversations with other slaves, she too began to realize how foolish and pointless the bloodshed between the two packs truly was. Why, there were even some of the night-pack in the slave quarters, put there for speaking against the long conflict! It wasn't long before she felt as disgusted with her own pack as she was with their enemies. Did her pack not also do the same to their prisoners? Did not both sides kill and fight for the sake of traditional hate? Neither pack deserved devotion, neither pack really knew how to love.

Time progressed, and before long, there is more than just his guilty conscience driving him to keep her safe... for he had fallen hard for this daytime beauty. He found her bold but gentle heart both admirable and irresistible. Since some of the cruelty of the guards involved more intimate encounters, it wasn't immediately alarming to most of the other guards when Raqiyah became noticably pregnant. The couple was quietly overjoyed, but also deeply troubled. This wasn't the situation either of them wanted puppies born into. There was no clear solution, so they bided their time.

However, their little happiness had not gone unnoticed. Another guard, one of the worst bullies, had caught on. He and Agios had often had confrontations in the past over the treatment of the slaves, but here now was a way to hold sway over his rival. Raqiyah was well into her pregnancy, though not ready yet to give birth, when the evil wild dog assaulted her while Agios was off-duty. His beating left her alive but in great pain. When he came on duty, Agios found the other slaves gathered around her, as she wept in pain, agony, and grief. She lost the litter... or nearly all of it. One small pup had survived, and was snuggled up against her mother, tiny and perfect.

Nearly incoherent with rage, Agios knelt beside his beloved, who gazed at him with equal fire in her eyes. They decided it was time for drastic measures, both for the here and now, and for the future. Between them, they prepared the slaves for winning their freedom, and they struck just after dawn, when the pack had settled in for sleep. The guards were overpowered, and the majority of the slaves won free. Before they left, Agios and Raqiyah paused with the same thought. "I am not strong enough, so it must be you," the lovely female told her mate, her voice dripping with murder. One life for those of their puppies. With a nod he left her side, and when he returned to her blood was staining his muzzle and chest. Wordlessly both adults turned towards freedom, with their daughter Ajiambo carried by her father. None of them ever looked back.

After traveling as far and fast as Raqiyah's injured condition allowed, the little family turned towards the setting sun. Though it often pained Agios' eyes, they traveled into the sun, following it's path west. It was in Raqiyah's heart that the sun would not desert them, that it would surely lead them to safety and rest. As they traveled, Ajiambo grew and blossomed, despite the less than stable life she'd been born into. She became a kind-hearted and sweet-natured girl, seeking to bring light and laughter into their daily travels.

The day they discovered themselves on the edge of Pakiti Ya'jua territory, Raqiyah knew her faith had been rewarded. With relief, they padded wearily into a new place to belong, a place that was open to all kinds of dogs, all colors of pelt, all hearts that held life and love as supreme. Here was a home for Ajiambo to grow up in, where she would not know hate, nor cruelty, nor war. At long last, they were home.  


Blessed Friend


Fashionable Mage

PostPosted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 6:54 pm
Starry Skies Ahead

Mother's name(s): Hei`lani (Hei-Hei) || Dimming Sunset
Mother's owner: Pollack
Mother's personality: Hei-Hei brings a unexpected fire and life to everything she touches. With her father never producing a male heir she was raised in the same manner that a son would have been instead, this gave Hei-Hei a great deal more personal freedom to lead a active and sporty lifestyle normally unfitting for a lady of her status. As such Hei-Hei is extremely competitive. She use to spend hours competing in sporting events to not only amuse herself but to solidify her family's strength to both delegates and the masses alike. She wasn't afraid to get her paws dirty and rather enjoyed crafting when she was not busy running around.

Her life was changed when her father gave her the dreaded, yet not unexpected news that she was to be named heir to the throne. Though there had been rumors circulating for years over who would be the one to take the crown after her father had died there had always been a chance of a male heir being born from his wife, or perhaps a b*****d to suddenly come springing up from the depths.

Both situations would have been gladly taken over the political nightmare she faced.

Once named her idealistic life changed dramatically. She was expected to act with more dignity and grace that to be parading around with mud covering her half the time. To top it all off? She was to be married.

Once the absurd contest was over with and she had a king in tow Hei-Hei surprisingly settled into her new role well, though at the cost of her relationship with her husband and newly born litter. She tossed herself into her work and providing for the pack in every aspect, often over working herself to illness. She refused to allow the dark omen of the past taint her legacy as queen.

Despite all of her hard work fate as it would seem would have a much different plan in mind.

With the landslide striking Hei-Hei lost everything she held dear in her life. She lost her pack, she lost her mobility, she lost her dignity, and in turn her will to continue on, though not all was lost between the rubble. In the chaos she managed to save the only girl in her entire litter at the cost of severe damage to her spinal cord. Eventually the god's blessed her again with a second chance as her husband found and dragged them both from the wreckage.

Disabled and a shell of her former self Hei-Hei has felt quite lost lately. She doesn't know what to do with herself anymore now that she has lost her ability to move around freely and be the active head-of-household she once was. She's currently very much in a slump that she'll need the support of her mate and her child to be able to get through.

This has given her a new appreciation for her family though. She cherishes the one child she has left and dotes on her constantly. With her husband she's incredibility thankful and in awe of the fact that he's willing to do so much to provide for her and their child.

Father's name(s): Kekoa`lani (Koa) || Star Warrior
Father's owner: DavyJnah
Father's personality: Kekoa'lani is cunning, strong, intelligent, and one of the best hunters of his old pack. He was raised with the beliefs that whatever he set his mind to he could get. Willing to go to any lengths to reach that goal, a goal of becoming king and marry the pack's queen. At first it was a ploy to gain the title. Whatever it took to prove that he could be a mate. Even if it meant taking out the competition. Not that anyone would know he actually had anything to do with the deaths or injuries out there.

When they married, things seemed to change. He noticed just how hard she worked for the pride and he in turned did his best to help her. Seemed the title wasn't just a title, you had to actually do some work with the pack. All fine and dandy but he was happy to be a behind the scenes type of male. Hunting was a passtime favorite of theirs. Helping with day to day things as he could until one day pups had arrived. Seven wonderful healthy pups. Six boys and one darling girl. Weaning puppies. He did his best to help raise them.

Then tragedy struck and the landslide took everything from them. He had went out for a hunt by himself previous to disaster. If he had just been there. He had felt the tremor as he was heading back, instead of slowing he should have... It didn't matter now. So he searched and searched until he found the den, the small sounds of life. He dug until he found his mate and daughter. Knowing that, in his heart, the boys had not survived. Even worse, his young girl was barely holding onto this world as it were.

He vowed that he would do everything in his power to protect them both. Shoulder the burdens that they needed. No matter the cost to him. Any time he had with them was precious. Always careful and timely when hunting, never going too far without knowing he could get back quickly.

Pup's name(s): Ola`lani || Last Life
Pup's owner: *Greenie
Pup's personality:
Ola`lani and her littermates were celebrated, loved and cherished. A litter of seven with Ola being the only female. Through no fault of her own she was treated like a princess while the males were prepped to become heirs - good and strong heirs. This would right the path the pack had taken and once old enough the litter was often told the first born male, or the strongest would take the throne form their Mother.

The only female, treated like a princess and told she could do no better than what she already had. This caused young Ola to become determined.

She watched her Mother work feverishly for the pack and more often then not she ended up ill. This work ethic was passed onto the youth and the bubbly side of her faded for survival instincts and diplomacy. While she had taken on a more serious approach she kept that bubbly persona intact for use in distracting others. Cunning. This was something she got from her Father, a trait she hadn't realized she had until she needed to use it to earn something. This kind of trickery would likely have been frowned upon if the victim could look passed her being the only female in a litter of boys. Often times others would assume her ignorance - until they knew her parents better.

Unfortunately she didn't learn fear until the tragedy struck their home.

A landslide. Something she had only heard about in legend had halted the lives of her family abruptly. If she closes her eyes she can remember the sound, the howling of pain and fear, the way the ground shook. Squeezing her eyes she is reminded of the warmth that was her Mother, the darkness that suddenly surrounded them and the strength of her Father. Things she would never be able to forget.

Ola`lani was the last pup in a litter of seven. The reality of that horror does't sit well with her and there are nights where she wakes up in cold sweats with nightmares fueled by the hurt and pain her family experienced. Other times she wakes with a feeling of loss after a sweet dream of playing in fields with her brothers.

Family is her treasure. She is a strong, independent, but nervous pup now. She's grown mentally unstable, but it's manageable with the help of her family. Through most of it she may not entirely understand that instability herself. Fortunately, with her youth she may find some peace in her adulthood. Memories can fade, but not always.

Family's History:

Hei was a young lady when her Father approached her with news she had anticipated, but was never going to be prepared for - "You'll become Queen and replace me, Hei." The words wouldn't soon be erased from her memory, not to this day. The memory was so vivid she'd often think back to it and reminisce on the way he'd come about explaining to her the politics she would have to soon deal with when she became Queen. "The winds of change are upon us, Hei. It has been many moons since the last female ruled over us and tragedy was sure to follow. Hopefully history won't repeat itself." Before she could wear the crown she'd have to be married though, her Father was firm on this, believing that a leadership needed to be a partnership. He wouldn't have her shoulder the burden of the pack on her own, not while he was alive.

Days past and an idea sprung to mind in the nearly elder wild dog, a contest. "We'll have a Hunting Contest - this will test the cunning ad strength of your future husband. He'll have to be both to deal with you." A wink of an eye followed the teasing and he rested into a smile. The contest was arranged fairly quickly and there were a number of potential suitors that made themselves fairly known to her majesty - often parading about. The act wasn't uncommon as they tried to make themselves noticed prior to the event.

The day had come when the event was planned to happen, wild dogs within the pack and even outsiders had turned up to fight it out and even watch. The prize of the Queen to be's paw in marriage was to good to be true, but the pack needed it. An unrecognizable character, Kekoa`lani, presented himself before the King and his court as a potential candidate. The wild dog was met with some odd glances and a laugh or two - none believed the low ranking wild dog to be capable of competing for a Queen.

Yet the wild dog proved the King and his court wrong, Kekoa`lani was pronounced the winner not a half day later. The cunning, agile and strong hunter fell a large deer. The deer would have likely taken at least two or three dogs, but the wild dog was intelligent enough to win this prize for himself - not to concerned for who he may have harmed in the way. He was goal oriented.

A few moons later the pair were announced to be married and the Queen would finally have her King - the marriage would happen and not a few days later she would be crowned Queen of the pack.

The newly crowned Queen quickly fell into the habit of overworking herself to the point of exhaustion, leaving her husband fighting for attention. Yet despite this soon her belly swelled with a full litter of future heirs. Excited about the news the whole pack celebrated the newly weds in a great feast, the previous fears about the omen the former King had warned against long forgotten in the myriad of drink and indulgence.

A few months later the royal line would be secured by not just one, not just two, but eight pups! Seven males and one lone female. Though she was extremely outnumbered by her brothers the small daughter was still doted on and treasured for being a rare miracle in the bunch.

Life was good for the pack and our young family. It seemed that history was not doomed to repeat it's self after all! With plenty of food, a secure line, two level headed rulers, and a unchallenged territory the pack was set up to prosper under their Queen's long reign.

However fate had a much different idea in mind for them all.

One night without warning it seemed as if the heavens themselves had opened up. Heavy buckets of rain fell without relief for days on end, flooding most of the area around the pack's territory. The thought themselves lucky to have built their dens on high enough ground on the large mountain's side to be safe from the encroaching waters. What they did not take into account is the same mountain that had provided for them and sheltered them would prove to be what killed them.

The mountain it's self roared and shook like a angry beast. Soon came the massive wave of mud, rock, and debris sliding down the mountain side at break neck speeds. The pack had no chance of escape before it was buried alive under the rubble.

Our young Queen during the landslide was enjoying a night at home with her pups why her mate was out hunting, as he normally did. In the chaos all seven of the boys were crushed and buried by the earth. The little girl? She survived thanks to her own mother using her body as a shield to protect her. It would come at a great cost however as the weight of the rock permanently damaged Hei-Hei's spine and nervous system in her back legs. She wouldn't be able to walk right ever again but to her it was a small price to pay to have at least one of her beloved pups survive.

In the darkness the two clung to hope and each other. Slowly though they were running out of time, their oxygen in the small cramped cavern they were in was running out and there wasn't enough seeping through from the outside to sustain them both.

The sound of frenzied scratching from up above was the first promising sign for the mother and daughter. Soon a boulder was pushed off and a hole was made, it wasn't much but it did let fresh air in and sunlight to cut through the darkness. The familiar nose that occasionally poked through the hole was a welcomed, and relieving sight.

Koa had found the remainder of his family, he was coming to their rescue!

It took a good day for him to fully dig the two out but amazingly they both survived the ordeal, though both the mental and physical scars were evident for the mother and pup. Koa continued to search for survivors after settling his family in a safe place for the better portion of the next couple of days yet it had seemed that none other than the lucky pair had lived through both the earthquake, injury, and the following dehydration.

Now the young family was faced with the hardest decision of their lives; what were they to do next? They had no family, no pack to lead, not even a home to go back to anymore. Hei-Hei suggested seeking out a pack they had previously been on good-terms with to get refuge, with her being unable to walk by herself and still a very hungry pup to feed Koa had no other choice but to agree.

The closet neighbor that they had was the Pakiti Ya'jua. Originally they had just intended to stay there for just a few weeks. However the family slowly became comfortable in the warm and welcoming environment they had found themselves in and soon decided to stay permanently.

Now it's time for the family to start a new chapter in their lives together. Hei-Hei must get use to becoming a normal member of society and stay-at-home mother, why Koa must learn to be the leader and main provider of the family. And of course little Ola must now deal with suddenly being an only child and adjusting herself to a brand-new home and new kids to grow up with.

Their reign might have been a failure but that doesn't mean that their lives together have to share the same doomed fate. Despite it all the family who suffers together, stays together.
PostPosted: Mon Jun 12, 2017 11:41 pm
A Rocky Start
Adult's name(s): Bahati’mguu (Lucky foot) || Sunny
Adult's owner: - mynsed -
Adult's personality: Bahati’mguu was the name given to him by his parents, in hopes that his life would prosper. Sunny was the name given to him by the lady who saw him into the pack. A lady who found it funny to call him out by a name meaning opposite of what he was. Both names, in both Sunny and Bahati’mguu’s opinions, were idiotic ironies; both of which he does not appreciate in the least.

Sunny doesn’t shine nor does he provide warmth. In fact, he wouldn’t even fool himself into believing that he was even the slightest bit kind. And despite his parents best intentions, he certainly wasn’t lucky. When he was just Bahati’mguu and even before he met the overgrown pest, Sunny had certainly had his share of misfortunes. And instead of being beaten down by each life or death event, he challenged it. His behavior became... malicious, animalistic, uncontrolled. It had no longer been kill or be killed. He strived for the best for himself, not hesitating to steal from the poor or young. Or even kill.

After meeting the brat, however, Sunny slowly began to simmer down. His outright killing and bloodlust was reduced to simply stealing here and there in order to keep himself and the pup alive. Of course, he isn’t one to turn from a fight but majority of the time, he’s simply too worn out by the overly confident pup to go looking for trouble.

Pup's name(s): Auni || Dark Light.
Pup's owner: Porcelain Pinch
Pup's personality:
Auni may look like he’s soft and timid, but that’s quite the contrary. This pup has been strong willed and overly confident since the day he was born. His parents had prided themselves on their reserved nature, and that was one of the many traits that he admired them for. It had made his mother and father’s job easier as wandering healers. As he grew and lived through the death of his parents---- by the paw of his eventual pack mate, Bahati’mquu--- Auni quickly came to realize that it also helped in whatever the gods threw at him.

The pup found it was also easy to live simplistically. Why live in excess when it wasn’t going to be used? He had seen plenty of others that were hurt for their riches when he was traveling with his parents. Wealth or excess in anything, he observed, could lead to trouble. And having to constantly move dens had showed him that it was best to carry little to nothing. The wilderness provided whatever was needed. Stay in one place too much and the resources could wilt into nothing like they had when he was taking care of Bahati.

It goes without saying that Auni has much respect for what his parents were doing. He strives to be like them. It has lead him to be very traditional in his values. He doesn’t play games like other pups would. He doesn’t joke around. It’s simply what he wasn’t raised with. Quips fly right over his head which has him take any joke seriously. Living with Bahati only strengthened his lack of humor and his detest for it. Nothing makes his mood more sour than a foreign concept, even if he does try to hide it behind a smile.

Ultimately, Auni tries to strive for peace and to do his part in the world saving lives. Taking care of Bahati is a prime example of that. He could have left him for dead. There are times that he believes that he should have left him there. But as he buried his parents corpses, it didn’t feel right. His moral compass doesn’t allow him to leave any living being for dead, no matter what they’ve done. Every life has a purpose and everyone deserves to live. Even if he can’t think of a reason for it. The gods had them there for a reason, and even though he’s still questioning why Bahati exists, he’s still hoping that the gods prove his parents right by giving Bahati a purpose.


It wasn’t a dark and stormy night, but thinking back on it, Auni wish it had been. At least then he would have the heavy scent of rain to cover the stench of blood that sank down in the air. The hot summer heat only made the coppery scent more prevalent.

The pup, horror struck, stared at his now deceased family. He had hoped to save them. Teary eyed, he had tried. But not only were there gaping wounds, but their necks had also been broken before they were tossed to the side like rags. Auni may have been young, but he knew that a limp head, glassy eyes and a nonexistent heartbeat meant death.

Sobbing, he had whipped his head around and gave an uncharacteristic snarl to the one who was nearly dead. The perpetrator of the crime. He wished his parents would have been able to finish the job. However; they were pacifists, not fighters. Auni had never seen his parents give such a valiant fight. The pup snapped at the older canine before lunging and bracing himself at his neck. Conscious or not, the male deserved to die. He had killed his only family. The best beings in the world, in his mind. They were only trying to help an elderly lion who had fallen. Auni’s mouth inched closer, tears falling on the male’s torn open neck. They were only trying to help. If Auni had access to a forest fire, he would gladly grab a branch and throw it at the body. Watch the male burn and writhe. Rid the earth of trash and bring something great to it. That’s what the male deserved.

But would mother and father want that?

His teeth stopped at his neck, millimeters away. His nails couldn’t even dig into the smattered coarse fur underneath. The dog was immobile. It would be easy to end it all. So why was he stopping? His parents were dead. There was no way to resurrect them back to life. Auni knew that. They were the ones that had to explain that concept to him when one of their visits went awry. The perpetrator’s crime should be punishable by the same fate. But---

They were much better. They didn’t take lives for revenge.

Mind reeling, Auni pushed off the assailant and went back to his parents lifeless forms. It was a vain hope that the male would bleed out while he slowly dragged each body off to bury them. But when he came back for his mother, and eventually, to check and see if the older dog was alive---there he was. Alive. Ragged breathing and all. Putting his parents to rest had given him time to calm down. They really wouldn’t murder. Only fate could decide when death was upon a life. As much as he stared at the barely breathing corpse on the ground, strangely calm, he couldn’t help but think that there must have been some purpose. ”You betta’ have more purpose than mom and dad.” The words, gravely and raw from his tongue.
Auni had expected the male, whom he came to learn as Bahati, to die that night after he had gathered what little medicinal supplies that he knew of and slathered it on his wound. Day after day the older dog proved him wrong. The male was surprisingly resilient as well as odd. He had spent the first few nights practically sleepless as he watched the body’s chest rise and fall. He needed to survive. He couldn’t let his mom and dad’s only prodigy go to waste. He had gained very little knowledge as a pup, but there was still something there. And in a world of dog eat dog, healers were always necessary. But the curious thing of all was that he mainly wanted to survive to see what Bahati would do. Would he succeed or fail? Was he going to go back to his old ways or could an old dog turn over a new leaf?

When Auni realized that the male could move he had been suspicious at first. Wary. Originally he had slept on the other side of the cave and he took his chance to move even further away. But Bahati never laid a paw on him. Snarled, sure. Yet no harm came. As nights passed, Auni had gradually slept for longer and moved closer. It could even be said that he enjoyed Bahati’s companionship from time to time. But there came a time when the darker pelted canine was nearly healed and the land that they were residing in was becoming scarce. It was time to move.

“I’m leaving.” There was a hesitation in his step as he moved away. In all honesty, it was an open invitation to come along. He wasn’t going to force Bahati to follow. He was only in control of his own fate, not the other males. Dangers lay ahead and it would be safer to have the company but he couldn’t bring himself to ask. Luckily, he didn’t have to. The dog followed.

But that area wasn’t the only one that was afflicted with a lack of resources. They could barely survive on the road. And at any moment, he suspected Bahati to eat him for his next meal. It would have been so easy. But he hadn’t. Not even when they got to the point where they needed some help of their own. With nervous trepidation, Auni and Bahati looked to the Pakiti Ya'jua for help.  

- Mynsed -

Bronze Coffee

Stubborn Senshi

13,275 Points
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  • Elocutionist 200
PostPosted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 2:24 pm
PostPosted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 4:09 pm
Thank you for everyone who entered! I wish we had more prizes to give out at this time, but sadly we must chose someone! Prizes are in the spoiler below! All were colored by Safaia! Please be sure to have them posted in the joining thread, and include future ranks for the pups!

Family one winners are Anderleit, Talencia, and SSBrosB!

Family two winners are - Mynsed - and Porcelain Pinch!

- Mynsed -
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Porcelain Pinch
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Bronze Coffee

Stubborn Senshi

13,275 Points
  • Mega Tipsy 100
  • Tycoon 200
  • Elocutionist 200

- Mynsed -

PostPosted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 4:17 pm
Peppermint Coffee

Oh my goodness, thank you!!
I will be sure to post pronto!
And I will kick Pin that way as well!
PostPosted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 7:49 pm
Peppermint Coffee

sgnsdlgksdgsdg;; Thank you!!!!!!! : D


Porcelain Pinch

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