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Hilja was a thrall but not any particular masters thrall. The bright red eyed female had a moment to wander away. No one giving her any jobs at the moment so she was free to just hang around. As she grew up she yearned more and more for her freedom. For a chance to go out and do the things the others were able to do and not just be some pack mule. Her fighting spirit was always at war within her. She was just as much a lion as the others and it angered her that she was not looked at the same light. Rolling her shoulders she tried to put the ideas out of her head. This was supposed to be a fun day.

Padding along she hummed a tune to no one in particular. Hoping to bump into some others along her way but maybe it was the sour look on her face that made everyone avoid her. Fine. Hilja didn't want to talk to them either. As the thrall continued on she noticed someone familiar. Someone she hadn't seen since she was a cub.

"Njordr." Being a little bit bold to speak to a higher ranking lion. Did he recognized her at all? In any case it wouldn't hurt to just say hello.
